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Everything posted by Plubby

  1. I call first Baggsies on all of Sean's players that he wont get because he won't sign up to the yahoo league.
  2. You're an idiot. It's not your turn, it's not even my turn. We're waiting on Sahyder.
  3. Wolski wasn't a priority for me. I might have homered him rather than having to think about a pick late, but that's about it. I think we should just autopick Arnott to everyone, because whenever that happens the person is on within like..no time to give a pick.
  4. *dances into the thread* RAYCROFT GOT INJURED! I MADE THE TEAM! I MADE THE TEAM!
  5. Saw first post and stopped reading thread to see the second one
  6. I didn't see the option :S
  7. That game was just overwhelming evidence that I don't belong anywhere other than in the crease, I fucking SUCK at the skating element of this game. Constantly missing checks, unable to get my Right-stick movements in the right order to shoot, can't dodge checks, passing sucked, wasn't aiming shots. rvdwannabe didn't deserve that, he outplayed me all over the ice and Budaj stole the game from underneath him.
  8. Perry isn't exactly a common surname so it was exciting to me dammit. But then again, thank you Corey Perry! If you're talking PS3, We'll take anyone. It looks like it's me, rvdwannabe and I think Jstarr set something up a while ago. I baggsies the goalie though, i'm terrible at the rest of the game and i'm at least mediocre-to-competent at goaltender.
  9. Sure there is. Budaj plays 60-70 games
  10. If that stands, then... I'm bringing Homer back. Yeah! Scott Hannan better know how to act. Yeah!
  11. This is my (very short, im at work) review of the game, three games into my AHL Career in Be a Pro mode. There are hockey games in the world - but this literally is a game of hockey. The realism is off the charts compared to what im used to. Absolutely phenomenal. Almost justifies the purchase of my entire PS3 console single-handedly. And the commentary has my name! "Perry has that under him and he'll cover up for the faceoff". I came up out of my chair when I realised 'hey, hey just said Perry!'.
  12. You weren't on msn to tell me to add you!
  13. The Avs team was pretty exciting on paper last year, only to be fucking decimated by injury. It was getting Vancouver-defense-bad (not saying their D is bad, but it was pretty badly ravaged by injury either last season or the one before) at one stage.
  14. Yup, all ten-to-twelve saves worth. Then again, I am a goalie "by trade", as it were.
  15. my brief foray into skater mode had me usually doing snap shots (R stick forward) or slap shots. (back, forward) I decided to stick with what I know, goalies. Second-game shutout! The training mode is absolutely awesome, so good for practicing side-to-side saves and stuff.
  16. added you liam, let me know if i did it right. EDIT: Oh yeah, my PSN name is ReeceP
  17. I have just bought myself one of these lovely machines. I'm updating the firmware now, will edit in my PSN name
  18. I have just purchased this game! And when my PS3 is done updating itself, I will be looking to game with anyone who has this on PS3 (...surely there's someone? )
  19. That was actually the awesomeness of Jeff Finger.
  20. Did that commentator say "redonkulous"? That's awesome!
  21. I'd heard, but am chronically short on D-men. I'll have faith.
  22. oof, someone kicked me in the hypocrisy. *ignores above* Clawson, have you seen much of Jeff Finger yet? What do you think?
  23. Nobody appointed you in charge of anything. I have made my own decision.
  24. I didn't realise it was my pick. Go fuck your Jason Arnott right off. You can have him, that's twice you've mentioned him now. I'll take Wade Redden. Sean, are you even IN this league yet?
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