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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    Your going to be proud of me TEOL. WHen you hear what I did today.

  2. Ace

    EWB Boxing

    I hate you TEOL. 2:47 KO in the first round? My fighter sucks
  3. Everyone applaud the fact that I am now less sick. On average you should expect an update every two to three days now. And on a personal note, for those of you saying you don’t know who Hawkeye is, I demand you go find a season of M*A*S*H (Preferably 1 – 3) as all M*A*S*H related things are awesome. As a certain person said to me, its like Scrubs, but without the jokes that you’ll only get if your from that time period. Anyways, enough babble from me, and on with the list. 40. Dale Gribble (King of the Hill) 39. Benjamin Linus (LOST)
  4. May I say you look simply SMASHING in blue.

  5. Apologies to all for delay. Don’t expect quick updates as I’ve spent 3 of the past 4 days in hospital and its not looking like getting any better. If you really need details ask away, but the answers won’t be pretty. 45. Peter Griffin (Family Guy) 44. Alan Partridge (I’m Alan Partridge)
  6. And Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay we go. 50. Bart Simpson (The Simpsons) 49. Stephen Colbert (The Colbert Report)
  7. EWB TOP 50 TV CHARACTERS!!! The polls are closed, the points tallied, and the positions settled. The MINIMUM points required for acceptance into the Top 50 was 14 points and the winner earnt himself into the triple figures. The first 5 will be up soon, and it’s a mainly dominated by some animated characters. For now, let the speculation begin. The first 5 will be posted just as soon as I find pictures and quotes to match them. Thankyou to everyone who voted it is appreciated
  8. Sorry about the delay folks. I decided last night was a good night to get drunk, and now have a hangover. I'll count votes this afternoon, and the first 5 will be up by tonight/tomorrow until then, feel free to PM me votes *coughBENJIcough*
  9. Ace

    Happy Birthday not-Prototype :)

  10. STOP! Hammer Time! *dances* OK, votings closed. Any votes after this will NOT count if posted. 24 hours til the first 5 are posted. You may PM me until then coz I'm a kind bastard
  11. theres still just under 4 hours to go til voting closes.
  12. psst...Slogger is NZ. Hence you and RR are NOT the only actual active EWB'rs

  13. 24 hours, then the voting will be closed. It'll take me a day to count the votes, then make the first post. The 20 - 50 will be 5 characters per post with only a name and the show their from. 10 - 20 will see 2 per post and small bio and 5 - 10 will see a slightly larger bio at 1 per post. 1 - 5 will include a quote.
  14. I'm more ashamed. WE NEED MORE VOTES. EDIT: and if you edit your votes PM ME AND TELL ME SO! Otherwise I wont be looking back at them.
  15. Thanks for the votes so far guys, and while I didnt add it to the main post, I'm going to ask that the shows be included with the characters. Thanks to everyone thats done that so far. Voting will be open one week. I'll close it next Wednesday my time.
  16. Consider this the plan of the bored man. I've been watching entirely too much TV lately, and as such have decided to ask the masses, just which TV characters did you love? I won't name any in case I bias the votes, but I will make it easier for all you lazy people that can't be bothered thinking up 10.
  17. Ace

    Because it hasn't been updated in 6 to 9 months.

  18. Ace

    D&D MSN...

    I'll join when I get home CWB, I just have no manuals
  19. Ace

    D&D MSN...

    Rock on Now, I have to figure one out for CWB. After I manage to get some copies of 3.5 Edition of course *whistles*
  20. I got a mindblank as I wrote mine, so I just sent the first ten games I thought of. My Number one never changes though
  21. Ace

    D&D MSN...

    I'm online now, so yeah should be good. This much eekiness could cause a rift in the space/time contiuim and ruin another Flux Capacitator.
  22. Ace

    D&D MSN...

    I got into D&D January last year thanks to a few mates that were sharing a house. Went away for two weeks, and came back to see they'd been evicted and none were talking any more. There went my short experience with D&D But count me in for this EDIT: and backwarded named - DM ecA COZ I'M THE DUNGEON MASTER, BITCH!
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