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Posts posted by Tkasto

  1. Hello guys, (I will just use an old request thread I made for this)

    I was wondering, if somebody could make me a poster for my next PPV in my Cranky Vince Diary.


    Size - Poster ( Your choice)
    Wrestlers - The Undertaker, Braun Strowman, Austin Aries, AJ Styles and Chris Jericho
    Text - WWE Fastlane
    Theme/Color - be creative
    Side notes: be creative

    Thank you in advance!

  2. 1 hour ago, angeluzcr said:

    About that:

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    I saw this video where the guy says that Barry explained that he fought Savitar using a bunch of time remnants and they got beaten...but I don't remember when Barry says that, does anyone?



    I think he said it when they were in the time vault. When Emo Barry was watching the picture of him and Iris and the 2017 Barry came in to scream at him for not being there for Joe and others.

    My crazy theory who Savitar is:


    Wallys mother. What could be more shocking to see for Wally, than his dead mother.


  3. I had no idea they have an actual Savitar Suit. I thought the entire suit was CGI. Two pictures of the suit:






    Plus some leaked footage from a future episode (SPOILERS):






  4. 20 hours ago, Benji said:

    Whilst I have enjoyed this season, I really feel like this season might be the first where I've felt the soul of the show isn't the same. Most of all I really miss the Kenny/Cartman/Stan/Kyle interractions. Feels like we had one maybe two episodes of that, and beyond that they've all been largely ignored except for Cartman.

    I think it's because of the game, that is coming out soon. That they are more focusing on that.

  5. I would love to see Alchemy turn Wally into Kid Flash and then have him turn on Barry for half a season. Blaming him for not telling him he was Flash Kid in the other timeline, denying him his powers, etc.

    • Full Name (22 characters max): TKasto
    • Shortened Name (10 characters max): TK
    • Gender: Male
    • Age (18 minimum): 21
    • Birth month: June
    • Weight: Lightweight
    • Nationality: European
    • Primary Finisher + Type: F5 (Impact)
    • Secondary Finisher + Type: Shooting Star Press (Top Rope)
    • Disposition: Heel
    • Gimmick: Blue Chipper
    • In-Ring and Mic Stats (250 pts to divide how you like)
      • Brawling: 60
      • Speed: 70
      • Technical: 55
      • Charisma: 65
    • Performance Stats (120 pts to divide how you like)
      • Stiffness: 35
      • Selling:85
    • Checkboxes (2 max)
      • High Spots, Superstar Look, Announcer, Shooting Ability, Diva, Booker, Fonz Factor, Menacing, Trainer
    • Tag teams or stables
  6. Arrow spoilers for season 5:




    At the Heroes & Villains Fan Fest in New Jersey this weekend, and after weeks of speculation, Oliver Queen actor Stephen Amell confirmed to the crowd that Flashpoint will affect Arrow and in a major way.

    At the end of The Flash season 2, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) traveled back to the night his Mom was murdered by the Reverse-Flash for a third time and on this temporal journey, he stopped Thawne from committing the heinous act.  DC Comics fans know that a very similar event occurred in a Geoff Johns written DC miniseries called, Flashpoint.  That comic book event chronicled the cataclysmic fallout from Barry's actions, which led to the entire DC Comics universe being re-written.  In that new reality, it was Bruce Wayne who was murdered in a Gotham alley, not his parent - a change that would inspire Thomas Wayne to don the cape and cowl of the Batman.  The new status quo also revealed that upon his arrival on Earth, Superman was immediately captured by the US government and placed in a prison devoid of yellow sunlight, growing up to become a pencil-thin caricature of his traditional muscular appearance. 

    Green Arrow doesn't escape Barry's temporal manipulations either, in the Flashpoint universe, Oliver Queen is an inventor with a tech background who secretly steals the weapons from C-list super-villains to create prototypes for the US government.  Previously, Stephen Amell hinted that Flashpoint and what happens on The Flash COULD affect Arrow but at Heroes & Villains Fan Fest in New Jersey this weekend, he was a bit more bullish, revealing that Arrow WILL definitely be affected by Flashpoint and in a major way. 

    With that confirmation, the question that remains is how?  Will the TV show follow what occurred in the comics or will we see completely different changes?  Will characters who have already died (like Laurel Lance and Tommy Merlyn) return from the grave?  The possibilities are literally endless. 


    Best news about the show.

  7. A Spoiler for Season 5:


    On Saturday, Arrow star Stephen Amell made the surprise announcement that Cody Rhodes will be appearing on Season 5 of the show.


  8. Last night episode:


    Nuclear bombs are destroying the world, but they can't help Berry (and his team) and other meta humans/super heroes to help. So that World wouldn't end.


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