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Posts posted by Spee

  1. Just got Gold today and also received a few games (Left 4 Dead, COD5, Pro Evo 2009 chief amongst them), so it would be cool to play a few games with some of the fine folk on here sometime...whilst keeping in mind I'd be a complete amateur at the first 2 games I mentioned. Gamertag is in my sig. :)

  2. 1. Fallout 3

    2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    3. Rez HD

    4. Mario Kart Wii

    5. Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People: Episode 1 - Homestar Ruiner

    6. Metal Gear Solid 4

    A special nod to Rock Band 2 but since I don't personally own it, I'm loath to put it on that list.

  3. Pretty much seen them all (on the first poster's list) with one or two exceptions. Most of Head-On was in Turkish actually, but it's a minor quibble.

    If there is one 'foreign language' film (does anyone else find the term a bit disingenuous, much like 'world music'? It's too broad and disparaging) you must see Let The Right One In. Cannot recommend it highly enough.

  4. Has anyone on here ever had a problem with their wired controller randomly disconnecting? It's happened to me for the past 2 weeks. Changing the USB slot it's in, switching the console on/off and the controller on/off etc. don't make a difference. I guess it could be the internal wiring somewhere in the controller's lead, but I'd rather not mess with that. Don't suppose anyone else can posit a solution to the problem, short of buying a new controller obviously.

  5. In related Atari news:

    The all-new Atari adds another heavy hitter to its line-up: Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Q Entertainment. The publisher announced today that it is bringing Q's next music-based game, (tentatively?) dubbed QJ, to the Nintendo Wii.

    That's all Atari was willing to announce about QJ, according to a report from CVG. It showed a logo and flew in Mizuguchi himself, but it kept the actual game under wraps — probably until the Spike TV VGAs, we assume, since it seems to be hoarding all the exclusives.

    Atari will also be publishing a Q Entertainment compilation disc featuring Rez HD, Lumines Live and Every Extend Extra Extreme, packed with downloadable content. Smart.

    Ought to be interesting, especially if it's anything like Rez in concept. Atari seem to be making some positive moves recently.

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