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Posts posted by TheTruth

  1. Saturday Night's Main Event

    Prediction Contest

    WWE Championship

    Five Points

    Rob Van Dam © vs. John Cena vs. Edge w/ Lita

    World Tag Team Championships

    If Kenny & Mikey Lose, The Spirit Squad Are Fired

    Four Points

    Kenny & Mikey © vs. D-Generation X

    6-Man Tag Team Match

    Three Points

    Batista, Rey Mysterio & Bobby Lashley w/ Chavo Guerrero vs. King Booker, Mark Henry & Finlay w/ Queen Sharmell & William Regal

    Intergender Tag Team Match

    Two Points

    Carlito & Trish Stratus vs. Johnny Nitro & Melina

    Extreme Rules

    One Point

    The Sandman & Kurt Angle vs. Mitch & Nicky

    Bonus Questions

    One Point Each

    1. Will The Undertaker make an appearance at Saturday Night's Main Event?

    2. Will anyone make their return to the WWE?

  2. Man, this diary is awesome, can't believe I haven't seen any of your previous diaries (well I might've of, but can't remember any). Even though it seems so unrealistic, it seems realistic in the way you are doing it if you know what I mean. Only gripes I have is with your paragraphing, because it made me skim through a couple of matches & King Booker. He seems too English for me, so you should tone that down a bit.

  3. sdlogopw9.jpg

    Friday Night Smackdown! (Tues. Week 2, July 2006)

    Taped For UPN

    Target Center, Minneapolis, MN

    Smackdown opens up with a replay of Batista’s return to Smackdown, where he gave Mark Henry a Batista Bomb on the steel ramp. We then crossed over to the Target Center, before we went over to Michael Cole & John “Bradshaw” Layfield, as they welcomed us to Smackdown, before telling us that Theodore Long has barred both Mark Henry & Batista from appearing tonight, so neither of them gets injured before the 6-man tag team match happening at Saturday Night’s Main Event.

    They also mentioned that tonight, Rey Mysterio will face Finlay in the main event while right now, Psicosis will take on Super Crazy in a Loser Leaves Smackdown! match right now.

    Psicosis’ music started to play as he made his way down to the ring in what could be his final appearance on the blue brand. Super Crazy then ran down to the ring, before climbing in and going after Psicosis straight away as Chris Kay rang the bell to start the match.


    Loser Leaves Smackdown!

    Super Crazy vs. Psicosis

    The two luchadores started to beat the shit out of each other, as they rolled around the ring, until Crazy got on top of Psicosis. Crazy started to punch Psicosis’ face until Psicosis turned him onto his back, and did the same thing to him. Chris Kay then pulled Psicosis off Super Crazy, but as soon as he did, Crazy got back up to his feet & hit a dropkick, knocking his former tag team partner to the outside of the ring.

    Crazy ran across the ring, before running back & hitting a suicide dive on Psicosis, as both them laid on the ground outside the ring, as JBL said that nothing is going to stop these two men from beating the daylights out of each other.

    After a little while, Crazy was the first one to get up, as he threw Psicosis back into the ring, where he went for the cover only to get a 2-count. Crazy then started to put the boots into Psicosis, before picking him up off the ground & throwing him into the corner. Crazy hit a running clothesline, followed by a hurrucuranna, sending his former tag team partner back into the middle of the ring.

    Crazy waited for his former tag team partner to get up, before hitting a dropkick, sending him into the ropes. Crazy was then expecting for Psicosis to bounce back, as he went for a front foot dropkick, as he landed straight on his back, while Psicosis rolled to the outside of the ring as we went to a commercial break.

    When we got back from the break, Psicosis was hitting some rights & lefts in the corner on Crazy, as we see a replay of what happened during the break, where Psicosis threw Crazy into the steel steps on the outside of the ring.

    We went back to the ‘live’ action after seeing the replay, as Psicosis was lifting Crazy up onto onto the top rope, while still throwing some punches at him. Psicosis climbed up onto the top rope as well, as he went to hit a superplex, only for Crazy to block it by holding onto the ropes.

    Crazy then pushed Psicosis off the turnbuckle, before going for a moonsault, only to crash & burn as Psicosis rolled out of the way as both men laid in the middle of the ring.

    Both men got back up to their feet, as they went punch for punch, with Crazy getting the advantage as he made Psicosis reel back towards the ropes. Crazy flung him across the ring, as Psicosis bounced back only to get hit with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Psicosis got straight back up though, only to get hit with a flying DDT, which got a very near 3-count.

    Crazy then lifted Psicosis up, but Psicosis pushed him into Chris Kay, knocking him into the opposite direction. Psicosis hit a low blow, before rolling Super Crazy up for the 3-count.


    Goodbye Super Crazy

    After the match, Psicosis ran to the outside of the ring & grabbed a microphone off Tony Chimel, as Crazy was livid inside the ring.

    Psicosis: Hey Crazy, ju better say goodbye to all of these fans ‘ese, ‘cause I just beat ju and ju know what that means, your not on Smackdown anymore. So Super Crazy, ju better go take a holiday or sumthin’, ‘cause you won’t have anythin’ to do now that your not on Smackdown anymore.

    So Crazy, na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye.

    Super Crazy then made his way backstage, as Psicosis kept singing, to the displeasure of the crowd as we went backstage to the Smackdown! interview set as we saw Kristal Marshall standing there.


    Do You Have A Problem?

    Kristal Marshall: Hello, my name is Kristal Marshall & I’m here with Vito. Now Vito, last week you dominated in your match…

    Vito: Kristal, your damn right I dominated in my match last week & tonight, I’m going to do the same to my opponent tonight, whoever it is. But the reason for my new dominance Kristal, is the dress. Ever since I started wearing this dress, I’ve been undefeated in the ring.

    So Kristal, I don’t care if you, the Smackdown! locker room or even the Smackdown! fans laugh at me, because I am Vito, I’m undefeated & I’m the toughest man to ever wear a dress.

    Kristal Marshall: Vito, before you leave, just one more question, why do you wear a dress?

    Vito: Because I can Kristal, why do you want to know? Do you have a problem with me wearing a dress? Because I don’t care if you laugh at me, but if you have a problem with my dress, I will have to hurt you.

    Vito started to stand over Kristal, looking down at her terrified face.

    Kristal Marshall: No Vito, I don’t.

    Vito: That’s good then.

    Vito then walked off, as Kristal stood there looking scared when Ashley Massaro turned up. Kristal’s face expression quickly changed, as she seemed angry to see the 2005 Diva Search winner.


    I Don’t Accept Your Apology

    Ashley Massaro: Hey Kristal, I’m sorry about what I said two weeks ago. I didn’t mean for it come out like that. I’m sorry Kristal, I really am.

    Kristal Marshall: Well Ashley…

    Kristal slapped Ashley right across her face, knocking her down onto the ground.

    Kristal Marshall: I don’t accept your apology.

    Kristal then walked away, as Ashley was getting up to her feet as we crossed back to the ring where Akio was warming up for his match.


    Singles Match

    Akio vs. Vito

    Vito’s music started to play throughout the PA System, as The Toughest Man To Wear A Dress made his way down to the ring. But as he was walking down the ramp, a little kid pointed at him & started to laugh. Vito turned his head, and punched the kid out as JBL said that just a few moments ago, he said he didn’t give a damn whether people laughed at him.

    Vito continued his way down to the ring, but he was met with some right hands from Akio, who ran to the outside of the ring. But Akio’s offence didn’t last long for long, as Vito just pushed him down onto the ground, before rubbing his face.

    Vito picked Akio up off the ground & threw him into the steel steps, with his knee’s hitting the steel first, as Akio went flying through the air, before landing on his back.

    Vito walked over to Akio, before throwing him into the ring & getting inside there himself. Vito then went for the cover, but he only got a 2-count, as Akio got his shoulder up.

    Vito started arguing with the referee for a little while, saying that it was a 3-count, when from out of nowhere, Akio rolled Vito up, which got a 1-count. Both of them then rose to their feet, but Akio was quickly knocked down with a huge clothesline from Vito, as Akio flipped onto his stomach.

    Vito went for another cover, but this time he lifted Akio up at a 2-count. Vito started to throw some punches, backing Akio into the corner. Vito continued the attack, with him adding in some knee’s, before whipping Akio into the opposite corner. But as soon as Akio hit the corner, he was squashed with a huge clothesline, before stumbled out of the corner as Vito hit the Code of Silence for the 3-count & the victory.

    After the match, Vito made his way to the back as we went to a commercial break.


    The Unveiling

    When we got back from the break, The Great Khali’s music started to play as he made his way down to the ring along with his manager, Daivari. The two of them entered the ring, before Daivari grabbed a microphone off Tony Chimel.

    Daivari: Last week, here on Friday Night Smackdown, the man who is scared of my client, The Great Khali, The Undertaker accepted his challenge to face him at The Great American Bash in a Punjabi Prison match. And at The Great American Bash, The Undertaker will be gone from Friday Night Smackdown for good, thanks to the real Phenom of the WWE, The Great Khali.

    But what many of you have been wondering, and what The Undertaker has been wondering, is what is a Punjabi Prison match? Well, you will have to wait until this Saturday night at Saturday Night’s Main Event to find out, because I will be unveiling the Punjabi Prison to the world that very night.

    So Undertaker, wherever you are, you better tune into NBC this Saturday night, to see what your legendary career is going to end in. No, scratch that, I have a better idea. Undertaker, The Great Khali & I are personally inviting you to attend the unveiling of the Punjabi Prison at Saturday Night’s Main Event.

    You see Undertaker, I want you to come face to face with the structure, in your which your career will end in, thanks to The Great Khali. You see, The Great Khali is the master of the Punjabi Prison match, he’s undefeated & every single time he has been inside that prison, the man who he was facing, didn’t leave on his own two feet.

    So Undertaker, turn up this Saturday night, because I’m sure The Great Khali will give you a taste of what is to come at The Great American Bash.

    After finishing his promo, Daivari made his way out of the ring & to the back with The Great Khali by his side as we crossed to an unknown section backstage, where Rey Mysterio was at the catering table.


    I’m Ready

    Rey Mysterio was pouring a cup of coffee, until a black hand grabbed the jug of coffee, before putting it back down on the table. The camera zoomed out, to reveal it was King Booker, with his Queen Sharmell standing behind him. Mysterio looked up at the King, before grabbing the jug of coffee once again. King Booker grabbed it once again, before slamming it back down on the table. Mysterio then turned around, looking up at the man who he will face at The Great American Bash & at Saturday Night’s Main Event.

    King Booker: Rey, you will respect me.

    Rey Mysterio: Booker…

    King Booker: That’s King Booker to you, you peasant.

    Rey Mysterio: No, no it isn’t & I won’t respect you Booker T.

    King Booker: Tell me you didn’t just say that, tell me you didn’t just say that you, you peasant.

    Rey Mysterio: Booker, I did say that & you want to know why. Last week, you had to get help from your whole entire Court to win that 10-man battle royal, just so you could get a shot at my World Heavyweight Championship. Then, you attacked Bobby Lashley, Chavo Guerrero, who is now at home recovering from his injuries & myself. Well guess what Booker T, I’m not going to respect you & no one else in this locker room does.

    King Booker: Listen to me you peasant, at The Great American Bash, I’m going to become the ruler of the Smackdown! Kingdom, when I defeat you in the middle of the ring. But tonight Rey, I’m going to have something special in store for you when you face Finlay in the ring tonight. And after that, you will respect KING BOOKER.

    Booker went to walk off, but Mysterio grabbed his arm & turned him around.

    Rey Mysterio: Well I’ll be ready Booker, I’ll be ready for whatever you throw at me. You see Booker, I won the Royal Rumble, I won the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania, I put JBL behind the announcing booth. So bring it on Booker, because I’m ready.

    Mysterio walked off, as King Booker stood there pissed off as Sharmell tried to calm him down as we crossed back to the arena, as Ken Kennedy’s music started to play, as he made his way down to the ring.


    Mr. Ken Kennedy Invitational

    After he climbed into the ring, he chased Tony Chimel out of the ring as the lights went off, with the spotlight only on him. His microphone then dropped down from the roof into his hand.

    Ken Kennedy: Hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at 242 pounds, I am Mr. Ken Kennedy…

    Kennedy climbed onto the middle rope, as he taunted the crowd.

    Ken Kennedy: Kennedy.

    Kennedy moved back into the ring, as the lights came back on while Kennedy’s spotlight disappeared.

    Ken Kennedy: Last week, I had the chance, along with nine other men, to get a shot at Rey Mysterio’s World Heavyweight Championship at The Great American Bash. But unlike those nine men, I didn’t have a chance at winning that battle royal. Just take a look at the video…

    A video started to play, showing how last week, King Booker, Finlay, The Pitbulls, Bobby Lashley, Paul London & Brian Kendrick hit their respective finishers on Kennedy, before they eliminated him from the match.

    When the video ended, the fans cheered while Kennedy seemed irritated at seeing the video from the battle royal.

    Ken Kennedy: Now how was I meant to win the match, when I had seven, count them, seven guys all going after me? And you want to know why they all went after me? It’s because they know if they didn’t all team up, I would be the one facing Rey Mysterio at The Great American Bash for the World Heavyweight Championship, not King Booker.

    So starting tonight, things are going to change, because I am starting the Mr. Ken Kennedy Invitational to anyone who was in that battle royal last week because I want to show you all what I’m capable of doing inside this ring, when I don’t have seven other wrestlers beating the hell out of me. So if you think you can take me on inside this squared circle, get your ass out here right now.

    An Indian calling sound started to play, as Tatanka, the man who was eliminated by Kennedy, appeared on the stage in his wrestling gear & with a microphone grasped in his hand.


    I’ll Tell You Why, No One Likes You

    Tatanka: Kennedy, you want to know why you were teamed up on last week in the battle royal? I’ll tell you why, no one likes you.

    The crowd started cheering, as Kennedy seemed annoyed by Tatanka’s comments.

    Tatanka: You see Kennedy, you may think you are the greatest wrestler on Smackdown, but your wrong. Have you forgotten about The Undertaker? Batista? Rey Mysterio?

    The crowd popped hugely for Tatanka’s comments about Smackdown’s top three faces.

    Tatanka: But enough about you Kennedy, let’s talk about me. Last week, you eliminated me from the battle royal, just take a look…

    A video of Tatanka’s elimination from the battle royal was shown, as Kennedy pushed Tatanka off the top rope & to the outside. Once the video finished, Kennedy had a smile on his face.

    Tatanka: You like that Kennedy? Well guess what, I might not have kicked your ass last week, because I didn’t get the chance to do it. But tonight, I will kick your ass, because I accept your challenge Kennedy.

    After Tatanka finished talking, we went to a commercial break as Cole said that the match would happen on the other side of the commercial break.


    Mr. Ken Kennedy Invitational

    Ken Kennedy vs. Tatanka

    When we got back from the break, Kennedy was hitting some punches on Tatanka in the corner, as Cole mentioned that ever since this match started during the break, Kennedy has been on the offensive. Kennedy whipped Tatanka out of the corner & into the one opposite of them, before he hit a huge clothesline, as Tatanka fell onto the mat.

    Kennedy started to taunt the crowd, before he stomped on Tatanka for a good while, until he got on the ground & started to throw some punches at him, until Charles Robinson pulled him off, as Tatanka rolled to the outside, to get some breathing room.

    Kennedy followed him out of the ring as well, but Tatanka climbed back inside the ring, as Kennedy followed him back inside the squared circle, only to be met with a barrage of stomps from the veteran Tatanka, as JBL pointed out that as good as Kennedy might be, he doesn’t have the experience that Tatanka has gained over the years.

    Tatanka lifted Kennedy up & hit him with some punches before whipping him into the ropes, where Kennedy bounced back only to get hit with a clothesline from Tatanka. Kennedy got straight back up though, only to be met with some chops, as he got stuck up against the ropes, as Tatanka started to do his usual dance around the ring, before knocking Kennedy outside of the ring with another chop.

    Tatanka followed him, but Kennedy ran away from him, before climbing back inside the ring. But Tatanka, being the veteran that he is, just pulled Kennedy back to the outside, before throwing him into the steel steps, shoulder first. Tatanka picked Kennedy up off the ground & hit his head against the steps, before throwing Kennedy into the ring, where he went for a cover, only to get a 2-count.

    Kennedy started to get up, as Tatanka climbed up to the top rope, where he went to hit the Tomahawk, only for Kennedy to catch him in the Green Bay Plunge position. Kennedy made his way over to the turnbuckle, but Tatanka dropped off behind Kennedy. Kennedy then turned around, as Kennedy & Tatanka both hit simultaneous clotheslines on each other, knocking both of them down onto the mat.

    After a little & some clapping from the fans, both of them got up, as they went punch for chop, with Tatanka getting the advantage with his chops. After hitting some more, he threw Kennedy into the turnbuckle, where he walked over to go & continue the attack. But when Tatanka went for another chop, Kennedy ducked it & lifted Tatanka up onto his shoulders, before climbing onto the 2nd rope & hitting the Green Bay Plunge for his first victory in the Mr. Ken Kennedy Invitational.


    Come To Quebec

    After seeing replays of Kennedy’s victory over Tatanka, we crossed backstage as we saw Sylvan standing in front of a Quebec flag.

    Sylvan: Hello, my name is Sylvan & I am the Ambassador of Quebec & I want all of you to visit this great city. Quebec offers the best food & wine, the scenery is magnificent & the people who live there are very friendly.

    But if that doesn’t impress you enough, my wrestling ability surely will, because next week here on Friday Night Smackdown!, I, Sylvan will make my debut inside the ring.

    So please come to Quebec, otherwise you’ll suffer the same fate as my opponent next week.

    Sylvan flashed a smile, as we went to a commercial break.


    An Asian, A Dancing Freak, Pitbulls & A Black Man

    Once the break was over, we crossed over to Theodore Long’s office, where we saw the Smackdown! General Manager on his cellphone, when Jamie Noble & Kid Kash, The Pitbulls barged into his office.

    Theodore Long: Sorry, I got to go, I’ll call you back later.

    Long put his cellphone down, as he looked over at The Pitbulls.

    Theodore Long: Now what can I do for you two playas?

    Jamie Noble: You can give us a title shot at The Great American Bash against London & Kendrick, since we chucked ‘em ova that top rope last week.

    Theodore Long: Hold on, let me get this straight. You two, who just formed this tag team two, want a title shot against the best tag team on Smackdown!, Paul London & Brian Kendrick because you eliminated them?

    Kid Kash: Tat’s right.

    Theodore Long: Well, the answer is no but I have another for you two playas. Why don’t you face Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki in a rematch from two weeks ago, and the winners will go on to face London & Kendrick at The Great American Bash for the titles.

    Jamie Noble: So all we have to do is beat those two up, and we get to face London & Kendrick at The Great American Bash?

    Theodore Long: That’s right playa, & since both of you like to beat people up, why don’t we make that match start right now?

    Kid Kash: Hear tat Jamie, we get to beat up that damn Asian & that dancing freak right now.

    Jamie Noble: Good, well let’s go kick some ass.

    The Pitbulls left Long’s office, as we crossed over to the announcing table where Cole & JBL ran down the card for Saturday Night’s Main Event.


    WWE Championship

    Rob Van Dam © vs. John Cena vs. Edge w/ Lita

    World Tag Team Championships

    If Kenny & Mikey Lose, The Spirit Squad Are Fired

    Kenny & Mikey © vs. D-Generation X

    6-Man Tag Team Match

    Batista, Rey Mysterio & Bobby Lashley w/ Chavo Guerrero vs. King Booker, Mark Henry & Finlay w/ Queen Sharmell & William Regal

    Intergender Tag Team Match

    Carlito & Trish Stratus vs. Johnny Nitro & Melina

    Extreme Rules

    The Sandman & Kurt Angle vs. Mitch & Nicky

    The Unveiling of the Punjabi Prison Match

    Kelly Kelly Exposé with Candice Michelle


    Once they finished running down the card, they ran down the current Great American Bash card.


    World Heavyweight Championship

    Rey Mysterio © w/ Chavo Guerrero vs. King Booker w/ Queen Sharmell

    WWE Tag Team Championships

    Paul London & Brian Kendrick © vs. The Pitbulls or Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki

    Punjabi Prison Match

    The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali w/ Daivari


    Scotty 2 Hotty’s music started to play, as he & Funaki made their way down to the ring, while slapping the fan’s hands at ringside. The Pitbulls music then started to play, as they ran down to the ring, before going straight after Funaki & Scotty as Mike Chioda rang the bell to start the match.


    Tag Team Match

    The Pitbulls vs. Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki

    Kash went after Scotty with some flying fists while Noble did the same to Funaki, They reeled the Velocity tag team into the ropes, before clotheslining them over the top & to the outside simultaneously.

    The Ptibulls quickly got out of the ring & continued the assault with some more punches, before Noble started to smash Funaki’s head on the barricade, before looking over at Kash, telling him to do better than that. Kash nodded, before dragging Scotty over to the ringpost, where Scotty’s head bounced off the ringpost a couple of times, before he fell to the floor, where Kash laid the boots into him.

    Kash looked back over at Noble, smiling as Noble looked pissed off at getting one-upped by his partner. Noble dragged Funaki by his hair over to the steel steps, where Noble continuously smashed his head on them as Funaki fell onto the ground, with blood starting to come out of his head.

    Noble smiled at the damage he has caused to Funaki, before looking over at Kash, as he knew that he had upped him once again. Kash just replied with a ‘you win Jamie’, before rolling Scotty back into the ring as Noble did the same to Scotty.

    The Pitbulls followed them into the ring, where they said some words, before Kash threw Scotty over the top rope & back to the outside, as they started to stomp on Smackdown’s #1 Announcer. But as they were putting the boots into Funaki, Mike Chioda intervened, sending Noble out of the ring & into his corner, as Kash started to choke Funaki behind the referee’s back.

    Noble, seeing that his partner was getting an advantage, started arguing with the referee, giving more time to Kash to choke Funaki. Kash finally broke the hold though, as Noble reasoned with Chioda.

    Kash picked Funaki up off the ground & threw him into the corner, where he went to hit a clothesline only for Funaki to move out of the way & tag in Scotty, who got on the apron just in time. Scotty ran into the ring & hit Kash with some right hands, before hitting a dropkick, as Kash staggered onto the ropes. Noble came into the ring & went to hit a clothesline, but Scotty ducked it, before hitting a bulldog, setting up the worm.

    Scotty started to hop around the ring, until Kash came out of nowhere & hit a massive clothesline on the former tag team champion. Kash then picked up Scotty, & hit the Dead Level to get the 3-count & a shot at the WWE Tag Team Championships at The Great American Bash.


    If You Fail, Try Again

    After the match, the Pitbulls made their way backstage celebrating their victory, when they saw Paul London & Brian Kendrick’s locker room door. The two looked at each other, before rushing into the room, as they tackled Paul London & Brian Kendrick to the ground with Noble going after Kendrick, and Kash fighting with London.

    The four of them brawled around the room, with everyone getting a punch in on each other now & again. But after a while, London & Kendrick got the advantage as they threw The Pitbulls out the door.

    Noble & Kash, obviously not finished with the tag team champions yet, grabbed two steel chairs from nearby & ran back into the room, where they smashed both London & Kendrick’s heads with the chairs. The Pitbulls then laughed at the pain London & Kendrick were in, before leaving the room as we went to a commercial break as Cole said that Rey Mysterio would be facing Finlay after the break.


    Non-Title Match

    Rey Mysterio vs. Finlay

    ‘Booyaka 619’ by P.O.D. started to play throughout the arena, as the World Heavyweight Champion made his way out to the ring by himself, due to Chavo at home resting his injuries from last week’s attack from The Court. After Mysterio got into the ring, Finlay walked down to the ring with his shalleigh in his hand while his eyes were locked on the champion.

    After Finlay climbed into the ring, he put down the shalleigh in the corner, as Nick Patrick rang the bell to start the main event.

    The two circled each other, before Finlay put him arm up in the air, as Rey grabbed his hand. But Finlay quickly grabbed Mysterio’s other hand & brought him to his knees, but the World Heavyweight Champion countered by sliding underneath Finlay’s legs, before rolling him up to get a 1-count.

    Both men got back up to their feet, but this time Finlay went straight after Mysterio, but Mysterio once again countered with a drop toehold, sending Finlay face first into the second turnbuckle, before he rolled to the outside holding his head, as the crowd started to chant for Mysterio.

    On the outside, Finlay started to psyche himself up, by slapping his head, before climbing back into the ring as Mysterio was held back by the referee. Finlay then clotheslined Mysterio, before he started to beat the living shit out of him with some brutal right hands until Patrick pulled Finlay off Rey, as he rolled to the outside.

    Mysterio rested on the outside for a little while, before climbing onto the apron. Finlay went for a clothesline, but Mysterio jumped over the rope & hit Finlay with a dropkick to the back, sending the Irishman to the outside of the ring.

    Mysterio, knowing he had the advantage over Finlay, jumped onto the top rope, before jumping off & hitting a hurrucurrana as the crowd, JBL & Michael Cole went nuts, before Cole said that the match would continue after the commercial break.

    When we got back to the action, Finlay was hitting some uppercuts in the ring on Mysterio, as we saw a clip of what happened during the commercial break, where Finlay threw Mysterio into the steel steps.

    Back to the “live action”, Finlay had Mysterio in the corner, where he was still throwing some stiff uppercuts, as Mysterio fell down to the bottom turnbuckle. But Finlay didn’t stop, as he just started stomping on Rey, before dragging back into the middle of the ring, where he got a 2-count.

    Finlay, frustrated, went for the cover again & got another 2-count. He then went for another pinfall attempt, but Mysterio still kicked out at 2. Finlay started yelling at Nick Patrick, before he picked Mysterio up & went for the Emerald Fusion, only for Mysterio to counter it with a rollup that got a 2-count.

    Both men got up, but Mysterio got knocked to the ground with a clothesline from Finlay. Finlay then walked over to the corner & grabbed the shalleigh, but Nick Patrick tried to grab it off of him. Finlay tried to shake Patrick off, but he didn’t let go off the shalleigh. Finlay, frustrated at the referee, swung the shalleigh around, as Nick Patrick went flying across the ring & to the outside on the floor.

    As Cole said that Finlay had no respect for authority while JBL tried to defend him, the Irishman walked over to Mysterio with a sick smile on his face, while he tapped his shalleigh against his leg.

    Finlay picked Mysterio up off the ground, but as he did, Mysterio hit a drop toe hold, sending him into the second rope & into the 619 position. Mysterio ran across the ring before bouncing back. But as he did, King Booker dragged Finlay out of the ring, before climbing in there himself.

    Mysterio went for a dropkick, but Booker moved out of the way as Mysterio fell onto the mat. Booker picked Mysterio up & hit the Book End, as Finlay climbed back inside the ring with shalleigh in hand.

    But as Finlay was sizing the World Heavyweight Champion up, Bobby Lashley started to run down to the ring. But as he was running, William Regal attacked him from behind with a steel chair.

    The Court started to beat down both Lashley & Rey, but Chavo Guerrero, who was meant to be at home resting his injuries from last week, came out with a steel chair of his own. He walked down the ramp, where he flattened Regal with the chair, before he continued his walk down to the ring, as Booker grabbed Finlay’s shalleigh & made his way to the outside of the ring.

    Booker went to hit Chavo with the shalleigh, but Chavo just knocked it out of his hands before whacking the King right across the head with the steel chair. Chavo then locked his eyes on Finlay, who was mouthing off at Chavo. But from behind, Mysterio hit a dropkick to Finlay’s back, sending him into the second rope once again. Mysterio ran across the ring, before bouncing back as he the 619 to the delight of the crowd.

    Chavo then threw Nick Patrick back into the ring, as he made the 3-count giving Rey Mysterio the victory.

    After the match, Booker, Regal & Lashley all entered the ring as all 6 men got into a huge brawl, with Lashley going after Finlay, Chavo brawling with Regal & with Rey Mysterio & King Booker battling it out. But the brawl suddenly stopped, as Theodore Long’s music started to play as the Smackdown! General Manager made his way out onto the stage with a microphone in his hand.


    America vs. Ireland

    Theodore Long: Now stop all of this fightin’ playa’s, because I have a couple of announcements to make about The Great American Bash. Now you see playas, the United States Champion, Mr. Bobby Lashley doesn’t seem to have an opponent for the Bash. So I’ve decided that at The Great American Bash that it will be Bobby Lashley defending the United States Championship against Finlay.

    The crowd cheered in excitement, as Lashley & Finlay looked over at each other until Theodore Long started to talk once again.


    The Great American Street Fight

    Theodore Long: But that’s not all, because all six of you brawl inside that ring tonight gave me an idea for a match at The Great American Bash. As you know, I banned Batista & Mark Henry for the arena tonight, so they could be in top condition for their match at Saturday Night’s Main Event. But at The Great American Bash, I’m going to let them go at it again one-on-one because it will be Batista facing Mark Henry in a Street Fight.

    The crowd went nuts at Theodore Long walked backstage as the show ended with all six men just standing in the ring.

  4. Friends


    The Drew Carey Show

    Family Guy

    The Simpsons



    American Dad

    My Name Is Earl

    How I Met Your Mother

    Beavis & Butthead

    8 Simple Rules


    Two & A Half Men

    The Wedge

    - I changed Scrubs for 8 Simple Rules. I forgot what it was, sorry.

  5. Prediction Friendly Card:

    Lethal Lockdown

    Team Jarrett (Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Scott Steiner, and Vampiro) vs. Team Sting (Sting, Kurt Angle, Rhino, and Samoa Joe)

    - To me, this match should definitely the Angle/Joe feud the most, so I can see them two being the last two men left, trying to one-up each other.

    NWA World Tag Team Title Match

    Latin American eXchange (Hernandez and Homicide) w/ Konnan © vs. Team 3D (Brother Devon and Brother Ray)

    - LAX are the future, 3D are the past.

    TNA X Division Title Match

    Petey Williams © vs. Austin Starr

    - He's a person in the X-Division, and has a gimmick, plus he's talented.

    Match for Pride, Respect and Contendership

    AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

    - He's the bigger name out of the two, but I could see you doing an upset.

    House of Fun

    Abyss w/James Mitchell vs. Raven

    - Both men need something else to do, but Abyss needs the win more.

    Number One Contender Match

    The James Gang vs. America’s Most Wanted w/Gail Kim vs. Black EnterTainment (Elix Skipper and Ron Killings) w/Monty Brown

    - I'm going with The James Gang, because it opens up many possibilites. Gang/LAX, BET complaining for another month & AMW just being AMW.

    Six Man X Division Tag Team Match

    Paparazzi Productions (Kevin Nash, Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine) vs. Team Jackass (Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt)

    - PP won't lose yet.

    Grudge Match

    Bobby Roode w/Joel Gertner vs. Eric Young

    - Roode needs the win, but I don't see the sense in the rematch.

    Special Challenge Match

    Lance Hoyt vs. Simon Diamond

    - He seems like he's going to be pushed.

    Special Pre-Show Match

    Shazarian w/Mystery Manager vs. The Naturals

    - Big future for Shazarian

    Bonus Question Number 1: Who will be the last man/men standing in the Lethal Lockdown?

    Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe

    Bonus Question Number 2: Who will be the first eliminated in the Lethal Lockdown?


    Bonus Question Number 3: What team will be pinned in the Number One Contender Match?


    Bonus Question Number 4: Who will be the mystery manager for Shazarian?


    Bonus Question Number 5: What will be the first actual match of the Pay-Per-View?

    AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

  6. Moore/Juvi, couldn't care really, Petey interfering is interesting though. Roode defense was meh, but I guess you need to build him up. Hardy debuting, only to lose? Strange booking, but I hope it leads somewhere. Also, contract signing seemed a bit too short, but JBL hiring Hoyt was a good idea.

  7. Friday Night Smackdown! (Friday Week 2, July 2006)

    You Will Just Have To Wait Until Saturday

    'You will just have to wait until Saturday' were the words of Theodore Long, when he told wwe.com that he had decided to ban Mark Henry & Batista from the arena, in case one of them gets seriously hurt. But at Saturday Night's Main Event, Theodore Long won't be able to stop the two heavyweights going at it, as they will be involved in a 6-man tag team match.

    Speaking of that 6-man tag, two men competing in that match, Rey Mysterio & Finlay will do battle inside the squared circle, giving us a taste of what is to come on Saturday night. Who will be able to gain momentum going into Saturday Night's Main Event, and will The Court get involved?

    Also, tonights marks the end for either Super Crazy or Psicosis, as they will compete against each other in a 'Loser Leaves Smackdown!' match. Which luchadore will be sent away from the blue band? Will it be Psicosis, or will it be Super Crazy?

    There's only one way to find out & that is to tune into UPN at 8/7 CT, for 'TV That's Changing Friday Nights'.

  8. Fatal Fourway Number One Contendership Match for the WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    - IMO, you can either go with Rock or Austin, since either of them could feud with Jericho or Angle afterwards, but I'm with Rocky at the moment.

    WWF Intercontinental Championship Match

    Edge© vs. Shawn Stasiak

    - I just can't see Stasiak winning this, he's more suited to the European title.

    Singles Match

    The Undertaker vs. Test

    - Undertaker won't lose, and if he did, why to Test?

    WWF Hardcore Championship Match

    Rob Van Dam© vs. Key (w/Charles Wright)

    - Might as well get RVD into a higher part of the card, while at the same time giving Key the rub.

    A 3-on-2 Elimination Tables Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles

    The APA and Spike Dudley vs. The Dudley Boyz©

    - Only because of EWR, otherwise Dudleys

    WWF Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Tajiri© (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Marc Mero

    - This feud won't be over though, plus we might get a surprise here. Torrie heel turn?

    3-on-1 Handicap Match

    Team Xtreme vs. Kane

    - He's ready for bigger & better things.

    Heat Main Event - WWF Women's Championship Match

    Trish© vs. Jazz

    - It's just a filler, so why would she lose?

  9. This diary reminds me of the super indy that everyone wants to do, but you can't thanks to realism. Well, it looks like you've done away with the realism & in this place, that is a bad thing.

    Anyways, you should've called the promotion a different name for starters. You also could've built up the PPV matches, not just throw them away out on television. Also, why would a company like this, being new, have a PPV already?

    Onto the writing though, it's fine, but there's just too many holes for me to get into this diary.

  10. IPB Image

    ECW on Sci-Fi (Tues. Week 2, July 2006)

    LIVE On The Sci-Fi Channel

    Target Center, Minneapolis, MN

    After seeing highlights from last night’s main event on RAW, where Edge accidentally hit Orton with a steel chair, before RVD hit the Frogsplash for the victory. But that’s not all, as we saw Sabu come down to the ring & hit an Arabian Facebuster on Edge, who was lying on the barricade at ringside.

    ‘Bodies’ by Drowning Pool started to play, before we crossed over to the Target Center, as the usual crowd shots opened up the show. Vince McMahon’s music then started to play, as the WWE Chairman made his way down to the ring for the first time in ECW’s history.


    Vince Announces The Opponents

    Mr. McMahon then climbed into the ring, before grabbing a microphone off a staff member at ringside.

    Vince McMahon: Well, well, well, there’s only one reason that I’m here in Extreme Championship Wrestling tonight, and that is to announce who Mitch & Nicky will be facing this Saturday night at Saturday Night’s Main Event.

    But before I do, I want to send out a little message to DX. Hunter, Shawn, I haven’t forgotten about what you did to my son on RAW two weeks ago, and I haven’t forgotten about all the stupid pranks that you two have pulled on Shane & I. Remember that, because this war, is far from over.

    But enough about D-Generation X, I came here for one reason only, and was to announce who Mitch & Nicky will be facing this Saturday night at Saturday Night’s Main Event. Now on RAW, I said they are two of ECW’s best & by god, they are.

    So the first of the two people that Mitch & Nicky will be facing is a Hardcore Icon, an ECW Original, he is The Sandman.

    The crowd cheered, in approval of Vince’s decision.

    Vince McMahon: Hey shutup, I never said any of you could talk.

    The crowd then booed Vince, getting the heat back on him.

    Vince McMahon: Now The Sandman’s partner, is apart of the New Breed of Extreme Championship Wrestling & representing the wrestling side of things here in ECW. He is a former WWE Champion, he is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in ECW, he’s ‘The Wrestling Machine’, Kurt Angle.

    The crowd gave a huge pop for Angle.

    Vince McMahon: Shutup dammit, I haven’t finished yet.

    The crowd went quiet, with only a couple of boo’s being heard.

    Vince McMahon: Not that’s all, because you see, I want them to suffer the same fate as Johnny’s, I want them to suffer the same fate as their teammates, Kenny & Mikey will on Saturday night against D-Generation X. That’s why, at Saturday Night’s Main Event, in that very ring, it will be Kurt Angle & The Sandman taking on Nicky & Mitch in an Extreme Rules match.

    The crowd went nuts, knowing that at Saturday Night’s Main Event, that all four remaining Spirit Squad members would be getting their asses kicked.

    Vince McMahon’s music then played as he made his way backstage, as Styles & Tazz at the announcing table hyped up the tag team match, along with Sabu & Edge for later tonight.

    ‘Crank It Up’ by Brand New Sin started to play as Big Show made his way down to the ring, followed by Mike Knox, Kelly Kelly & then Test as Styles said that it looks like we are going to see a 6-man tag team match. Tommy Dreamer then made his way down to the ring, followed by Balls Mahoney. The two of them then stayed on the outside of the ring, as Terry Funk’s music started to play as Dreamer’s partner from One Night Stand made his way down to the ring.


    6-Man Tag Team Match

    Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney & Terry Funk vs. The Big Show, Mike Knox & Test w/ Kelly Kelly

    The match started off with Test & Balls Mahoney, as the other four men stood on the apron, while Kelly Kelly pranced around ringside. Balls & Test locked up, with Test getting the advantage as Tazz pointed out to us that this isn’t an Extreme Rules match.

    Test pushed Balls into the corner, before breaking cleanly. But straight afterwards, Test hit some right hands, followed by some knee’s to the gut & shoulder blocks, before hitting a sidewalk slam, getting Balls out of the corner, as Test tagged in Mike Knox.

    Knox went on the attack with some stomps, before lifting Balls up & throwing him into the ropes, Balls then came back & got hit with a back body drop as he fell hard on the mat. Knox then started to choke Mahoney, until Mickie Henson pulled him away, as the two of them started to argue. But as they were, Show climbed into the ring & hit a leg drop, before rolling to the outside as Knox went for the cover, only to get a 2-count.

    Knox then picked Balls up, but Kelly Kelly started to strip to the crowd, forcing him to leave the ring & go the outside. But as he did, Balls made the hot tag to Funk, as he ran into the ring, signalling for either Show or Test to take him on. Both of them then entered the ring, as the two of them went after him, only for Tommy to get inside the ring as well.

    Funk & Test then battled it out, while Tommy & Show went punch for punch. But that soon ended, as Show & Test clotheslined both of their foes onto the ground, before stomping on them, as Knox was still contending with Kelly Kelly.

    Show then told Test to continue the beatdown on Dreamer & Funk, as he told Knox to get his ass back inside the ring. But as Show’s back was turned, Dreamer & Funk got up & threw Test to the outside, before they both rolled him up to get the upset victory on Show.

    Funk & Dreamer then quickly left, along with Balls, as Show, Test & Knox were livid inside the ring as we went to a commercial break.


    RAW Flavour & An Extreme Side

    When we got back from the break, we saw Kelly Kelly sitting down backstage with Mike Knox screaming in the background, when RAW’s Candice Michelle appeared.

    Candice Michelle: Hey Kelly Kelly.

    Kelly Kelly: Hey.

    Candice Michelle: Kelly, I’ve been watching ECW On Sci-Fi since its debut & the highlight of the show, for me personally, were your exposé’s.

    Kelly Kelly: Well thankyou.

    Candice Michelle: Now this Saturday night, you know that Saturday Night’s Main Event will be on, right?

    Kelly Kelly: Yeah.

    Candice Michelle: Well Kelly Kelly, I was wondering that if you will be doing an Exposé.

    Kelly Kelly: Yes I will.

    Candice Michelle: Well would you mind if I joined you Kelly, because the only thing that needs to be added to your exposé’s, is a little bit of RAW flavour, and that is what I will bring on Saturday night.

    Kelly Kelly: No I wouldn’t mind at all Candice.

    Candice Michelle: Okay then & if you’re lucky Kelly, after the show, I’ll show you my extreme side.

    Candice then walked off, as we crossed back to ringside as Stevie Richards was already inside the ring. Sandman’s music then started to play as he made his way down through the crowd, as Styles & Tazz talked about his match against The Spirit Squad this Saturday night. The Sandman then entered the ring, as John Finnigen rang the bell to start the match.


    Singles Match

    The Sandman vs. Stevie Richards

    As Sandman & Richards circled around the ring, Tazz pointed out that this wasn’t an Extreme Rules match, so Sandman could have a bit of a problem on his hands. The two of them locked up, with Richards pushing Sandman into the corner, before hitting some right hands. But Sandman then ducked one, as he pushed Richards into the corner & unleashed some right hands of his own, as Richards quickly rolled to the outside of the ring.

    Sandman followed him, as he grabbed his hair, knocking him down onto the mat. Sandman then started to stomp a mudhole in him, before lifting him up & throwing him into the barricade, head first as he rolled back into the ring to break the count.

    Sandman then came back to the outside of the ring, and started to stomp on Richards some more, before lifting him up & throwing him into the ringpost, as Richards bounced off & back onto the ground. Sandman then went in the ring, breaking the count once again.

    But as he came back to the outside, he got with a thumb to the eyes by Richards, before hitting his head against the ring, numerous times, as Sandman fell onto the ground, as this time, Richards climbed back into the ring.

    Richards then climbed back to the outside, as he started to hit Sandman’s head on the announcing table, until Sandman blocked it, as he started to smash Richard’s head on the table. Sandman then whipped Richards into the steps, before climbing back into the ring to once again break up the count.

    Sandman then climbed back to the outside & hit a dropkick to a sitting Richards, as his head was smashed against the steps. Sandman then rolled Richards back into the ring & pinned him to get the victory, as Styles said that even though this wasn’t an Extreme Rules match, he still found a way to get extreme as we went to a commercial break.


    Kick Ass

    When we got back from the break, we saw Edge, John Cena & Lita standing in front of the ECW Interview set.

    Edge: Tonight, in this craphole called ECW, I’m going to go one-on-one with Sabu in an Extreme Rules. Am I worried because Sabu has made a living off putting his body on the line, putting people through tables & all the other crazy stuff he does? No, I’m not worried, why would I be? I’m the Rated-R Superstar, I’m a former WWE Champion…

    Cena & Edge look at each other for a moment with a look of awkwardness.

    Edge: I’m Edge & in my corner, I’ve got another former WWE Champion, John Cena.

    The two look at each other awkwardly again, due to their past.

    John Cena: You see Sabu, the odds are stacked against you, and if your name isn’t John Cena, you’re not going to overcome them. But anyways, tonight Edge is going to kick your ass & if anyone tries to interfere, I will kick their ass, just like Edge & I are going to kick RVD’s ass at Saturday’s Night Main Event, so we can take the WWE Championship back home to RAW.

    Edge: So Mr. Tuesday Night, you better be watching tonight’s match, because once I’m finished with Sabu, you’ll be next.


    Singles Match

    Kurt Angle vs. Little Guido w/ Trinity

    Little Guido’s music started to play as he made his way down to the ring with Trinity to some heat from the crowd. Kurt Angle’s music then played, as he made his way down to the ring a huge ovation from the crowd.

    Angle then jumped up on the middle rope, saluting the crowd, but Guido started to attack him from behind, as Mickie Henson rang the bell to start the match. Angle then climbed down from the middle rope, as he was getting hammered with some right hands by Guido, until he blocked one & hit an Overhead Belly to Belly suplex on the Italian cruiserweight.

    Kurt Angle then started to wrestle with Guido on the ground, with him obviously getting the better of Guido, due to his obvious amateur wrestling ability. Both of them then got up, as Guido went for a dropkick, only for it to be blocked by Angle as Guido landed on the mat face first. Angle then started to slap the back of Guido’s head, before lifting him up & hitting a German Suplex trifecta, which at the end of it, got a 2-count.

    Angle then took down his straps, as Guido got up slowly, only to get hit by an Angle Slam. Angle then locked in the Anklelock as Guido tapped out to the Wrestling Machine.


    I Want Competition

    A video started to play, showing some more clips of the man we saw from last week, CM Punk wrestling. The screen then faded to black, as some text appeared on the screen reading ‘What is straight edge?’ as we see CM Punk’s face as he answers the question.

    CM Punk: No drinking, no smoking, that’s what straight edge is & straight edge is my life.

    Some more action from Punk’s matches are played, before another question appeared on the screen, this time reading ‘Why are you coming to ECW?’

    CM Punk: Because I want competition & in ECW, you get competition every time you step into the squared circle here in Extreme Championship Wrestling.

    Some more wrestling videos are shown of Punk, before another question appears, reading ‘When will you be coming to ECW?’

    CM Punk: Soon, because my only addiction, is competition.

    The video then came to a close, as we went to a commercial break.


    Fertig Is Coming Next Week

    When we got back from the commercial break, we saw a shot of the arena, until there was something on the wall, written in red. It said ‘Fertig Is Coming Next Week’. Styles & Tazz then said that it must’ve been the vampire that had been hanging around the arenas.

    We crossed back inside the Target Center, as Sabu’s music started to play as Sabu made his way down to the ring with a steel chair. ‘Metalingus’ by Alterbridge then sounded throughout the PA System as Edge, along with John Cena & Lita. Edge & Lita then entered the ring, as Cena walked over to the announcing table & took up a seat, saying that he’s going to do some guest commentating tonight in ECW.


    Extreme Rules

    Sabu vs. Edge w/ Lita

    John Finnigen rang the bell to start the match, as Sabu & Edge circled around the ring, until Sabu threw a chair at Edge, only for him to duck as it went crashing out of the ring. Edge then went to run after Sabu, only for him to get knocked down onto the ground with a drop tope hold by Sabu. Sabu then went to the outside & grabbed a steel chair from under the ring, before climbing back inside as Edge got up to his feet.

    But he was soon knocked down, as Sabu threw the chair right at his head. Sabu picked the chair up & climbed up to the top rope, only for him to miss the Arabian Facebuster by hitting it away from Edge.

    Edge got back up to his feet, as he did a cocky grin, before lifting Sabu up off the ground & hitting some knee’s to his stomach, before whipping him into the corner. Edge then hit a running clothesline on Sabu, before hitting some left & right hands, knocking him down onto the lower turnbuckle.

    Edge grabbed the chair Sabu had earlier, and set it up in front of Sabu’s face, before walking over to the opposite side of the ring. Edge then hit a dropkick on the steel chair, making it smash against Sabu’s face, before going for the cover to get a 2-count.

    Edge started to stomp on Sabu, before climbing to the outside, as he dragged out a table from underneath the ring. Edge set it up on the outside, before climbing back into the ring, as he stomped on Sabu some more, before lifting him up off the ground & walking him over to the nearest set of ropes from the table.

    Edge then lifted Sabu into the air in a reverse suplex postion (instead of Sabu’s head facing the same way as Edge’s, it’s opposite). Edge then went to throw Sabu threw the table, but Sabu landed on the apron, as the two went blow to blow. Sabu started to get the upper hand, as he went for a suplex, only for Edge to land on the apron as well.

    The two of them started punching each other, until Sabu locked in a headlock, before hitting a bulldog off the apron, as both of them went crashing into the table as the crowd started to chant ECW.

    But as the two were lying there in pain, Cena got up from the announcing booth & walked over to both men, before lying Edge on the top of Sabu, as Finnigen had no choice to start the count.

    But just as his hand was coming down for the three, RVD broke it up with a huge dive. RVD then got up, as he & Cena started to brawl around the ring, with RVD getting the advantage, as he pushed Cena into ringpost, before grabbing a steel chair from underneath the ring & hit a Van Damintor on the former WWE Champion.

    RVD then walked back over to Edge and Sabu, as he threw both of them back into the ring, as the two of them started to get up to their feet. The two then traded blows, with Sabu getting the advantage, as he ran back across the ring, before bouncing back & hitting a crossbody on Edge. Sabu then rolled Edge back into the middle of the ring, before grabbing a chair fro nearby, before setting it up in a sitting position. Sabu then ran across the ring, before coming back & hitting a Triple Jump Moonsault.

    Finnigen then started the 3-count, but from out of nowhere, Cena broke it up. Cena then lifted Sabu into the air & hit the FU, but as soon as he hit the move, RVD tackled him out of the ring, as both of them started to brawl with each other on the outside.

    Meanwhile, inside the ring, Edge crawled onto Sabu to get the 3-count & the victory, while Cena was stopping RVD from entering the ring.

    Edge then rolled to the outside, as RVD consoled him friend, while looking at his opponents at Saturday Night’s Main Event, Edge & John Cena as ECW went off the air.

  11. Since my last post got deleted, this won't be as detailed as before but your writing has improved tonnes due to the change of layout. Let me say I loved the main event angle, since I mark for obstacle feuds. Rest of the show was decent, so keep it up.

  12. Well i'm liking this diary so far, but everything seems like a clusterfuck on the shows, but I guess that is just how WCW is/was. Anyways, the only problem I have is with the match write-ups. Maybe adding some more detail could really help, as it might turn some people off.

  13. No DQ Street Fight

    'NWA Tag Team Champions' LAX & Scott Stiner -vs- AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels & Kurt Angle

    Your obviously going to hype Angle like crazy, might as well do it here.

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Monty Brown -vs- 'NWA Champion' Sting

    I doubt you'll give the title to Brown, reminds me of Kane/Benoit in '04.

    TNA X Championship

    Jay Lethal -vs- 'TNA X Champion' Senshi

    I can see Senshi retaining here as well, Lethal isn't that big yet.

    Gauntlet For The Number One Contendership

    Jeff Jarrett -vs- Raven -vs- Rhino -vs- Abyss -vs- Christian Cage -vs- Samoa Joe -vs- Four TBDs

    IMO, Jarrett should stay out of the title scene, and let Joe enter it. That way, we get the epic Joe/Sting match that everyone wants.

    NWA World Tag Team Championship Contenders Match

    Team 3D -vs- The Naturals -vs- AMW -vs- James Gang

    Runt will screw Team 3D over. Man I hate that name.

    Winner Advances to the Guantlet Match

    Eric Young -vs- Bobby Roode

    More to gain I guess.

    Chris Sabin -vs- Sonjay Dutt

    Bigger name, plus from my knowledge, this has no build.

    So far, you've been putting out some solid shows, can't wait for the new direction you take after Genesis.

  14. ECW On Sci-Fi (Tuesday Week 2, July 2006)

    Sabu vs. Edge, Mr. McMahon in ECW

    Tonight on ECW On Sci-Fi, there is going to be a rocket buster of a main event as Edge & Sabu will be doing battle in an Extreme Rules match. Last week, Angle wasn't able to get the job done but tonight, Sabu will get his chance to finally put the Rated-R Superstar back in his place. So will Sabu be able beat the former WWE Champion, or will Edge be able to pick up some momentum going into his match against Rob Van Dam & John Cena?

    Also tonight, Vince McMahon will make his first appearance in Extreme Championship Wrestling, as he will be announcing who will be taking on Nicky & Mitch. Who will he choose to face The Spirit Squad?

    All this & more on ECW on Sci-Fi at 10/9 CT.

  15. Well time for a 2nd round of feedback Dave & let me say, after reading what Jstarr has said, it's almost completly turned me off your diary.

    But anyways, your decision to get rid of the Round Robin tourney was a bit pointless, unless you get Linda to come in & do something that is for the good of the fans. Otherwise, meh.

    Test looked a bit weak against 'Taker, but you might be able to change that in the coming shows. Kane as a heel is good, hope he goes onto bigger things after Team Extreme.

  16. To be honest, I can't even be bothered to read this because of the layout, and that was after the first paragraph. Firstly, you could tell us who is wrestling in the matches,and the backstage segments could definitely be fixed up. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but that is the way I am.

  17. IPB Image

    Monday Night RAW (Mon. Week 2, July 2006)

    LIVE On The USA Network & Sky Sports

    The Tyson Events Center, Sioux City, IA

    The RAW broadcast opened up with highlights of the DX & McMahon segments from last week, before showing the clip of seeing Shane McMahon getting some Sweet Chin Music & a Pedigree during the main event, where The Spirit Squad abandoned Mr. McMahon’s son. We then saw another highlights package, this time of the events that occurred between ECW, Edge & John Cena on both RAW & ECW, with the video ending with both Sabu & Edge lying in the mess of a broken announcing table.

    ‘Across The Nation’ by Union Underground started to play, before we crossed to the Tyson Events Center, where straight away, without no pyro’s, the WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon made his way down to the ring.


    Vince Is A Family Man

    Mr. McMahon quickly walked down to the ring, with no strut or anything, obviously still upset over last weeks beating that his son got from D-Generation X. After Lillian Garcia introduced the Chairman of the WWE, he quickly snatched the microphone off her, before he started to speak.

    Vince McMahon: Last week, in this very ring, my son, Shane McMahon, got the living hell beat out of him by D-Generation X. Roll the footage…

    A replay of Shane getting beat up by DX was shown, before we crossed back to Vince McMahon.

    Vince McMahon: Well guess what, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, I’m sick of your crap, week in, week out & soon enough, it’s going to come to an end. But there are five other men who I’m sick of & they are The Spirit Squad.

    The crowd gave a rare cheer for Mr. McMahon.

    Vince McMahon: Week, after week, I give those damn cheerleaders a simple job to do & every single time, they seem to screw it up one way or another. But last week was the final straw, because instead of saving my son, they abandoned him & left him to get some Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels & a Pedigree to Triple H.

    Well guess what, there’s show coming up very soon, on NBC called Saturday Night’s Main Event. And at Saturday Night’s Main Event, you will be defending the World Tag Team Championships against none other then Shawn Michaels & Triple H, D-Generation X.

    The crowd popped at the announcement of the match.

    Vince McMahon: But to make sure you don’t have an excuse for if you lose at Saturday Nights Main Event, its going to be Mikey & Kenny, the two men who originally won the titles, will be facing DX. Also, if you end up losing at Saturday Night’s Main Event, you will be hearing…


    The crowd started going nuts, knowing that the Spirit Squad could possibly be gone from the WWE.


    Does The Devil Have Spirit?

    Vince McMahon: But guess what Spirit Squad, that isn’t all that’s going to happen because right here & right now, in this very ring, its going to be Johnny taking on the man who destroyed Rob Conway last week, The Big Red Machine, KANE.

    But this is just a taste of what is to come Spirit Squad, because tomorrow night in ECW, I will be making another match for Saturday Nights Main Event involving Mitch, Nicky & two of ECW’s best.

    So Spirit Squad, get ready for the worst week of your lives, because you are now riding along the HIGHWAY TO HELL.

    So Johnny, get your ass out here right now, so the journey can begin & if any of your buddies come out here, there’ll be even more hell to pay.


    Singles Match

    The Spirit Squad Are Barred From Ringside

    Kane vs. Johnny

    Johnny made his way down to the ring, as Vince made his way to the back. When the two met in the ramp, they had some quick words, before they walked off in their separate directions as we went to a commercial break.

    When we got back from the break ‘Slow Chemical’ by Finger Eleven started to play as Kane, with the same ring attire from last week, along with his mask in hand, made his entrance as Johnny looked terrified.

    But straight after Kane set off his pyro’s, Johnny hit some right hands on The Big Red Machine, until Kane just took Johnny down with a big boot. Kane, just like last week, tried to get the mask on Johnny’s face, but Johnny quickly scampered out of the ring, trying to get away from the monster.

    But Kane just climbed to the outside, but Johnny ran around the ring, before climbing back inside the squared circle. Kane followed him, but as Kane slid into the ring, Johnny hit some stomps on Kane’s back. But that had no effect on the big man, as Kane got straight back up & hit an uppercut, followed by a sidewalk slam on the male cheerleader.

    Kane then got his mask, which he had in his hand the whole time, & put it on Johnny. Kane then picked him up & hit a huge chokeslam on Johnny to get the victory.


    The Big Red Aftermath

    After the match, Kane picked Johnny up again & hit another chokeslam on him, before he went to the outside & grabbed a steel chair. Kane climbed back into the ring & lifted Johnny up onto his feet.

    The Big Red Machine then hit him with a shot to the guts with the chair, followed by him wrapping it around Johnny’s neck. Kane then walked around the ring with him, before throwing him face first into the mat, causing the chair to smash Johnny’s neck (Undertaker used this move back when he was ABA).

    Kane then took the mask off Johnny, before heading backstage as we went to a commercial break.

    When we got back from the break, we saw Johnny getting carried out on a stretcher, as blood was coming out of his mouth. JR said that he hopes that Johnny recovers soon, while King commentated on Kane, and how this attack wasn’t needed tonight.


    Just A Taste

    We crossed backstage, as we saw Trish Stratus in her locker room alone, polishing her Women’s Championship, when none other then Melina walked into the room. Trish put the belt on the top of her shoulder, before standing up.

    Trish Stratus: What do you want Melina?

    Melina: Well Trish, I wanted to talk to you about last week.

    Trish Stratus: Oh, when I kicked your ass, while Carlito kicked Nitro’s? Like Carlito would say Melina, that was cool.

    Melina: No it wasn’t, that wasn’t cool Trish. But guess what Trish, you & Carlito will get what’s coming to both of you at Saturday Night’s Main Event when Johnny Nitro & I, Melina will kick both of your asses.

    But just to show you what you’re in for on Saturday night Trish, here’s a taste.

    Melina then viciously slapped Trish across her face, knocking her to the ground, before walking out of the room with a smile on her face.


    We’re Going To Take You To The EXTREME

    We crossed to the interview set with Todd Grisham, who was standing with the WWE & ECW Champion, Rob Van Dam & Kurt Angle of ECW.

    Todd Grisham: Rob, Kurt, tonight you two will face RAW’s very own John Cena & Randy Orton in the main event. What are your thoughts?

    Kurt Angle: Last Tuesday night in ECW, I got robbed in my match against Edge when John Cena ran into the ring after taking out my partner tonight, the WWE & ECW Champion, Rob Van Dam.

    RVD did his thumb taunts, before Angle spoke again.

    Kurt Angle: Well tonight Cena, on your home turf, Rob & I, we’re going to get some payback for last Tuesday. You see, since joining ECW, I’ve realized that no one gets away with disrespecting ECW.

    Look at what happened to Jerry Lawler at One Night Stand. He got choked out by Tazz. Look at what happened to Edge, he got an Arabian Facebuster through the announcing table last week, courtesy of Sabu. Look at what happened to your tag team partner tonight, Randy Orton at One Night Stand. I made him tap out like the little bitch he is.

    Rob Van Dam: That’s right man, you made his ass tap out. But at that same event, I became the WWE Champion, when I beat John Cena. And at Saturday Night’s Main Event, I will beat both him & Edge to keep the title in ECW. But until then, John, Kurt & I, we’re going to kick both your asses.

    Kurt Angle: Speaking about you Randy, I haven’t forgotten about you & I bet you haven’t forgotten about the time I broke your ankle, or the time where I made you tap out in the Hammerstein Ballroom. Well Randy, your going to take a trip back in time tonight, because I will make you tap out once again.

    And why Randy? Because like Edge, like John Cena, you are everything that ECW isn’t, while Rob & I, we are everything that ECW is. So you boys better be ready tonight, because we’re going to take you…



    Singles Match

    Viscera vs. Charlie Haas

    ‘Pay The Price’ by Eric & The Hostiles started to play as Charlie Haas made his way down, as JR & King ran down the feud between him & Viscera. Viscera’s music then went over the PA System, as The World’s Largest Love Machine made his way down to the ring.

    But while the big man was climbing into the ring, Haas was talking to Viscera’s former girlfriend, Lilian Garcia. But as they were talking, Viscera signaled Lilian to move out of the corner. Lilian then left to the outside, but as soon as Haas turned around to face Viscera, he was squashed between Viscera & the turnbuckle, before falling down onto the mat face first.

    Viscera then started talking to Lillian from the ring, before going back to Haas & picking him up off the ground. Viscera hit a body slam, before bouncing off the ropes & going for a splash, only for Haas to move out of the way, making Big Vis crash into the mat.

    Both of them laid on the ground for a little while, with Haas getting up first while Vis was still on his knees. But Haas sent him back onto the mat, with a dropkick to his head.

    Haas then went for the cover, where he only got a 2-count. Haas then stomped on the big man, before going for another cover where he only got a 2-count again. He then went for another one, but Viscera pushed him off & sent him flying across to the ring & under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring.

    Viscera then climbed to the outside, as he grabbed Haas & sent him head first into the ring post, before whipping him into the steel steps. Haas then started to crawl up the ramp, trying to get away from Big Vis, but Viscera just picked him up & hit a sidewalk slam on the ramp.

    Viscera then started doing his usual sex antics on Haas, before going for a Splash, but once again, Charlie moved out of the way as Viscera crashed into the steel ramp. Charlie then got up off the ground & picked Viscera up, before leaning him against the barricade, where he hit some chops, before throwing him back into the ring.

    Haas then surprisingly climbed up to the top rope & went for an elbow drop, but Vis moved out of the way as Haas landed on the mat, hard. Viscera then looked at Haas, before he walked over to the ropes, where he started to talk to Lillian.

    But as Vis was talking, Haas recovered & rolled him up to get the victory.

    After the match, Haas wisely left the ring, as Viscera was looking on in disbelief.


    Oh Mickey Your So Fine

    We crossed to the RAW interview set, as we saw Maria with a microphone in her hand.

    Maria: Hi, my name is Maria & I’m here with ‘The King of Kings’ Triple H & ‘The Heartbreak KID’ Shawn Michaels, D-Generation X.

    Triple H & Shawn Michaels then popped up on either side of Maria, as she started to speak to the camera. But as she was doing so, HHH & Shawn looked down her top.

    Maria: At Saturday Night’s Main Event, D-Generation X will face Mikey & Kenny of The Spirit Squad for the World Tag Team Titles & if The Spirit Squad lose, all five of them will be fired from the WWE.

    Maria then looked at Trips & Shawn, who looked away very quickly, getting a laugh from the crowd.

    Maria: So D-X, what are your thoughts?

    Triple H: Now before we give our thoughts on our match at Saturday Night’s Main Event

    Shawn Michaels: Which will be live on NBC.

    Triple H: We would like to comment on the top you are wearing tonight, it is very nice.

    Maria: Well thankyou.

    Triple H: But now onto more important matters, we would like to thank Vince McMahon for letting us to get rid of those five pieces of crap from the WWE.

    Shawn Michaels: It’s four now Hunter, didn’t you see what happened to Johnny earlier tonight?

    Triple H: Oh yeah, Kane just broke his neck. Anyways, Mikey, Kenny, Penny, whatever your names are…

    Shawn Michaels: What about Mickey?

    Shawn then started to sing the Mickey song, while dancing.

    Triple H: Like I was saying, you better start practicing all your cheers, like Shawn here, because you will need anything & everything in your disposal this Saturday night, because D-Generation X will be ready to kick all of your asses.

    Shawn Michaels: And if you’re not down with that, we have two words for ya.

    Crowd: SUCK IT.

    RAW then went to a commercial break as DX walked off the screen.


    You May Be Finished With Me, But I’m Not Finished With You

    ‘Also Sprach Zarathustra’ by Richard Strauss started to play throughout the arena as Ric Flair made his way down to the ring to a pop from the crowd. Flair then climbed into the ring & grabbed a microphone off Lillian, before he began to speak.

    Ric Flair: Last week on RAW, I called that son of a bitch, Mick Foley out to this ring so that we could agree on a match at SummerSlam, WOOOOOOOOOOO, but not any kind of match, WOOOOOOO, a hardcore match.

    The crowd popped again for the idea of Flair & Foley mixing it up in the ring once again.

    Ric Flair: But that glorified stuntman decided he didn’t want to go another round with the Naitch, so he told his “personal friend” Melina to tell me that he has retired from wrestling because he was finished with me. Well guess what Foley, you may be finished with you, but, WOOOOOOOOO, I’m not finished with you.

    You see Foley, I want some payback for what you did to me at Vengeance. I want to make you bleed with my own two hands. I want to leave you lying in your own pool of blood. And I want to do at SummerSlam Mick.

    So Foley, I know your watching RAW right now, so you better call Melina & tell her that SummerSlam, me & you in a hardcore match, is on. And if you don’t Mick, you better change the channel, because I won’t be leaving this ring until a match between me & you is official.

    Flair then waited for someone to come down to the ring, but instead of someone like Vince McMahon or Melina, Matt Striker’s music started to play as the former school teacher came out onto the stage with a microphone in his hand.


    Today’s Lesson: Respect

    Matt Striker: Hello, my name is Matt Striker & I am your teacher.

    The crowd booed Striker, obviously not pleased with him so far.

    Matt Striker: And tonight, I will be teaching all of you about respect, especially you Ric. You see, last week, Melina told you that Mick Foley was finished with you & that he had retired from wrestling. But now this week, your still calling him out so you can have a match against him at SummerSlam. Well Ric, I’m not sure if it is because of your old age, or just that Mick Foley’s beatdown made you lose some brain cells, but can’t you just respect his wishes?

    Ric Flair: You want me to respect that son a bitch’s wishes? WOOOOOOOO, do you even know who I am? I’m Ric Flair, ‘The Nature Boy’ a 16-time, 16-time, 16-time, WOOOOOOOOOO, a 16-time World Champion, and I don’t have to listen some school teacher tell me what to do.

    Matt Striker: Well Ric, just listen to this. Why not right here & right now in that ring, I beat some respect into you. What do you say?


    The Match Is On

    Ric Flair: Your on.

    Striker then walked down to the ring, while Flair undressed, revealing his red tights underneath his pants.


    Singles Match

    Ric Flair vs. Matt Striker

    After Striker got into the ring, Mike Chioda ran down to the ring & rang the bell to start this impromptu match.

    Flair & Striker circled around the ring, before they locked up, as Flair pushed Striker into the corner. Flair then let go of Striker, before hitting a nasty chop right across his chest as Striker yelled in pain. Flair then hit a couple more chops on him, until Striker rolled to the outside, holding his chest.

    Flair then quickly climbed to the outside & hit some more chops, before smashing Striker’s onto the steel steps. Flair then went for an Irish whip, but Striker reversed it, sending Flair right into the ringpost.

    Striker then threw Flair into the ring & went for the cover, only to get a 2-count. Striker then picked Naitch up off the ground & threw him into the corner, where he hit some right hands, knocking onto the ground, where Striker choked Flair with his foot, until the referee pulled him away.

    Striker then lifted Flair up off the ground & hit some knee’s to his gut, before whipping him across the ring as Flair did his usual spot in the corner, where he goes flying everywhere. But as soon as he landed back in the corner, Striker hit him with a clothesline, as Flair fell onto the ground.

    Striker went for the pin, only to get a 2-count. Frustrated, Striker locked in a sleeper hold for a good couple of minutes. But as Mike Chioda was about drop Flair’s arm back down for the 3rd time to end the match, Flair kept it up & slowly got his feet as Striker still kept the sleeper on Flair.

    Flair started to elbow Striker in the guts, before pushing him into the ropes. Striker then bounced back & got hit with a huge chop, knocking him onto the ground. Flair then went for the Figure Four Leg Lock, but Striker reversed it & pushed Flair into the ropes.

    Flair bounced back, only for him to get rolled up by Striker who then grabbed the tights. But luckily for Flair, he kicked out at the last moment. Both of them got up, as Striker went for a clothesline, only for Flair to duck it. Striker then turned around, only for him to get chopped back onto the ground, where Flair locked in the Figure Four Leg Lock, forcing Striker to submit.


    This Is For Trish

    After the match, Flair kept Striker in the Figure Four Leg Lock, as Mike Chioda tried to break it. But from out of nowhere, the Intercontinental Champion, Johnny Nitro ran down to the ring & started stomping on Flair, making him let go.

    Nitro then started to beatdown on Flair, before picking him up, as he told Striker to hold him. Nitro then went back to the corner, as he started to shine up the Intercontinental Title. But just as he was about to hit Flair, Carlito grabbed his feet & pulled him out of the ring & started throwing wild lefts & rights saying that this is for Trish, before throwing him into the steel steps.

    Carlito then climbed into the ring & went to hit Striker, but Striker hightailed it through the crowd as we went to a commercial break.


    Singles Match

    Umaga w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada vs. Jim Duggan w/ Eugene

    When we got back from the break, Umaga’s music started to play as he made his way down to the ring with his manager, Armando Alejandro Estrada. After Umaga climbed into the ring, Jim Duggan’s music started to play as he made his way down to the ring with Eugene, who was waving an American flag. But as Duggan, climbed onto the apron, Umaga pushed him off, sending him face first into the barricade.

    Umaga then climbed to the outside & started pounding Duggan’s head on the barricade, before throwing him into the steel steps. Umaga then picked him up & hit his head against the steel steps, before throwing him back inside the ring.

    Umaga then put him in the corner, before he walked over to the opposite side of the ring. Umaga then ran across the ring & hit him with the Samoan Crusher, as Duggan was lying motionless in the corner.

    Umaga then dragged him into the middle of the ring, before lifting him up, as Estrada climbed onto the apron. Estrada then broke his cigar, as Umaga hit Duggan with the Samoan Spike, before pinning him for the 3-count.


    We Are Going To Take Care Of Business

    We crossed backstage to where Todd Grisham was at the RAW Interview set.

    Todd Grisham: Hello, my name is Todd Grisham & my guests at this time, are John Cena & Randy Orton.

    Cena & Orton then came into view.

    Todd Grisham: Now, John, Randy, in just a few minutes, you will be taking on the WWE & ECW Champion, Rob Van Dam & fellow extremist, Kurt Angle. Your thoughts?

    Randy Orton: You know what Todd, you know what, tonight, Rob & I, we, we are going to take care of business with RVD & Angle. You see, RVD has John Cena’s WWE Championship, while I am going to show Kurt Angle that his victory against me at One Night Stand, was nothing then just a one night fluke.

    John Cena: Your right Randy. You see RVD, you have what is mine, the WWE Championship. I had to go through I Quit & Elimination Chamber matches, General Manager’s trying to screw me over & then at WrestleMania, I had to face Triple H just so I could keep my WWE Title.

    Well Rob, guess what, at Saturday Night’s Main Event, I’m going to be walking out the WWE Champion, because next week when I walk into RAW, the first thing I will be saying is, THE CHAMP IS HERE.

    Cena & Orton then walked off, as we crossed to the ring as Kurt Angle’s music started to play as he made his way down to the ring to a mixed reaction, due to his alliance with ECW.


    Tag Team Match

    Rob Van Dam & Kurt Angle vs. John Cena & Randy Orton

    ‘One of a Kind’ by Breaking Point then started to play, as the WWE & ECW Champion, Rob Van Dam made his way down to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd, due to him being from ECW.

    ‘Burn In My Light’ by Mercy Drive then started to play, as Randy Orton made his way down to the ring to the only one-sided reaction for this match. ‘My Time Is Now’ by John Cena then went through the PA System, as John Cena came down to the ring to another mixed reaction.

    The match started off with Orton & Angle, as RVD & Cena went to their respective corners. Orton & Angle locked up in the middle of the ring, with Angle taking Orton down onto the mat with a side headlock takedown. Angle then continued the headlock, while on the ground, until Orton raked his eyes, breaking the hold.

    Orton then went on the attack, with some right hands, before throwing him into the corner. Orton then hit some kicks to the gut, before slapping Angle right across his face. Orton then went to pull Kurt back into the middle of the ring, but Angle tackled him to the ground & started to hit some lefts & rights as Orton tried to block the shots.

    But soon enough, Orton wriggled free & quickly climbed to the outside of the ring. Angle followed him, but Orton started running away from the Olympic Gold Medalist, before climbing back into the ring. Angle followed him & just as Orton was going to make a tag, Angle grabbed him & hit him with a German suplex, which got a 2-count.

    Angle then took down his straps & went to lock in the Anklelock, but Orton countered it, as he sent Angle into the ropes, before hitting his version of the neckbreaker. Orton then started to stomp on Kurt, before locking in a sleeper hold.

    Orton kept it applied for a little while, until the crowd got behind Kurt by default (thanks to Orton being a fully-fledged heel). Kurt then pushed Orton into the ropes, before he bounced back as both of them hit clotheslines, knocking each other down onto the mat.

    Both of them started crawling towards their corners, with Cena & RVD ready to make the hot tag. Angle was the first one to get to this corner, but only just as Orton made the tag very soon afterwards. Cena & RVD then traded punches (elbows in RVD’s case), with Cena getting the advantage. Cena threw RVD into the ropes, with RVD coming back & getting hit with a huge clothesline. Cena then signaled for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but as he came off the ropes, Orton tagged himself in.

    The referee then ordered Cena out of the ring, as Orton started to setup for the RKO. RVD then got up to his feet & pushed Orton into the ropes, accidentally knocking the referee down onto the ground.

    RVD & Orton then started to trade punches inside the ring, until Edge ran down to the ring with a steel chair. Edge quickly climbed into the ring & swung the chair, aiming for the back of RVD’s head. But RVD sensed it & moved out of the way, as Orton got flattened by the chair shot.

    Edge then went to the outside while RVD jumped onto the top rope, before hitting the Five Star Frogsplash on Orton, as the referee recovered to make the 3-count.


    Sabu Has The Edge

    As Edge was tugging on his hair, shocked at what had just happened, the man who he will be facing tomorrow night in ECW, Sabu, ran down the ramp with a steel chair, before throwing it right at back of Edge’s head. Sabu then threw the chair a couple more times at him, before lying Edge on the top of the barricade.

    Sabu then climbed onto the top rope, before hitting an Arabian Facebuster on Edge.

    RAW then ended with Sabu & Edge lying in a heap, as JR hyped up their match in ECW.

  18. Well I don't follow TNA, but are those Impact results your own, or did they happen in real life?

    Anyways, definitely a solid card for the Primetime special. Looks like you can get Jarrett out of the title picture with a loss against Sting, and that is a good thing. You can also build towards Joe/Sting, which seems like a money match.

    Also, I like the way your booking Angle, even though you've only got him in a match against Strong, I can see your not going to rush any potential money matches he could have with the likes of Joe, Sting & any other TNA main eventers.

    So a good start, but when you get a show up, we will be able to make a proper judgment.

  19. Well, this diary is a hit & miss for me. On one hand, you gave Vince McMahon the title, which is a bad decision, but it is realistic booking. Then you have the Round Robin tournament, which is spewing out some great matches, even though they could be saved for PPV's.

    The same can also be said for Stasiak. The gimmick you have on him is great, but the person himself, isn't. I'd also doubt they would push someone that quickly from WCW, when you have a WCW Legend in DDP on Heat.

    The things that I do like are the Tag Titles, RVD/Key & Kane/Team Extreme.

    But this duary has potential, and I will keep reading.

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