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The Future

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Posts posted by The Future

  1. Played a few online matches at my cousins place my first was Bobby Lashley(ME) vs Triple H and I got owned,destroyed,wrecked though the thing I used a few kick to the guts and my arsenal of suplexes to damage Triple H's ribs but I was red all over finally H got the hammer while the referee was out but I grabbed it from him so he pulled out the ringbell and just NAILED me, he rolled me into the ring and went for a Flying Knee Drop but I rolled out of the way and dragged him to the outside and started massacaring him I used the enviromental grapples to damage him also marked when he went for a Pedigree outside but I countered then drove him through the announce table fight wound up back in the ring where he went for the running knee but I ducked and hit the Lift and Cutter followed by an army of suplexes and my corner assault which helps out alot it consists of a lot of strong Turnbuckle Moves like the Super Tiger Bomb and such and then he low blowed me and got the super dirty move he poked me in the eye kicked me low and then hit an Inverted DDT he whipped me into the ropes I blocked the running avalanche and knocked him down due to the suplexes and corner moves his upper body was badly damaged and a Sleeper Hold took care of him

  2. Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks:

    An All out brawl, Reptile bites into Cage's head,Sub-Zero rips out a minions spine and whacks Scorpion and the Liu/Kang Shan Tsung fight also Goros entrance pwnt, he comes in and everyone pauses and charges and he just murders all of them

  3. God Hart vs Bulldog rakes in the ratings, just had another amazing match with him this time it was Buried Alive....I was Hart and Bulldog swung that shovel like a man possesed, we fought for like 50 minutes and were both busted open we got near the casket and I who was keeping him on the defensive using submissions and such lost control as he grabbed the shovel and just let loose, after that he busted out a lot of high power moves until his stamina got low as he recovered I knocked him into the casket and tried to trap him but he got out and went for the Running Powerslam but I countered, dropkick BULLDOG INTO THE CASKET! and won

  4. God just had an amazing match which went over 45 minutes Bret Hart vs The Bulldog(me)

    Countered the Sharpshooter and pushed him into the ropes went for the Powerslam he dropped down, countered the Piledriver and went for a Clothesline he ducks, then we do a chain of reversals for like ages before I finally hit him with the Powerslam

  5. Okay weirdest thing happened to me I am doing the Torrie Wilson contract place where I have to beat Orlando to face JBL in an Iron Man Match I left and forgot to pause so I lost anyway I continue to the PPV and its Velocity and I have a match with Torrie Wilson*SHOCK I won in like a few minutes with a Dragon Screw

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