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Posts posted by JairusCain

  1. I've heard his new trunks are DLC as well. There's a video on YouTube with Jericho wearing the trunks. I don't think there's anyone on earth that can make a CAW Jericho that looks just like the actual game version, so I don't believe it's a fake.

    I'll probably be buying this game this weekend. It's been too long since I've played a wrestling game. I kinda lost interest in Fire Pro. Besides, I want to know who sent Jericho that weird Titantron message!!?!? :P

    Oh cool I hadn't seen that video, but I just looked it up and it looks legit to me. As far as I've ever noticed, you don't see a light glare on the trunks of created wrestlers like that. I wonder if they'll be nice and release an update for Brian Kendrick and Randy Orton (attire/tattoos) and the like.

  2. Silly Smackdown vs. Raw with their CHANGES.

    Anyway, I thoroughly enjoy that the WWE ripped off TNA by stealing Black Machismo's tights and glasses, along with Samoa Joe's tights. I also like that Rey Mysterio's mask is in the CAW section. All in all the CAW is pretty fucking awesome, and I already know that Samoa Joe, Jyushin Liger, Stevie Richards, Black Machismo, and quite a few others will be pretty easy to recreate. That's just glancing over stuff, too.

    You mean THQ ripped off TNA... I'm sure WWE had very little to do with what's included in the CAW mode...

    I love the game this year. The RTWs are great, although I think next year (if they keep them) they should start the night after WrestleMania, and continue on until the next Mania... you'd get more than one storyline that way as well with each person you could take through it I'm sure.

    The career mode is cool... reminds me of the old smackdown career modes minus cutscenes and nonsensical storylines. I just wish they would hurry up with the DLC... I want Dibiase and Bourne... and hopefully they will put out a few other guys as well and some extra alternate attires, like Jericho for example. I wouldn't mind his chainlink tights or even his new trunks...

  3. Question for those of you who already have the game regarding downloadable content: (putting it in spoiler tags in case people dont want this to be spoiled)

    I'm sure most of us have seen the videos that show Evan Bourne, Dibiase, Super Crazy and such as downloadable content. However, the game is out in most places now, and there's nothing on the Xbox Live store for Smackdown add ons. So, I'm curious, are they already on the game with an option for you to download them, or will we indeed have to download them off of Xbox Live when they become available? What I mean is... can you scroll through the roster and see Evan Bourne and Disbiase, etc., but must select to download the content for them to work?

  4. No, it's a completely different engine. LOW sees you hit moves to unlock more powerful moves during the match. It's nothing like the SD vs. RAW engine.

    That's just the control layout, I believe, right?. The graphics/design engine is still the same it seems and so characters from Smackdown could still be imported.

  5. Where'd you hear that? I've not heard anything like that, and I'm not sure how it'd work as LOW looks like it's going to be running on a completely different engine/control system to SDvs.RAW...

    Are you kidding me? The engine/graphics/layout look EXACTLY the same as Smackdown. I do believe the controls will be different but so what? I'm sure it'd be possible to be able to port characters from SvsR to LoW regardless of the controls of the game. If it's the same engine/physics and all that shit with the character designs, the controls wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.

  6. I know you weren't being a douche about it or anything, just wanted to specify why I was looking into this stuff.

    Well to be more specific, TDWP and DDG are "screamo" sort of. Rather hardcore screamo shit. Very abstract music in my opinion. They are both on myspace if you'd like to listen for a better idea.

  7. If you're serious about expanding your vocal abilities, you should really go see a vocal coach and take lessons.

    No matter what kind of style they're teaching you, it will help enormously with your ability to scream properly, which... if you have no training at all, screaming can be extremely dangerous. You can completely destroy your vocal chords if you do it unchecked.

    As far as suggestions go... I've only heard Underoath, from what you listed of stuff you've recently checked out... so I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for... but stuff different from what you listed as your usual suspects...

    Abigail Williams



    Children of Bodom


    mid-career AFI

    all different styles for the screaming technique... but if you're serious about doing more screaming than just in your bedroom while rocking out to music, then you really should go take lessons and ask a lot of questions that are specific to what you want to do with your voice.

    Thanks. Although I don't just "scream in my bedroom while rocking out" lol. I've been in a couple of bands before and have coaching on proper screaming techniques. I am simply trying to check out some different styles of screaming in an effort to expand my arsenal for the new band I'm working with. But thank you for the suggestions.

  8. So, I've been trying to expand my vocal (screaming) abilities by listening to some stuff I normally wouldn't listen to. I'm used to bands like Killswitch Engage, Five Finger Death Punch, Mudvayne, etc., but I have been listening to a lot of UnderOATH, The Devil Wears Prada and Drop Dead, Gorgeous lately.

    I don't know how many of you EWBers out there listen to those last two bands, but if there are any of you, can anyone suggest some more bands in the same "genre" as TDWP and DDG for me to listen to? Many thanks.

  9. I've noticed that about a lot of games from my childhood years though. I could play them back then, sure they were hard, but they were beatable. Yet, when I try to play them now, they are goddamn impossible.'

    I used to love the Mega Man games. Maybe when I get some extra cash to spend I'll fork some out for this and WipEout HD

  10. Ugh. What is it with you people STILL thinking that Murdoch's move was supposed to be anything even remotely close to the Canadian Destroyer?!?! It was a fucking MATRIX BOMB, among many other names, that has been used since LONG before Petey ever used the CD. Hell, Rey Mysterio used to do it.

    As for the game, I think I'm most excited about the new Season mode thing (not the RTW, but the other one) and the potential for DLC.

  11. Just watched Batman Returns again and I believe the Penguin is an easily realistic character to pull off. If Nolan wants to follow down this path of Gotham corruption it's the most logical choice for a villian.

    Want to add some explanation?

    I guess the only reason I harp on this is there's a fine line between Penguin just being stereotypical Mob Boss #2 and actually, you know, being the Penguin. Even then, after Joker and Scarecrow/Rhas, it's hard to really pin him as a major villain or anything more than a background texture villain.

    There's nothing about the Penguin character that keeps him from being portrayed in Nolan's work. He's just a guy with a deformation, no superpowers.

    In all honesty I actually liked Max Shrek better than anyone in the flick.

    Ugh. This is Tim Burton's fault. Penguin DOES NOT HAVE ANY DEFORMITIES. He is short, fat, and has a pointy nose. Nothing deformed about him. BUT, Mr. Burton just HAD to give him fucking lobster hands in Batman Returns and it was adopted into cartoons and SOME comics. But, Penguin originally had no deformities.

  12. I think they mean the way it was pulled off, since it looked like something a kid with his toys would do rather than something that could actually happen.

    Not the bike riding up the wall, but the way it went up, turned round, and then dropped looked really weird,

    Exactly. Plausible and potentially possible event... horrible execution. It LOOKED cheesy as hell.

  13. I'd be all for an EWB band... but um... yeah I'm still working on Medium on guitar... lol

    Side Note: What the hell is up with 80% of the songs' vocal tracks being damn near inaudible? I never noticed such a thing on Rock Band 1, but now on Rock Band new, almost every song I play, I can hardly hear the vocals. I'm only playing on guitar at the moment, and oddly enough, not being able to hear/make out the majority of the vocals is really starting to irritate me...

    And in case you're wondering, I have the Instruments and Vocal Track both turned all the way in the Audio/Video Options sections.

  14. Eh, there are plenty of songs though that don't have a whole lot of screaming. "Fixation on the Darkness" doesn't have TOO much, plus, it's easy as hell to still get around those parts on vocals because you don't have to hit a note, just a rhythm. The majority of Mushroomhead is singing and you can get away with doing Waylon and JMann's parts just by doing what I already mentioned for Killswitch.

    Underoath on the other hand, a lot of their newer stuff is MOSTLY screaming so that MIGHT not work out too well. But there are quite a few Senses Fail songs that could make it on the game, as well as some Five Finger Death Punch.

  15. They do at the forums, I'm not sure where you request exactly but I'm believe there's a huge pinned topic dedicated to it. And I agree on both counts, definitely needs more Paramore and Killswitch.

    EDIT: Forgot to link to the forums, here you go.

    Official Rock Band Forums

    Thank you. Hopefully we'll see some older Killswitch soon and some other things. I'm thinking maybe some Five Finger Death Punch maybe? Underoath? Senses Fail? Mushroomhead? The game needs more freakin METAL

    Hell, why isn't there an option to upload your own music? Lol. I know I've seen videos from Guitar Hero somewhere where people had put their own music on the game...

  16. So I'm curious. Is there any way to suggest future downloadable songs to Harmonix and co? They've so far released ONE Killswitch Engage song, and frankly, I would LOVE to be able to play "Fixation on the Darkness", "My Last Serenade" and "The End of Heartache". I also want to see "Misery Business" by Paramore on there and several others. I really think they should have a forum or SOMETHING where fans can request songs and hope to God they get released.

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