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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Happy Birthday :)

  2. Ace

    Starscream & M*A*S*H > Waspinator & Scrubs. Happy Now?

  3. Ace


    I just brought a new DVD Player, so its time for a Scrubs Marathon. I'll find the money to buy Season 5 sometime
  4. 1. Goblet of Fire 2. Half Blood Prince 3. Deathly Hallows (Give me a chance to re-read it a few times and it might get higher) 4. Philosphers Stone 5. Chamber of Secrets 6. Order of the Phoenix - Just for Sirius's death. 7. Prisoner of Azkaban - I dont know why, I just don't like it as much as the rest.
  5. May I just say that whoever voted for Ash deserves to be anally raped by a flaming pitchfork. Thanking you for your time.
  6. I have to say, after watching that trailer, that I cant wait for this movie now. I liked Batman Begins, and Ledger as the Joker just seems awesome.
  7. Ace


    Time to resuscitate the dead thread again Season 6 finale played here last night. I have to agree with the OMG! reaction. Dammit, couldn't the scene have faded out 10 seconds later That said, I now have a new favourite Dr Cox moment. The quote Vitamin E took his time to write out above. Simply classic
  8. Ace

    Its all about the Mafia Rukster :)

  9. I liked any Weasley followed by Dobby. Dobbys death had me putting down the book to get a drink, not because I was sad or anything
  10. Ace

    I'm almost certain you thanking me for anything is just going to end up in baaaaaaaaaaaad news for me.

  11. Yeah, Harry Potter is a Kids Book, but Sorcerors/Philosphers Stone was released almost 10 years ago if not more, and back then guess what? I was a kid. I was still a kid when Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire came out, so excuse me if I want to finish reading a series I STARTED reading back in the 90's.
  12. I just finished the book myself. So NAH NAH NAH NAH to all you Americans yet to get it. Below is a list of characters that die and how (Note: This is off the top of my head and only semi-important characters. There is a LOT of deaths in this one so I missed a few) Spoiler: Click here to view *Hedwig - Gets Avada'd as they try and escape the Dursleys. *Mad Eye Moody - See Above *Scrimegour - Dies after one of his Ministers is Impervious'd, and Voldemort gets charge of the Ministry *Dobby - Dies apparating Harry, Ron, and Hermoine from the Malfoys Manor after their caught *Snape - Killed by Voldemort as he believes it'll get him the power of the Death Wand. Doesn't. *Fred Weasley - Dies defending Hogwarts from Voldemort who wants to break in and kill Harry *Remus Lupin - See Above *Tonks - See Above *Colin Creevey - See Above *Harry Potter - Sees Snapes Pensieve and realizes part of Voldemorts soul is inside him so he needs to die so Voldemort can die. Comes back to life because he no longer is possessed by Voldemort *Nagini - GO NEVILLE GO!!! Longbottom, with the Sword, in the Courtyard *Bellatrix Lestrange - Taken down by Molly Weasley in what is one of the sweetest moments of the book. 'STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY BITCH!!!' *Voldemort - His own spell rebounds on him rather then hits Harry
  13. Ace

    Still doesn't counter balance the 5 stars I rated you.

    True Dat


  15. Ace


    For all Australians, Channel Seven shall be showing Season 6 starting 11:30PM tonight.
  16. Ace

    Batracer III

    Ferrari Team Leader at your service
  17. I think the dog could be cool. Just so long as their's no RSPCA. I get annoyed, I wanna kick my dog. I'm entitled to it
  18. Ace


    Think Positive thoughts JoD. NBC WILL take Scrubs back on.
  19. Clearly you should do what you feel like doing. We won't mind if you go back on your word. We miss Zan run Mafia's

  20. Ace


    YAY! Now if NBC doesn't agree to it, we pull out the pitchforks and torches right? Those figures seem a little whack, but I figure NBC reaps more benefits from the DVD releases
  21. Ace

    Well TEOL shows love. You dont :(

  22. Just as soon as he gets on and I can get the Ace Loves TEOL sig, all shall be excplained <_<

  23. Ace

    Rush Hour 3

    Next thing you know Terry Pratchett will be signing over a movie deal for Guards Guards
  24. I was going to change to Plain Ol' Kou Classic 27 until I got told people with classic were getting warnings.

    Kinda stopped me in my tracks.

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