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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I can't even get on Supercard any more. It just crashes when I try to load it up.
  2. Is Supercard crashing for anyone else now?
  3. Yeah, this People's Champion thing is bollocks. I win? It says waiting for network for 5 minutes and then kicks me out. I lose? Oh, connection is fine and it takes me to the card collection screen immediately. EDIT: Oh. It kept my points from the last game... BUT STILL! EDIT 2: Nice. I just used a title match card (I got two after winning my last match ) and won a 6-point match... and doubled my points to 12 and my rank to 10,000ish. Then, I took a big risk and used a title match card on a +10 match and won. I'm doing okay, I am!
  4. I don't think the PS3 version has the MyCareer mode...? Which is interesting considering the NXT mode has achievements for the Xbox 360, but I thought that would be part of the MyCareer mode.
  5. Oh, wow. I just spend ages levelling up my two Super Rare Camerons up to level 30 so I could combine them. I get them combined and the first match after, I get beaten by an Ultra Rare Naomi. I won the game, however, and who was the first card I picked up after the match? Ultra Rare Naomi! ...But Super Rare Pro Cameron (at level 0) is more powerful than UR Naomi (also level 0) anyway.
  6. Just picked up my FIFTH Super Rare Big Show. Holy shit. Picked up a Super Rare Cody Rhodes too!
  7. I suppose that confirms John Laurinitis and RVD.
  8. No, you just play their deck, not actually them.
  9. I got eliminated at the Quarter Finals of a KOTR because I had people over... which was a bit annoying as it can't account for that type of stuff. I got a UR Rock, though, so that's a good thing.
  10. Pretty sure there's also Legendary and Epic Erick Rowans.
  11. Ryback deletes his tweets all the time. It definitely doesn't mean he's been released.
  12. It's not, though! I fed a load of uncommon cards to a SR at level 0 and it only took 2 cards to get them to each level. Only two cards every time, the grind never got bigger and I fed them something like 20 cards and got them to around level 10, if not higher.
  13. Got an UR Bray Wyatt! Totally wasn't expecting it at all.
  14. Go back to the options and click Log Out!
  15. I bought Bully and Max Payne 3 for £6! Two full games!
  16. I found a plastic bag full of Yu-Gi-Oh cards once. I never collected them, but god, was I excited when I found them.
  17. Well, it's more that it would have cost you £17...
  18. You shouldn't be. SR Pro Divas would be nearly impossible for anyone to beat, you'll be winning all the Divas matches. Eh, my Pro Rare Eva Marie is more powerful than Cameron and Cameron is a higher level.
  19. Huh. Just finished my King of the Ring in second place and won 2 super rares Camerons. I am incredibly indifferent to this.
  20. I had the same thing, I think the first pick after I made UR rank was Ultra Rare Jack Swagger, I haven't seen another since then.
  21. My luck with the KOTR surprisingly turned around and I just made it to the final from being the 4th seed. I also beat the number 1 seed, with depleted stamina (while their's was full). I have to take on the number 3 seed in the final but I'm not fussed if I end second, as I'm not too bothered about the support card.
  22. If I waited about ten more minutes, the KOTR I'm in at the moment would be an Ultra Rare one. I made a bad decision Oh well, I'm 29-15 in the KOTR at the moment so maybe I'll get a couple Super Rares to add to the collection.
  23. Just got my fourth SR Big Show. Wow. I keep losing in exhibition I've lost 15 matches just today. I dunno what it is, I just suck today.
  24. The card catalog on the main screen.
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