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Posts posted by TheTruth

  1. You know, I could have moved him to RAW, but to be honest, the thought never even crossed my mind. And if you read RAW, you'd see that there is already a lot going on in the main event scene, so I really don't care to add more to it. Also, from real life reports I've seen in the last month or two about Orton, even Triple H has grown tired of his backstage antics. And if I remember correctly, he had a horrible attitude backstage when he was on RAW as well. So in the end, moving him would not have corrected any problem. He would still be disrespecting the women in the back, and having a huge ego. Releasing him was inevitable for me, I guess. I needed to cut some costs, I had no plans for him, and didn't care to push him. I might as well let him go and save some money, due to the fact that I was actually getting complaints about his behavior on the game, haha. He had two months to go on his contract, which I wasn't going to renew... so I just cut him loose to save myself two months' worth of wages.
  2. Since we are readers of this diary, I'm going to answer this like would do if Orton got released, why not just move him to RAW? It's a different locker room & with HHH high on Orton, he wouldn't have too many troubles.

    Also, I was LMAO at the Kane segment on RAW, because it would be heaps funny if he did it.

    So keep up the work, this is one of the good diaries going around at the moment.

  3. Just announced on WWE.com, 'Sunday Night Heat' will be airing LIVE for two hours starting from next Sunday night, due to Judgment Day being held this week. The word is that the new 'Sunday Night Heat' will be a mixture of squashes by well-known wrestlers who didn't wrestle on RAW, matches between the 'Heat' regulars & recaps of the most important angles from RAW.

    There is also a plan for the WWE to do the same with Velocity, but they will be waiting to see how it works with Heat beforehand.

    We would also like to point out that Heat will not be airing live, it is just an advertising ploy by the WWE to get more views on WWE.com & throughout the world.

    World Heavyweight Championship

    Rey Mysterio © vs. Mark Henry

    King of the Ring

    Kurt Angle/Booker T vs. Lashley

    Submission Match

    If Burchill wins, Regal must continue to wear a costume

    William Regal vs. Paul Burchill

    WWE Tag Team Championships

    MNM © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

    *Rumoured Matches*

    Tag Team Match

    Booker T & Finlay vs. Chris Benoit & Gunner Scott

  4. The Fallout From The Attack's

    Last week RAW came to a close with the WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon standing over John Cena after he hit him with a pair of brass knuckles during his match with Triple H & Shane McMahon. What will Cena have to say about Vince attacking him last week?

    But what will Cena have to say about his tag team partner, Shawn Michaels not helping him during the main event last week? Now we know HBK got ambushed by Triple H & Shane McMahon, but does John Cena know that?

    Also, last week The Big Show dominated Snitsky in his match, but Kane dominated The Big Show after the match, when he chokeslammed him onto the steel steps. Big Show will not be in the arena tonight, but Kane will when he faces Eugene in singles action.

    Charlie Haas will also reveal why he interferred in both of the Shelton Benjamin & Rob Van Dam matches recently in a sit-down interview with Jerry Lawler.

    All this & more on RAW this week on the USA Network.

    Confirmed Matches

    Kane vs. Eugene

  5. - Smackdown! started off with Paul London making his way down to the ring with his tag team partner, Brian Kendrick.

    - Tazz announced that if Paul London can win tonight, he & Brian Kendrick will receive a title shot against MNM for the WWE Tag Team Titles.

    - MNM then made their way down to the ring to some heat, while flashing off the title belts to London & Kendrick.

    - The match started off with Nitro & London ready to lock up, until Melina grabbed London's leg.

    - London turned around but it cost him, as Nitro attacked him from behind.

    - Nitro then controled London for a good part of the match, until London reversed a suplex into a Russian leg sweep.

    - London got on the front foot after hitting some cruiserweight moves, until Melina pushed him off the top rope.

    - Kendrick then chased Melina around the ring, who hid behind Mercury, but Kendrick chased both of them anyway as Mercury & Melina make their exit through the crowd.

    - But while this was all happening, Nitro went to pick London up, but London rolled him up for the 3-count to end the match.

    - We saw Paul Burchill backstage waving his sword around, when Regal came into scene, dressed as a person from The Village.

    - Burchill laughed at Regal, but Regal says that at Judgment Day, this will all end because he is going to end Burchill's undefeated streak once & for all.

    - Regal walked off as Burchill yelled out saying, I wouldn't be bending over if I were you before continuing to wave his sword around as we went to a commercial break.

  6. Angle Get's His Revenge

    Last week on Smackdown!, the man who will be facing Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship, Mark Henry attacked Rey Mysterio, not once, but twice, making him look unstoppable. Well tonight on Smackdown!, Henry will be able to show that he is unstoppable when he faces the man who he took out of action two weeks ago, Kurt Angle in the main event.

    The first semi-final of the King of the Ring tournament will also be taking place, when Lashley will take on someone who he has bad blood with, Finlay.

    We have also heard from Theodore Long that if Paul London can beat Johnny Nitro in singles action, he & Brian Kendrick will get a title shot against MNM at Judgment Day.

    So, tune into Smackdown! this Friday night, 'TV That's Changing Friday Night's'

    Confirmed Matches

    Mark Henry vs. Kurt Angle

    Lashley vs. Finlay - King of the Ring

    Paul London vs. Johnny Nitro

  7. - RAW kicked off with the WWE Champion, Triple H coming down to the ring with his tag team partner for the evening, Shane McMahon.

    - Trips got on the microphone but before he can talk, the fans start to boo him & Shane.

    - Hunter said to the fans that it doesn't matter whether they boo him or cheer him, because he is the King of Kings & the WWE Champion.

    - Hunter then said speaking of the WWE Championship, last week live on RAW, he was meant to be celebrating his return to his throne, until John Cena got his nose in some unwanted business.

    - Trips told the guys from the back to roll the footage.

    - HHH said that Cena might've gotten the last laugh last week when he gave him the FU, helped Shawn Michaels beat him & then give the FU to Vince McMahon. But after tonight, Cena won't be able to laugh at all.

    - Shane grabbed the microphone from Hunter & said that this Handicap match tonight isn't just about Triple H getting revenge, it's about his father getting revenge as well because he is sitting at home recovering from the FU that Cena gave him last week.

    - Shane said when Cena gave the FU to his father, he made the biggest mistake of his life. He said that his father is the most powerful person in sports entertainment & he can either make you to be as big as Hulk Hogan, or as small as Funaki.

    - Shane then said his Dad put ECW & WCW out of business & now he controls the entire industry, which includes John Cena.

    - Shane said that since Cena is part of the wrestling industry that his father controls, that means that he can do whatever he wants to him & Cena won't be able to do a damn thing about it.

    - He said that if his father wanted to, he could fire Cena right here & right now live on RAW & get him black listed from every wrestling promotion around the globe.

    - But Shane said that instead of his father doing that, Cena will be taking a trip his new found friend, Shawn Michaels is on, The Highway To Hell.

    - The two men then left backstage to some heavy boo's as we went to a commercial break.

    - When we got back from the break, Snitsky is already in the ring.

    - Big Show's music started to play as he walked down to the ring with a solid pop from the crowd.

    - As soon as Show entered the ring, Snitsky tried to attack him, but Show didn't budge.

    - Show pushed Snitsky down onto the mat, to the pleasure of the crowd.

    - Show then squashed Snitsky for the rest of the match, before hitting the chokeslam for the victory.

    - After the match, Kane walked down to the ring as the crowd started a May 19th chant.

    - Kane entered the ring as the two big men went at it with Show getting the advantage.

    - Show went for the chokeslam, but Kane kicked him in the golden globes.

    - Kane then climbed to the outside as he grabbed the top half of the steel steps & threw them into the ring.

    - Kane climbed back in & set up the steps like they usually would be before he grabs the kneeling Show by the throat.

    - Kane then CHOKESLAMMED SHOW ONTO THE STEEL STEPS as the crowd chanted 'Holy Shit'.

  8. One of the most popular superstars of yesteryear, Hulk Hogan has entered rehab for a cocaine problem. There is no knowing on when he will be clean, but we would like to wish him the best of luck.

    In other news, Scotty 2 Hotty tore a calf muscle during a Cruiserweight Battle Royal at a house show. He will be out for 9 months.

  9. FU Vince

    Last week's RAW ended when John Cena gave the FU to the WWE Chariman, Vince McMahon after he hit Shawn Michaels over the head with a sledgehammer. So this week on RAW, Mr. McMahon is out for revenge when he will be putting John Cena against Triple H & Shane McMahon in a Handicap match in the main event.

    Also on RAW last week, Shelton Benjamin & Rob Van Dam went to another no contest when Charlie Haas interfered & attacked both Shelton & RVD just like he did at Backlash. Will Haas tell us why he's interfered in the matches or will we still be pondering on why he did it?

    The monster has finally awoken & weren't not talking about Kane, we are talking about The Big Show. The Big Show has said that he has had enough of Kane & now all he wants to do is hurt him. Well this week on RAW, Show will get his chance to show his new side when he will be facing Snitsky.

    Confirmed Matches

    John Cena vs. Triple H & Shane McMahon

    The Big Show vs. Snitsky

  10. World Heavyweight Championship

    Rey Mysterio © vs. Mark Henry

    King of the Ring

    Kurt Angle/Booker T vs. Finlay/Lashley

    Submission Match

    If Burchill wins, Regal must continue to wear a costume

    William Regal vs. Paul Burchill

    *Rumoured Matches*

    WWE Tag Team Championships

    MNM © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

  11. - Mark Henry made his way down to the ring to considerable heat from the crowd.

    - Once he entered the ring, he got on the microphone & said that last week once again, other people like Kurt Angle were getting title shots before him.

    - Henry says that he's getting sick of it, so he had to take matters into his own hands last Friday night & had to take Angle out, just like he did to Batista.

    - Henry then said because of his attack last week, Angle won't be here tonight & said that now, no one will be able to stop him from winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

    - Rey Mysterio made his way out to the ring with the World Title strapped around his waist.

    - He said that there is one man that will stop him from winning the World Heavyweight Championship, him.

    - Henry said that how will he be able to stop the World's Strongest Man?

    - Rey said the way he's done it all his life, by overcoming the odds. He says no one thought he would win the Royal Rumble, but he did. He says no one thought he could win the World Heavyweight Champion, but he did. He then says now people think he can't beat Henry, but he will because dreams do come true.

    - Rey went to walk off, but Henry attacked him from behind before hitting a Splash on the World Champion.

    - Henry then lifted the World Heavyweight Championship over his head before dropping it onto the fallen Mysterio & walking backstage to good heat as we went to the first commercial break.

    - Finlay came out to some solid heat from the crowd.

    - Benoit got a very solid pop as he made his way out to the ring.

    - The match started off with the two going at it like amateur wrestlers, until Finlay poked Benoit in the eyes to get the advantage.

    - Finlay had control for the most part of the match, where he mainly hit chops & uppercuts to Benoit.

    - But when Finlay went to hit a uppercut, Benoit grabbed his arm & tried to lock in the Crippler Crossface, but Finlay hit him with an elbow to the back of his head.

    - Benoit then tried to turn the match around again when he went for the Sharpshooter, but Finlay poked him in the eyes.

    - But third time lucky, Benoit ducked a clothesline & hit three German suplexes to the delight of the crowd.

    - Both men were laid out not the ground on the ground as the fans started a 'Let's go Benoit' chant.

    - Both men got to their feet & started throwing chops at each other, but Benoit kept chopping away at Finlay who got stuck in the corner.

    - Benoit hit a couple more chops before lifting Finlay onto the top rope where Benoit hit a Superplex.

    - Benoit got up quickly & signalled for the Diving Headbutt, but Booker T made his way down to the ring as the two men traded insults.

    - But all of a sudden, Finlay rolled up Benoit for the 3-count to advance in the King of the Ring tournament.

    - After the match, Benoit started laying into Finlay when Booker attacked Benoit from behind.

    - Finlay & Booker started beating the holy hell out of Benoit, until newcomer, Gunner Scott made the save as Booker T & Finlay quickly make their way to the back as we saw replays of the events that just happened a minute ago.

  12. World's Strongest Attack

    Last week on Smackdown!, Mark Henry interuptted the World Heavyweight Championship match between Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle before hitting a Splash to Angle from the apron & through a table below. Well this week on Smackdown!, Henry will explain his actions about his attack to Angle last week.

    In the last Opening Round match of the King of the Ring tournament, it will be Chris Benoit facing Finlay, where the winner will advance to the semi-finals where they will face Lashley.

    The Great Khali will also be in action tonight, when he faces the man who will not die, Matt Hardy in singles action.

    All this & more on Smackdown! on UPN.

    Confirmed Matches

    Chris Benoit vs. Finlay - King of the Ring

    The Great Khali vs. Matt Hardy

  13. - 'King of Kings' by Motorhead started playing, as the new WWE Champion, Triple H made his way down (without the WWE Title by the way) on a throne carried by some OVW workers, while also wearing a crooked crown on the top of his head.

    - The peasants, as what Coach called them, carried HHH to the edge of the ring, as he climbed into the ring while the peasants carried the throne back down the ramp.

    - Triple H grabbed a microphone off some crew worker at ringside before trying to speak, only getting cut off by a 'Triple H' chant followed by a 'Sucks' chant straight afterwards.

    - Hunter then said that he, the King of Kings at Backlash, finally got back on his throne when he pinned Edge in the middle of the ring in front of a sold out arena to become an 11-time WWE Champion.

    - He went onto say that two weeks ago, Edge somehow outsmarted him when he played possum, before hitting the spear on Hunter for the 3-count but now, Edge is back out of the title hunt & back as a curtain jerker where he belongs, which got a pop for The Game.

    - Hunter then said at Backlash, not only did he send Edge to back where he belongs; he finally ended John Cena's reign as the WWE Champion. Hunter went onto say that RAW is now not represented by some Eminem wannabe, who the fans don't even respect. He says that RAW is now represented by the King of Kings, a man who has the fan's respect & a man who will have a respectful WWE Championship, not some piece of garbage Cena had.

    - Hunter calls out for some of those guys to bring out the old WWE Championship so the celebrations can begin, when John Cena's music starts to play as he makes his way down to the ring to the usual boo's & cheers from the crowd.

    - Cena slid right into the ring & got right in Triple H's face before he started speaking.

    - Cena said that at Backlash, he wasn't the one who got pinned, Edge did. He wasn't the one who got hit with the Pedigree, Edge did. Cena then said Edge isn't the one who is going to kick Triple H's ass here tonight, he is.

    - Cena dropped the microphone & started punching Hunter, as he reeled towards the ropes as the crowd were still 50/50 with Cena. Cena then whipped Trips into the ropes, Hunter bounced back, kick to the mid-section by Cena, FU.

    - Cena left backstage as RAW went to a commercial break.

    - On WWE.com Unlimited, a rematch from Backlash was announced with Shelton Benjamin facing Rob Van Dam in an Intercontinental Title & Money In The Bank match here tonight on RAW.
  14. The Backlash to Backlash

    At Backlash, Triple H became an 11-time WWE Champion when he pinned Edge last night after hitting the pedigree. But what will John Cena have to say about losing the WWE Championship when he wasn't even involved in the outcome of the match?

    But while Triple H won the WWE Championship, Vince McMahon did the unthinkable when he pinned God in the middle of the ring. What will Shawn Michaels have to say about the WWE Chairman's action's last night?

    Former tag team partners, Big Show & Kane clashed last night at Backlash, but the match ended when Kane hit Big Show over the head with a steel chair followed by chokeslamming him through the announce table. What will Big Show's reaction to Kane's action's last night?

    All this & more on RAW on the USA Network.

  15. IPB Image

    WWE Championship

    Triple H def. John Cena & Edge when he pinned Edge after hitting the Pedigree.

    Tag Team Match

    Vince & Shane McMahon def. Shawn Michaels & "God" when Vince McMahon pinned "God" after he had made a blind tag to Shawn Michaels.

    Grudge Match

    Big Show def. Kane by DQ when Kane hit Big Show with a steel chair followed by a chokeslam through the announce table.

    Women's Championship

    Mickie James def. Trish Stratus when she hit the Mick Kick. After the match, she beat down Trish before leaving backstage.

    Intercontinental Championship & Money In The Bank

    Rob Van Dam drew Shelton Benjamin when Charlie Haas interferred & attacked both men.

    Grudge Match

    Carlito def. Chris Masters when he put his feet on the ropes after a school boy.

    Grudge Match

    Umaga def. Ric Flair when he pinned Flair after using a version of the Asiatic Spike.

    World Tag Team Championships

    Spirit Squad def. Eugene & Viscera when Mikey pinned Eugene.

  16. 09 October

    Heat Match

    Christian vs Scotty 2 Hotty

    In a very predictable match Christian got the win with the Unprettier.

    No Mercy

    WWE Tag Team Championship

    Legion of Doom 2005 © vs Juventud & Super Crazy (Mexicools)

    Super Crazy & Animal start the match as their respective partners are in their corners. The two lock up in the middle of the ring with Crazy getting the advantage with an armdrag followed by a front-legged dropkick (the sort of one Jeff Hardy does). Crazy then throws Animal into the corner but Animal reverses it as he follows it up with a clothesline & then a sidewalk slam for a 2-count. Animal then drags Crazy over to the corner & tags in Heidenreich as the Legion of Doom show some teamwork with a double DDT followed by a 2-count. Heidenreich then hits a couple of elbow drops followed by lifting him up & then hitting a huge clothesline for another 2-count. Heidenreich then lifts Crazy up & throws him into the ropes but Crazy hold onto the ropes & tags in Juvi.

  17. 09 October


    In breaking news, Rob Van Dam who was scheduled to return in November sometime has been floored by a neck injury that will keep him out for 8 more months. This is a big blow to RAW as they had already built a platform for a feud with Carlito when he got drafted over to RAW. There is also news that he might even get fired because the injury might've ruined his wrestling ability.

  18. 08 October


    On WWE.com it has just been posted that Hulk Hogan has left the company becuse of him being unhappy about losing to Chris Masters & Carlito last week on Homecoming. Another factor in his departure is that he was paid $300 000 to be on that show & that he would not sign a written contract.

    Also on WWE.com, Sylvan has just returned from the surgeon & has said that thanks to Theodore Long it will be him going up against Hardcore Holly at No Mercy. This might be sign of things to come as Sylvan looks to get pushed with his new gimmick.

  19. I have just realised I have booked No Mercy on the wrong date & I just overwrote my previous data. So I'm going to d/l the latest update, make changes & then book all the shows I have done so far.

    So, my bad & I will probably have it done by today so I can book No Mercy tommorow & write it during the week.

  20. 08 October

    Velocity Results

    Kid Kash vs Scotty 2 Hotty

    Kid Kash made his debut this week on Velocity were he took on & defeated Scotty 2 Hotty in a match that the internet marks have raved on about being one of the matches of the year.

    Bobby Lashley vs Paul London

    Bobby Lashley has been on a roll since his debut & tonight on Velocity it was no exception when he beat a former Cruiserweight Champion, Paul London.

    Christian vs Funaki

    Make a rare appearance on Velocity this week was Christian who made easy work of Funaki.

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