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prime time

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Everything posted by prime time

  1. Wow, my Sens have been playing like ass, and today is no different, they're already down 4-0 and the first period isn't even over. But to say that Sens fans can't use injuries as an excuse is bullshit. Look who the Leafs have out, and looks who the Sens have out. We're missing Havlat, Spezza, Bochenski, and Havlat. With the exception of Bochenski, none of the Leafs injured players are anywhere near as good as who we have out.
  2. As it has already been said, the DVD quallity is great as are the CDs. You have nothing to worry about if picture/sound quallity is your only concern.
  3. No game suspensions? That's rediculous. And although Miller was injured I still think he should get the third string spot over Grahme. I do agree however the DiPietro should be the number 1.
  4. How did Ryan Miller not make team USA? Yes I understand he's only a rookie but still, he's better then their 3rd string. And as far as Tucker goes, that was one of the dirtiest things I've seen all year, I really hope he gets at least 5 games because that was at least as bad as Havlat kicking.
  5. Hit the apple site and click on support, I think there's something there about it.
  6. Jealous of what? That Hockey Night in Canada supports your team? That you haven't won a cup in almost 40 years? That you're going to miss the playoffs? Seriously, what is there to be jealous about the Leafs? (Yes, I know they have beaten my team many times in the playoffs, but what does it matter when they get knocked out in the next round every time?)
  7. How could the Sens blow a 3 goal lead? This is all very upsetting. And if there was any doubt about what Kovalev brings to the Canadiens it was completely erased last night, what a player.
  8. To tell you the truth, the NHL is all I really keep up with.
  9. I know this comment is a little late, but I'm going to make it anyways. Jerichoholic23, you talked about your Buffalo Sabres, I personally did not think this team had any chance of making the playoffs since the only games I'd seen with them were against Ottawa, and needless to say they did not look good. I took the "I'll believe it when I see it" approach in terms of them. Now that I've seen them again, I believe it. This looks like a completely different team then I saw against the Sens. You're 100% right in terms of them deserving more respect than they get.
  10. Truthfully, I haven't seen them play together so for all I know you may be 100% right. What I do know is that although Colaiacovo may have a bright future ahead of him, he doesn't have very much experience yet and is still developing. And Berg, well, Berg is just useless.
  11. The Rutu thing is kind of funny. On a different note, my Sens played like ass last night and deserved to loose. It's just a shame Heatley couldn't tie Gretzky's record.
  12. Damn, you beat me to the post. Anyways, this is a TERRIBLE trade for the Bruins. I seriously can't even think of any way that this benifits them. Thorton was the only good thing they had going for them this season and now he's gone. Horrible, horrible move. The GM should be fired for this. I'm not even a Bruins fan, I can only imagine what they must be thinking right now.
  13. there are a shit load of games today, god bless American Thanksgiving.
  14. 5 Coldplay-X&Y 4 NIN-With Teeth 3 System of a Down-Hypnotize 2 Audioslave-Out of Exile 1 Dream Theater-Octavarium
  15. I don't really see any similarities between this and AC/DC. And as far as the album goes, it's good, not their best, but good. I definately like it better than Mezmerize.
  16. I'm a huge Dream Theater fan so obviously I have no problem with long songs.
  17. Spezza's goal had to be number one, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Sens fan. But seeing all of those goals was pretty sweet.
  18. That's really funny, if I hadn't seen the movie before I would probably believe it.
  19. And the Leafs lose again.... to Washington. I seriously hope that Washington wins again when they play later this week, because that will just be embarassing, and being a Sens fan, I will love it.
  20. I'm going for the same team that I go for every year, The Rockets. And this year it looks like they have a decent shot, but they'll have to get through San Antonio which is easier said than done.
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