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Posts posted by King.

  1. I know you started this a year ago, but still i jst read it all, dunno if this was asked, but why was Wrestlemania cancelled and how did Austin win the title as you ahd him with the title on the March 29th SD, where he didn't win it till APril 1st Mania 17, which you never had, explanation please?

  2. user posted image

    user posted image

    Preview for April 26th 2001

    A Preview of Backlash!

    The WWF Board of Executives have already began taking over the duties of former WWF Commissioner, William Regal. Announced for this Thursday is a "Preview of WWF Backlash" featuring a taste of the matches to take place this Sunday.

    X-Factor (Jerry Lynn, X-Pac, Justin Credible) will take on three mystery opponents, as they prepare themselves for WCW's Rey Mysterio, Shane Helms, and their third partner.

    WWF European Champion Eddie Guerrero will take on Right To Censor's, The Goodfather, as he prepares for his rematch with Steven Richards this Sunday at Backlash.

    And in the main event, WWF World Heavyweight Champion, and WWF Intercontinental Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H, will team up to take on their opponents for the pay-per-view, The Big Show and Chris Jericho!

    All this and more on Smackdown!

    user posted image

    Stone Cold Steve Austin© vs. The Big Show - WWF World Heavyweight Championship

    Triple H© vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship

    Dean Malenko© vs. Rhyno - WWF Hardcore Championship

    Eddie Guerrero© vs. Steven Richards - WWF European Championship

    Kurt Angle vs. TBA

    X-Factor vs. Rey Mysterio, Shane Helms, TBA

    The New Age Outlaws vs. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys© vs. The Hardy Boys vs. APA vs. The Brothers of Destruction vs. The Hollys vs. Val Venis/The Goodather - WWF Tag Team Championship - Tag Team Brawl 4 All!

    Tag Team Brawl 4 All

    Recently announced for Backlash, is the WWF Tag Team Brawl 4 All contest. The match begins with two WWF tag team's in the ring. They battle, with a man being eliminated from the match when he is thrown over the top rope. At the end of two minutes, another tag team will enter the contest. When one member of a team is eliminated, his partner is NOT eliminated as well. The final two men in the ring will be crowned the WWF Tag Team Champions, regardless of if they entered the ring as a team or not.

  3. Hey guys. I just noticed, that my dates were messed up. So, it's actually the 23rd, not the 16th. My fault

    user posted image

    Date: 04/23/2001

    Time: 9:00 P.M.

    Venue: GIANT Center

    City/State: Hershey, PA

    Monday Night, you know what that means! The Raw is War opening hits the airwaves, and leads us in to the Giant Center. Pyro explodes from the rafters and the stage, as the fans go wild. The smoke begins to filter throughout the air, as the cameras pan across the pumped up Pennsylvania fans.

    Jim Ross: “Hello everyone, and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m Jim Ross-“

    Paul Heyman: “But more importantly, I’m Paul Heyman! Alongside, J.R., Jim Ross!”

    Jim Ross: “What a night we have planned. Triple H defending his newly won Intercontinental title against the seven foot, five hundred pound, Big Show!”

    Paul Heyman: “What is that about? Can’t The Game get a full weeks rest? I mean he did just win the damn title.”

    Jim Ross: “And after the events which transpired at the conclusion of Smackdown! Is the WCW Invasion finally over? We’ll hear from Commissioner Regal, as well as WWF Chairman Vince McMahon, who is expected to be here.”

    “Yo You’re Dealing With That X-Factor!”

    X-Factor’s theme music hits, and the fans quickly begin to boo. The lights change over, and Justin Credible comes walking out from the back. Credible plays up the crowds reaction, flipping them off, and talking trash.

    Jim Ross: “Justin Credible starting things off here tonight. Facing the man that he screwed out of his debut victory, Rob Van Dam.”

    Paul Heyman: “Rob Van Dam, formerly Mr. Pay-Per-View of E-C-W! I know both of these competitors very well, and I assure you tonight J.R., this is going to be a fight.”

    Jim Ross: “Justin Credible and Rob Van Dam, not strangers from their time spent in E-C-W.”

    As Credible enters the ring, Rob Van Dam’s music cues up. A decent pop for the new WWF superstar, as many WWF fans, don’t know exactly who he is. RVD comes walking out from the back, looking cool and cocky. He points to himself, and mouths just how great he is.

    Jim Ross: “By order of commissioner Regal, there is to be no interference during this bout.”

    As Lilian Garcia introduces him, he stops on the rampway, and with Lilian, points to himself “Rob” “Van” “Dam”. RVD enters the ring, and locks eyes with Justin Credible. The bell rings.

    Justin Credible vs. Rob Van Dam

    Match Details: Rob Van Dam introduced himself to the primetime world of the WWF, by defeating Justin Credible with the Five Star Frogsplash. RVD brought down Justin Credible’s brawling based move set, with speed, and technical maneuvers. For a moment it looked like Credible was going to put RVD away with “That’s Incredible” but Rob Van Dam managed to escape the set up, and bring Credible to the mat with a Head Scissor Take Down. This led to RVD climbing the turnbuckle, and hitting his Frogsplash finisher.

    Winner: Rob Van Dam

    Paul Heyman: “Rob Van Dam, R-V-D, walking away with the victory!”

    Jim Ross: “This young man is going to have to be watched, because he’s going somewhere in the WWF.”

    Paul Heyman: “If you’d excuse me J.R., I have business I need to attend to.”

    Jim Ross: “What?”

    The sound of Paul Heyman’s headset being removed and hitting the commentator booth is heard. As Rob Van Dam walks up the ramp, and disappears behind the curtain, Paul Heyman is shown standing at ringside calling for Justin Credible.

    Credible rolls out towards Heyman, and stands in front of him. Heyman talks with Credible briefly, and then leads him up the ramp, and to the back.

    Jim Ross: “Where the hell is Heyman going? I’m out here all alone!”

    ----Commercial Break----

    We come back from commercial to find Rhyno walking backstage in street clothes and carrying his bag. From behind, Perry Saturn runs up.

    Perry Saturn: “Yo, Rhyno!”

    Rhyno, who was obviously expecting a fight, quickly turned, almost nailing Saturn.

    Perry Saturn: “Easy killer! Listen, where you going?”

    Rhyno: “Regal gave me the night off. He wants me in top condition when I bring the Hardcore title home this Sunday.”

    Perry Saturn: “Understandable. But hey, speaking of Backlash, I want you to know.. Myself, and the rest of the boys will be watching your back. You know, to make sure no other WCW scum gets involved. I know what that company is about, and I-“

    Rhyno: “Woah. Woah. Listen Perry. Let’s make one thing clear right now… I don’t need, nor do I want your help this Sunday. Dean Malenko is a dead man. A dead man, that I’m going to bury… by myself!”

    Rhyno turns and walks off, leaving Saturn standing their dumbfounded. Saturn watches him go.

    Perry Saturn: “Well if that’s the way you feel, you can forget about it!”


    We cut to find Jerry Lynn, X-Pac, and Justin Credible standing backstage in a half circle. Before them stands Paul Heyman.

    Paul Heyman: “So do we have an understanding? My managerial services, in exchange for you three taking care of some business of my own. Justin, Jerry, we go way back. You know I can be trusted.”

    X-Pac: “Yeah, when you don’t have a check book in your hands!”

    Paul Heyman: “Don’t let my financial misfortunes cloud this once in a lifetime opportunity. I’m offering the three of you the chance to make a name for yourselves, in a company which has redundantly overlooked you. Do we have a deal?”

    Justin Credible and X-Pac both slowly look towards the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, Jerry Lynn, who has been scratching his goatee listening to what Heyman has to say. Lynn steps forward, and extends his hand.

    Jerry Lynn: “With you in our corner, we’re unstoppable.”

    Lynn and Heyman shake hands, as Heyman smirks devilishly. Credible and X-Pac walk forward and shake hands with Heyman as well.


    Back in the arena.

    Jim Ross: “Well folks. I don’t know what to say. It appears my broadcast colleague has abandoned his post. But that’s perfectly fine! I’m rather glad to be rid of Paul Heyman! Coming up next, Eddie Guerrero versus Steven Richards!”

    The sound of the Right To Censor siren fills the arena, and the fans quickly begin to boo. Steven Richards comes marching out from the back, alone. The Right To Censor leader makes his way down the ramp, and enters the ring.

    Jim Ross: “Now here’s a man who I could also live without. Steven Richards, if it’s not his voice which is annoying you, it’s his damn theme music!”

    “Latino Heat!!”

    Eddie Guerrero’s theme music hits, and the fans quickly begins to cheer. The WWF European champion comes strutting out from the back. He wiggles his hips, and pumps up the crowd, as he walks down the rampway towards the ring. Guerrero slides into the ring, and climbs a turnbuckle, posing for the fans.

    Eddie Guerrero© vs. Steven Richards – Non Title

    Match Details: The match was quickly won by Eddie Guerrero, following a release German suplex, which allowed for Eddie to climb the turnbuckle, and nail the Frogsplash for the win. Richards did however, get in a tad bit more offense than most, actually staying in control of the bout, until Guerrero ducked a left hand, allowing for the German suplex setup.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero©

    After the match as Guerrero celebrated, Val Venis hit the ring, nailing the European champion from behind. The fans quickly began to boo as R.T.C. began to stomp on Eddie Guerrero, beating him down in to the mat. Venis soon locked on a figure four, and as Guerrero screamed in pain, Richards kneeled down in front of him, screaming about how this was for his own good.

    Suddenly, from the outside, D’Lo Brown slid in to the ring. As Guerrero’s back up arrived, RTC quickly left the ring, and up the ramp. D’Lo motioned for Richards and Venis to come back, before checking on Guerrero.

    Jim Ross: “D’Lo Brown doing what’s right! C’mon Richards! What a coward!”

    -----Commercial Break-----

    Backstage, Regal and Vince McMahon stand together. Both are looking happy, as Vince begins to gloat.

    Vince McMahon: “Good, so tonight’s match between Triple H and Big Show, is no longer for the Intercontinental title, and it’s no DQ!”

    William Regal: “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry Mr. McMahon”

    Vince McMahon: “Just don’t make a mistake like that again William. Look at what happened to Shane... I told him William. I told him he didn’t stand a chance in hell… He made a mistake.. And now, well, I proved it! WWF killed WCW once and for all Thursday night on Smackdown! Now maybe, we can start to focus on what’s important!”

    “You’re damn right we can!”

    The voice, is that of.. The Undertaker. The fans cheer as the camera pans to the right to reveal The Undertaker standing in the doorway. McMahon steps up.

    Vince McMahon: “Taker! I’m glad you’re here! I never got to properly shake your hand, and thank you for all that you, your brother, and the APA did on Thursday. So.. thank you!”

    Vince extends his hand. Undertaker glares down at it, before looking back at McMahon’s eyes.

    The Undertaker: “You can thank me another way..”

    Vince McMahon: “How’s that?”

    The Undertaker: “By giving me Austin… tonight!”

    The fans cheer. McMahon steps back a little, worried. He thinks to himself, and then smiles.

    Vince McMahon: “Taker, there’s nothing I’d like better…”

    The fans cheer.

    Vince McMahon: “BUT! With Backlash so close, I can’t risk my WWF Champion being injured, being fatigued. We’ll talk about the possibility of you versus Stone Cold, after Backlash. Until then…”

    McMahon gestures towards the door.

    The Undertaker: “Until then nothing. I want Austin tonight whether you-“

    William Regal: “Excuse me Mr. McMahon?”

    Regal comes walking back in to the picture, holding a piece of paper.

    Vince McMahon: “What- What is it?”

    William Regal: “This just came over your personal fax. It’s from Stamford…”

    McMahon rips the paper out of Regal’s hands, and looks over it. Slowly, a smile forms over his face.

    Vince McMahon: “Regal… did you read this?!”

    William Regal: “No sir I didn’t-“

    Vince McMahon: “It says that tonight, the Executive Board will be making a huge announcement, regarding the future of the WWF! And it says that my wife Linda will be here in person to deliver the news! Regal, do you have any idea what this means?!”

    William Regal: “No sir, I-“

    Vince McMahon: “It means that Shane finally smartened up! Linda’s coming here tonight to sign back over the rights of WCW to me, Vince McMahon!”

    William Regal: “Sir…”

    Vince McMahon: “What is it?”

    William Regal: “This also came for you…”

    Regal hands McMahon a second piece of paper. McMahon looks it over, and his smile slowly fades.

    Vince McMahon: “Well Undertaker… it appears… you got your wish… The Board is ordering that you be rewarded tonight with any match you choose, with the only exception being that it can’t be for a WWF championship.”

    The fans cheer. The Undertaker actually smirks.

    The Undertaker: “Tonight, Austin step’s into my yard. And you can bet your bottom dollar, that he’ll be leaving it in a body bag!”

    Taker walks away. Regal and McMahon watches him go. Vince slowly crumbles up the fax letter, as we fade to another commercial break.

    ----Commercial Break----

    We come back from commercial to find Triple H already standing in the ring, his theme music blaring, and the fans booing him. The WWF Intercontinental title is around his waist.

    Jim Ross: “You heard it before we went to break folks! This match between Big Show and Triple H is now no DQ, and non-title! I can’t help but disapprove of McMahon bailing Triple H out, once again. Plus, Linda McMahon will be here tonight, to make some sort of huge announcement!”

    The Game’s theme music cuts, and The Big Show’s kicks in. The fans quickly cheer as the pyro shoots up from the stage, and The Big Show emerges from the curtain. Big Show walks down the ramp, and enters the ring. He throws his hand into the air, signaling for the chokeslam, as the fans pop.

    Triple H© vs. Big Show – Non-Title, No Disqualification

    Match Details: Cat and mouse. Big Show hunted, Triple H ran. Well, The Game did attack, but made sure to keep away from The Big Show’s offense. When Show did get his hands on Triple H, it was an all out power showcase. One spot saw Triple H go to knee smash Show in the face, only to get caught, and tossed from one side of the ring, into the other sides ropes. Triple H came flying back, into the big boot from Show. Show then called for the chokeslam, sparking a nice pop from the fans. He hoisted Triple H, but The Game was one step ahead, low blowing the seven foot giant to escape. Show fell to a knee, allowing for Triple H to catch his breath, and signal to the back. With that, Rikishi came strolling out from the back, with Triple H’s signature sledge hammer in hand, resting on his shoulder, and a million dollar grin across his face. The fans booed heavily as Rikishi approached the ring, and handed the weapon through the ropes to Triple H. Suddenly, from behind, Rikishi was attacked. It’s Chris Jericho! Chris Jericho pummeled The Big Man from behind with forearms to the back of the head, sending him down to the floor. Jericho stomped Rikishi briefly, as Triple H exploded in the ring in anger. The Game charged the ropes, swinging the sledge down at Jericho. Triple H motioned for Jericho to enter the ring, yet kept him at bay with the weapon when he tried. In the ring, Big Show was now back to his feet, and was sizing The Game up from behind. Jericho slowly pointed behind Triple H, and as The Game turned, he was met with a catchers mit of a fist around his throat. Big Show hoisted him up, and sent him back down for the chokeslam. Show made the cover. One, two, three.

    Winner: The Big Show

    After the match, Big Show quickly exited the ring, taking Triple H’s sledge hammer with him. On the floor, Rikishi was back up, holding his head. Show slowly approached Rikishi, weapon in hand, looking for revenge. Rikishi turned and moved up the ramp, running from the Big Show.

    Back in the ring, Jericho stood over the fallen Triple H. He had retrieved a microphone from ringside.

    Chris Jericho: “Just incase you weren’t told already Hunter… At Backlash, it’s The Game, Triple Hate’ge, going up against me! Y! 2! J!”

    Jericho throws the microphone down, and exits the ring, as the fans cheer, and his theme music plays.

    Jim Ross: “The Game versus Chris Jericho, at Backlash! There’s a match Vince McMahon can’t get Triple H out of!”

    ---Commercial Break---

    We come back from commercial to find a limousine pulling up in the parking lot. The camera pans out to reveal Vince McMahon standing alongside William Regal. McMahon is all smiles.

    Vince McMahon: “Here she is..”

    The limo stops, and McMahon walks over, and opens the door.

    Vince McMahon: “Linda I’m so glad you finally made-“

    McMahon takes a step back, his eyes bulging.

    Vince McMahon: “What the hell are YOU doing here?!”

    From the limousine, “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase emerges. The fans in the arena quickly jump on the legend band wagon, and erupt. Ted fixes his suit jacket, and tie, and cracks his neck as bit, smiling.

    Ted DiBiase: “It’s good to see you too Vince!”

    Vince McMahon: “You haven’t answered my question… Why are you here Ted?”

    William Regal: “Answer Mr. McMahon!”

    Ted DiBiase: “I’m here because Backlash is this Sunday…”

    Vince McMahon: “And?”

    Ted DiBiase: “And, I’m here to work out the details of the McMahon/Million Dollar partnership”

    DiBiase points to McMahon, and then himself. The fans pop.

    Vince McMahon: “Partnership? What the- I assure you Ted, there is no partnership between you and I! Now, get back in your limo, and get-“

    Ted DiBiase: “And I assure you, Vince… You’re absolutely right.. You see, my partnership isn’t with you… It’s with your wife.. Linda!”

    The fans cheer. Regal steps back, worried. McMahon looks on, confused.

    Ted DiBiase: “Don’t look confused Vince, it’ll all be announced later tonight.. Linda should be here in a few moments. And hey, aren’t I in time for the main event? Well, if you excuse me… The Undertaker is a dear.. dear.. personal friend of mine, although we do have quite the history. I certainly don’t want to miss this!”

    Ted pats McMahon on the shoulder, and then breaks into his signature million dollar laugh as he walks away. The fans pop hard for the laugh, as the camera zooms in on McMahon and Regal. McMahon’s facial expression hasn’t changed, and Regal is just shaking his head in disbelief. We cut to commercial.

    Jim Ross: “Ted DiBiase?!”


    We come back from commercial, and go right to the arena floor.

    “Keep on Rollin Baby!”

    The Undertaker’s theme music hits, and the fans pop. Taker comes riding out on his motorcycle, and drives down the ramp. He circles the ring, and then parks the bike by the entrance ramp. The Dead Man enters the ring, and throws his fists into the air for the crowd.

    Jim Ross: “What a night, and we’re no where near over! Undertaker about to lock up with the WWF Heavyweight champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin! Ted DiBiase, here tonight! Why? We don’t know! Linda McMahon, expected here tonight! Why? We don’t know!”

    Glass shattering fills the arena, and Stone Cold Steve Austin’s theme music hits. The fans instantly begin to boo as the WWF World Heavyweight champion comes walking out from the back, the title draped over his shoulder.

    Austin walks down the ramp and enters the ring, blowing off The Undertaker, and climbing the nearest turnbuckle. Austin throws both middle fingers in the air, directed towards the fans, igniting a series of camera flashes.

    Austin climbs the remaining three turnbuckles, doing the same pose, before stepping down and walking towards the ref. The referee takes the belt from Austin, and hands it off to a ring crew member.

    As the ref is distracted, Austin charges Undertaker, and begins pounding him with left fists.

    Stone Cold© vs. The Undertaker – Non-Title

    Match Details: Stone Cold and The Undertaker had the fans in the palm of their hands. Back and fourth match with both men eventually scoring their signature moves. At the nine minute mark, Vince McMahon appeared from backstage, walking with Triple H and William Regal towards the ring. The fans got all over the group as they got to the ringside area. It wasn’t long before Regal jumped up on the apron, distracting the referee, and allowing Triple H to quickly enter the ring, and low blow The Undertaker. Stone Cold retaliated by grabbing Taker by the shoulders, to bring him back to his feet. However, The Undertaker quickly returned with a throat hold around Austin, rising, and signaling for a chokeslam. Regal continued to distract, allowing HHH to enter the ring again, and take out the knee of Undertaker. From the back, Chris Jericho came flying out, steel chair in hand. The fans erupted as Y2J quickly went for Triple H, chasing him around the ring, and up the ramp. Jericho remained at ringside, stalking McMahon and Regal. In the ring, Austin connected with a kick to the gut, and setup for the stunner, but Undertaker pushed him in to the ropes, and then connected with a big boot to the face. Regal got up on the apron again, but Jericho quickly ran around, knocking the Commissioner off of the apron, and then whipping him in to the guardrail. Undertaker lifted Austin to his feet, and set him up for the Last Ride, which he soon connected with. One, two, three.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    After the match, Undertaker taunted McMahon at ringside. Jericho soon brought the WWF Championship in to the ring, handing it off to The Undertaker who raised it proudly, pointing at McMahon, and then placed it over the fallen champion.

    Jim Ross: “Austin taken out! My God! If this was the title we’d have a new champion right now!”

    Linda McMahon’s music hits.

    The fans in the arena erupt as a spotlight hits the stage, and Linda McMahon, accompanied by Ted DiBiase walks out. Linda smiles as DiBiase plays up to the crowd. The duo enter the ring, with Jericho lifting the rope for Linda, and DiBiase shaking hands with Jericho and Undertaker.

    Jim Ross: “Maybe now we’ll get some answers!”

    Linda McMahon: “Vince, if you could, please, come in to the ring…”

    Linda turns toward Jericho and Undertaker.

    Linda McMahon: “I’m sure I can trust you boys to behave yourselves for the next few moments.”

    Jericho laughs, and Undertaker shakes his head. McMahon enters the ring, followed slowly by William Regal who is back up.

    Linda McMahon: “Well Vince, I’m sure you’ve been wondering all night why I was coming here. Well, if you think I’m here to in form you that Shane will be selling the WCW name back to you… you wrong.”

    The fans cheer. McMahon looks irritated.

    Linda McMahon: “I’ll get to WCW in a moment tho. First, I brought Ted DiBiase here tonight to tell you about what he and myself have planned for the Backlash pay-per-view this Sunday. You see, there’s one major WWF star who has gone, overlooked, for this Sunday. One star who’s, credentials, should have him focused on and marketed for the pay-per-view. He’s the one WWF superstar, the only one, to ever become an Olympic Gold Medallist… Kurt Angle!”

    The fans break into a mixed chant of “Angle-Angle-Angle” and “Angle Sucks! Angle Sucks!”

    Linda McMahon: “So, this Sunday, DiBiase has challenged Kurt Angle to a match, not one-on-one, but rather Kurt Angle vs. a superstar who DiBiase has been refurnishing, and teaching for the last several months. That superstar is-“

    DiBiase suddenly places his hand over the microphone. He slowly tilts it towards his mouth.

    Ted DiBiase: “If you don’t mind Linda… I’d like the identity of my WWF superstar to remain somewhat of a mystery.. I was always a sucker for drama!”

    DiBiase laughs as he gives control of the microphone back to Linda.

    Linda McMahon: “Alright Ted, if you wish… Moving on.. My business here tonight does also concern WCW… But not in the sense that you’re thinking. My business here tonight also concerns… you.”

    Linda turns towards Regal, who is holding the back of his head. Regal mouths “What?!” to Linda.

    Linda McMahon: “William…William…William. For the last several months that you’ve been WWF Commissioner, you’ve done nothing but look after whoever was in your.. or Vince’s, best interest. Well, I’m here tonight to tell you that the Board of Executives haven’t been blind, and we’ve been reviewing your actions for the last few weeks.”

    Regal approaches McMahon, frantically, trying to get him to talk to Linda.

    Linda McMahon: “Without your knowledge Regal, you’ve been on sort of a, probation, and let me tell you what really motivated the board to take action… You remember last week, when you booked WCW superstars to appear on a WWF pay-per-view?”

    Regal slowly nods, beginning to understand, and look glum.

    Linda McMahon: “Good, so then you also remember that following the beginning of this Invasion, after WCW vs. WWF was proven to do nothing but disrupt WWF television, the Board of Executives banned any in ring competition between WCW superstars, on WWF TV.”

    Regal again nods.

    Linda McMahon: “So then, what were you thinking? No, it actually doesn’t matter. Regal, I’m here to tell you, in the only way a McMahon can… That as far as WWF Commissioner is concerned…. YOU’RE FIRED!!”

    Linda does her best Vince McMahon impression. The arena erupts. McMahon steps back, dumbfounded. Regal’s jaw drops.

    Linda McMahon: “You’ll be reassigned to being a full time WWF WRESTLER, and the Board of Directors will take over your duties until after Backlash.”

    Regal begins to argue with Vince, who argues right back. Vince screams that there’s nothing he can do about it, if the Board of Executives made the decision. Regal suddenly shoves Vince, and continues to scream and yell. From behind Regal is attacked by Stone Cold, who is back up.

    Linda and Ted quickly exit as a brawl ensues between Austin and Regal. Undertaker and Jericho are shown looking at one another. They both slowly shrug, and enter the brawl.

    Jericho and Undertaker pull Austin and Regal off one another, and begin to fight with them. Undertaker brings Austin down to the mat with a short arm clothesline, as Jericho sends Regal over the top rope. The WWF copyright symbol appears on the bottom left of the screen.

    Jim Ross: “Regal is fired! Regal fired as WWF Commissioner! All hell has broken loose as far as Vince McMahon is concerned! We’ve got to go! We’ll see you-“

    The live feed cuts out, as the WWF logo scrolls across the screen.

    The WWF Fan Survey

    -Who will be named the new WWF Commissioner?

    -Who will Angle's opponent be at Backlash?

  4. Best Batman movie by far. Great ending that actually left me wanting MORE!

    ___SPOILERS BELOW_______

    I loved that they didn't kill off The Scarecrow, fixing what the other Batman movies did wrongfully. The idea of Scarecrow and The Joker in the next is amazing. I also like the way they had the Asylum broken into, and had all of the prisoners released. Very, very well done.

    I actually thought when Batman blew out the wall to escape the asylum, there should of been a guy sitting alone in the dark playing cards with himself, who simply said "Thanks...". But, they got the Joker reference in at the end.

  5. ALL of the songs are in it, and some new music was written for the film. No new lyrics, just new like background music that is needed for like, scene transitions and stuff.

    Rosario Dawson .... Mimi Marquez

    Taye Diggs .... Benjamin "Benny" Coffin III

    Wilson Jermaine Heredia .... Angel Schunard

    Jesse L. Martin .... Thomas B. "Tom" Collins

    Idina Menzel .... Maureen Johnson

    Adam Pascal .... Roger Davis

    Anthony Rapp .... Mark Cohen

    Tracie Thoms .... Joanne Jefferson

    The entire original broadway cast, with the exception of Rosario Dawson.

    EDIT: In speaking with a friend from filming. There are like, maybe two songs which may not be in the movie. They WERE filmed, but because the writers had to add much more dialogue to the movie, rather then it being a straight forward opera, some songs just couldn't be worked in. Which kinda sucks. The two songs which may not appear are Contact, and On The Street.

  6. I thought some of you might be interested in seeing this. It's the trailer for the movie version of the broadway show Rent. I actually play a very small part in the film as part of the Life Support Group/La Vie Boheme dancers. Also, I can be seen in the trailer, at the part where Collins (Black guy) is standing with the rest of the leads, and he smiles. If you pause the video and look at the top right hand corner. Thats me. Check it out. If you're a fan of the show Rent, or of musicals in general, I'm sure you'll like it.

    The Trailer

    If it doesnt work right away. Try right clicking, and saving as.

  7. Amazing movie. Saw it last night at midnight with the obsessed people in New York City. Best part was as soon as the credits started rolling, and everyone got done cheering, everyone who had one, lit up their lightsabers, and there were several "duels" going on in the streets of the city, and the lobby of the movie theatre.

  8. user posted image

    Date: 05/16/2001

    Time: 9:00 P.M.

    Venue: GIANT Center

    City/State: Hershey, PA

    After defeating Chris Jericho to capture the WWF Intercontinental title, Triple H will defend his newly won belt against the monster who will be going one on one with Stone Cold at Backlash, The Big Show!

    Will Triple H be able to overcome this mammoth of an athlete, and walk away champion? Or will Big Show be heading in to Backlash, already a champion?

    Also on Raw, new WWF Superstar, Rob Van Dam, will do battle with Justin Credible. On Sunday Night Heat, Credible cost R.V.D. his debut match against X-Pac, and on Raw, Van Dam is looking for revenge.

    In a non-title contest, WWF European champion, Eddie Guerrero will face Steven Richards.

    Is the Invasion over with?

    We saw the WWF align this past Thursday on Smackdown, and take out the major players of the WCW Invasion. Vince McMahon was all smiles come the end of Smackdown. Has WCW finally been stopped?

    All this and more, on Raw!

  9. user posted image

    April 15th, 2001

    Taped: April 12th 2001

    Chyna d. Molly Holly - WWF Women's Championship

    The Holly's d. Too Cool

    Test d. K-Kwik

    X-Pac d. Rob Van Dam - with aid from Justin Credible

    Date: April 15th 2001

    Source: www.WrestlingInnerCircle.com

    Reporter: David Levy

    Rob Van Dam Debuts

    Since we announced his signing, everyone has been wondering when Rob Van Dam would debut. We got our answer tonight. RVD debut'd with the WWF by answering an open challenge from X-Pac. X-Pac, who was "Looking to get in shape for Backlash" issued the open challenge. However, Rob Van Dam fell short in his debut match, falling victim to a That's Incredible piledriver, from Justin Credible, after X-Pac had distracted the referee. Following the match, Rob Van Dam attacked X-Factor, hitting a frog splash on Justin Credible, and a Van Daminator on X-Pac. The WWF fans, who many had never seen RVD before, welcomed the young competitor to the company, cheering, and applauding his amazing technical, and highflying ability.

    Kevin Nash Visiting Backstage at Smackdown

    We are getting reports that former WWF and WCW Champion, Kevin Nash was seen backstage visiting with friends. There may have been a meeting between Kevin Nash and Vince McMahon, but as of yet, nothing has come of it. We can neither confirm, nor denie, that both Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were at Raw this past week as well, perhaps meeting with Vince McMahon.

    Buff Bagwell Rubs WWF Wrong Way

    The WWF apparently feels that in order to make it in the company, Buff Bagwell needs to either tone down, or totally rehaul his gimmick. They feel that he's too much like Scotty 2 Hotty when it comes to his expressions, and mannerisms, and feel that in order to be taken seriously by the WWF crowd, he may need a gimmick change.

    Big Show Dissapointed With Creative

    Big Show has expressed his dislike to how he's been treated since winning the number one contendership. He feels that he has been left out of the spotlight too many times, and feels that as challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship, he should be more of the focus. Big Show and Undertaker have also reportedly gotten in to a verbal confrontation at the Smackdown tapings, after Taker overheard Big Show mouthing his dissaproval for The Undertaker getting pushed, before the Big Show.

  10. user posted image

    Date: 04/12/2001

    Time: 8:00 p.m.

    Venue: Sovereign Center

    City/State: Reading, PA

    The Thursday Night Smackdown opening fills the television screen. You notice that it’s an updated video, with more recent shots of Stone Cold as World Heavyweight Champion, and even features a few shots of Booker T, and Jeff Jarrett. The opening finishes playing through and we cut to the inside of the Sovereign Center.

    Blue and white pyro explodes from the stage and the rafters, signaling the start of the live feed. The audience cheers wildly as the cameras pan across. The theme music of Spike Dudley blasts from the p.a. system, and the fans continue to cheer.

    Michael Cole: “Hello everybody and welcome to tonight’s edition of Smackdown! Coming off of the heals of an explosive Monday Night Raw, Smackdown comes to you live from the Sovereign Center in Reading Pennsylvania!”

    Tazz: “Stephanie McMahon being named the Co-Owner of WCW Cole, and well, kicking her husband Triple H where it hurts. I saw Hunter backstage, and he didn’t look to happy.”

    Michael Cole: “Would you be?”

    Tazz: “Probably not. We’ve yet to hear from Triple H, or Vince McMahon regarding that announcement last week. Tonight.. maybe we’ll get some answers.”

    Michael Cole: “We’re kicking things off with Light-Heavyweight action, as Jerry Lynn puts his Light-Heavyweight championship on the line against this man. Spike Dudley!”

    Tazz: “What Spike lacks in height Cole, he makes up for in heart. This is sure to be a great match.”

    Michael Cole: “No doubt Tazz. No doubt.”

    The runt of the Dudley Clan comes stomping out from the backstage area, smiling. Spike waves to the fans, and marches down to the ring. He enters, and stands on the bottom rope, facing the crowd, and waves again. Spike’s obviously happy to be there.

    The mood changes suddenly as the theme music of WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion, Jerry Lynn hits. The fans boo as Jerry Lynn walks slowly out to the stage, and stops looking down to the ring. The heat continues as Jerry Lynn motions behind him, and X-Pac followed by Justin Credible walk out on to the stage. The three men talk to one another as they walk towards the ring.

    Michael Cole: “Jerry Lynn a defending champion these last few weeks.”

    Tazz: “A very talented superstar, who deserves every bit of praise he’s received as Light-Heavyweight Champion-“

    Michael Cole: “What? I don’t think I’ve seen this guy win a match cleanly since debuting!”

    Tazz: “I don’t know what you’re talking about Cole.”

    Michael Cole: “In any regard, what’s this about? Jerry Lynn not coming to the ring alone. X-Pac and Justin Credible accoumpanying the champion out here, and I’ll be the first to ask, how long do you think this fight will remain fair with those two out here?”

    Tazz: “That’s a little stereotypical. I’m sure X-Pac and Credible are just out here to wish their friend luck.”

    Jerry Lynn enters the ring, as Credible and X-Pac remain on the outside. Lynn taunts Spike, by pointing to his Light-Heavyweight title, and motioning the “One, two, three” count.

    Jerry Lynn© vs. Spike Dudley – WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship

    Match Details: Mid-Way through the match, after a failed interference attempt by Justin Credible, the odds were evened up as the WWF Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boys walked out to ringside. The Dudley’s kept Justin Credible and X-Pac in order, taunting X-Factor to try and interfere. Jerry Lynn scored the victory of Spike, after Bubba Ray provided the unintended distraction trying to keep X-Pac from interfereing. As the ref was distracted, Jerry Lynn managed to back kick Spike in the groin, allowing him to quickly set up the cradle-piledriver. One, two, three.

    Winner: Jerry Lynn©

    Michael Cole: “And Jerry Lynn stealing another victory.”

    Tazz: “Are you still on that?”

    After the match, Credible, X-Pac, and Lynn began to celebrate in the ring. The Dudleys, Bubba Ray and D’Von, took Spike out of the ring, and walked with him to the back. Lynn continued to celebrate.

    Suddenly, two men slide in to the ring behind the trio. It’s Rey Mysterio, and Shane Helms! Helms and Mysterio both grab X-Pac and Credible from behind, and throw them towards the ropes, sending them up and over. Lynn feels the commotion behind him and slowly turns as Helms and Mysterio stand behind him. Lynn is quick to throw up his hands, demanding pitty. But Mysterio and Helms charge forward, double clotheslining the Light-Heavyweight champ to the mat. Lynn hits the canvas hard, and springs back up on to his side, rolling out of the ring. Lynn holds his back, and reunites with X-Factor on the outside. Lynn, Credible, and Pac walk up the ramp extremely frustrated and angry. Mysterio and Helms quickly exit the ring and go through the crowd as yellow shirt security begins to approach the ring.

    Michael Cole: “Get those two men out of here!”

    Tazz: “This is serious Cole. Rey Mysterio, and Shane Helms, two WCW Cruiserweights, attacking the WWF Light-Heavyweight champion!”

    Michael Cole: “When is this going to end?”

    We fade to commercial with Michael Cole and Tazz in an uproar about the WCW Invaders, the debut of Shane Helms, and X-Factor looking distraught.

    user posted image

    Stacker 2: The World's Strongest Fat Burner!

    We come back from commercial with Bradshaw and Faarooq backstage in Commissioner Regal’s office. The fans cheer the APA at first sight.

    Bradshaw: “This is bull crap Regal! You tell us not to take things out of control, while things are already out of control! You saw what Mysterio and Shane Helms did. You saw them take a step in to a WWF ring!”

    William Regal: “Yes, I saw Mysterio, I saw Shane Helms. I saw it all. Now let me tell you what I don’t want to see! I don’t want to see a bunch of WWF superstars get involved in some type of bloody brawl for all! Mr. McMahon and myself agree highly on this matter and we-“

    Faarooq: “Here’s the bottom line. We’re tired of watching outside boys attempt to take over our territory. They’ve stepped foot in to our house, and now we’re going to kick their ass right back out the door!”

    The fans cheer that promise from Faarooq..The door in the room is heard slamming against the wall of camera. The camera quickly turns, as The Undertaker and Kane walk up behind the APA. The fans cheer The Brothers of Destruction.

    The Undertaker: “Regal. At any other moment I’d be in here with my fist wrapped around your throat, demanding a rematch with Austin or Triple H, after we were screwed last week. But tonight, there are more important asses that need handling. Those punk ass WCW boys have stepped foot in my yard one time too many, which just ain’t something I can have. It’s time you do something.”

    William Regal: “Like I just got finished explain to Bradshaw here. Me and Mr. McMahon booth feel that-“

    The Undertaker: “I don’t give a damn what you and Vince think or say. Tonight, one way or another, those WCW guys are leaving here in body bags!”

    Bradshaw: “They want a fight so bad? We’re going to give them one!”

    The APA and The Brothers of Destruction nod to eachother as the fans cheer this now apparent, renegade group.

    The Undertaker: “Let’s go.”

    The four men turn and walk out of the Commissioner’s office, with Regal looking less than thrilled with their descision.

  11. I actually like the idea of freshly killed sometimes being able to run, and as they decompose, they slow. I actually find that more realistic. If a guy get's his throat slashed out, while his motor skills were perfectly healthy, then he should be able to run still, just with the whole dead factor.

  12. user posted image

    April 12th 2001

    This past Monday on Raw, Shane McMahon once again shocked the wrestling community, as he announced to Vince McMahon, and the world that his sister, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley would be aiding him in the WCW Invasion, as Co-Owner of World Championship Wrestling.

    The reunited husband/wife team didn't last long, as Stephanie delivered a devastating blow to her already hurt husband Triple H.

    This Thursday, by order of Vince McMahon, Triple H will be given a shot to capture the WWF Intercontinental Championship, from Chris Jericho. Winning a title would probably do little to heal the scar of distrust from this past Monday. What will Triple H have to say towards his wife?

    Also this Thursday, the WWF Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boys, will defend their belts against the team of Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, The New Age Outlaws. The Outlaws reunited this past Monday on Raw, defeating Edge and Christian to win this title shot. Can the Outlaws continue their winning ways? Or will the Dudley's leave Smackdown still the champs?

    All this and more on Smackdown!

  13. Date: April 11th 2001

    Source: www.WrestlingInnerCircle.com

    Reporter: David Levy

    New WWF Faction?

    -Inside sources have informed me that X-Factor appearing with Jerry Lynn on Raw wasn't just a chance booking spot. Accourding to this source there's a new WWF faction planned with Jerry Lynn, Justin Credible, X-Pac, and Albert. Of course, they could always just have Jerry Lynn join X-Factor, keeping the faction name. Speaking of Albert...

    Management Seeking Improvments

    -From what I've been gathering, it appears upper management (Vince McMahon?) has been reviewing some of the active roster, with the outcome probably being some active roster members being sent down to OVW. Some names that have come up have been Albert, Jacqueline, and Stone Cold's wife, Debra.

    Paul Heyman To Leave Announce Booth?

    -There's been talk of having Paul Heyman leave his position at the commentary booth to possibly return to managing. If this does happen some people who have been mentioned as possible replacements have been Tazz, Michael Cole, Jim Cornette, and even Mick Foley. Three of those four aren't bad.

    Invasion To Hault?

    -The WCW has been one of the main focuses of WWF television the last couple of weeks. WWF is actually planning to run this storyline for the next few months, and the feeling right now is they may have done too much too soon. From what I've heard however, the surprises aren't close to being over. So don't be surprised if the Invasion takes a backseat briefly.

    Rob Van Dam Signed

    -Talented, young, former ECW star, Rob Van Dam, has reportedly signed a two year deal with World Wrestling Federation. Congrats to R.V.D., no word on when he'll debut however.

    The Rock To Miss Action?

    -The attack The Rock suffered last week on Smackdown will apparently be the way the WWF keeps The Rock out of storylines, while he's away filming his new movie "Fury Family", an action, comedy film based around the characters of the hit sitcom Full House. Rock is expected to be gone a little over two months.

  14. The show=fucking A. Great show, I;m sooo glad this was resurected. My fav Invasion diary...except an upcoming one....come on, I gotta whore sometime lol. Just joking bout the last part.

    Stephanie was a shock, i too thought TriH was gonna be the conspriator, but Stephie's waaay better...and hotter.

    And BTW the new sig is great, Vince's face=priceless

  15. user posted image

    April 9th 2001

    The WWF Monday Night Raw opening fills your television screen. You’re pumped, hyped, and just a tad bit thirsty. Following the introduction, we cut live, inside the arena. Pyrotechnics explode from the Raw stage, sending smoke and fire in to the air. The glitz stops, and we get some panning views of the hot WWF crowd.

    GLASS SHATTERS! But it’s not Stone Cold Steve Austin’s theme, no, welcome the new remixed version of The Power Trip’s theme. The fans give a strong mixed reaction as the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, and Vince McMahon appear on stage. Mr. McMahon leads the way, as Austin and Triple H try to regain some of their heat by blowing off some of the fans, and talking trash.

    The trio enters the ring, and Vince McMahon is given the microphone.

    Vince McMahon: “Several weeks ago, my son Shane purchased World Championship Wrestling, and since then, there has been this spectacle going on which has come to be known as some sort of WCW Invasion..”

    Half the crowd boo’s the mention of WCW, while the other half cheers.

    Vince McMahon: “And since the start of this charade, I’ve done nothing but try and kill it. But, I was actually going about it all, in the wrong way. You see, I underestimated my son Shane. I underestimated.. WCW. I thought that by simply ignoring the fact, the fact, would just disappear…”

    We are given a shot of Stone Cold, and Triple H, leaning against the ropes watching the WWF Chairman.

    Vince McMahon: “Well, I now realize, that this problem isn’t going to just go away. This is a problem, a threat, that the WWF will no longer avoid…”

    The crowd begins to rally up.

    Vince McMahon: “My son Shane wants WWF versus WCW? My son Shane wants a war? Well by God, we accept!!”

    The crowd erupts at that announcement. We are given a few panning shots of the crowd, and we then cut back to The Power Trip, who are both nodding their heads.

    Vince McMahon: “Forget security… forget lawyers… it’s now between the WWF superstars… and the WCW army. There is no more, keeping WCW out of the building… Hell, Shane, I now welcome you to come. Because back there..”

    Vince McMahon points towards the stage, and locker room area.

    Vince McMahon: “Is an army of fifty plus, waiting for your WCW scum to show their faces!”

    The crowd cheers. In the ring, Triple H is handed the microphone by Vince McMahon. Upon accepting the microphone, the crowd begins to boo the Cerebral Assassin.

    Triple H: “How fitting it is, that on a night when WWF enters the war with WCW, that it is the companies two strongest, toughest, and baddest competitors ready to lead the fight! With the WWF World Heavyweight Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and me, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, the greatest tag team in WWF history, backing this fight, you can bet your bottom dollar, that The Power Trip, will come out.. on top!”

    The crowd gives another mixed reaction to Triple H. Helmsley hands the microphone over to Stone Cold, who stares at Triple H for a few seconds, and then takes the microphone.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin: “You know with all this talk of war, fighting, WCW versus WWF, it seems to me that everyone has forgotten just what the hell it is we’re supposed to be doing around here!”

    Austin begins to pace in the ring.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin: “You’re right Triple H, we are the greatest tag team in the history of this sport, and we are the two toughest son’s on bitches on the planet! But what I’ve been hearing and seeing for the last few weeks, is a lot of the flapping of the gums, and nobody really stepping up to do anything about it! Now right now, I’m going to turn my attention away from this Invasion garbage, and focus in on where I should be!”

    The crowd boo’s Stone Cold.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin: “Last Thursday Night, The Big Show won himself the number one contenders spot. What that means to O’le Stone Cold, is another son of a bitch, looking to take what’s mine, the WWF title. Well Big Show, let Stone Cold make something crystal clear right now. Stone Cold Steve Austin… is not.. afraid.. of your seven-foot.. nine hundred pound.. overweight… over-growth’d… ass! What you won yourself on Thursday is a Texas sized, grade A, ass whooping at the hands of yours truly!”

    Mr. McMahon and Triple H are shown clapping for the WWF Champion.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin: “So what I’d like to do right now, is take this moment to-“

    BOOM! Fire explodes from the stage, and the lights in the arena turn red. Kane’s music begins to blast throughout the arena, and the silhouetted Power Trip are shown visibly shaken in the ring.

    ROLLIN! The Undertaker’s theme music cuts in, and the lights return to normal. The fans are in an uproar, as The Brother’s of Destruction appear on the Raw stage. In the ring, McMahon steps back, shielded by the Power Trip who are ready for a fight.

    Back on the stage, The Undertaker has produced a microphone, and as his theme music fades, he raises it.

    The Undertaker: “Excuse this interruption.. But my brother and I have heard just about as much as we could possibly stand!”

    The crowd cheers.

    The Undertaker: “I have three things that I want to set right, right now… First, you two ego tripping bitches call yourselves the greatest tag team in WWF history?”

    Big pop at the insult directed towards The Power Trip.

    The Undertaker: “Let me make something perfectly clear, to you Stone Cold, and you Triple H. If you want to find the toughest, strongest, and baddest son’s of bitches in the WWF? You’re looking at em!”

    Crowd cheers the Brothers of Destruction. Kane throws his head back, removing the wet hair from in front of his mask. In the ring, Triple H begins to argue with Mr. McMahon, pointing towards the stage. Austin clutches his WWF title.

    The Undertaker: “Second, if there’s one team who’s bleeds WWF spirit? It’s us! If there’s one team who’s going to lead the WWF in to the war with WCW? It’s us! What it isn’t, is two power hungry cowards, with the boss in their back pocket!”

    Crowd cheers The Undertaker again. This time, both Stone Cold and Triple H begin to yell at Vince to regain order. Mr. McMahon takes the microphone.

    Vince McMahon: “Hey! Undertaker what exactly is it you want?! How dare you come-“

    The Undertaker: “Shut your mouth!”

    The crowd erupts. The sudden outburst by Taker startles McMahon who loses grip on the microphone, and begins fumbling with it. Triple H catches it, and hangs on to it.

    The Undertaker: “Last Thursday… The Big Show did win himself the number one contender spot, albeit some controversy. He won himself a mini-tournament, which is just dandy. But you know what he didn’t do? He didn’t.. beat… me! So Austin, if you’re lucky enough to still be clutching on to that WWF Championship following Backlash, your ass… is mine!”

    The crowd cheers. Stone Cold grabs the microphone away from Triple H.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin: “You want Stone Cold Steve Austin? Hell, it sounds like you want a piece of both of us! Bring your asses down to the ring!”

    Stone Cold throws down the microphone. On the stage, Undertaker smirks, looks at his brother Kane, who glances back at him, and drops the microphone. The fans cheer as The Brothers of Destruction slowly begin to walk forward. In the ring, Triple H and Austin has shoved McMahon out of the way. Vince scrambles to pick up the microphone.

    Vince McMahon: “Wait a minute! Stop! Wait a minute!”

    The crowd begins to boo. The Power Trip step back in the ring, and Taker/Kane halt on the rampway.

    Vince McMahon: “If you four want to kill each other, well… God damnit, I won’t stop it! But it’s not going to happen now! Tonight, the main event will be, Stone Cold Steve Austin, teaming with Triple H, to take on Kane and The Undertaker!”

    The crowd cheers. Austin and HHH nod and glance towards their opponents for the evening. On the ramp, Taker smiles, and he and Kane begin to back up, as their music hits. In the ring, Triple H and Austin begin to talk strategy as we go to commercial.


    We come back from commercial to find Perry Saturn standing with street clothed, WWF Legend, Sgt. Slaughter backstage.

    Perry Saturn: “So I haven’t talked to him in weeks.”

    Sgt Slaughter: “Well Perry, Dean Malenko’s defection shocked us all, but I have to admit, myself and the rest of the WWF road agents have been keeping an eye on you, Chris Benoit, and Eddie Guerrero. I mean-“

    Perry Saturn: “Woah, woah, woah! Slaughter, I know what you’re going to say. Because the four of us came to the WWF from WCW together last year, everyone thinks that if one of us jumps back, we’re all going to. Well, I can’t speak for Eddie or Chris, but I can certainly speak for myself. We deserted that sinking ship, because we knew exactly what was going to happen! Malenko has apparently been fooled in to thinking that the reincarnated version of WCW will somehow outlast it’s predecessor. Well let me tell you something Sarge.. I now bleed, WWF colors! I know owe my entire career to the-“

    Suddenly Perry Saturn is ambushed from behind. The camera quickly pulls back, as Dean Malenko, Hardcore Title around his waist begins attacking Perry Saturn with stiff forearms to the back of the skull. The crowd begins to boo in the arena, and Sgt. Slaughter is heard calling for officials. Malenko stands over the fallen Saturn. Slaughter re-enters the picture, going after Malenko, only to be side swiped, and tackled to the ground next to Saturn. Malenko looks down at Saturn.

    Dean Malenko: “You just hate me Saturn, because I’m smarter than you! Sinking ship?”

    Malenko stomps Saturn.

    Dean Malenko: “WCW, and Shane McMahon are the new thing in town. You just need to learn to accept it!”

    The WWF Hardcore Champion stomps on his former friend again. Sudden commotion off screen causes Malenko to retreat.

    “Get over here!”

    As Malenko runs away, Rhyno comes storming in to the picture to the delight of the fans. He kneels briefly by Saturn and Slaughter, concerned, before chasing after Dean Malenko.

    We cut to the Commissioners Office of William Regal. It’s a similar sight, Regal at his desk looking aggravated, with Edge and Christian standing before him.

    Edge: “We demand a rematch!”

    Christian: “Fo shizzle!”

    Edge slowly turns towards Christian, as the fans laugh.

    Edge: “Fo shizzle?”

    Christian: “I figured I’d try it on for- no?”

    Edge: “No.”

    Edge turns back to Regal.

    William Regal: “Alright you bloody toe rags, you want a rematch with The Dudley Boys, I’ll give you the opportunity to earn one!”

    Christian: “Bloody- what? Ew.”

    William Regal: “You two better hurry along to the ring, because I’m booking you two in a match right now!”

    Edge: “Great, who are our opponents?”

    William Regal: “A team, who will be making their return to Monday Night Raw, tonight.”

    Christian: “That’s cool. Hey Willy, I’ve been meaning to ask you if I could do something about my theme music I-“

    William Regal: “GO!”

    Christian: “We’re gone!”

    We cut to the arena floor. Jim Ross and Paul Heyman hype up tonight’s main event, Stone Cold and Triple H versus the Brothers of Destruction.

    “You Think You Know Me?” Edge and Christian’s theme music begins to play, and the fans welcome the former tag team champions out on to the stage. The duo walk down the ramp, both sliding in, and climbing adjacent turnbuckles. Edge and Christian pose for the fans, and then begin to converse in the ring. The camera focus in on the entry way, and the p.a. system goes silent.

    “Oh You Didn’t Know?!” The New Age Outlaws theme music begins to blast, and the fans erupt! Road Dogg Jessie James and Badass Billy Gunn walk out from behind the curtain with Road Dogg talking in to the microphone.

    Road Dogg: “You’re damn right! You know we’re back, and we’re ready to roll!”

    Road Dogg continues talking into the microphone as he and Billy Gunn walk down to the ring, and roll in. Edge and Christian roll out, as the New Age Outlaws walk to the center. The Outlaws theme music fades.

    Road Dogg: “Excuse me, it’s been a while..”

    The crowd cheers. Road Dogg coughs, clearing his throat.

    Road Dogg: “Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, the WWF proudly brings to you, its soon to be! World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions of the WOOORRRLLDD.. THE ROAD DOGG, JESSE JAMES, BADASS, BILLY GUNN, the NEW.. AGE.. OUTLAWS!”

    The fans erupt, chanting “New Age Outlaws” along with The Road Dogg. Jessie James hands the microphone over to Billy Gunn.

    Billy Gunn: “And if you’re not down with that… we’ve got two words for ya! WE’RE BACK!!”

    The crowd of course screams Suck It! Before cheering for the reunion.

    Edge and Christian vs. The New Age Outlaws – Number One Contendership For Tag Team Titles

    Match Details: The crowd was behind the New Age Outlaws reunion for the entire contest. So it was no surprise that they blew the roof off of the place when Road Dogg managed to hit Christian with the “Shake, Raddle, and Roll” punch, causing him to spin back into The Fam-ass-er from Billy Gunn. Road Dogg turns quickly, tackling Edge over the ropes, as the legal man, Billy Gunn covered Christian. One, two, three.

    Winners: The New Age Outlaws!

    The fans erupt in to cheers as the New Age Outlaws theme music starts up again. Gunn and Road Dogg hug in the ring, raising eachothers hands, as the fans continue to cheer. On the floor, Christian has rolled out, holding the back of his neck, and is crawling towards the rampway. We cut to Edge, who is staring off in to space, looking shocked, and slowly becoming more and more furious.

    Back in the ring, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn continue to celebrate. Suddenly, Christian is back up, attacking Billy Gunn from behind. The theme music cuts off, and the fans begin to boo. Road Dogg aids his partner, nailing Christian, and pulling him off of Billy. Edge is back in the ring, joining the brawl. Edge and Christian slowly get the upper-hand, with Edge spearing Road Dogg down to the mat.

    Edge and Christian’s theme music hits, and the duo rolls out of the ring, as the fans boo them heavily. Following a shot of Road Dogg holding his ribs, and Billy Gunn in the background, not moving, we go to commercial.


    We come back from commercial with Paul Heyman and Jim Ross catching us up on all that’s taken place here tonight already, the announcement of the main event, the return of the New Age Outlaws, the attack by Malenko on Saturn.

    We cut to a backstage hallway to find WWF Light-Heavyweight champion Jerry Lynn walking towards the dressing room. The fans boo the cheating champion upon sight. The camera follows as he opens the door to his locker room, and walks in.

    Jerry Lynn stops nearly in the doorway, staring inside.

    Jerry Lynn: “Well, look what the cat dragged in!”

    Lynn walks forward, allowing the camera to get a look inside. WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Rey Mysterio stands in the dressing up, the Cruiserweight strap over his shoulder.

    Jerry Lynn: “Let me guess… You’re here to give me some sort of warning..”

    Lynn begins to circle Mysterio, who remains motionless.

    Jerry Lynn: “Tell me how much better WCW is than the WWF? How much better the Cruiserweights are than the WWF Light-Heavyweights? How much better… you are than I am?”

    Lynn continues to circle, and then stops, leaning in to the ear of Mysterio.

    Jerry Lynn: “C’mon boy, spit it out!”

    Mysterio slowly turns, getting face to face with Lynn.

    Rey Mysterio: “I came here, because I’m more of a man than you’ll ever be!”

    The crowd actually cheers.

    Rey Mysterio: “I’m here to address the problem you seem to have with me. So here I am Jerry, the cruiserweight champ, what do you have to say to my face?”

    Lynn smirks, eyeing Mysterio.

    Jerry Lynn: “What do I have to say? All I have to say is, you’re… mine!”

    Lynn suddenly swings at Mysterio, but the cruiserweight champ dodges the attack, and instead curls under tackling Lynn back in to the locker room, wall. The two men begin punching at each other, falling down on to the floor.

    A herd of WWF officials and referees appear. X-Pac, Justin Credible, and Albert most notable stand with them, pulling Jerry Lynn off of Mysterio, and holding him back.

    X-Pac: “Get that piece of crap out of here!”

    X-Factor holds Lynn back, as officials walk Mysterio out of the room.

    We cut to another part of the backstage area, where Rhyno has caught up with Dean Malenko. The two men are brawling with each other, with Rhyno getting in some stiff looking body jabs on the Hardcore Champion. Malenko grabs the hair of Rhyno, and brings his knee forward, crashing Rhyno in the gut.

    Dean Malenko: “You want to challenge me for a match at Backlash?”

    Malenko nails Rhyno again.

    Dean Malenko: “I accept!”

    Suddenly Rhyno comes back, upper-cutting Malenko in the jaw, sending him back. Rhyno runs forward, and tackles Dean to the ground, getting on top of him and driving his fist forward. Suddenly, a steel chair gets crashed over the back of Rhyno. The camera quickly pans back to reveal Chris Kanyon as it’s culprit. Rhyno rolls off of Malenko, clutching at his back. Kanyon helps Dean up, and both men begin to stomp away at Rhyno.


    Eddie Guerrero comes flying in to the picture, attacking Kanyon and Malenko. Guerrero stops his attack, as Malenko and Kanyon retreat, and checks on Rhyno, who sits up, and wipes away a bit of blood from his lip.

    Eddie Guerrero: “You okay homes?”

    Rhyno: “Fine..”

    Rhyno breathes heavy, as the camera focuses in. We cut to the arena floor.

    “Test! Test! This Is A Test!” Test’s theme music hits, and the fans give the young superstar a nice ovation. Test makes his way out from the back and heads towards the ring. He enters the ring, and raises his fist towards the fans.

    “Latino Heat!” Eddie Guerrero’s theme music hits, and the fans erupt. The European Champion, Eddie Guerrero comes dancing out from the back, all smiles, the European Championship in hand. Guerrero struts down the entrance ramp, and enters the ring, taunting the crowd, and hyping them up.

    Eddie Guerrero© vs. Test – Non-Title

    Match Details: The reigning European Champion picked up the win after Test took a bit too long to capitalize following the big boot to the face of Guerrero. Eddie soon fought back with all he head, eventually bringing Test down to the mat with a Spinning Suplex. Guerrero then climbed the turnbuckle, getting a little froggy, and hit the Five Star Frog Splash for the win.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero

    Eddie Guerrero’s theme music hit and the European Champion rolled out of the ring. Eddie gets handed his European Title, and begins to celebrate with the fans at ringside. Guerrero continues to celebrate up the ramp, and to the back.

    We cut backstage where William Regal and Vince McMahon have been conversing.

    Vince McMahon: “Now that I’ve decided to open up the flood gates, and allow WCW free roam over this dressing room, it’s up to me and you to make sure that through all of this, we remain somewhat.. civil."

    William Regal: “oh you certainly don’t have to worry about that Mr. McMahon. If there’s anyone around here who’s civil, it’s me.”

    Vince McMahon: “Good. Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you, have you seen Shane here tonight?”

    William Regal: “Actually, I don’t think I have. Isn’t that a good thing?”

    Vince McMahon: “Well, yes, but, I’d be lying if I said his absence doesn’t scare me a bit. He’s my son, and I know he’s smart enough to have something up his sleeve… Well then! Just keep an eye out won’t you?”

    William Regal: “Yes, yes, certainly.”

    Vince McMahon walks off.

    William Regal: “Now he’s got me bloody worried.”

    We cut to commercial.


    We come back from commercial to find Michael Cole standing with WWF Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho. The fans cheer as Y2J appears on screen.

    Michael Cole: “Chris Jericho, you requested this time to I suppose, direct some words towards your opponent tonight, Kurt Angle.”

    Chris Jericho: “Well you see, that’s where you’d be wrong Mitchell. I didn’t request this time to talk about my match tonight with the Olympic Jackass, Kirk Angel. I requested these one hundred and twenty seconds to send a message out to one, Jeff Jarrett! You see Jeff Jarrett, it wasn’t that long ago when you first appeared as part of this Invasion. Hell, you were smart, you did so by taking out the greatest superstar in the WWF today, me! So, I want revenge. I want revenge so bad, I can taste it. I can taste the sweet retribution on my lips, as I think about getting my hands on you. So you see Double J, and by the way Mitchell Cole, what the hell does Double J stand for? Don’t tell me it’s Jeff Jarrett because that is just too unoriginal to be marketable. If you ask me, Double J stands for Jolly Jackass! Or Jumping Jack! Or-“

    The camera pans back, as Jericho stops mid sentence. Kurt Angle stands looking at Chris Jericho. Michael Cole moves the microphone over to Angle.

    Kurt Angle: “If you ask me, what you should be doing is readying yourself for the biggest butt kicking you’ve ever encountered. You’re worrying about next week, while you should be worrying about tonight. Because as I see it… you may not even make it to next week. Oh it’s true… It’s damn true!”

    Kurt Angle walks away smirking, and Chris Jericho watches him go. Jericho sneers, before we cut to the arena floor.

    Kurt Angle’s theme music hits, and the fans begin to boo. The Olympic Gold Medallist walks out from the backstage area, and walks down the ramp. He pauses and throws his hands in to the air, signaling for red, white, and blue pyro to explode from the stage. Angle enters the ring, doing his signature jumping spin taunt, and begin to pump himself up.


    BOOM! Pyro explodes from the stage, the lights go out, and Y2J’s, theme music hits. The fans cheer as the lights come back on and Jericho stands, the Intercontinental championship around his waist, his back to the camera, and his arms outstretched. Jericho turns, and stares in to the sea of screaming Jeric-holics before walking down the ramp, and entering the ring.

    Chris Jericho© vs. Kurt Angle – WWF Intercontinental Championship

    Match Details: An amazing technical showdown. Both men went toe to toe, allowing their moves to do the talking. They told a great story, which saw Chris Jericho come out as the victor. It looked like things were going the Olympian’s way when he managed to get his knees up following a Lionsault attempt from Jericho. Angle capitalized, setting Jericho up for the Angle Lock submission, which he took a bit too much time doing. Kurt allowed his ego to get the best of him, slowly removing each strap on his singlet, and taunting the fans before latching on the hold. The delay allowed Jericho to gain back some energy allowing him to roll through sending Angle in to the ropes. Jericho jumped up, and as Kurt turned, Chris hit him with a spinebuster, which he quickly led in to the Walls of Jericho submission. Angle held out as long as he could, but eventually had to tap.

    Winner: Chris Jericho©

    We go to commercial with a shot of Chris Jericho celebrating in the ring with his Intercontinental Championship.


    We come back from commercial to find the screen filled with the main gold plate of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The fans boo as the camera pans back, and Booker T stands backstage, the title over his should, staring off camera. Kevin Kelly appears next to Booker T.

    Kevin Kelly: “Booker T, let me first thank you for joining me here this evening. Let me start off by asking about the reasoning behind attacking The Rock this last Thursday Night on Smackdown.”

    Booker T: “You didn’t just ask that.. Tell me you didn’t just ask that!”

    Kevin Kelly: “Well I-“

    Booker T: “Let me explain something to you Kevin Kelly- No hold on. This ain’t right. This just ain’t right.”

    Booker T suddenly shoves Kevin Kelly by the face out of the picture. Moments later Miss Hancock appears to the delight of the male audience, holding a microphone.

    Miss Hancock: “Booker T, why don’t you explain to the world just how much more talented you are than The Rock.”

    Booker T: “Well you see Miss Hancock I’m what you call, the true People’s Champion! I go out there every night and-“

    Suddenly Miss Hancock screams and runs off. Booker T turns, and the camera catches The Big Show as he runs in. Booker T dodges the attack, as The Big Show crashes against some production trunks. Booker T runs off, as The Big Show stands back up.

    We cut to the arena floor.

    BOOM! Fire explodes from the stage, and the lights in the arena turn red. Kane’s music begins to blast throughout the arena, the fans cheer as this signals the start of the main event and arrival of the Brothers of Destruction.

    ROLLIN! The Undertaker’s theme music cuts in, and the lights return to normal. The fans are in an uproar, as The Brother’s of Destruction appear on the Raw stage. They walk down the ramp, and enter the ring, both posing for the crowd, and hyping each other up.

    The Power Trip’s theme music start’s up and the fans begin to boo heavily. Stone Cold is the first to emerge, the WWF title hanging off of his shoulder. Triple H follows, and than Vince McMahon. The trio make their way down the rampway, with Triple H talking trash to some fans, but Austin rolls right in to the ring.

    Austin poses on the turnbuckle with his WWF championship in hand, and Triple H does his outstretched water spit pose on the apron.

    The Power Trip vs. The Brothers of Destruction

    Match Details: Four brawlers, four big names, plenty of sports entertainment. The fans ate this one up purely for the fact that four of the WWF’s biggest names were in one ring together. Stone Cold and Triple H recaptured some of the heat they’d been lacking since the start of the Invasion, cheating, and playing dirty. Kane and The Undertaker remained the top babyfaces in this encounter, with every reversal and striking move getting a big pop from the fans. The ending of the match came about when Triple H and The Undertaker began to battle on the outside. In the ring, Stone Cold awaited Kane to sit up following a previous knee to the face. The Big Red Machine sat up, turned, and was met with a kick to the gut followed by the stunner from Austin. That wasn’t enough for the World Champion, as he hoisted Kane up for a second stunner. Outside, Undertaker attempted to roll in to save his brother, but was stopped by Triple H who grabbed his legs. One, two, three. Stone Cold pins Kane.

    Winners: The Power Trip

    After the match, The Power Trips theme music began to play, and the fans began to boo heavily. Austin and Triple H began to celebrate in the ring, linking hands with Mr. McMahon and raising them triumphantly. On the outside, Undertaker patted Kane on the back, nodding encouragement to him.

    Suddenly, Chris Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett are in the ring! The two WCW Invaders attack Stone Cold and Triple H from behind. Mr. McMahon is shocked as The Power Trip lays around him. Kane and The Undertaker quickly run back towards the ring, but Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell emerge from the crowd as well, cutting them off and sending them to the crowd.

    Following The Stroke to Triple H, and The Kanyon Cutter to Stone Cold in the ring, and the Brothers of Destruction being sent in to the steel turnbuckle post, and the steel ring steps, it was down to Mr. McMahon, and the WCW Invaders.

    Steiner, and Bagwell entered the ring, as Jarrett and Kanyon pushes The Power Trip to the arena floor. The four men began to taunt Vince McMahon, who himself, looked like he was ready for a fight.

    “Woah! Woah! Woah!”

    Shane McMahon appeared on stage.

    Shane McMahon: “Don’t you guys touch my Pops!”

    Shane McMahon walks down the ramp as the fans boo him. He enters the ring and joins Vince in the center.

    Shane McMahon: “Easy Dad, you might give yourself a heart attack. You have nothing to worry about. Believe me, you’re not the one we’re looking to take out physically… Financially, and corporately is another story… I just wanted to come out here, and congratulate you Dad. Because for once, you did the right thing. Yeah, you did the right thing. You’ve decided to do what’s best for both of us, and accept our challenge…”

    Rey Mysterio, Miss Hancock, and Booker T are shown walking out from the backstage area.

    Shane McMahon: “Yeah, join us guys!”

    The three arrivals join the group of WCW Invaders behind Shane McMahon.

    Shane McMahon: “So Vince, I thought it’d be nice of me to give you one more look at my WCW… As it stands… right now. You see Vince, this…”

    Shane gestures to the group behind him.

    Shane McMahon: “This is just the beginning. Now that this war is on, it’s time to bring in the entire fleet. My WCW guys… Your WWF guys, and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it!”

    The fans boo.

    Shane McMahon: “Oh, I almost forgot. You see Vince, I’m a pretty powerful guy, hell, I’m a McMahon. But even I, couldn’t orchestrate this whole thing by myself…No, I’ve had help… Allow me to introduce to you… the new CO-Owner! Of World Championship Wrestling!!”

    Shane McMahon points towards the entry way.

    “It’s Time To Play The Game!” Triple H’s old theme music hits, and Vince McMahon’s eye bulge. A spotlight hits the stage, and Stephanie McMahon comes waltzing out from the back. The fans immediately begin to boo, as the Billion Dollar Princess makes her way down to the ring.

    On the rampway, Triple H has slowly stood, just as Stephanie McMahon has reached him. He looks at her shocked, and mouths the word “What?”. Stephanie smiles, leans forward, and kisses her husband on the cheek. Suddenly Steph steps back, and kicks Triple H right in the groin, sending him to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Vince McMahon is still in shock. Stephanie enters the ring, and stares at her father, before shaking hands with Shane. Vince slowly drops to his knees, and rolls out of the ring. Stephanie and Shane pose in the ring, as Vince slowly walks up the ramp. He reaches the top, and stares back towards his children, and the WCW Coalition.

    The last image we have is of WCW’s theme music kicking in, Shane and Stephanie raising eachothers hand, and WCW behind them.

    Fade to black.

  16. user posted image

    April 9th 2001

    Last week on Smackdown, then WWF Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian protested defending their belts in a fatal four-way elimination match. The champs ended up losing the match, and their belts to The Dudley Boys. This week on Raw, what will the former Tag team champions have to say?

    Also last week on Smackdown, The Big Show won a one night tournament to be crowned the Number One Contender for Stone Cold Steve Austin's WWF World Heavyweight championship. However, the victory didn't come without a price, as WCW's Booker T, Chris Kanyon, and Jeff Jarrett aided Big Show in the victory, but not before beating the seven-foot giant down with steel chairs.

    The Rock isn't expected at Raw, due to the injuries he suffered on Smackdown. Big Show is in the house. Will Big Show score some revenge on WCW?

    Also on Raw, Chris Jericho will step in to the ring to defend his Intercontinental championship against Kurt Angle, by order of Commissioner William Regal.

    And in a non-title contest, European champion Eddie Guerrero will battle Test.

    All this and more on Raw!

  17. user posted image


    Ohio Valley Wrestling is pleased to announce the signing of young future WWF diva, Alexis Laree to a WWF developmental contract.


    Trish Stratus suffered a broken nose yesterday during a house show in Ft. Lauderdale. The WWF diva is expected to be out of action for about a month.

    Next Pay-Per-View

    user posted image

    Card Subject To Change.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin© vs. The Big Show - WWF World Heavyweight Championship

    Rhyno vs. Dean Malenko© - WWF Hardcore Championship

  18. The WWF Sunday Night Heat introduction plays through, and we cut to the inside of the arena. We are greeted by the voice of Tazz, and surprisingly, returning to the commentator booth, Jim Cornette! Both men welcome us to the show before the action begins.

    Chyna© vs. Molly Holly – WWF Women’s Championship

    Match Details: An appropriate opener. Molly Holly gave Chyna the edge she needed to make this match somewhat watchable. Chyna defeated Molly with the Rear Naked Drop.

    Winner: Chyna

    Following the match, we cut to a video package.

    The video is in black and white, and features footage strung together, showcasing the WWF/WCW Invasion.

    Shane McMahon: “Impressive isn’t he Vince? This is what a REAL world champion looks like!”

    Booker T explodes from behind Shane McMahon, knocking Vince McMahon over with the World Heavyweight Title belt. Vince falls hard to the wrestling mat, the sound of the microphone hitting the ring sends a loud cracking sound through the arena.

    The fans are booing tremendously as Booker T continues to lay a beating to the WWF boss, as Shane McMahon parades behind the assault, drilling Booker T on, motivating him. The fans suddenly cheer, and the camera spins toward the entrance way. The Acolytes, Kane, and The Undertaker come storming down the rampway. Intelligently, Shane and Booker T let up on the assault, and high-tail it out of the ring, and through the crowd.

    -Cross Over-

    Suddenly, the door swings open, and a loud crash is heard. Chris Jericho falls from the doorway, into the hallway, right in front of the camera. Around Chris Jericho’s head sits the remains of a guitar. The camera quickly pans to the right to reveal none other then Jeff Jarrett standing in the doorway, looking down at the fallen WWF Superstar. Decked out in a black WCW T-Shirt, blue jeans, and black sunglasses, Jarrett steps over the fallen WWF Superstar and out into the hallway.

    Jeff Jarrett: “Listen up slapnuts! This is the only the beginning! Tonight, Booker T will destroy WWF’s precious Heavyweight champion, and WCW will prove just how superior we are!”

    -Cross Over-

    Shane McMahon: “Now Chris, I’m asking you, do you want to be apart of the NEW WCW?!”

    Chris Kanyon: “Yes!”

    Shane McMahon: “So prove to Jeff Jarrett… prove to Booker T… prove to me… to the world that you are to be taken seriously! Prove that you are the man, the athlete, you say, and I say, you are. Prove you can run with the big dogs, and you could fight this Invasion with me… with WCW!”

    -Cross Over-

    Shane McMahon: “It is my honor… to present to all of you… the NEW WCW United States Champion…”

    With that Shane bends down, unzipping the bag. He reaches in, and removes the WCW United States Championship belt. He holds it high.

    Shane McMahon: “A man who’s athletic, talented, entertaining, and one of the best forms of a true competitor, this industry has to offer! He’s also the newest member of Team WCW, Chris Kanyon!”

    Shane McMahon: “Ladies and gentlemen… I give to you. The NEW WCW Cruiserweight Champion…”

    Shane reaches down into the duffle bag, and removes the WCW Cruiserweight championship. He holds it high above his head.

    Shane McMahon: “Rey! Mysterio! Junior!”

    “WHO’S THAT JUMPING OUT THE SKY?!” Rey Mysterio’s theme music hits, and the crowd erupts in cheer. Rey Mysterio slides into the ring, and is greeted with a hug from Shane McMahon. Shane hands the championship belt to Rey Mysterio, who takes it, and raises it above his hand. Chris Kanyon, U.S. Title around his waist, quickly hugs Rey Mysterio. Booker T slaps the back of Mysterio, welcoming him to the group. Jeff Jarrett slowly leaves the corner, and welcomes the newcomer as well.

    -Cross Over-

    Malenko pulls himself off the ropes, walking slowly towards the fallen Big Show. Booker T, Jeff Jarrett watch on. Dean Malenko suddenly drops, covering The Big Show.

    The referee confused a bit, drops, and counts, one, two three. Dean Malenko wins back the WWF Hardcore Championship!

    Dean Malenko is handed the WWF Hardcore Championship, and slowly stands, gazing as Booker T and Jeff Jarrett. Suddenly, all three men, and walk towards each other. The fans erupt in a chorus of boos as the three men hug in the center of the ring.

    -Cross Over-

    Suddenly from the entrance ramp, a blond bombshell was on the ring apron, it’s Miss Hancock!. Eddie Guerrero was taken aback by the presence of the attractive young woman in front of him. Eddie soon went into “Latino Heat” mode, and began taunting the Hancock from the center of the ring. This soon allowed the distraction, as Chris Kanyon came up from behind, and rolled up the European champion. We get a shot of Chris Kanyon holding the tights, before the ref counts, one, two, three!

    -Cross Over-

    The air-raid siren hits, and plays as the “WCW” logo displays over the titan tron. Upon hearing it, Booker T smiles. Suddenly “SELF HIGH FIVE!” The air-raid siren becomes the theme of Diamond Dallas Page! DDP comes walking out from the curtain area, decked out in the black/red WCW t-shirt, and a pair of black sunglasses.

    -Cross Over-

    Scott Steiner appeared behind The Undertaker, slamming both fists into the back of the dead man, as Buff Bagwell came in, taking out the knee of Kane The crowd was near riot, as WCW slowly took over control again. The Rock was soon double teamed by Malenko/Booker T, Kane was taken down by DDP/Bagwell, and Undertaker had his hands full with Shane McMahon/Scott Steiner.

    -The video slows down and then suddenly jumpstarts into color.-

    GLASS SHATTERS! Stone Cold’s theme music hit, and the fans erupted! Stone Cold came charging out from backstage, and slid into the ring. He stood, and was immediately charged at by Buff Bagwell. Austin ducked the attack, turned, and connected with a stunner. Malenko soon charged Austin, only to suffer the same fate of the stunner. DDP was next, suffering a stunner. However, Booker T soon took control, getting a steel chair involved. Booker T slammed the chair over the back of Stone Cold, sending him to the mat.

    -Cross Over-

    Suddenly, The Rock is attacked from behind. It’s Booker T! The WCW Champion begins stomping on the People’s Champion, as the fans begin to boo heavily. Jeff Jarrett and Chris Kanyon appear out of no where at ringside, reaching over the barrier and grabbing two fans seats from the crowd.

    Kanyon and Jarrett enter, both armed with chairs. Booker T hits The Book End on the Rock as the fans continue to boo the WCW Invaders.

    The Big Show who was nursing his wounds this whole time enters the ring from the outside, walking towards Booker T. The WCW Champion throws his hands up, telling Big Show to calm down. Big Show stops where he is, and stares at Booker T.

    The fans begin to boo even more heavily as Booker T begins to negotiate with Big Show. Big Show slowly nods, and turns his attention towards The Rock, as Booker T smiles. However, it’s a farce as Show charges at Booker T to attack, only to be taken out by Kanyon and Jarrett, both armed with steel chairs.

    Both men take turns beating the Big Show with the chairs over the back, until he is down on the canvas. The Rock is back up, but is met with a steel chair from Jarrett. Booker T then began barking orders at Jarrett and Kanyon, who positioned the Rock on the mat. Booker T then placed one of Big Show’s arms over The Rock, and left the ring. Jarrett reached through the ropes, shaking the referee back to consciousness.

    As the referee awoke, The APA, Undertaker, and Kane came running out from the backstage area. Kanyon, Booker T, and Jarrett quickly left through the crowd, as the referee counted three on the fallen People’s Champion.

    The video ends with the WCW Air Raid siren blaring, and a shot of Team WCW standing in the ring, raising eachothers hands from Monday Night Raw.

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