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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I think I've played every combination except 2 vs 2 at this point, I also have yet to play online.
  2. I'm at 78% with achievements at this point. I've got 4(?) left to collect. How have people already managed to drive 500km? I've played it for hours and got nearly every trophy and I'm barely at 10km at this point...
  3. I don't think you can download it yet from the PS4, but there's a link on the store website to download it already, for those of us in the UK. For everyone in other countries, it'll be on the store website around about midnight in your timezone. https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/games/rocket-league/cid=EP2002-CUSA01433_00-ROCKETLEAGUEEU01
  4. y'all have got to stop playing exclusively when I'm out.
  5. Limbo's a great little game. I haven't played it for years but I doubt it's changed since that, it's well worth a playthrough and it's a pretty short game too, wouldn't take long at all to complete.
  6. I don't need more fireworks, but I'll take it!
  7. There are 235 people with 'RoadDogg' in their PSN name. I don't understand life.
  8. Yeah, I caught onto that, man, I was just kidding!
  9. Wow, it's got to be bad if it's not even worth nothing! How come? Is there just not much content or is it full of bugs and glitches?
  10. I know it's been discussed, but I'm still unable to find the free DriveClub (PS+ version). Is it the 'Full Game Trial' in the 'DriveClub Full Game for PS+' menu option? That's the only thing I can find. I've looked under add-ons otherwise and found nothing else similar. That's no reason for why they'd do it again, though.
  11. Because why would they?
  12. Nope, never got an invite as far as I'm aware.
  13. Oh, yeah, right. Never mind, I got disconnected by an 'unknown network error'. Again. NICE.
  14. Okay, I finally got it all working. Anyone around at the moment?
  15. Are the game services particularly patchy for anyone else? They always tell me they're unavailable or that necessary files were unable to be downloaded so I can't access it. Shit like that, and I've barely been able to get online at this point.
  16. I'd be willing to play if my game decides to start saving...
  17. Less than a day later and I've picked the game up, without spending a penny. Obviously I've got to install the game and everything first (as well as sort out my shitty internet connection) but hey I'll be down for a game whenever.
  18. Owen


    I think, if you want to play drawful, you could try and use hitbox instead because they have a much smaller delay AFAIK.
  19. Might be trading in a few games soon and I might buy GTA 5 for PS4, so I could be joining you guys soon
  20. Owen


    I'd be down. I would have joined in with this originally but i missed it entirely! Good timing, really, because I nearly bought the game myself. I'm just curious, with the twitch delay, might it make the game a little awkward/difficult? If not, that's all cool. I can join in at basically any time, to be honest.
  21. You don't have to be condescending, and that's not even the question I was asking. I have been logging in daily but you just said (as far as I can figure) that the daily login bonus resets at the start of every month.
  22. So on the 1st July, it all resets? That's a terrible idea I hate it it sucks WHY PLEASE I'm only 4 days in
  23. If memory serves, I think he was a login bonus last month. Ah, that makes a lot of sense. At least 80% of the people I've played has had that card in their deck. It's the worst. Does login bonus progress reset once the rewards change? Or does it continue, just with the new rewards? I'm sure it'll be the latter but I have to be sure!
  25. Destroying this Epic tier KOTR right now, just made it to the finals with a record of 46 wins to 3 losses. I just hope that my reward is not any divas. I don't need any divas, but I can do with any other card. I already have a Epic Pro as my diva, so that wouldn't be improved by the KOTR reward and I really need this KOTR card to be something that'll push me up to Legendary.
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