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Posts posted by Tkasto

  1. 17 minutes ago, Benji said:

    Finally watched that episode last night:

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    Considering we've seen him mourn his daughter's death about three times, Captain Lance still sells it like a champ.




    No suprise, Lance has a bad heart condition.


  2. Watching some old episodes, because I'm bored. I can't believe there are so many smart people in one place, but yet they can't upgrade star lab security system, so others couldn't invade it.

  3. There's a video on the developers IG with Jimmy Hart talking through the megaphone into a microphone hyping up the Natural Disasters. I really hope their showcase match is filled with him screaming! 

    I believe you think about this one:

    Also few others videos:


  4. his is the official WWE2K16 wallpaper from 2K website.

    Can you see the one between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kalisto? It's current WILLIAM REGAL! (He was not in roster reveal)


    Also from WWE 2K Twitter:



  5. That ending of the first episode, I can't describe it. I will wonder until the end of the season.

    Also read this in an article about the Arrow. Which could be a huge twist in the upcoming seasons.

    Malcolm Merlyn, one of Oliver’s most frequent nemeses and occasionally reluctant ally, took on the mantle of Ra’s and became the leader of the League of Assassins in the wake of the man’s death. It’s a very dangerous position for one of the most dangerous people on the show.

    (Also, is “Arrow” still pretending Malcolm didn’t dip his late son Tommy in the Lazarus Pit, and that Tommy won’t eventually be revealed as an evil zombie bad guy at some point down the line? Someone wake me up when the show decides to go down this route. It’s inevitable.)

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