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Posts posted by TheTruth

  1. Group A

    7.21 22 Short Films About Springfield vs. 7.13 Two Bad Neighbors

    4.17 Last Exit to Springfield vs. 7.1 Who Shot Mr. Burns?: Part 2

    Group B

    4.12 Marge vs. the Monorail vs. 5.8 Boy Scoutz n the Hood

    6.12 Homer the Great vs. 4.3 Homer the Heretic

    Group C

    3.10 Flaming Moe's vs. 1.1 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire

    5.4 Rosebud vs. 8.18 Homer vs. the 18th Amendment

    Group D

    3.17 Homer at the Bat vs. 3.13 Radio Bart

    6.6 Treehouse of Horror V vs. 6.14 Bart's Comet

    Group E

    6.25 Who Shot Mr. Burns?: Part 1 vs. 6.24 Lemon of Troy

    4.9 Mr. Plow vs. 7.12 Team Homer

    Group F

    5.15 Deep Space Homer vs. 5.10 $pringfield (or How ... Gambling)

    5.2 Cape Feare vs. 6.9 Homer Badman

    Group G

    8.10 The Springfield Files vs. 3.4 Bart the Murderer

    9.1 The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson vs. 8.15 Homer's Phobia

    Group H

    8.2 You Only Move Twice vs. 6.16 Bart vs. Australia

    8.23 Homer's Enemy vs. 6.1 Bart of Darkness

  2. Man, who would've thought Panthers would beat the Dogs? Same goes for the Knights. Just shows how good coaches Smith & Elliot are IMO.

    Orford is out for the clash against the Tigers this afternoon, Monaghan going to half, Ballin starting at hooker.

  3. Orton/Cor Von is a good combo, too bad Edge is going to ECW though. Rated RKO would've been better served by staying together IMO.

    WGTT/Cryme Tyme should be a good match, still don't know why they're feuding though.

    So you've set the seeds for an Orton/Edge feud? I like that idea, hopefully you turn Edge face though, as Orton sucks as a face.

    This Khali/Crazy feud is great, and hopefully, Crazy can get a good match out of him at Backlash.

    Just putting Beth over, so nothing to say there.

    Sandman on RAW is bad IMO, as you have already have Crazy as a novelty face. Umaga/Sandman should be pretty good though.

    Well you better not have Viscera go over Umaga, and the IC Title stipulation sounds good on paper, but shit when put into practice.

    Huh? When did Orton/Edge get booked & why? Strange booking there.

    It was obvious Cena/HBK were going to go over, good build there.

  4. Rematch at Judgment Day I'm guessing, hopefully this leads to a long & meaningful title regin for Hardy.

    HBK going after the title is interesting, with whoever wins the match.

    Show squash, nothing to note here.

    This Chavo thing better lead to something good, otherwise this would've been a waste of time.

    Nothing to say about Scorpio really, seems like a good micard face.

    I wish that Eddie will turn soon, because they dragged it on too long in real life & I think you're going to do the same.

    I wish that mystery man is Goldust, as Goldust is awesome.

    You can go so many ways with Smackdown's main event scene now, which is what they need.

    World Heavyweight Championship:

    Batista © vs Triple H

    Batista is obviously going to win, but I don't know how ýou're going to keep the title on him.

    Edge vs ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan

    Hogan's creative control is going to stop Mr. MITB from getting the win here. It's a shame too,

    Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

    Just to cement his place on the RAW roster really.

    John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Kane

    Just like Angle, needs to cement his spot.

    Intercontinental Championship:

    Shelton Benjamin © vs Charlie Haas

    Cheap win here for Haas, but this one is definitely not over.

    World Tag Team Championship:

    William Regal & Tajiri © vs The Dudley Boyz

    They will keep the titles for a little longer.

    Intercontinental #1 Contender Match:

    Rene Dupree vs The Hurricane vs Christian vs Mystery Opponent

    I can't see you adding a big name into the mix, so Christian gets the win.

    2. Which match will open the show?

    World Tag Team Titles

    3. Which match will receive the highest EWR match quality?

    Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

    4. Which match will receive the highest EWR crowd reaction?

    Batista vs. Triple H

    5. Who will be the "mystery opponent?"


  5. So you're going to start Vince/Austin back up, only with the NWO involved. Definitely a good move & nice work on the promo.

    Man, I wish the Hardcore title was brought back so I can see those numerous title changes in a couple of minutes. Its a good way to get Maven over though.

    Thank god you kept the Dudleys together, as they're not good at all if they're doing a singles run. Nice segment by the way.

    Lesnar going over Godfather was expected, didn't know that Godfather was still around then. Nice way to get Lesnar over.

    I'm not sure why this is headlining hour one, as it should be in the main event. Good finish though.

    That would've been a good way to end the show, so it better be something good that you're headlining the show with.

    Don't really think that segment was needed really, but I guess you needed to do it in EWR so you could book the RAW & Backlash main events.

    Dammit, I wanna see Rico go through a table. Oh well, good way to continue the feud.

    Lol, Stephanie putting makeup on Rikishi's ass is classic.

    I hope this leads to a Rikishi push, as he's a great character & not that bad in the ring.

    That made 'Taker look really weak there, but the match should be definitely be great.

    You could've saved all of those segments from before, and put Austin/Hall here.

    Thanks for reminding me of 'Beautiful People', that was such a great opening video.

    Man, this reminds me of Jericho in his glory days, and HHH just sucking as a face. So anything you guys do with those two won't change my mind.

    Balancing out the feud is good, but Hardy needs some allies.

    I could've just imagined Regal's face, great segment. Gets Henry over heaps as well.

    You seem to write Angle very well, so good job. Hopefully you don't do the hair/hair match though.

    I thought Tajiri was a heel then? Anyways, not much to comment on though.

    A Jackie turn could lead to an interesting angle for the womens division, so I hope you go through with it.

    Looks like you will be going through with it, Jackie/Trish feuding through the Summer? I like it alot.

    Edge/Jericho should be good, probably going to get Edge/Angle & HHH/Jericho brawls to end the show.

    Nice way to put Henry over again, hopefully you continue his push as he is a good midcarder to have hanging around.

    Lol @ Show only getting stunned by the steel chair. Booker/Show feud could be good though.

    Nice way to keep everyone looking strong going into Backlash.

    So far, this is a good diary, well written & not many booking mistakes. Keep it up.

  6. Hooray, I do get my wish of a main eventer coming to RAW. Now I see why you did HBK/Angle on Smackdown, so I take anything I said back with that.

    Benoit/Angle match should be great, start of a rivalry perhaps?

    This JBL/Kane feud is interesting, keep up the good work with it so far.

    Benjamin/Haas is looking good as well, but you should've had Haas be made to look strong by beating Regal or Tajiri.

    Like I said before, Kane/JBL feuding is interesting, as it is very new.

    A Hogan promo is always good, nothing wrong with that as its just building up Edge/Hogan even more.

    I don't think Y2J's going anywhere, it just seems like you want to restart Christian/Jericho, which isn't a good move as these two have feuded too much already. But if he does go, it was a great choice.

    I guess with Y2J winning, he is going to SD.

    What a weak match, and you're going to be ending Haas/Shelton so soon? Anyways, its obvious Christian is going to win.

    Man, what a dream team in Hogan/Batista for the marks. I really doubt Hogan would job on RAW, it would've been much better to have Batista pinned.

  7. Good opening segment to kick off RAW, nice to see Rated RKO is going to be breaking up.

    Another squash for Masters, at least it keeps him strong.

    Now that is a great way to get Crazy over, by him challenging Khali. Great booking there, because even if Crazy loses, it's a win-win situation.

    WGTT winning is good, at least it gives them airtime. But two nothing matches at the start of RAW? If I was a casual fan, I would've tuned out by now.

    Cor Von is a decent draft pick, but I would've liked to have seen a shakeup in the main event scene.

    Why would Coach make the match non-title? Anyways, this feud is going good, even though they shouldn't be back together.

    Rated RKO keeping the titles is a good move, as they can give much needed importance to them

    So you're continuing their feud? I like that, but I hope it doesn't end up Mickie fucking a dead guy.

    Cena beating Dykstra was obvious, so nothing to write about there.

    Benoit on RAW involves this whole Hart thing, so I won't complain about it.

    Where was Rated RKO? I would've preferred them to interfere & make it a draw, then have a double count out.

    WTF? You're making Snitsky a main eventer on Smackdown.

    Chavo in ECW is good, as it gtes him away from all of the Eddie stuff.

    Why's Flair in a non-wrestling role?

    Jeter being brought back is good, as he & Kenny did stand out in the SS.

    Don't bring back Gunn, please.

    Rhino being brought back is okay, don't see why you need him though.

    You start RAW off with a squash? Bad booking there.

    Cena getting thrown out is interesting, hopefully it leads to something later on.

    I would've liked to have seen Crazy go over Big Vis, but it doesn't bother me too much.

    Nothing too comment on there with the Benoit signing.

    Nice way to make Beth look strong, and nice to know you're not forgetting Victoria.

    Flair push involves the whole Hart thing? I hope it does.

    WGTT/C&M feud is good, but WGTT better be the ones turning face.

    Good ending to the Hardy/Mercury match, tag rematch at Backlash?

    HBK/Cena is a strange decision, but there are not many better options though.

    Before I go though, you need to work on your match placement. It's all over the place.

  8. Are you fuckin' crazy? Two big main events in just two shows? You should've left this for Judgment Day.

    Chavo is a heel right? If so, he should be costing London matches against the other CW guys. That way your other CW guys get over, gets Chavo over & London isn't made to look weak.

    Another squash, not much to say here.

    This storyline is interesting, and I hope Goldust is the mystery man. Hope you can keep it up.

    Not much to say about Carlito/Cena, but now you're giving away 'Taker/Cena? Seriously, you need to stop making huge main events all the time. They could be saved for PPV.

    Islanders replacing MNM basically? I like that idea alot, since Islanders could've been a really good team if given the chance.

    I really hope you do push Hardy to at least the upper midcard, because he's one of those guys who could get jobbed to Funaki, but still get cheers the following week.

    I'm still pissed you put this on free television, but HBK going over was the right move.

  9. You're giving away Hogan/Flair on free television? That is crazy & a really bad booking move.

    Was that a tag title match? Also, this better lead to something for Rosey & Hurricane.

    I could deal with the Dudleys attacking Regal & Tajiri, but both getting thrown off the stage? Too unrealistic.

    I like this Haas/Shelton storyline now, thanks to that promo. Gives Haas a character, one that he has needed for sometime now.

    It's Snitsky, not Snitzky. Anyways, good way to get the champ on the show without doing too much. Nice promo afterwards as well.

    You need to cut down on your squashes.

    I love this Edge/Hogan feud, even though it's more suited to Orton. Good promo as well by the way.

    Nothing match there really, and don't tell me it's going to start a Rhyno/Dupree feud.

    Kane/JBL is defnitely interesting, hopefully it lasts longer then Backlash though because these two would be gold together.

    Match would've been decent, but the atmospehere would've been great. Nice way to end the show as well.

  10. With my Batista/Christian point from earlier, think about the momentum it would've given Christian though.

    Angle/Cena again? It's like Edge/Cena, it should never happen again.

    Nice to see some CW matches on SD, hopefully you can make the division credibile.

    IMO, you should've saved this until Judgment Day, unless you're going to do the 3rd match at JD, then turn Eddie there.

    Nothing match there really with Booker & Carlito.

    Hardy on Smackdown is a good move, so good job there. Hopefully you give hi mthe US Title, because he could be an established guy if you give him a chance.

    What's that note about? Hopefully it leads to a push for Booker.

    Another man in the CW division is always good.

    HBK on Smackdown is a great move, although not entirely realistic. HBK/Angle/Cena at Judgment Day would own.

  11. Bad, bad move on restarting Edge/Cena again, even if it involves K-Fed. We saw too much of it in 2006, and frankly, I don't want to see it again.

    Phoenix heel turn? I like it alot, hopefully you can turn her into a major player for the Women's Division.

    Well that just killed Masters really. Unless that was the start of a Venis push, that hatch had no purpose whatsoever & killed whatever credibility Masters had left.

    Eugene turned on Duggan, remember? It's pretty obvious you don't. A Cade/Murdoch victory is good though.

    Guess Benoit is part of this whole Bret thing?

    Hardy/Viscera? What a wreck of a match. Also, why are you still continuing Hardy/Nitro? You should've ended it at WrestleMania.

    Why did you have to reform MNM fulltime? Nitro is already an established singles star, so there is no real point in doing it.

    Good booking with Khali there, I love him just randomnly attacking people.

    So we're not getting Edge/Cena? That's definitely good news. Nice aftermath of the 6-man as well.

    Knox hasn't been see on tv in months, and he suddenly gets drafted? Carlito moving to ECW is fine by me though.

    Viscera getting a push isn't good, don't understand why'd you give him one.

    King of the Ring returning is a good idea, liking it being on RAW as well.

  12. Feedback time...

    JBL on RAW? I don't really like that idea at all, since JBL could've done some more on Smackdown before moving over, like put Cena over again. JBL/Michaels, definitely a mismatch there.

    Meh, squash.

    Man, I hate Christian. But I know where you're going with this though, HHH interferes & costs Batista the match. So yeah, good booking.

    Nothing match there really, but I hope you rebuild the tag division.

    If you're going to with the interference in the main event, this could've been saved until next week.

    If I remember correctly, Haas was working in a team with Rico. So he goes from that, to stealing the Intercontinetal Title. But I guess you can get him over by doing it, so good luck with that.

    Edge/Hogan? Interesting, but what happened to Hassan/Hogan though?

    Now that I think about it, something about JBL on RAW doesn't feel right to me. Also, the match should've been way shorter. This wasn't even the main event.

    You missed out on a big oppurtunity there? You could've gotten over all three men in one hit, instead of just Batista. Bad booking there.

  13. Bret would never come back to the WWE, and if he did, he has said in the past he didn't want to be on-air anyways. But I'll let that slide for now.

    If you wanted to finish the Hardy/Nitro feud, you should've just involved Mercury/Matt to kill two birds with one stone. They weren't doing anything else at WrestleMania, and Hardys/MNM would've been much better then another Nitro/Jeff match.

    Finley is spelt as Finlay.

    I'll keep reading, just to see how this pans out.

  14. NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Abyss v Raven v Sting

    - Abyss should look strong as a champion & having him beat these two here will help.

    TNA X Division Championship: Christopher Daniels v AJ Styles

    - It's an easy way to continue the feud.

    NWA World Tag Team Championships: LAX v AMW v Team 3D v The Briscoes

    - You seem high on them, plus LAX doesn't need them anymore as their focus is on Cornette.

    Rhino v Kurt Angle

    - He should win because of his turn, even though I don't understand why you turned him.

    Christian Cage v Samoa Joe

    - He's only going to lose to Angle, not Cage.

    Jim Cornette v Konnan

    - Konnan will go over, you said in the news notes.

    Robert Roode v X

    - 'X' will go over because he will be returning.

    Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal v Paparazzi Productions

    - PP will go over, smell feud between them & Briscoes.

    The New Movement v X

    - They need to look strong.

    Bonus Questions

    Who will be Robert Roode's Opponent? Senshi

    How many titles will change hands? 2

    Who will be pinned in the Main Event? Sting

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