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Posts posted by A-Dub

  1. OK, I'm looking at 3 options, and I'm not sure which to go with so I need your help.

    1) Go get Fifa World Cup 2006. Apperantly it doesn't have the club teams, but I'm not sure how the gameplay is comprable to Fifa 06.

    2) Go get Fifa Soccer 2006, more teams, manager mode...It looks good, and seems like a good way to get into the Premiership and Bundesleague. (I already have my favorite teams from each, but I don't know a lot about the league.)

    3) Wait til Fifa 07...New features and whatnot...fairly obvious.

    Which should I do? If I get either of the 2006 ones, I'm for sure buying used.

  2. The Driver rumor was false...

    But I know what you're saying about excuses, but you know that would help. Nearly all our injuries were on the offensive side of the ball, and 3 were on the same position A KEY ONE. However, I do understand you need to just accept it, and im not saying the Packers automatically win (I was sarcastic at the beginning) but they certainly have a better shot now.

  3. Nothing in the draft has changed, espically since Super Mario signed with Houston. AJ Hawk was and still is the Packers pick.

    Would everyone have liked Favre's decision earlier? Yes

    Are the Packers chances better with him than without him? Yes

    Are the Packers going to go to the playoffs? Prolly not, but depending on teh effectiveness of Thompson's draft and the injurys next season (which really was the reason of the shitty season) they do have a chance.

  4. Favre was a total dick about the whole thing (even had a press conference where he announced he hadn't made a decision yet), but I figured he would probably come back. I know I wouldn't want to go out after a season like the past one. HOWEVER, by coming back he has proven himself to be either a fool or a liar, since he said he wanted to come back only if they had a winning team. The Packers will be better than last season, but not much. He should have retired.

  5. To be completly honest, they dont need him, but I can't get enough Favre, neither can this whole city. He's as good as gold to this city, and even though he was a bit of an ass over the offseason, we want him back. He's always a great chance to win.

  6. The city of Green Bay will be turned upside down come tomorrow morning, because our savior has returned...

    Brett Favre will be back for the 2006 season.

    I'm definatly psyced, and so is just about everyone I've talked to this evening!


  7. Yeah, if I'm shite in the field to begin with (back when I played MVP) and I wasn't great at baserunning (I had problems with leads and retreats) should I get The Show? Or are the baserunning and fielding problems than small?

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