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Posts posted by King.

  1. Just got it as well. Messed around in CAW, Create a Story, Create an Entrance Movie, and played the beginning of the CAW RTWM. Caw has improved load times that are very noticeable. I did notice that if you place certain things on top of one another, the lower layer will clip through the top layer, appearing like a game glitch. Not sure if this fixes itself once the wrestler is fully rendered.

    The Road to Wrestlemania storyline for the CAW has been fun so far.

    One of the first challenges I had to face was beating up Vladimir Koslov and Ezekiel Jackson backstage after disrespecting Mr. McMahon.

    I'll be playing some more later today. One thing I hate is that the code to unlock Stone Cold requires XBOX live, which I don't have :(

  2. The body drag is easily the most jaw dropping moment. When she gets dragged out and hits the floor it's timed perfectly that you think it's over, and then she just keeps going out the door and down the hallway. That was the only moment I've ever experienced in a movie theater where everyone in the audience was just making guttural worried noises during the whole ordeal.

  3. I am a newbie to Photoshop CS4. I've searched google but have come up with zilch explaining how to use a brush ONLY on text. When I try to use a brush on an image, it asks that the layer be rasterized first. I then try the brush and the entire canvas gets covered, not just the text. Can someone explain a nice step by step in how to add brush designs to text ONLY?

  4. I will digitally suck your dick.

    All I can remember is a scene where a guy and his buddy sneak in to like a warehouse or something and observe the girl of his dreams performing in her band. I'm about 80 percent sure that the song the band sings is "Because the night". I'm also fairly sure it's set in high school, and from the 80's. Generic story, geek wants the popular girl, but her asshole boyfriend is in the way.

    This has plagued me for years... YEARS!

  5. Fucking no. I can't believe people are talking about bringing the Joker back for the next film for any reason other than to call it a phenomenally shit idea - if only because whoever's cast into that role will going up against Ledger's ridiculously amazing performance. The Joker's not dead, but he can stay in Arkham or he can stay underground or do something, but recasting the part is just plain stupid and is the sort of thing wars get started over. Now you people are making me forget how much I loved the whole thing

    Breathe. Breathe. Count to five. We okay?

    Now, as a Batman fan boy, let me say that they could recast the Joker with no problem. Why? Because the Joker is so psychotic, that it's virtually a different person every time you see him. That was slightly touched upon with the different scar stories. They could recast the role, and an actor could do a completely different take on it, different voice, different mannerisms, keep the look the same. I actually think that would be a very interesting thing to do, especially if there was more than one sequel to the Dark Knight. You hire a new actor every time to bring something new to the Joker. In a perfect world, and to really capture how psychotic the Joker is, multiple actors would play him in one film. But the mass audience would never accept that.

  6. Something I noticed while watching it again that I think Nolan would be a genius to capitalize on..

    After Batman dives through the window and takes down the Clown he thinks is one of Joker's goons, he starts talking to Fox over his headset. The Joker Goon is revealed to be Mike Engal, the lead reporter of Gotham News. When Batman sees this he clearly says "Fox, the Swat team is targeting the wrong people." He mentions the name of his partner right in front of a cut throat reporter who would stop at nothing to get his story. In the third film I'd definitely make a point of this. Whether it's leverage to turn Engal in to a villain, or just a piece of blackmail that Engal can use to get the real story out of Bruce Wayne. His investigative reporting skills should easily be able to lead him to Wayne Enterprises.
  7. I'll be seeing it for the fifth time tonight. To give you an idea on how well the movie is still doing, all of the shows except three are completely sold out. The movie theater by me is a Cinema De Lux, meaning that each individual theater seats about 300, with the "Directors Hall" (3 of them) seating upwards of 550-600 people.

  8. I'm really hating all of the Johnny Depp talk. I think he'd be a horrible choice if someone were to pick up where Ledger left off. He's not the only man in Hollywood who could pull this off. I'm mainly saying that because Depp isn't even a method actor, which Ledger used to get to where he needed to be with the role.

    The one person I'm shocked no one has mentioned is Daniel Day Lewis. He has the talent, as well as the similiar approach to a role that Ledger had, not to mention the ability to completely transform himself.

  9. One question: is the supposed pic of Two-Face that's been around for a bit, with him looking more or less similar to Darkman on the disfigured side, legit?

    Yes. But if you are referring to the makeup rendering CGI picture, it looks MUCH better in the movie than on the test shot that first circulated.

  10. It's either gonna be pure awesome or pure suck, judging by the trailer. I'm hoping for the former but have a feeling it's going to be the latter.

    And dear god, was Strange Wilderness sooooo bad.

    Idk, I could've help but keep laughing at them doing the weird looking sharks laugh. Especially in the theatre cause it went on longer than the trailer implied.

  11. What are the guidelines for drawing a distinction between Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor? Both would be fine, but I think Ledger will probably deserve Best Actor for the movie, unless there are strange guidelines like I said.

    I believe the guidelines have something to do with screen time, and plot. Christian Bale IS Batman, therefore he's definitley considered a star, and an important part of the plot. Therefore he'd definitely be considered for Best Actor if he were to get nominated, as he's not really "supporting" anybody else who the movie is about. Ledger is in a Batman movie, so he's automatically second bill.

  12. I used hyperbole, it's not THAT bad, I just don't think the shading looks right on his makeup, it really does make everything (especially his eye) look like a cartoon, and it'll stand out even more against dark backgrounds.

    that's because it IS a cartoon. It's the initial makeup design. It will have changed greatly come come the final product.

  13. The preview for next weeks episode really pumped me up.

    The chick apparently seeing ghosts, including the wheelchair bond patient that died in this past episode looks awesome. I especially loved House's expression when the chick is like "What do you want? Not you- the guy standing behind you." "Oh him? He's Grandpa House. Be nice." "He says his name is Walter." Very interesting. Ties in nicely with this past episodes whole "afterlife" internal debate for House.

  14. Some spy magazine reported about two months ago that Sarah Michele Gellar auditioned for a role in The Dark knight that was unknown. Another issue claimed that she was not contracted to the movie, and had filmed some scenes. Not being in contract with the film essentially would allow the movie to not have to name her as being a part of the movie. Many believed that she may be playing the role of Harley Quinn.

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