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Posts posted by A-Dub

  1. I'd reccomend a movie called "made".

    It's by basically the same crew that did "swingers", and it stars Favreau and Vaughn in the 2 lead roles. It's not a mob movie per se, and in no way is it really essential, but it's a cracking film none the less, and i think it only cost me about 3 quid new. Well worth picking up.

  2. I'll buy it as long as I can be Kennedy, Sabu, and maybe Dreamer. I'd really like Dreamer, because he's always been my favorite ECW-er, but he's kind of on the fringe of being in.

    My most wanted legend is definatly Yokozuna, I've ALWAYS wanted to play as him in a SD! game, and it's just so hard to do a CAW of him because it never looks right.

  3. I rented the game for like $8 and I still feel like it was a waste of money. The set-up is just so terrible its unreal. Half of your time is spent in office hours where you can only make 2 changes to the depth chart. It just feels like they had a lot of good ideas and this could have been an excellent game, but they didn't really know what the fuck they were doing so it turned into what it is.

  4. I think the worst part of the Campus Legend mode, is that your results from your tests don't directly effect your attributes. Such as the 40, it doesn't raise your speed attribute, even though that should really be the gauge for your speed. Other than that I think the Campus Legend is an improvement over last year's RftH.

    Dynasty is still where it's at.

  5. My best 40 time is like 4.56 or something in there. If I'm with friends, they usually do it because I suck at it. :P

    I'm still trying to get things realistic, my defense is always good during the 1st half, but in every single game that isn't against Indiana they tend to blow it in the 4th and I have to fight and scratch for every win. Really quite bullshit.

  6. T-1. Anchorman

    T-1. Wedding Crashers

    3. Tommy Boy

    4. Shaun of the Dead

    5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    6. Old School

    7. 40 Year Old Virgin

    8. Team America

    9. Dodgeball

    10. Clerks

    EDIT- How in the blue hell could I have forgotten Wedding Crashers?!?

  7. Just had the greatest game I've ever played...

    In the second year of my dynasty with Wisconsin, I'm playing against Minnesota in the Battle for Paul Bunyans Ax.

    I was up 14-0 at the half, but my defense is really young (not to mention complete shit) and I let them back into the game and it was tied at 14 at the end of the 3rd. I drove down the field and kicked a field goal to go up by 3, and then of course, my defense fucks it up and lets a TD in with 16 seconds left to play and no timeouts....fuck them, the fucking assholes...very choice words I gave my team for a pep talk :shifty:

    However, the Badgers weren't out for the count just yet! I get the Kickoff to about the 25 and then throw a hail mary to my #5 WR and he's able to struggle his way out of bounds.....an exclimation of HOLY SHIT was quick to leave my lips. So I take a quick breath to get things back in order, and call another hail mary in an attempt to pick up these last 45 yards. 6 seconds later I had hit my flanker in blanket man coverage, this time it was an "OH MY GOD!" that I let out.

    I still had to kickoff however.....but I stopped um :P

    The game was my #1 Instant Classic with a final score of 24-21 and a Greatness Score of 1428.

  8. I'm a major Batman fan, and all I gotta say is.......ugh. I agree with CKN that Adrian Brody would be a good choice. So would Edward Norton *. Hell, I'd even say Jake Gyllenhall (or however the heck you spell his name) would make a better Joker than Heath Ledger.

    If I was going to cast Heath Ledger as a Batman villain, it would be Two-Face. I think he could pull off that role a LOT better than he could the Joker.

    But, I look at it this way: it could have been worse. They could have cast David Schwimmer as the Joker. :thumbsdown:

    * I think Edward Norton would make a fine Joker, Two-Face or Riddler, and he's the only actor I can think of at the moment who I believe would work in any of those 3 roles.

  9. Christ, at times I feel so cheated when you can't catch ANY breaks...fumbles, blocking, ect...

    And about 75% of the time, momentum seems impossible to break.

    As for the new kick/punt return camera, great addition for kicks but it makes it hard to judge the distance away the defenders are on punts.

    The comebacks are so rewarding though, too bad 'Sconsin sucks so damn bad.

  10. Got it the second EB opened on Tuesday and I played my Wisconsin dynasty all day...it's simply amazing, this is always my favorite game each year and this year was no let down.

    I too, however, never even touch the Campus Legend/RftH modes, it's all about the dynasty. Mostly because it takes the best parts of the actual gameplay and the Head Coach parts of the game.

    On a completly unrelated note, NFL Head Coach is a dreadful game.

  11. Yeah, thats the shit I was talking about, made me fucking sick.

    But I too am a huge fan of Tiny Toons and anything involving the muppets. I used to watch Muppet Babies everyday when I was a little tike, Kermit is probably my favorite childhood character.

  12. I got up early this morning for some reason, and found they turned all of the Loony Tunes into superheros called the Loony Friends or something like that. Nearly made me sick, none of the voices are the same either.

    But I agree with Midget, the Golden Collections are where it's at. I own No. 1 as well.

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