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Posts posted by hugobomb

  1. 1 hour ago, DMo Salah said:

    I suppose one of the advantages Sunderland will have too is that they will have the infastructure in place. They've got a huge stadium for that level (obviously won't fill it for League 1 football like but still they should draw numbers that will be at the top end of the division) and they'll have the training facilities. 

    I think Sunderland need to just gut the squad of overpriced and overpaid shite, get new owners who actually care and spend a few seasons rebuilding a team. If staying around that level and rebuilding for a few seasons means a more stable long term future it'll be worth it in the long run. 

    Although I do find it funny that they'll be having to go to Accrington away. 

    If getting rid of Jack Rodwell was that easy, he'd already be gone.


    In years to come there'll be a plaque outside the stadium showing people the marks his fingernails left as he was finally dragged out.

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  2. I think the last big thing that CA had going for it was the sense of community between the producers (aside from Doug and his Chicago kliq) so I can how some people may have kept quite about the exact reasons they left because they didn't want to potentially force their friends into a snap decision to either leave CA or not.


    Plus several of the people who left recently have said that they stayed longer than they wanted to because they needed to build their YouTube presence after the end of Blip, a lot of them were pretty much soley dependant on CA for views until they managed to build up subscribers on YouTube after the (in hindsight and in fairness they didn't have much of an option at that point) short sighted decision to go with Blip.

  3. 1 hour ago, stokerino said:

    I did like that brief period of Discovery near the beginning (eps 3 and 4, maybe?), where it felt like being on-board the USS Equinox.

    As great as that two parter was, it just made hammered home how good Voyager could have been if there were actual consequences to their actions instead of the ship being magically fixed every week and supply problems only being a thing when the writers wanted it to be. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Lint said:


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    Though that episode where Mirror Kira seemingly wanted to fuck Prime Kira was a lil awkward.  Also, would that technically be masturbation?



    Wasn't that brought up in the episode. Someone (maybe Mirror Garak) telling Prime Kira that Mirror Kira's fascination with her was because of her utter narcissism and she'd kill her the moment the novelty wore off.


  5. Alright England, it's the first Test against New Zealand, this your chance to start redeeming yourselves after the Ashes.


    58 All Out in the first innings. :lol:


    Also they were 28-9 and staring at the lowest ever England total at one point until Overton (you know A BOWLER) managed to get 33 and get them to 58.

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  6. 22 hours ago, GhostMachine said:

    And of course most of those rip-offs were created by Rob Liefeld.

    Liefeld's biggest talent is making people think he actually has talent. 

    IIRC he bought the rights to Fighting American solely to try and claim he wasn't ripping off Captain America.

    Didn't he also try to claim Bedrock/Badrock wasn't infringing on the Flintstones in any way despite his catchphrase being "YABBA DABBA DOOM!!"?

  7. 16 hours ago, Lineker said:

    Barnet have sacked Graham Westley - and re-appointed Martin Allen for a fifth spell as manager.

    We'll see how long it takes him to fuck off to a another club this time. Though given how he utterly failed at Eastleigh this might be the time Barnet give him the boot rather than him jumping ship the instant someone else comes calling. 

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