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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I just finished watching the episode of Louie that featured Robin Williams a couple of hours ago... :\ Robin Williams has starred in some great, great movies and he shall be remembered for a long time to come, dammit
  2. Yeah, but the pre-release game footage of Watch Dogs and what it looked like when it was released was miles apart, so any screenshots, even rendered in game need to taken with a pinch of salt. But that was because of changes in development and Watch Dogs being announced something like 2 years before the release... and it got worse before it was released, somehow. 2K have said that they are legitimate in-game screenshots and 2K seem to be pretty genuine with that stuff (see NBA 2K14 + whatever else), and it's only a few months until the release of the game, so they should look pretty close to how the screenshots do.
  3. So bad it's good? Birdemic. Actual worst movie? Birdemic 2. Second place would definitely go to Superbabies: Baby Genuises 2
  4. https://www.decksagainstsociety.com/game/play/22819 - Because there's always games of CAH! Password is coinop
    1. apsham


      ...what happens when a game ends?

    2. Owen


      There are never games of CAH!

  5. https://www.decksagainstsociety.com/game/play/22819 New game! Usual password!
  6. No idea, but they're certainly taking an age to pick their cards...
  7. I simulated about a year in Universe mode and ended up with the best PPV main event: Jey vs. Jimmy Uso for the WWE championship. Wonderful.
  8. Sure. I usually play on Pretend You're Xyzzy but this looks nicer.
  9. I went from 360 to PS4, although it is a decision I, at the moment, regret. There aren't really any games that I have an interest in at the moment, so I've barely used my PS4 since getting it for Christmas. I've always really gone with whatever console my friends got, so that was a big factor in me deciding to get a PS4. I probably would have got a PS4 anyway considering its cheaper price and (in my opinion) better exclusives. I've wanted to play LBP for a long time but I haven't been able to due to not owning a PS3 and The Last of Us will definitely be a purchase for me once it is re-released on the PS4. Going from 360 to PS4, despite saying I regret it, was probably the best decision for me, though. I don't really have any interest in XBOne's television features (who needs a television in a games console when the games console is on a TV anyway?) or their exclusives, so PS4 (with the bonus of it being cheaper and not having to use Kinect) seemed to be the ideal option, especially with my friends getting the console too. However, getting next-gen consoles at this stage probably isn't a wise idea unless you have a particular interest in some of the games that have been released already.
  10. If anyone wants to add me on Steam, my username is tisowen (awful, I know). Also just bought the simulator Humble Bundle. I already own Universe Sandbox but the other games look like fun!
  11. I called 8-1 on twitter at half-time. I'm surprised that the Brazil goal was scored, actually. Good game, Germany. What the fuck, Brazil?
  12. Wouldn't USA still qualify on goal difference? They'd both have a GD of 0. They would indeed, I realised my mistake as soon as I posted it. USA! USA! USA! ...Please score
  13. If USA win this game, I'd be eternally grateful. I got France in a sweepstake so having USA vs. Algeria to decide who France face in the next round, considering France have Nigeria as opponents in the second round and they shouldn't be too hard to beat, would be perfect.
  14. Is it bad that I really liked Iceland's entry?
  15. I'm not the only one that said that Punk's charisma should be around that number. He isn't that great like you marks like to think. ...I don't like CM Punk and I think he definitely deserves at least 95. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he's awful. CM Punk has masses of charisma and is one of the best talkers of this generation.
  16. Owen

    WWE 2K14

    I have no idea where to put this post so this'll do. So, I was just curious, what do you guys think is the best WWE game for season/career mode? I recently purchased a few more games in the series and I was wondering what you guys' opinions are.
  17. I'm a bit lost too. (sorry, double post) EDIT: shit sorry, I'm not Benji.
  18. Don't worry, Matzat, it's an easy mistake to make. I, too, often mistake myself for Benji.
  19. Na, I feel that it's best to keep it as it is... for realism, I guess.
  20. What's your source (and please don't say cagematch)? I've read 34, 27, 30... all different numbers but no actual proof or anything.
  21. I finally finished watching The Godfather. I watched about 2 hours of it at least a couple of months ago and finally managed to finish it off. Great film. ...and now I'm watching Taxi Driver.
  22. The WWE PPV calender should be updated. Battleground should be in July and Money in the Bank should be in June (week 4). Extreme Rules should be week 1 of May and Payback should be week 1 of June.
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