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Posts posted by MJB

  1. 2015 Predictions?

    - Mercedes win both titles, with Lewis becoming a three-time WDC.
    - Hamilton fails to agree a new deal though and leaves the team.
    - Bottas and Ricciardo win a race, Massa and Kvyat don't.
    - Ferrari are nowhere, both Vettel and Kimi struggle. Raikkonen leaves at the end of his contract.
    - McLaren start horribly with plenty of DNF's. But they get better as the season goes on.
    - A few podiums after summer break, all for Alonso.
    - Lotus' switch to Mercedes engines helps them. They get into Q3 a fair bit and take the fight to Ferrari.
    - Force India will struggle with finances and fail to score many points. Hulkenberg leaves at the end of the year to race sports cars.
    - Toro Rosso regret not keeping JEV for his experience. Sainz ends up beating Verstappen, but both stick around for 2016.
    - Sauber are still nowhere. They end up switching to Honda for 2016, effectively becoming McLaren's 'B' team with a 2016 line-up of Magnussen and Vandoorne.

  2. Baffled as to why Herrera doesn't start more often. Every time he comes on from the bench, he gives us something different.

    It's also worrying that neither Falcao not RVP were making runs across the front post in the last 5-10 mins when crosses were fizzing across the 6yd box.

  3. I do feel a bit sorry for Mignolet.

    He's dreadful on crosses, yes. But this one was against THE BEAST, a lot of other keepers would have been out muscled aswell. His biggest mistake was getting to the ball almost too early. He ended up going for it from a standing jump, rather than delaying half a second and getting a run on the ball.

    Saying all that, still don't rate him.

  4. I feel sorry for Vorm. Excellent keeper but its impossible to drop Lloris.

    First 6-12 months at Swansea he looked great. But, from then on and especially in his last 3/4 months at Swansea, his form really dipped and he didn't look like he gave a shit most of the time.

    I don't feel sorry for him either. He could have stayed at Swansea and still probably played most weeks but no, he went to Spurs where he was never going to play if Lloris was fit. I really don't understand it. Same with Reina at Bayern. Why not go somewhere and play? You're not going to take the place of the best goalkeeper in the world, ffs.

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