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Status Updates posted by jomoegm21

  1. You would create a new TV program during the game?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mick
    3. jomoegm21


      And existing one put in your federation?

    4. TEOL


      Assuming you mean by some means other than sending out tapes to networks, can't be done.

  2. the scenario for EWR calls "this means wars", is the year 2003 in august?

    1. Owen


      I believe it says in the readme, I think it's something like April 2007?

  3. what happened to the wrestling simulator Quest for Gold?, I don't know any info about this and release data

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ace


      Google the Game.

    3. S.V. Ellis

      S.V. Ellis

      Ace, I don't think Triple H'll help here.

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Google the FUCK I just lost it.

  4. the release day of quest for gold?, since last year announcing this simulator and nothing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StevenRichardsRules


      Sim promised and never finished? In other news, water is wet.

    3. Plubby


      Quest for Gold is just a serious parody of sims that were released and actually finished.

    4. jomoegm21


      released?, page of the game?

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