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Posts posted by JairusCain

  1. Bad art is generally what's keeping me from ordering Batman: Year One... although I'm still looking at The Long Halloween and Dark Victory... but I almost feel bad reading those two without reading the predecessor. But CHRIST the art in Year One is atrocious from what I've seen.

  2. What? No, they're talking about it being released on Blu-Ray anyways, not when it's still in theaters. He does have a point to an extent though but it's also the flipside in that you can show a friend a movie that you think is awesome without going out and renting it, etc. and just letting him see it via the copy you already have.

    Which you could do... in person... with the real thing... unless of course you're talking about what Vitamin E mentioned... friends from out of state or something that you can't just get in the car and go see on a whim.

    And yeah, AD... you'd have to wait for the DVD release anyway because BD Live requires you to have the actual Blu Ray disc of the movie from what I understand.

  3. That's what they are doing... BUT, it will eventually eliminate the purpose of going out to hang out with friends to watch a movie. I mean, why waste the gas when you can watch the movie in your own home and just socialize with your friends via the damn DVD player?

    That's exactly where it will lead to. Gas prices are "high" and people will want to stay at home and still be able to enjoy a movie with their friends. This will be their answer. And while it may start out as "not tonight, I can't afford the gas" it will turn into a "i'm too lazy to leave the house to do this when i DONT HAVE TO"

  4. Cain, seriously? I ordered mine off Amazon and it arrived the next day. I just wasn't here to collect it, so I went and picked it up from the post office. I've read the first chapter. It really lays down ground for the following stuff. The first page just gripped me in, Rorscach is awesome. His narations are fantastic.

    Yeah, a lot of the books said "Have by Friday August 8 if you order in the next 12 hours!" or something like that, but it didn't say it for Watchmen... I was pissed. I selected 1 DAY SHIPPING and it said "Estimated Delivery for this Item, August 12" and that was paying for shipping... so I opted to go for free shipping and get it on the 13th...

  5. Yesterday I picked up Moon Knight #20 and Uncanny X-Men #500. X-Men has a new begining of a story named SFX and the first installement is pretty enjoyable. It's a bigger issue so there's obviously more story and it's good fun.

    But Moon Knight blew me away, it also came with his first appearance Werewolf in Issue #32 and #33, which I actually think I enjoyed more than the main story which also included Werewolfs. This is odd for me, as I usually can;t get into older things for some strange reason. But I loved his first appearance in werewolf. The Main story is gory for what I've seen in Marvel comics. Heads coming off, bodies ripped apart and such. I loved the artwork and the story was pretty good. I'd definitely recomend picking this one up.

    Also, I think my Watchmen copy is coming today. Which I can tell you, I'm hella excited for.

    Tell me about it. I ordered my copy in the wee hours of Thursday morning from Amazon. com. Now, usually, if you order something at 4am on a Thursday and get overnight shipping, it should arrive by Friday afternoon. But no. Overnight shipping said it still wouldn't arrive until TUESDAY... so I said screw it and got free 2 day shipping and will have it Wednesday after noon. I'm pissed that it'll take so long to get here... but goddamn if I'm not excited as shit to read it.

  6. There's plenty that come to mind, but I can remember exactly which movie every one is from. The one that sticks out to me right now though, is the scene in Spider Man 2 where Octavious' tentacles come to life in the hospital and maim every single nurse and doctor in the room. Just the complete lack of music along with the very comic book style photography made that scene awesome to me.

    Oh, and another one would of course be the "THIS... IS... SPARTA!" scene in 300, along with the fight in the shade scene. Just the imagery of the arrows blacking out the sun was incredible.

    I'm also a huge fan of the entire film A Scanner Darkly. I just love the live action/animation hybrid of that film.

    If I can think of any more, I'll add them later.

  7. Yeah the way I interpreted the ending of The Dark Knight... they never checked Gordon's vitals when he was shot... and he came back near the end of the movie. No one ever checked Harvey's vitals either, nor did they ever say he was dead right then and there. They went on a spiel about the people needing to never find out about what he had done, so they told the city he was dead... the likely scenario is that Two Face was apprehended and sent to Arkham. I wouldn't be surprised, nor disappointed, if Two Face was brought back in the next installment via escaping Arkham to wreak havoc on Gotham.

    And on the note of being brought back in the next installment... the first time I saw Dark Knight, I was firmly against the idea of Ledger being replaced as The Joker. However, after seeing it a second time, and realizing how much more I preferred it to Batman Begins, I would actually LIKE to see Ledger replaced because there is WAAAAAY too much story left for The Joker for the character to be dropped completely. If someone can take Ledger's performance from The Dark Knight, mimic it and AT LEAST live up to it, I'm all for someone else playing the role. I could honestly see Johnny Depp pulling it off, I mean, after all, his entire performance in POTC was him mimicking Keith Richards. After seeing The Number 23, I also think Jim Carey could easily pull off The Joker character. I just think it would be a shame to not continue his story. I know many may find it in poor taste to replace Heath, but if the performer can pull it off well, it could very well be a tribute to Heath rather than a disgrace.

  8. I too am going to be picking up the Watchmen book. I'm hoping (because I haven't seen a whole lot of it) that the artwork in the book is along the style/quality of what I prefer.

    I'm also thinking about getting Batman: The Long Halloween but I'm not quite sure yet. I just ordered and received The Killing Joke (2008 Deluxe Edition/Rerelease with new coloring and such) and I'm blown away by the artwork. I also got Arkham Asylum in the mail. NOT at all my style of art, but it definitely looks interesting.

    Does anyone have any other good graphic novels to pick up? I'd prefer not to buy anything under 50 pages (I thought Killing Joke was longer when I ordered it, but oh well) as I'd like something that will take some time to read and that allows for good story development.

  9. Rate. Comments. Whatever.


    Original artwork by Brian Bolland for "The Killing Joke" in 1988. I recently purchased the 2008 Deluxe Edition release of this book and decided to take a shot at drawing The Joker. I think it came out quite nice considering I only started drawing again two days ago after not putting a pen to paper in quite a few years.


    Original artwork credited to Juan Doe, created for "The Joker's Asylum: Scarecrow" in 2008. This was the first thing I've drawn in quite a few years, and I'm rather happy with the way it turned out. However, after completing the drawing of The Joker illustration above, I think that although Brian Bolland's style is far more complex and takes much longer, I prefer it.

  10. I read The Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth today out of love for The Dark Knight movie, and having never been a Batman fan before, I was sincerely impressed.

    The Killing Joke had an amazing overall plot but I wasn't really sold on how The Joker was portrayed. I loved what he did to Gordon but just something about his dialog, his random "everyone feel sorry for me" attitudes and backstory really made me say 'lame'. I was expecting a bit more of Ledger's Joker presence, which in the beginning of the comic I thought I was going to get, but I couldn't believe Joker's backstory lead him to becoming who he became. With my overall view on the comic, I wouldn't suggest it Jairus unless you found it for cheap.

    Arkham Asylum... scared the shit out of me. Alice In Wonderland quotes, semi-homosexual Joker, poltergeists and just everyone being overall way fucking more terrifying and fucked in the head really kept me reading. I've read on wiki, though the Joker's actions alone were a dead give away, that everyone would have a bit of a different character take, but I'd suggest this one.

    Yeah I actually ordered The Killing Joke (March 2008 rerelease edition)


    yesterday for $10, or 12, I can't remember. I also ordered the 15th Anniversary Edition of Arkham Asylum


    for about $13. I'm excited as hell to actually start reading those tomorrow when I get them in the mail.

    As for the whole uploading/downloading thing, just for clarification, I never intended to upload anything. I asked about viewable online/downloadable version of the books, with the intentions of previewing them before actually purchasing them. But, no harm no foul, I ordered them online anyway. Sorry about all that though, and thank you for not warning me.

  11. ...you could "get into" Saints Row? The biggest paint by numbers story, that I think I have ever seen on a game? Well yeah, different strokes indeed.

    I never said it was the story of Saints Row that I got into. I just said I got into the game. I enjoyed it more than GTA. The only stories I mentioned were the GTA ones. They all bored me other than GTA, and other than that, the gameplay of all of them got excessively boring for me as well.

    Don't get me wrong, the gameplay of Saints Row can get boring as well... but I found it to be more entertaining than that of GTA.

  12. I don't know what it is, really. I could just never get into the story on III through San Andreas. I got bored with the GTA games VERY VERY fast. But, when I got Saints Row, I loved it. I don't know why, though. Like I said, the first GTA I was actually able to get into and actually finish (story wise, fuck getting to 100%, I traded it in toward MGS4 after I beat the story lol) was GTA IV. And, seeing the trailers and such for SR2, I can't effing wait.

  13. Saint's Row annoyed me because EVERYTHING HAD TO BE BAGGY.

    well.... you WERE playing as a ghetto thug thing person... thing... yeah. Baggy is the style.

    But is it just me, or does Saints Row 2 look like it will absolutely blow GTA IV out of the water? Saints Row 1 to me totally blew every other GTA out of the water, because I could actually get into it, which I could NEVER do with any other GTA games. GTA IV I was able to get into and enjoy, very much... but Saints Row 2... man, it looks fucking incredible.

  14. So I've heard that once you beat the game, it's actually over. Like, you can't free roam play after you finish the last mission. Sooooo, with that being said, without spoiling anything, could someone tell me WHO gives you the last mission, so that I know NOT to complete their missions before completing everything else? Thank you.

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