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Big Tuna

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Everything posted by Big Tuna

  1. My source was IGN, here's the link: Source
  2. I'm glad to see I'm not the only Exies fan on this board. ←
  3. 1. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind 2. Man On Fire 3. The Butterfly Effect 4. Anchorman 5. Super Size Me 6. 50 First Dates 7. Fahrenheit 9/11 8. Starsky And Hutch 9. Walking Tall 10. Mr. 3000 Disappointing Mr. 3000, it's only in my top ten because I can barely remember 10 movies that I saw Next Year's Film Meet The Fockers Best DVD Package Clerks X
  4. Halo 2 better win game of the year Edited out my whole set of picks, mostly because no one cares.
  5. I played a game of Halo 2 with my 2 10 year old cousins on the weekend. They had never played before so I figured we were screwed. it was us 3 vs. 4 other guys. we won 50-23 and I had 31 kills. I rule
  6. 1. SevenWiser 2. Metallica 3. Puddle of Mudd 4. The Exies 5. Swollen Members 6. Linkin Park 7. Audioslave 8. Breaking Benjamin 9. Green Day 10. State Of Shock
  7. The Don Cherry/Ken Dryden part made me spit Sprite on my monitor. Stupid monitor.
  8. Let's all go grab some Kelly Buchberger's and Bob Beers! I'm buying :thumbsup:
  9. Master Of Puppets, Ride The Lightning and The Black Album are all great. The Black Album is my overall favorite though, I liked every song off of it. With my favorite being Wherever I May Roam.
  10. I think so. If you can't, it was a Tag Team Ladder match. Still fun, though.
  11. The Career glitch drove me insane. Every 2 or 3 months it would delete all my CAWs, my career and I would lose all my unlocked items. But the game is still great, I played a 4 way ladder match with 3 friends and it went almost 2 hours because no one concentrated on the Belt.
  12. Some of these are just downright creepy....
  13. This sucks. I didn't hear a lot of Pantera but I liked Damageplan. RIP Dimebag
  14. C-down and towards the corner will make you run at it and climb it. IIRC, if you hold it, you will stay on the top and can jump when you let go of it.
  15. The Exies-Head For The Door Coming close are Green Day-American Idiot and Chevelle-This Type Of Thinking Could Do Us In
  16. Atlanta getting shut out makes me cry, why did you have to rub it in Javs? I hate Yahoo Pro Pick Em!! On a personal note, GO COLTS!
  17. He was on Extreme Makeover a few days ago.
  18. blink-182-Happy Holidays You Bastard That's about the only one I can stand, and even it's not great.
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