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Paige Turner

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Everything posted by Paige Turner

  1. Would somebody be willing to make me (and possibly others who may want one) a banner for NXT for EWR? I dont want anything too fancy, just no superstars on the banner itself, as my roster for my nxt game may shift frequently. Thank you in advance to whoever may do this. Edit: .....oooops..... Just realized that I did not put this in the Request Sub-forum by accident... Sorry.... My bad....
  2. Would someone be willing to put this NXT logo on the Silver logo background for me? Thanks in advance http://dailywrestlingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/NXT-logo-620x350.png
  3. I know not wrestlers, but can someone get me good pictures of Toby Keith and Chael Sonnen (possibly in a suit) on kyky?
  4. Would somebody be able to take this picture and make it into a banner for EWR? https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZEpKLdCLtuvNwxKcKx1tCcy--FptHP4_Sl76SlJlGIpynC_kWUA
  5. Gonna put Rob Gronkowski in my game, can someone out this pic on kyky for me? https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/files/2014/12/Gronk_02.jpg&w=1484
  6. Could I get these pic on kyky please? http://www.impactwrestling.com/images/stories/roster/mica/Mica.jpg http://www.impactwrestling.com/images/stories/roster/elidrake/elidrake.jpg http://www.wwe.com/f/styles/superstar_large/public/talent/profile/2015/02/darrenyoung_1_full_20150226.png https://pbs.twimg.co...2/zcNMQcm-.jpeg
  7. Im looking for a June or July 2001 scenario for EWR. Set around the time of the InVasion pay-per-view.
  8. Can somebody make me a WWF logo in the style of the current WWE logo on the silver logo background? Thanks in advance
  9. It wasn't something on my list of key things to do, now with the majority of that stuff sorted I will take a look, I believe Idol did a pic pack for that so I'll take a look at incorporating that. You can feel free to use my pic pack if you want. Ive spent years piecing it together, so it's pretty extensive.
  10. Can somebody cut this for kyky please? Thanks in advance https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/568474404162527232/zcNMQcm-.jpeg Can I get the feather fans in the picture as well???
  11. Could I get CM Punks UFC Profile picture on KyKy? http://media.ufc.tv/fighter_images/CM_Punk/CMPunk_Headshot.png
  12. Good update, Here are some things for TNA: -Turn Abyss heel -I would say add Angelina Love to The BroMans Stable -Rename Amazing Kong to Awesome Kong, turn heel -Make Brams primary finisher B.S.O.S. (Brighter Side Of Suffering doesnt fit) and Secondary Velvet Noise (Both Impact) -Turn Brooke face, change gimmick to Old School Face? -Add Camacho under open contract lower midcard, rename Tevita Fifita, turn Face and change gimmick to Family Guy -Make Crazzy Steves primary finsher Crazzy Driver (Impact) and secondary King Kill 33 (Top rope standing) -Add Crimson under open contract, midcard, heel gimmick set to No Gimmick Needed -Make Davey Richards primary finisher Diving Double Foot Stomp (Top Rope) & secondary Kimura (Submission) -Add Drew Galloway under open contract, Upper Midcard with Rebel gimmick -Make Eric Youngs primary finisher Spike Piledriver (Impact) & secondary to Flying Elbow Drop (Top Rope) -Remove Homicide -Change James Storms gimmick to Cult Leader -Remove Jessicka Havok -Rename Mahabali Shera to Khoya, make heel and change gimmick to Lackey -Make Khoya primary finisher Rydeen Bomb & secondary Veera Bomb (Both impact) -Rename Muhammed Lawal to King Mo -Change Kurt Angles gimmick to Old School Face? -Turn Magnus face -Add Mickie James to open contract -Rename Mark Andrews to Mandrews -Change Matt Hardys contract to written -Turn Rockstar Spud face, change gimmick to Underdog. Change primary finisher to UnderDog (Corner) -Add Noam Dar under open contract, heel lower midcard, gimmick set to Old School Heel -Rename Sanada to The Great Sanada. Turn heel and change gimmick to Lackey -Make Taryn Terrell primary finisher Taryn Cutter (Impact) -Remove Tommy Dreamer -Change Tyrus' primary finisher to G-Grip (Impact) and set Secondary to ICU (Ground) -Remove Velvet Sky -Deactivate The Beautiful People -Deactivate Rockstar Spud & EC3 -Reactivate The Hardys -Change The Wolves' finisher to Force Of Nature -Rename Bro Mans stable to The BroMans -Rename Beatdown Clan stable to The Beat Down Clan -Add Team of Rockstar Spud & Mandrews, Named Spud and Mandrews, exp. 3.
  13. Could I get this Solomon Crowe on KyKy? http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/043/9/0/solomon_crowe_bio_pic_by_dfreedom30-d8hqv2w.png
  14. How about adding my EWR "Red Steel" gfx to the website? The link is in my signature
  15. Could I get this picture of Ryan Howe on KyKy? http://www.ovwrestling.com/sites/default/files/superstars/ryanhowe.png
  16. Was looking on twitter, and rename Solomon Crowes Primary Finisher to Crowe Bar (Stretch Muffler) (Submission) and Secondary Finisher to Boing Splash (Rebound Bodysplash) (Ground) --------------------
  17. I like that, im gonna use that right now, but i really had my heart set on that skyline in that picture. You did an excellent job as always who, i wanna see if anyone else can try it out
  18. Would somebody be willing to take the new Impact Wrestling logo and the new york skyline from the picture below and put it on the silver TEW logo background? Also, would someone be able to make an EWR banner with the same logo and skyline on it? I would really appreciate it if someone was able to do this.
  19. You can click the link in my Signature. Its a pretty large zipped folder, so itll take a while to download.
  20. I would add The Brass Ring Club to WWE. With leader Adam Rose, Tyson Kidd, Cesaro, and Natalya.
  21. Those are good, but.i was kinda wanting them to be a little zoomed in on the top of their body and face like most pics on kyky are.
  22. Can somebody put these on kyky for me? Much appreciated http://www.wwe.com/f/styles/superstar_bio/public/talent/bio/2015/01/konnor_bio_20150108.png http://www.wwe.com/f/styles/superstar_profile/public/talent/profile/2015/01/romanreigns_1_full_20150108.png http://www.wwe.com/f/styles/superstar_profile/public/talent/profile/2015/01/viktor_1_full_20150108.png http://demandware.edgesuite.net/aaiw_prd/on/demandware.static/Sites-wwe-Site/Sites-wwe-Library/default/v1420838571442/images/superstars/thumb_dolphZiggler.png
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