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Everything posted by theshadow

  1. Have to cook too so a good job you left else i probably wouldn't have noticed the time. Me near the top of Chiliad after hamsters tumbling demise (out of shot). When I next go online, my car is going to be in better shape then you left it right?
  2. didn't mean to get you killed with the chopper "landing". Hamster robbing a store in our take turns being the getaway driver mini robbery spree
  3. Well its safe to say I suck at, Survival.
  4. It seemed okay to me got on about an hour ago, just turned it off. I robbed a store in Los Santos and as i was exiting some random guy landed a helicopter in front of the store, he flew me away to Mt Chilliad so i gave him a cut of my earnings. then he tries to shoot me so i parachute down to Paleto Bay because that just so happened to be where my car was from earlier. This guy followed me down and starts trying to shoot me again so i ran him down and got my money back.
  5. Thats me i accepted an invite from cloudy but that timed out then i just went online normal and ended up in a room with you and Ace. but i was having issues so restarted now
  6. Was going to see if i could get on or if PSN was messed up, my character i created 2 days ago and used in 3 different sessions since this morning has gone i have to start again. FFS
  7. You're actually in my list of players met online so either you were in the same free roam as me earlier or you just did a bike race not long ago
  8. Got past all the intro tutorial stuff now free to free roam and do what i like. robbed a few stores had a random help by ramming head on into a police car chasing me. did a little target practice at the shooting range. Jumped off for a few minutes to eat something now, but if i can get back in i'm free to join in with anyone on PS3.
  9. Finally got on, did the race the drug stealing, robbed a store now waiting for Cypress Flats LTS to load doesn't seem to want to and I can't back out or do anything.
  10. The site is called summer movie league, but you can set up a custom league and set the start and end dates, I have one with a few friends that goes to the end of December.
  11. Sadly solo is mostly all i have tried, twice tried just going in normal and that resulted in matchmaking timed out.
  12. Same tried a few times all but one its hanging at the loading of the first race, one time it seemed to skip the race and tell me to get to the race marker whilst i could free roam but do nothing else.
  13. Considering i just had to update PSN to the newest version I assume Rockstar had to wait until that had happened before they can start doing anything I don't know
  14. yeah if it starts on Marston just press Y or Triangle to get back to random folk starts on randoms press it to get Marston.
  15. If you had a message saying the cloud servers are down and you have to create a temporary character for this session then yeah it wont stay. But otherwise I imagine it would.
  16. Should also say I sent a request for the crew. Also this is my new account due to an email address situation I cant access either my old EWB account (StormShadow) or PSN account (Gabriel-Sylar) I played Top Spin with Badder before I played GTA IV with a few people here I think and I met some of you at the Wrestlemania meet up the one with the actual watching Wrestlemania.
  17. Created a character but it told me the cloud server isn't working so it's only temporary. couldn't get into anything but a private game on my own took a look around robbed a couple of stores, may give it another go later. PSN is genericsignin if people want to add..
  18. The closest games I can think of is either Battle Chess http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Chess (but this seems to be too early from what you are saying) or the Chess Kombat mini game in Mortal Kombat Deception? (but this one is too late based on that time frame)
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