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The Future

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Posts posted by The Future

  1. Leglock must off been HHH he uses that move quite frequently.

    Just won a TLC Match that took an hour against my mates I was Daivari my friends were The Hardy Boyz, so basically they both climbed the two ladders and tried to grab the belts after knocking me outside then Jeff knocked Matt off and did a Mad Senton while I just grabbed the belt

  2. Best Royal Rumble ever, Christian comes in at Number 20 but Carlito hits him with the Neckbreaker out of nowhere, London hits the 450 and Taker his Punching Sequences.

    Christian gets his ass handed to him as Taker body presses London out of the ring, Big Show, a bunch of CAWS and AJ Styles come in next, Christian gets murdered by Styles through out.

    Show takes out Taker when suddenly Christian gets up and Brainbusters everyone in the ring until his stamina runs out.

    He then gets up and tries to Brainbuster Show who he cant lift Big Show goes for the Body Press but takes too long, CAWS take out Show, Christian takes them out.

    Turns and gets The Landing Pin which does no damage, AJ climbs to the top rope for Spiral Tap, Christian gets up charges and crotches AJ, as AJ stumbles to the ground Christian quickly lifts him up and hits a Brainbuster, he never noticed Hurricane and Hassan in the corner.

    They run at him as Hurricane takes The Unprettier, Hassan gets hit with The Running Diamond Cutter move Christian bundles out AJ and Hassan and starts taunting.

    Hurricane gets up from behind and throws him out.

    Just Awesome

  3. I have had it in a Last Man Standing Match, A Buff Bagwell Blockbuster on Kane pretty much wiped us both out I managed to get up and hit a Blockbuster to the outside and he popped right back up so I smashed him with The Chair for the duke.

    I find it annoying that even Torrie Fucking Wilson pops back up after The Overcastle

  4. I really dont know what happened with the whole Marcos situation I am still sticking by my story I was The Fair Maiden Town Alligned I could learn a role I asked Plubs for Marcos and he said he wasnt town alligned then abruptly went offline so I clarified with LCS....then Marcos dies and is Town Alligned....theres some ability switcher aboot

  5. I had just bought No Mercy it was at home while I was in the Lab over at school which we all know means hiding on MSN behind the computer and looking up when frogs are getting chopped. so my sister came on and shes like "our 2 year old cousins really like your new game they are jumping around with it", I went Psycho waited till everyone left the lab punched open the window(explaining to mom was rather hard). Went out and jumped over the wall(I cant do it anymore now that I am older fuck McDonalds) and ran to my home first thing I did was Tackle my cousins before my mom saw the watch

  6. This is a decent diary man but I see alot of things wrong with it.

    -Please run your diary through spell check I don't fuss much about spelling mistakes but when you have been typing "Lariet" every single match Hansen was involved in and the fact that his character revolves around the Lariat is disturbing

    -I really dont like adding Homicide into the product so early but whatever suits you I guess just dont do what some others did and pull in AJ Styles/newer indy guys

    -It just doesnt feel ECW to me, I am not sure was there EVER a time limit in ECW? did they ever have security guards storm and break up fights? I dont think so just little tid-bits like that.


    -I like the debut of Rhino and Jericho you didn't go over the top nabbing big overness stars but instead concentrated on two people ECW really did sign and in one case missed the ball with(Jericho) if used correctly Jericho can be what Christian Cage is to TNA to ECW, Rhino is class as always I like this Mile High Club thing you got going

    -The TV Title Scene is amazing with Homicide,Whipwreck,Rhino,Nagata and such putting in a good combination of matches Rhino vs Nagata would be very interesting to say the least but come on we need more GORE GORE GORE~!~!-age.

    -I like how you made the World Title Scene proper with the addition of Jericho.

    -You Also have the Sandman portrayed nicely as a guy who takes no shit and rips through people with his cane.

    This diary overall gets a grade of C.

  7. Just did Spike vs Andre Last Man Standing, beat him out of absolutely nowhere with a Standing Tornado DDT through the announce table but he got up, then I blocked some move he attempted on the announce table and hit a DDT through the table but he still got up, so I started doing planchas and such to keep him down until I realized I was playing dirty, then unwrapped the turnbuckle pads hit a Dudley Dog followed by a Super Dirty Move and then a Barbed Wire Bat shot for the win

  8. *Enter Game Cover Picture*

    Chronicles Of Narnia



    Review Reasoning:I loved the book as a lad and was excited when the movie came out along with a video game time to kill them wolves with Lucy!

    Plot: its War Time in England as Lucy,Edmund,Susan and Peter the siblings go to leave with a Professor after an unpleasant air raid, they want to play hide and seek and small sister Lucy wanders into a Wardrobe which leads to another world freaky shit right? I wonder whats behind my girlfriends thongs in her closet...sounds lke a plan *ahem*so enter this magical world with fancial unicorns and such oh and an evil witch with an army of wolves waiting to kill you have fun in there kids.


    -Very nice film to game adaption the missions are nicely thought off and the boss battles while easy are frustrating, teamwork is essential as your siblings join you in battle you can switch between them any time and all have them have special abilties/uses, Susan is good to take care of long range, Lucy can fit into small holes and tunnels in case you need to hide, Edmund....well Edmund has a knife, Peter is great for combat with his sword/stick/fists whatever, oh right! Edmund can climb trees and walk across ice patches to secure a route for you!, boss battles range from fighting Cyclops where teamwork is needed, as Lucy needs to climb up and cover his eyes while Edmund and Peter hack away then grab him by the legs so Susan can bury him with her arrows all while getting murdered by Midgets firing flaming arrows from a hill which is fun, you get to beat up the Midgets soon as well so kickass!.....the transition from fun to battle is done well at first you struggling to hide from the mean nanny, hiding behind boxes and tables and playing hide and seek and then you go to saving your brother from a dwarf who happens to lead an army of giants and other creatures. The first level gets the adrenaline going as air planes are dropping bombs everywhere and you have to get the hell out of your house busting through doors all while the rotten floor under you collapses which you means you go splat into the furnace, the fighting system is your typical hit/run/combo there are many obstacles such as those annoying ice patches which only Edmund and Lucy can go across seriously trying getting across with Peter step on the wrong block of Ice and you drown. Cut Scenes are done well with a Movie to Game transition the graphics are good Lucy looks adorable, Susan is okay, Edmund looks great and Peter is Peter although the eyes need work

    The Cons:

    Boss Battles are a bitch you die, die and die until you can avoid the cyclops kill 5 midgets who work as alive arrow towers all while avoiding Ghouls with spears as well, theres also the one where you have to fight the lead wolf where like 50 or so wolves flood you and you have to fight them off, Graphics while decent still need alot of work the Cyclops doesnt scare you it makes you go "HA! you have one eye bitch!" the first time you encounter them you get the shit beat out of you the second time you get to kill them by chucking barrels....the fighting system still needs alot of work sure you can run up and wave your sword but you could do more it wouldnt hurt to add in a few combos it gets boring doing the same old KRISS SPRULES RUNNING DOUBLE ELBOW PAT! as Lucy okay so asking a 6 year old to do combos is harsh but at least allow her to get some weapons your saying she couldnt pick up a stick and go crazy on those wolves?

    Final Overview: Narnia=A Great Movie=An average at best game if you are a big fan of the books/movie buy it or rent it which is more recomended if you are not a fan of the series and hope the game can change your mind....bad luck

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