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Posts posted by King.

  1. WWF Smackdown kicks off with a shot of Vince McMahon standing in front of the door of the WWF Production truck backstage. The fans in the arena give the WWF a nice pop, which grows as the camera pans out in front of the owner, revealing a sea of WWF wrestlers, and employees.

    Vince McMahon: “Look around you. Do you know what I see? I see an army of the most talented professional wrestlers in the world. I see a group of individuals who together, aided me in taking down the competition, aided me in destroying WCW. Now, what has happened? My son Shane seems to believe that because he owns the rights to three simple letters, that he could possibly propose some sort of threat to me, to you, to us, to the WWF. Well gentlemen.. and ladies. Tonight, I give you my word.. This broadcast will not be interrupted! WCW… is dead!”

    Following the introduction video of Smackdown! We cut to inside the arena where we are greeted by the voices of Michael Cole and Tazz, who welcome us. They hype up the recent happenings of the WCW invasion, and then recall the earlier message from Vince McMahon.

    Jerry Lynn© vs. Tajiri – WWF Light Heavyweight Championship - Singles

    Match Details: Jerry Lynn set up Tajiri for the cradle piledriver. However, Lynn allowed his ego to get the best of him, and after posing, and taunting the crowd a bit too long, the Japanese buzzsaw managed to escape from the set up and battle back. He two continued to trade blows, until Tajiri managed to score some stiff shots to the side of the rips, followed by a kick to the back of the knees, which brought Lynn down. Tajiri signaled for the Buzzsaw kick, getting a nice pop from the crowd. Tajiri kicked forward, however Lynn ducked, and then visibly low blowed Tajiri. The referee called for the bell, and the DQ victory for Tajiri.

    Winner: Tajiri (Jerry Lynn retains)

    After the match as Tajiri lay in the ring clutching his lower regions, Lynn rolled to the outside, furious, searching for his belt. Lynn clutched on to his WWF Light Heavyweight championship and stormed up the ramp, with the belt held high, putting himself over.

    Suddenly Jerry snatches a sign out of the hands of one of the fans. Lynn holds it up to the camera, and in plain black letters “Lynn fears Mysterio” was printed. Lynn leaned in to the camera.

    Jerry Lynn: “Rey Mysterio can kiss my ass!”

    With that Lynn ripped the sign in two and walked to the back, disappearing behind the curtain.

    We cut backstage where William Regal is shown sitting at his desk, his hand rubbing his temple, and his eyes closed.

    William Regal: “I told you, Mick Foley some how got it into the head of Mr. McMahon that the match was a good idea…”

    The camera pans back revealing the WWF Tag Team champions Edge and Christian, with Rhyno in the background.

    Edge: “Good idea? Good idea! How could this be a good idea! We’ve done nothing but defend these belts! We need a break!”

    Christian: “Yeah, seriously Reg-meister, but who’s Mick Foley to give suggestions anyway? He’s not commissioner, I mean, does he even work here anymore?”

    William Regal: “I don’t know gentlemen. All I know if that Mr. McMahon wanted the match booked, and in a time like now, I’m not going to be the one to argue with him.”

    Edge: “This isn’t fair Regal. This just isn’t fair!”

    Edge walks off.

    Christian: “This is totally scrapping the bowels of suckitude!”

    Christian walks off. Rhyno steps forward.

    William Regal: “Can I do something for you?”

    Rhyno breathes heavy, sending the strands of wet hair which dangle in front of his face forward.

    Rhyno: “Malenko.”

    William Regal: “What about that trader?”

    Rhyno: “As Hardcore champion, you can still place him in matches can’t you?”

    William Regal: “Well, yes.”

    Rhyno: “At Backlash, I want him for the title. If he, or Shane refuse, I’m sure there’s some type of legal b.s. that can sued over. I just want him, one on one, for the Hardcore championship.”

    William Regal: “I actually think you might be on to something there Rhyno. As a matter of fact, I like your idea. You want Malenko at Backlash? You got it.”

    Rhyno nods, smiling a bit.

    William Regal: “But…”

    Regal leans forward in his chair.

    William Regal: “It wouldn’t be wise of you to not win. You would be doing Mr. McMahon a great deed if you brought that Hardcore championship back home. If you lose… well, it’d be nice knowing you sunshine.”

    Edge/Christian© vs. The Dudleys vs. The APA vs. The Hardyz – WWF Tag Team Championship - Elimination

    Match Details: The Hardyz were the first team to be eliminated following a clothesline from hell from Bradshaw on Jeff. The APA soon followed after the Dudleys managed to hit the WASSUP on Faarooq, followed by the 3D. Edge and Christian played the cowards of the match, avoiding confrontation whenever possible. However, as soon as it was down to The Dudleys, they exploded, attacking their opponents. The two teams continued to battle. The ending of the match came about when D’Von dropped Christian on the top rope, sending the rope between his legs. Christian then fell to the outside stunned. Edge quickly went to check on Christian, calling him to get back up and fight. As Edge did this, the Dudley’s prepared themselves. Edge turned back to face the inside, and was met by Bubba hoisting him up, and D’Von bringing him down for the Dudley Death Drop. Bubba scored the pinfall over Edge.

    Winners: Bubba Ray/D’Von – The Dudley Boys (NEW WWF Tag Team Champions!)

    As the Dudley Boys celebrated and the WWF fans cheered for the new champions, Edge rolled to the outside, and fell to the arena floor. Christian soon managed to make his way over, placing an arm around his brother. The former champions slowly made their way to the back, looking incredibly distraught, and screaming about things not being fair.

    We come back from commercial to find Bubba Ray and D’Von celebrating backstage. Stevie Richards stands with the new tag champs, pouring champagne over their heads. The excitement briefly halts as Bradshaw and Faarooq walk up. Bubba and D’Von take fighting positions.

    Bradshaw: “Easy boys!”

    Faarooq: “Yeah, we just came here to give you our congratulations.”

    Bradshaw: “As only the APA can!”

    With that Faarooq produces a case of beer. Bubba and D’Von smile, shaking hands with the APA.

    “Woo hoo! YAY!!!”

    The group of WWF stars turn and face off camera as an off screen voice yells. The camera quickly pans and zoom in to see Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell in the distance of the backstage area, walking up.

    Scott Steiner: “Hey Buff, where’s your manners? Let’s hear it for the Tag team champs!”

    Buff Bagwell: “Yeah! Tag team champs! Right!”

    Suddenly a herd of WWF security appears between the two groups. Road agents and referees stand in front of the WWF stars, as the security focuses in on the two WCW performers.

    Scott Steiner: “Oh what’s this? Rent a cop to the rescue? Is this how you boys plan to fight? This is going to be too easy!”

    Bradshaw: “Hey listen you little punk ass son of a :beep: ! I have no problem kicking both of your asses right now, right here!”

    The rest of the WWF stars step up.

    “No! It won’t happen! No! Get the camera off of them!”

    It’s the voice of Vince McMahon. McMahon rushes up to the scene, stepping in front of Bradshaw and shoving him back. The camera is suddenly spun around by it’s lens as Vince brings the camera off of Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell.

    Vince McMahon: “I said this broadcast wouldn’t be interrupted and it won’t!-“

    Scott Steiner (off screen): “Yoo-hoo! Vince! Hey Vince! Why don’t you let your superstars fight their own battles!”

    Buff Bagwell (off screen): “Yeah Vince, c’mon, get your lackeys out of here!”

    Vince McMahon: “Security! These men are trespassing! I want them escorted off the grounds!”

    Scott Steiner (off screen): “Oh what the-“

    Bradshaw: “What the hell is this Vince?! You’re just going to let those son’s of-“

    Vince McMahon: “You listen to me Bradshaw! You listen to me, all of you! If there’s going to be a war between WWF and WCW, it’s going to happen in my office. It’s going to happen between my lawyers, and my son’s lawyers. Because I’ll be damned, if I fight a battle in the ring, that the WWF has already been declared the victor of! We’re the winners! They’re the losers! The quicker they realize that, the quicker all of this will be over with! Bubba Ray, D’Von, congratulations on winning. You deserve those belts. Bradshaw, Faarooq, you both put up one hell of a fight. Now, go out and celebrate.”

    Vince McMahon walks off screen as we cut back to the arena floor.

    Chris Jericho© vs. Chris Benoit – WWF Intercontinental Championship

    Match Details: A great showcasing of awesome technical skill. These two easily wrestled in the match of the night. The fans ate every moment of this one up, with each near fall scoring a bigger cheer than the last. The ending of the match saw Chris Benoit miss the diving head butt, and Jericho return with some pretty stiff shots to the cranium. Jericho soon hit a running bulldog, followed by the Lionsault, for the pinfall victory.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    After the match Benoit approached Jericho in the ring, clutching his rips. The two embraced in a hug as the fans applauded them both. Benoit raised Jericho’s hand, as he was handed the Intercontinental belt.

    We come back from commercial to find William Regal’s theme music playing, and the commissioner standing on the Smackdown stage. Regal holds a microphone.

    William Regal: “I am out here to announce to the world that before this night is through, we will decide the number one contender for Stone Cold Steve Austin’s, World heavyweight championship!”

    The fans cheer.

    William Regal: “Myself and Mr. McMahon sat down earlier tonight, and decided that there was truly no better way to decide, then to hold an old fashioned tournament. So, let the tournament begin!”

    The Rock vs. Kurt Angle – Number One Contenders Tournament

    Match Details: Of course as soon as Kurt Angle and The Rock were announced, the place exploded with cheers. This was definitely more of a sports entertainment bout than we’re use to seeing from Angle, as he brawled most of the time. The Rock managed to score some nice offense, and some swift reversals for ankle lock attempts. The ending of the match came when Kurt set The Rock up for the Angle Slam. He hoisted Rock up, only Rock managed to escape, and spin Angle around right in to the Rock Bottom. Angle fell to the mat, where he was then introduced to the People’s Elbow to the delight of the fans. Three seconds later, The Rock was walking away the victor.

    Winner: The Rock

    Big Show vs. Triple H – Number One Contenders Tournament

    Match Details: Most of the match was spent with Triple H trying to knock Big Show to the ground, and Big Show either laughing, or slapping The Game in to place. Stone Cold Steve Austin soon appeared at ringside, rallying Triple H against The Big Show, signifying that The Power Trip was stronger than ever. As Big Show continued to lay it to The Game, Stone Cold would occasionally get involved, jumping up on the ring apron, allowing Triple H to attack Big Show from behind. On one occasion, it allowed for Triple H to hit a kick to the groin, and set Big Show up for the Pedigree. But the big man would have none of that, sending Triple H up and over, and to the mat. Stone Cold would eventually enter the ring, gunning for The Big Show. Show quickly attacked with a clothesline, followed by one to Triple H. Stone Cold stood only to be driven down by a chokeslam by Big Show. The World’s champion rolled out, as Triple H was met with the same fate, and pinned.

    Winner: The Big Show

    The Rock vs. The Big Show – Number One Contendership

    Match Details: The match began with The Rock taking the place of Triple H, fighting the impossible battle against the seven foot monster. The same fate seemed to be in store for The Rock as Big Show was in control for most of the match, with the Rock occasionally hitting some nice punches, and rallying the crowd behind him. The ref was then taken out by The Rock being whipped in to him in the corner. In the most shocking physical part of the match, The Rock managed to take The Big Show down with a spinebuster, sending the fans in to a frenzy as the People’s Champion stood up, and signaled for the People’s Elbow…


    The familiar air raid siren began to blast over the p.a. system, and the arena lit up. The Rock stopped everything, pacing around the ring, watching for an attack. We cut backstage, where Shane McMahon is seen standing in the WWF production truck, barking orders at the employees. Diamond Dallas Page stands behind Shane, threatening those that didn’t listen.

    We cut to Vince McMahon watching a monitor, backstage, observing Shane, in a frantic state. We can still hear Shane in the production truck.

    Shane McMahon: “Get that fool off of my television show!”

    We cut to just outside of the production truck with a fleet of security is trying to get at the door, which has apparently been locked.

    We cut in side of the production truck, where Shane continues barking orders.

    The feed cuts out, and we return to the arena floor, where The Rock stands in the ring watching it all. Suddenly, The Rock is attacked from behind. It’s Booker T! The WCW Champion begins stomping on the People’s Champion, as the fans begin to boo heavily. Jeff Jarrett and Chris Kanyon appear out of no where at ringside, reaching over the barrier and grabbing two fans seats from the crowd.

    Kanyon and Jarrett enter, both armed with chairs. Booker T hits The Book End on the Rock as the fans continue to boo the WCW Invaders.

    The Big Show who was nursing his wounds this whole time enters the ring from the outside, walking towards Booker T. The WCW Champion throws his hands up, telling Big Show to calm down. Big Show stops where he is, and stares at Booker T.

    The fans begin to boo even more heavily as Booker T begins to negotiate with Big Show. Big Show slowly nods, and turns his attention towards The Rock, as Booker T smiles. However, it’s a farce as Show charges at Booker T to attack, only to be taken out by Kanyon and Jarrett, both armed with steel chairs.

    Both men take turns beating the Big Show with the chairs over the back, until he is down on the canvas. The Rock is back up, but is met with a steel chair from Jarrett. Booker T then began barking orders at Jarrett and Kanyon, who positioned the Rock on the mat. Booker T then placed one of Big Show’s arms over The Rock, and left the ring. Jarrett reached through the ropes, shaking the referee back to consciousness.

    As the referee awoke, The APA, Undertaker, and Kane came running out from the backstage area. Kanyon, Booker T, and Jarrett quickly left through the crowd, as the referee counted three on the fallen People’s Champion.

    However, Big Show was less than victorious, seemingly unconscious from the chair beating which he took at the hands of the invaders.

    As the show came to a close, Vince McMahon appeared on the stage, looking concerned. The APA checked on Rock and Big Show as The Undertaker and Kane stood in the crowd eyeing Booker T, Jarrett, and Kanyon.

    We cut back to the production truck, where a large black pickup truck appears. The security guards dodge out of the way as the truck continues driving forward, nailing the steel steps leading in to the production truck. The horn is blown twice, and we are shown a quick shot of Scott Steiner behind the wheel. The door of the production truck flies open, and DDP along with Shane McMahon jump into the back of the truck, as it speeds away. The security chase after the truck, as Shane McMahon audibly laughs.

    Fade to black.


    Not as strong of a return show as a would of liked. But I booked this so long ago, and ran it in my game so long ago, that I forgot exactly how everything was suppose to pan out. I hope you all liked it tho. I'm glad this diary is back!!!

  2. Man, you fuckers make me feel old.

    Salute Your Shorts > anything else Nickelodeon ever did

    That is so true. That, and Hey, Dude. Nothing beats those classic shows. I'd probably buy the DVDs if they ever made them for those two shows.

  3. user posted image

    February 23rd 2005 – Monday Night Raw

    New Haven Coliseum, New Haven Connecticut

    Shelton Benjamin vs. Shane Helms

    Helms continued to show the fans that he is now, indeed, a heel. A good one at that, and also no longer a superhero. Helms played dirty the entire match, mixing such moves as eye pokes, with the great technical ability that both men possess. Benjamin managed to pick up the win following a Stinger Splash in the corner, followed by a T-Bone suplex.

    After the match, Christian hit the ring, standing behind the celebrating Shelton Benjamin, in the ready position. The fans stood by, as Christian taunted Benjamin to turn. Then behind Christian, Stevie Richards has slid in to the ring! Benjamin turns, and gets tackled down to the mat by Christian. Christian stands, pointing at Benjamin and talking trash. The fans cheer as Stevie readies himself, and as Christian turns, Richards charges spearing him to the floor.

    The fans continue to cheer as Richards stands up, and taunts both of his opponents for this Sunday. He motions as if he’s climbing a ladder, and then points to the Intercontinental title which is laying by where Stevie slid in. The champion picks up his belt, and poses with it.

    Christian stands, and chases off Stevie who runs up the ramp, smiling, and holding his belt. Captain Charisma yells at the champion, throwing a bit of a tantrum, kicking the bottom rope, the whole deal. Christian turns back around, and BAM! Kick to the gut by Shelton Benjamin, followed by a T-Bone suplex, sparking another pop from the crowd.

    Benjamin pumps up the crowd as his theme music hits. Benjamin and Richards lock eyes, with Stevie mocking Benjamin very sarcastically. We go to commercial with Stevie holding his belt, Benjamin standing facing him in the ring, and Christian laid out.

    user posted image

    BigBlue: "I love Stevie."

    Kandiman: "I could've booked that better."

    MutherTrucker: "Poor CC!"

  4. user posted image

    February 23rd 2005

    With Mayhem only a week away, General Managers Stone Cold Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff have promised to deliver a taste of Mayhem, this Monday Night on Raw.

    Already announced is a blockbuster eight man tag team match putting Edge, HHH, Ric Flair, and Scott Steiner against Rhyno, Batista, Chris Benoit, and Randy Orton. With each of these men in one way or another facing one of their opponents this Sunday at Mayhem, this is sure to be a telling of the carnage we'll witness at Mayhem.

    Announced last night on Sunday Night Heat by Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff, Raw Women's Division newcomer, Madusa, will go one on one with WWE Women's Champion Molly Holly in a non-title match. Bischoff has made this match for Madusa to show him what she can do. What is the this Raw newcomer capable of?

    Also it has been announced that Chris Jericho will go one on one with Raven at Mayhem.. Will these two cross paths this Monday on Raw?

    All this and more on Raw!

  5. user posted image

    February 22nd 2005 – Sunday Night Heat

    Springfield Civic Center, Springfield Massachusetts

    Evolution Argues With The GM

    Evolution opened up the show, walking to the ring with Triple H leading his group. Triple H took the microphone as Flair, Steiner, and Shamrock stood behind their leader talking trash to the fans, getting more heat for Triple H to play off of.

    Triple H: “Last week, the so called General Manager of Sunday Night Heat, Stone Cold Steve Austin, decided to add some of his own flavor to my match at Mayhem next Sunday. Apparently, according to the Texas Rattlesnake, Triple H versus Batista just isn’t enough. So what did he do? He decided to make the match take place inside of a fifteen foot stage cage!”

    The Game continued to argue this fact, calling the decision made by Stone Cold unfair, and demanding that Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, the WWE Board, anybody other than Stone Cold get involved in this matter, and change this decision.

    After about five minutes of Triple H putting over the match, and Batista, the theme music of Stone Cold Steve Austin blasted, and the fans erupted. Stone Cold walked out to the stage, and after appealing to the fans, he responded to the thoughts of Triple H.

    Stone Cold: “Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Why don’t you stop your crying? WHAT?! I said why don’t you stop your crying! WHAT?! I said you’re pathetic!”

    Stone Cold then went on to announce that the match was set, and signed for Mayhem, and that there was no way out of it for Triple H, which scored a big pop from the fans. Austin also went to announce that if anybody from Evolution endangered the match in anyway, whether that be attacking Batista before hand, or during, they would be fired, and “That’s the bottom line.”

    Ric Flair: “Who the hell do you think you are Austin? Do you remember who this man is? He’s the son of a bitch that was most responsible for putting your Texas Rattlesnake ass in to retirement! You played The Game Austin, and you lost! WHOOOO!”

    Stone Cold returned the statements, getting in to everything that Flair has been saying since joining up with Triple H. Stone Cold brought up a brief heritage of the career of Ric Flair, sparking a nice few pops from the crowd with mentions of Hogan, Bret Hart, and Sting.

    Stone Cold: “But I’ll tell you what Ric Flair… You’ve managed to piss me off just about as much as one person can. So next Sunday, at Mayhem, you’re not going to be the odd man out in Evolution. With Triple H battling Batista, and the two Problem Suckers going against Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels… I think the Nature Boy needs a match of his own!”

    The fans erupted to this, and Nature Boy got livid for a bit, until Triple H pulled himself and began to talk some sense in to him, nodding, and calming him down. Stone Cold then went on to announce that at Mayhem, Flair would step in to the ring with The Canadian Crippler, Chris Benoit!

    Stone Cold: “And that’s the bottom line! Cause Stone Cold said so!”

    The fans cheered as Stone Cold’s theme music hit, and Flair looked a bit worried about Sunday at Mayhem. Triple H, and the rest of Evolution circled up in the ring, pep talking one another, before leaving the ring.

    user posted image

    FaceTurn: "Benoit vs. Flair? Awesome!!"

    Muddasucker: "Yo, I'm definitly ordering Mayhem."

    BlandyOften: "Ugh, I hate Orton."

  6. user posted image

    February 22nd 2005

    A night of questions answered. Why did Kane interrupt a women's championship match this past Monday on Raw? What are the conditions of WWE Women's Champion Molly Holly, and Victoria?

    Why did Shane Helms turn his back on his former partner Rosey? What is the condition of Rosey following that steel chair attack from Raw?

    Also, the World Tag Team champions have also issued an open challenge to anytime in the WWE. Who will answer their challenge?

    Chris Jericho was attacked, and his fingers broken by Raven this past Monday on Raw. What is the conition of Chris Jericho? And why have he and Raven been at eachother's throats as of late?

    All this and more this Sunday, on Heat.

  7. user posted image

    Springfield Civic Center, Springfield Massachusetts


    The Monday Night Raw opening plays through, and we cut to the inside of the Springfield Civic Center in Springfield Massachusetts. The pyro explodes from the rafters and the stage, and the fans are on their feet. After a few shots of the cheering fans, and a welcoming from Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler, we hear the theme music of Raw diva Victoria!

    Victoria comes strutting out from the back, dancing to her theme, and smiling to the crowd. The fans cheer as Victoria walks down the ramp, and rolls into the ring. Victoria continues to pump up the crowd, as the lights change over and Molly Holly’s theme music hits.

    The fans give a cheer for Molly Holly, the new WWE Women’s Champion. Molly Holly comes walking out to the stage, the Women’s championship around her waist. Molly walks down the ramp, and enters the ring. She poses for the fans, and hands her title off to the referee.

    The referee raises the title above his head, signifying that this is a Women’s Championship bout. The ref hands the title to a ringside crew member, and calls for the bell.

    Victoria vs. Molly Holly© - WWE Women’s Championship

    For the three minutes these two girls were given, they showed the Springfield crowd that women are just as good as the men when it comes to in-ring competition. Both women battled it out in a pretty evenly matched contest. At about a minute and a half in to the match, Victoria managed to actually hit the Widow’s Peak. However, Molly landed too close to the ropes, and after the second count of a pinfall attempt, the WWE Women’s Champion managed to get her feet on the ropes. Molly Holly then began to battle back, hitting some nice looking moves in the process. In the closing moments of the match Molly climbed to the top turnbuckle looking to nail the Molly-Go-Round. Suddenly, fire exploded from the stage, and Kane’s theme music began to play. Molly jumped down from the turnbuckle, gazing at the stage in confusion. Soon Kane emerged from the curtain, and began walking down the ramp. The Big Red Machine got in to the ring, and starred at Molly and Victoria. Both women backed up slowly, when suddenly Kane charged grabbing both women by the throats, and hoisting them up for a double chokeslam.

    The fans began to boo heavily as Kane stood above the two fallen Raw divas. Kane looked down at Victoria and Molly, and began to look distraught. Pacing back and forth in the ring, wiping sweat from his brow, and talking to himself. Kane then skinned the cat to exit the ring, and began walking up the ramp, continuing to look angered about something. We go to commercial as Molly and Victoria are tended to.

    Mayhem Shapes Up

    We come back from commercial to find Eric Bischoff sitting backstage at his desk, he just finishes signing some sort of paper.

    Eric Bischoff: “Well, after thirteen hours of arguing, I’m glad we finally came to a decision.”

    The camera pans back and Stone Cold is shown sitting on a sofa couch next to Bischoff’s desk. Stone Cold looks relaxed, with an open beer in his hand.

    Eric Bischoff: “So there we have it. I’ve signed it, you’ve signed it. At Mayhem it will be Steven Richards defending his Intercontinental championship against both Shelton Benjamin and Christian in a triple threat match.”

    The crowd cheers, and Austin nods agreeing with what Bischoff had said. Austin looks over at Bischoff, and coughs loudly.

    Eric Bischoff: “Oh, right. Your part of this… a triple threat ladder match.”

    The fans erupt as Stone Cold smiles to himself and stands in front of the desk.

    Stone Cold: “Good, well, now that that’s settled, I’m just going to go in form Steiner, and Shamrock about their match at Mayhem.”

    Eric Bischoff: “Whatever Steve- Hey wait! What match? I didn’t agree to no match featuring Steiner and Shamrock?”

    Stone Cold: “Did you not get my memo?”

    Eric Bischoff: “Memo? I didn’t get no stinkin memo!”

    Stone Cold: “Oh well, I booked a match for Mayhem, Steiner and Shamrock versus Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels.”

    The fans erupt, and Eric Bischoff looks livid.

    Eric Bischoff: “WHAT?! I thought we needed to agree on any match made for Pay-Per-Views, how’d you book that without my signature?!”

    Stone Cold: “We only have to agree on matches that involve a championship belt of some kind. Everything else, is fair game. Read the fine print, you slappy bastard.”

    Stone Cold reaches over the desk and pats Eric on the shoulder, before turning and walking out of the scene. Bischoff stares off in space, and then suddenly swipes several items off of his desk in anger.

    user posted image

    StevieGuy: "Nice! Triple threat ladder match!"

    HardcoreIcon: "I wonder if Stevie can hold up in a ladder match?"

    NovaFan: "Problem Solvers vs. HBK/Orton should be alright for what it is."

  8. last big cry during a tv show was an episode of Oprah. Fuck you all right now. But it was her "miracles Come True" show or some shit like that, and she gave this poor family of like 9 a new house, furniture, toys, I was balling.

    During a movie? I believe that was some civil war movie I was just watching for the hell of it, Matthew Broderick was in it.

  9. user posted image

    Perry Saturn to OVW

    Perry Saturn will be reporting to OVW to work on getting off any ring rust. As those of you may know, Perry Saturn is coming off of a neck injury he sustained while working in Japan. He'll spend some time in OVW to make up for any lost time.

    AJ Styles Push

    AJ Styles is expected to be thrust into the Intercontinental picture some time before or after Wrestlemania.

    Tag Team Shake Up

    Expect some random pairing between Raw superstars to maybe become perminent tag teams. The Raw creative team is looking to put more force into the tag division on Raw.

    Females To OVW?

    With Jazz and Gail Kim being released, WWE is expected to begin looking for replacement developmental talent. Also expect Alexis Laree to be called up sometime soon.

    Austin to Stay on As General Manager

    All tho a match has been rumored for Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 21, expect him to stay on as General Manager of Heat after the event. Austin recently sat down with Vince McMahon and creative to determin several storylines and angles for his character in the coming months. In my oppinion, with a man like Stone Cold, that's probably a smart decision.

  10. user posted image

    After an explosive week of World Wrestling Entertainment action, revenge will be sought after on Raw.

    Randy Orton will step into the ring, going against one half of The Problem Solvers, Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner. With 'HBK' Shawn Michaels, and the 'Legend Killer' Randy Orton now seemingly alligned against the Evolution tag team, where will Shawn Michaels and Ken Shamrock come in to play?

    Also on Raw, following an attack last week by Edge, Rhyno went straight to Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff, demanding a match. This morning, Bischoff announced he was killing two birds with one stone, hoping to solve the bitter feud between Triple H and Batista in the process. A tag team match is scheduled with Triple H teaming up with the World Heavyweight Champion Edge to take on Batista and Rhyno.

    It's no secret that Triple H craves the World Heavyweight title. Will the obsession with the gold control the Game? Or will his pure hatred for former Evolution Batista be the source of his strength? Find out on Raw.

    Molly Holly will have her first title defense after defeating Lita, twenty-four hours ago on Sunday Night Heat. Victoria will be getting the oppurtonity. How will Trish Stratus feel about Molly turning her back on her during their propossed "scheme" last night? Also, how will the former Women's champ, Lita feel about losing the belt?

    All this on Raw, and more.

  11. user posted image

    February 17th 2005

    Freedom Hall, Louisville Kentucky

    February 17th 2005

    Freedom Hall, Louisville Kentucky

    The opening video of Sunday Night Heat begins to play. At its conclusion, we immediately cut to the arena floor, and the glass is heard shattering from the p.a. system. The crowd erupts as the theme music of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Sunday Night Heat General Manager, begins to play.

    New Sheriff In Town

    The lights change over, and Stone Cold comes marching out from the back, a black tie strung around his neck loosely, and looking clown like over his leather vest and blue jeans. The general manager enters the ring and after his signature pose and taunt to the crowd, he is handed a microphone.

    Stone Cold: “If you came here tonight, to see some grade A ass whoopin, gimme a hell yeah!” The crowd erupts in to a collective Hell Yeah. “It seems like some dumb son of a bitch has given the rattlesnake power over this here show, and now there aint a god damn thing he can do about it!” The crowd cheers. “So tonight, and from here on, I’m going to do what I see fit! I’m going to inflict the law upon the WWE Raw superstars, as I see fit!” The crowd pops again for Stone Cold. “There’s a new sheriff running things on Sunday Night Heat, and this sheriff promises to do three things! Drink beer!” Austin holds out a single finger, as the crowd cheers. “Curse!” Austin extends a second finger, and the crowd cheers. “And above all else, kick the ever loving hell out of those jackasses who see differently!” Big crowd pop. “So tonight, I’m going-“

    “Feel The Burn!!” Simon Dean’s voice echoes throughout the arena, and his theme music starts up. The crowd instantly begins to boo, and Stone Cold glances towards the stage. Sure enough, Simon Dean comes waltzing out from the back, all smiles. Dean wear’s a microphone headset, and talks as he’s walking down the ramp.

    Simon Dean: “Mr. Austin, if you could excuse me for one second, I’m here for an extremely important matter!” Simon Dean enters the ring. “Good evening Louisville!” Simon smiles, and glances out to the stage. A shot of Stone Cold looking on, stone faced. “Mr. Austin, as acting general manager of Sunday Night Heat, I believe it’s your duty to show these people first hand, just how great my Simon System truly is!” A thumbs up from Simon Dean, who seems to not be noticing the anger of the General Manager. “Now Mr. Austin, it’s no secret that you have been away from the wrestling ring for quite some time, and it’s also no secret that you yourself… well, you’ve been known to have a few alcoholic beverages every now and then.” The crowd cheers as Stone Cold smiles. “Well Mr. Austin, let’s examine what those two elements have attributed to… The Stone Cold physique!” Simon Dean again smiles big, in the direction of Austin. “Face it Mr. Austin, since you’ve been gone from active ring training, away from the cameras and spotlight… you’ve put on a few pounds… That combined with the constant intake of alcohol, or ‘Steveweisers’ if you will, has given Stone Cold, quite the Stone Cold belly!” Austin looks over himself, as the fans boo. “But don’t fret Mr. Austin, with my help, and my patented Simon System, you could once again be the rock solid, back side kicking athlete, you once were!” Thumbs up and a smile from Simon Dean. “So I’m asking you Mr. Austin, to right now, in front of all these people, shake my hand and sign on to be a member of the Simon Regime! Let’s transform Stone Cold back in to the physical superstar, we all loved and cherished!”

    Smile from Simon Dean, and he extends his hand out to Austin. Stone Cold slowly glances down at the hand, and then raises the microphone.

    Stone Cold: “You want me to shake your hand?” Simon Dean nods, smiling. “The first thing I want to do, is tell you that I have no damn clue who you are!” The crowd pops, Simon goes to answer. “The second thing I want to tell you, is that you interrupted me, the General Manager, and you stepped foot into my ring. That’s two things, a person, just doesn’t do!” The crowd pops. “So let me tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to give you to the count of five, to get your Bodydonna ass out of my ring, and out of my sight.” Simon Dean’s smile disappears. “One!” The crowd cheers. “FIVE!”

    Stone Cold suddenly drops the microphone, and kicks Simon Dean in the gut. Austin quickly hits Simon with the stunner, sending him up and on to his back across the ring. Stone Cold’s theme music hits, as the fans continue to cheer. Austin rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp, looking pleased with himself. A shot of Simon Dean in the ring, rolling on to his side, and looking up the ramp in sheer hatred. We go to commercial.

    user posted image

    Divert: "They should make "Simon System worked for me!" t-shirts."

    Milkinglad: "Stone Cold irks me. He shouldn't be in the wrestling ring. They should just have him manage somebody, like Shannon Moore!"

    HuntaPray: "Simon Dean for World Champ!"

  12. user posted image


    Shawn Michaels returned to Raw last week, coming down and saving Randy Orton from a two on beating at the hands of The Problem Solvers. On Sunday Night Heat, General Manager Stone Cold has made a match putting one half of the Problem Solvers, Ken Shamrock, against The Heartbreak Kid.

    Also on Sunday Night Heat, WWE Women's Champion has issued an open challenge to any diva in the back, who wants a title shot. Who will answer her challenge, and will Lita be able to walk out the victor?

    Last week on Raw, Stevie Richards told Shelton Benjamin that he'd discuss a title match between the two, with Heat General Manager Stone Cold. Did Stevie keep his word? Will Shelton get his title shot?

    We'll also hear from World Heavyweight Champion Edge, involving his attack on Rhyno last week, at the conclusion of the World Heavyweight Championship title match contact signing.

    All this and more on Sunday Night Heat!

  13. user posted image

    Perry Saturn Signs with World Wrestling Entertainment

    Perry Saturn has signed a contract with WWE earlier today. It's expected that he'll return on the Raw brand.

    Jerry Lynn Looking To Return?

    There's talk that Jerry Lynn has apparently contacted the company about a possible return.

    Sunday Night Heat to Get New Name?

    There's talk about possibly changing the name of Sunday Night Heat, due to the show now being primetime, and having a more important role in the Raw brand.

    Shane McMahon Returning To TV

    Shane McMahon who went on a leave to be with his wife and new born son, will be returning to television shortly in some capacity.

    Big Show Coming To Raw

    Two weeks ago on Smackdown, an angle was conducted where Smackdown General Manager, Theodore Long, fired Big Show due to Big Show attacking John Bradshaw Layfield, and seriously injurying Orlando Jordan. It's expected that this is merely a angle to explain Big Show returning to Raw shortly, which was an idea by Vince McMahon.

  14. user posted image

    Monday Night Raw

    February 7th 2005

    Freedom Hall, Louisville Kentucky

    The opening video to Raw fills the screen, and we cut to the inside of Freedom Hall in Louisville Kentucky. The pyro explodes from the stage, as we get a glimpse of the hot WWE crowd. Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross welcome us to the show.

    Bischoff Says “Tonight’s About Opportunity”

    Eric Bischoff’s theme music blasts throughout the arena and the fans begin to boo heavily. The camera follows up the rampway, as Eric Bischoff emerges from the curtain area. The Raw General Manager walks down the ramp, swinging his arms and looking all business. He enters the ring, as Lilian Garcia tells the world to welcome the Raw General Manager to the ring. Lilian hands Eric the microphone, as he theme music slowly fades.

    Eric Bischoff: “If you people could excuse me for one second, the General Manager has something he’d like to say!” The fans boo. “Last week on this very show, the Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vince McMahon, reinstated a man who not once, but twice, walked out on the company, leaving it high and dry! I’m talking about Stone Cold Steve Austin!” The fans cheer the Rattlesnake “That’s what I don’t understand! You people to this day, still accept that S.O.B.! And if it wasn’t bad enough that Vince McMahon, once again, gave him a job, he went further. Vince McMahon took my biggest goal since being named General Manager of Raw, and handed it over to Stone Cold Steve Austin. If it wasn’t for Eric Bischoff, Sunday Night Heat would never have made it to primetime! Sunday Night Heat would never have become a show, where the stars could be seen! I took Sunday Night Heat from being a recap show, with the occasional wrestling match, and I turned it into Raw’s second showcasing, of nonstop, in your face, action!” Mixed reaction from the fans. “But what does Vince McMahon do to show his appreciation? He hands the reigns of Sunday Night Heat over to Stone Cold Steve Austin. He makes it so that Stone Cold Steve Austin is now the one who determines what matches take place, and what disputes are settled.” Eric lowers the microphone, and wipes the sweat from his brow. “But you know what… I know what Vince McMahon is trying to do. Oh yes, I see through all of the smoke, and the mirrors, and I see what the true goal in Vince McMahon’s eye is. Vince McMahon wants to spark some type of competition between Eric Bischoff and Stone Cold Steve Austin. You see, this isn’t Raw versus Smackdown. This is Raw, versus Raw. Vince McMahon in his own right, in a distraught, blurred sort of way, is a genius. I mean, what’s better than seeing two great minds, each be handed the same phenomenal talent, with the thought of seeing, who could do a better job?” Eric pauses. “This is a challenge. This is a challenge from Vince McMahon, directed squarely towards me, and Eric Bischoff, just like in 96, 97, 98, 99, is not one to turn down a challenge from Vince McMahon!” Crowd cheers “So tonight… on MY WWE Monday Night Raw! Tonight, is a night, of opportunity! Tonight’s a night for me to prove to Vince McMahon that I am the best thing for Monday Night Raw. And so tonight… I’m all about giving you people, the fans, what you want to see. Tonight, I’m giving you the matches that I know, will be for the ages. I’m-“

    “Stand Back!” The Hurricane’s theme music blasts throughout the arena, and the lights change. Eric Bischoff’s jaw slowly drops as he looks towards the entry way in utter confusion. Jerry Lawler goes crazy on the commentary, distraught over Eric Bischoff being interrupted. Hurricane appears, sparking a pop from the crowd. The residential superhero walks down the ramp, and enters the ring. Bischoff is still in complete shock. Hurricane grabs a microphone, and walks center ring with Eric Bischoff.

    The Hurricane: “Holy hypocrite!” The crowd cheers. “Citizen Bischoff, you say tonight is about opportunity, so tonight… The Hurricane is taking this opportunity to ask you one small thing… WHATSUPWITDAT?!” The crowd cheers. “If The Hurricane’s memory serves him correctly, it was you Eric Bischoff who was the one, who in WCW, did anything BUT give guys opportunity.” The smarks of the world rejoice “Once upon a time, many, many, many, many moons ago. The Hurricane was a young cruiserweight star, by the name of Shane Helms. And it was you Eric Bischoff, who did everything you possibly could to cap off the cruiserweights at a certain level, and keep them from achieving anything greater, than what you had in mind. So I just-“

    Eric Bischoff steps forward, as Hurricane stops mid sentence. Bischoff looks Hurricane in the eyes, as his face slowly becomes distorted with anger.

    Eric Bischoff: “Who the hell do you think you are?!” Crowd boos. “This isn’t some type of after school, Saturday morning, television show! How dare you come out here, and interrupt me. How dare you come out here, and degrade me in front of all these people.” Crowd boos. “I’ll tell you what… SHANE HELMS!” Hurricane nervously smiles, taking a step back, and running his hand through his hair. “You want an opportunity so bad? Fine! Tonight, you’re going to be the first person I give an opportunity.” Crowd cheers. “I was recently the key orchestrate in bringing in several new WWE RAW talents. Me, not Stone Cold Steve Austin I might add, but that’s beside the point. One of those men, was a former WWF Light-Heavyweight champion, by the name of TAKA Michinoku.” Crowd boos the Japanese Heel “I brought TAKA back, with a fresh, new attitude as far as professional wrestling goes, and tonight, I know, he’ll just be itching to show it to you. So Hurricane, Helms, whatever the hell your name is… I’m going to give him… the opportunity!” Mixed reaction from the crowd. “And it’s going to happen… in just about… 3 seconds!” Bischoff glances at his watch, as the fans begin to murmur about something. Suddenly TAKA Michinoku attacks The Hurricane from behind!

    TAKA Michinoku vs. The Hurricane

    Following the attack from behind, TAKA Michinoku held on to the offensive side of the match for some time. TAKA had definitely changed his style a bit, even from his debut match with Tajiri a few weeks ago. TAKA focused more on brawling, with the occasional roundhouse kick, and chain-wrestling maneuver. One of the better spots of the match came when Hurricane was still on the defensive end of things. Michinoku placed him on the top turnbuckle, and brought him off with a jumping head scissor take down, sending Hurricane across the mat, and into the other corner. TAKA quickly jumped up, and readied himself. Hurricane pulled himself up, and TAKA charged, jumping up on to the second rope across the front of Hurricane and kicking him in the jaw. The shot was stiff, instantly bloodying the mouth of Hurricane, and sending him through the top and middle rope to the floor below. The ending of the match came when Hurricane had just finished a series of left and rights, followed by a drop toe hold. Hurricane brought TAKA to his feet, but Michinoku reversed his neck shot, kicking Hurricane in the gut, allowing himself to hit the Michinoku Driver for the pinfall. TAKA’s theme music hit, and the fans began to give him a lot of heat.

    Hurricane brought himself to his feet, and stared down TAKA. Hurricane slowly extended his hand, as the fans begin to cheer. Suddenly tho, TAKA roundhouse kicked the hand of Hurricane, and rolled out of the ring. In the ring, The Hurricane rolled around the mat, grabbing his hand and screaming in pain, as the commentators sold the incident as a potential breaking of Hurricane’s hand.

    user posted image

    SmarkMark187: "Yo, they should start a storyline where Tajiri and TAKA Michinoku are a tag team called 3 second warning!"

    HurriFan4: "I hope this leads to some type of Hurricane push!"

    LosaFace: "Bischoff vs. Austin? Same old stuff. But I like the idea where their going head to head, trying to punch out better shows while using the same guys. Make's Sunday Night Heat mean something. BTW, where's Maven/Conway?"

  15. user posted image

    AJ Styles already unhappy with WWE.

    It's already being reported that AJ Styles, who just recently signed with World Wrestling Entertainment, following financial disputes with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, is already unhappy with his treatment in the WWE. The young talent feels like he is already being lost in the shuffle of things on Monday Night Raw. The other talent on Raw has reportedly welcomed the young AJ Styles with open arms. Time will tell if the young superstar ever finds his niche on Raw.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Returning To The Ring @ Wrestlemania

    It is more or less confirmed that The Rattlesnake, who recently returned to the WWE as General Manager of Sunday Night Heat, will be stepping back into the ring for one final match at Wrestlemania 21. There are several candidates for who Austin's opponent might be. We've heard everyone from Kurt Angle, to The Rock, to Vince McMahon himself.

    Perry Saturn Returning

    There are strong rumors coming out of Titan Towers that Perry Saturn is in negotiations with the WWE about a possible return to the company.

    Hardcore Championship News

    It was reported that it was Raven who pitched the idea to Vince McMahon about him returning with the unsanctioned WWE Hardcore Championship. This storyline is expected to be cover several months.

  16. user posted image


    Former Evolution members Batista and Randy Orton team up to take on their former stable mates, Ric Flair and The Game Triple H.

    Intercontinental Champion, Stevie Richards defends his newly won Intercontinental title against Christian.

    Plus! Raw General Manager, Eric Bischoff announced that taking place this Monday would be the contract signing between Rhyno and Edge, to make the World Heavyweight Championship match at WWE Mayhem, official.

    All this plus more, as Raw comes to you live 9 Eastern, 10 Pacific on Spike TV!

  17. Current Roster of the Raw Brand

    Red = Heel : Blue = Face


    Edge - World Heavyweight Champion

    Stevie Richards - Intercontinental Champion

    Rob Conway/Maven - Tag Team Champions

    Lita - Womens Champion

    Raven - Self-Proclaimed Hardcore Champion. *Note, title not recognized by the WWE

    Main Eventers

    Chris Benoit

    Chris Jericho

    Randy Orton

    Shawn Michaels * Injured

    Triple H





    Ken Shamrock


    Scott Steiner

    Shelton Benjamin


    AJ Styles

    Al Snow


    Matt Hardy



    Rob Conway

    Simon Dean

    Stevie Richards


    TAKA Michinoku

    The Hurricane

    William Regal


    Garrison Cade

    Gene Snitsky

    Mark Henry


    Val Venis




    Molly Holly

    Stacy Keibler

    Trish Stratus



    Evolution - Triple H: Leader, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner/Ken Shamrock: The Problem Solvers

  18. December 13th 2004

    Eric Bischoff returned to Raw, and was greeted immediatly with the World Heavyweight Championship dilemma. The title was vacated one week earlier by the Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, following a dispute over the victor of a triple threat match. A triple threat match which saw Edge, Chris Benoit, and Triple H, square off. Eric announced following a night of hype that at New Year's Revolution, there would be an Elimination Chamber match, to decide the World Heavyweight Champion.
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