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The Future

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Posts posted by The Future

  1. Just beat my cousin in a hellacious tlc match, I swear to god the guy wouldnt stay down with his maxed out shitty looking Bobby Lashley there was also the fact that I was Paul London....

    I couldnt lift him up so I spent the entire matches just trying to keep him down with those weird move sequences called Cruiserweight Moves or something, everytime I got my hands on a weapon he'd boot me.

    I got owned until he got cocky and tried a Double Foot Stamp off the ladder, missed and fell outside but London chose that time to lose all his stamina and fall.

    He got in, kick to the gut, Dominator. Gets a chair and gets another finisher, moves forward I start punching the hell out of him and just somehow surviving until I stored a finisher, then hit a moonsault giving me max momentum he throws me off and moves forward Possum'd! 1-2-3

  2. The ECW Storyline is easy to get I dont know why people have a hard time with it:

    You Cant Play as:Big Show,Booker T,Kurt Angle,RVD,Mysterio,Benoit,Jericho,Spike Dudley.

    In The Torries Contract Storyline side with CENA, Team with CENA and at the Rumble RVD will be the champion you have to win the Rumble as well.

    Anyone know if you Power Irish Whip a Cruiserweight into the turnbuckle he flips up HBK Style?

  3. GM Mode while fun still needs alot of work maybe a side screen so you dont need to keep going back to remember your rivalries and fatigue and such.

    Another thing that needs work is the Stamina Bar, Ric Flair loses Stamina but he can still do everything.

    Anyway I just went 72 minutes against Andre The Giant as Daivari in a Last Man Standing Match.

    It took about 20 or so Low Blows before Andre's ballsack finally had enough.

  4. Now that was weird, in the Rumble Daivari had stored a finisher and CAW Dalip Singh came in the new guy WWE Signed, I knocked out Eugene and Masters and used dirty tactics until I got a finisher so Daivari goes for his Low Blow but I reverse by grabbing his hand and twisting into a hammerlock then I just Gorilla Press him out brilliant.

  5. Yes Yes...there was I remember the name.

    That was unique...Me and my mates were playing with the Multi-Tap so a triple threat match with all our CAWS and since they both suck they put their finishers as the RKO like I did.

    So the first one goes to RKO me I reverse the other one tries to RKO him but gets reversed then I try to RKO him but get reversed so I just fuck it and Power Whip them both out of the ring.

  6. Heh Heh that was fun I was HBK and my friend was Orton he ran at me from the top of the ramp with the title belt and never noticed me recovering my stamina he comes close BAM Running Superkick!.

    I wish they put in more weapons to use though it gets old chair,bat,ring bell,hammer. they could add maybe television monitors and video camers and such choking someone with the wire wouldnt be so bad either

  7. Just played a RAW season with Triple H has anyone done the mole storyline yet? real interesting Batista swerves in the end and sides with smackdown.

    Austin comes out asking about the mole and JBL whacks him from behind, I run to save him but Batista turns and knocks me out with the belt, amazing stuff.

  8. To HeroinBob:

    the ECW Storyline does exist,you have to go anyone that is NOT Big Show,Booker T,Chris Benoit,Spike Dudley,RVD,Rey Mysterio,Chris Jericho. In the Torries Contract storyline side with John Cena, at the Rumble Vince McMahon should come out with Rob Van Dam saying RVD won the title, then you have to win the rumble and wham

  9. My sister is seriously pissing me off in GM Mode she keeps sending wrestlers to interfere at my shows, I was playing a match Kenta Kobashi vs Samoa Joe(CAWS), when Booker T slides in he charges at both of us and Joe controlled by the computer just kicks him and chokes him out before whipping him out of the ring.

    Next week its Kobashi vs Benoit for the World Title and Booker T comes out he enters the ring and I blast him with chops and chuck him out, he pulls my leg a few times so I knock out Benoit roll outside and just start wasting him, Benoit does a Tope knocking me out he puts me in the Crossface and the refs count goes up to 7 he rolls into the ring leaving me to get counted out.

    Next week low behold Booker T runs in on Kobashi vs Orton, I counter a punch he walks into the RKO from Orton then in a strange turn Orton proceeds to just wallop Booker while I watch smugly from the sidelines, Booker T hits him with the Scissors Kick tho so I Lariat him then pin Orton then finally in the news Booker T gets injured so thank the lord.

  10. Monster push for Carlito in GM Mode, slowly pushed him with wins over London, Dupree, Grenier, a rivalry with Conway which got his popularity up followed by one with Masters, an Intercontinental Title reign from Backlash to Survivor Series and his popularity is at 93 then he wins the rumble and faces Andre The Giant in the main event of Wrestlemania it took me bloody 60 minutes to get the pin.

    I modified Andre's moveset so he had different finishers(Showstopper and Five Star Frog Splash its my game!). Carlito flew all around the ring taking Andre to the outside and constantly diving over the ropes to keep him down back inside the ring, Andre starts ripping him apart two showstoppers but one gets a ropebreak, the other one Carlito somehow gets his shoulder up. Referee's down Andre gets the title belt....

    Running shot bloodies Carlito!, Andre climbs to the top rope:FIVE STAR FROGSPLASH *knees* Andre, Carlito launches himself off the top rope with a Shelton Clothesline, Andre avoids it Carlito crashes into the ref!.

    Carlito grabs the title, Andre charges so does Carlito TITLE SHOT! blood! one two three! Carlito has realized his dreams bah gawd bah gawd

  11. Very Interesting indeed I have never seen a diary done like this in the eyes of a referee, remember to use colour,bold,italics and such to make the show look neat and I have a question are you going to write matches from the "referees view"?

  12. Gail Kim was released from the WWE before Smackdown vs RAW One came out so why would she be included here? Michelle and Joy should have been taken out to include Victoria and Candace but no use bitching now GM Mode was just a last minute thing wasnt it? so in the next game it'll be cool I guess two player GM Mode is fun tho:)

  13. Dynasty Warriors 5 gets the mention I popped in the game after a long time and Zhao Yun ripping through all those small army bitches with his weapon was amazing totally marked when they surround him and he leaps onto one with a headscissors and spins him around knocking everyone down, Not to mention Xing Cai is hot(L)

  14. I am playing GM Mode at the moment, hometown heroes are the rock...No Mercy was going to be in Blackpool England so I started pushing Regal with small victories over Carlito,Paul London and such then RAW(controlled by my sister)wanted Edge really badly so I traded for Hogan 80s who I had no use for I used him to get some 4 star matches with Angle,Benoit and such then jobbed him to Regal and traded him away for Hurricane whose popularity is at 79 and he's feuding with Mysterio.

    so anyway my sister tries to mess up my show to the fullest slandering me in her promos and then she sent both Bashams to interfere.

    it was No Mercy and Regal went one on one with Shelton Benjamin for the US Title, when Doug Basham slides in to the ring, Shelton turns and wastes him with a T-Bone and then I hit him with the Power Of The Punch he rolled away and we continued brawling then he got a Barbed Wire Bat and nailed Shelton he then nailed me a few times and picked me up for his finisher but I countered and we spike piledrived him then Shelton got up and I threw him into the corner and rolled him up for the win.

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