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Posts posted by Blehschmidt

  1. I think Miranda Richardson will be awesome as Rita Skeeter. I loved her in Sleepy Hollow.

    I know nothing about the guy playing Voldemmort..but I am interested to see how he does.

    The guy playing Mad Eye was Hamish in Braveheart...he should do an awesome job.

    And as long as Sirius is back....I am happy.

    I can't wait for this movie!!!!

    As for the Half Blood Prince....I have no idea.

  2. I never thought I would say this...but I agree with Apple Shampoo.

    The guy posted something you don't like Kamala.....you ever think maybe other people will like it??

    Of course you didn't

    Just go back to post whoring in The Ring

  3. This is just my opinion......

    I personally am into older country..Hank Sr. Charlie Daniels, Jimmy Dean, etc.

    It just seems to me that today's country "stars" try way to hard. To be cowboys, southern girls, whatever......

    I think people realize how fake they are, and lump all country artists, past and present into that category.

  4. Revenge of the Sith could be worse....I think it is a nice nod to the Revenge of the Jedi title.

    Secondly, if they made 7,8,9 it would have to be the Thrawn trilogy.

    I think Christopher Walken would make a good Thrawn.

    Lastly, I highly recomend the whole New Jedi Order series to anyone who reads/used to read Star Wars books.

  5. From MTV.com:

    Just call him Mor P or Master Pheus.

    Master P is developing a kids' version of "The Matrix" called "The Fusion," in which he will star as a Morpheus-like character.

    "I'm like the wise man," P said recently. "I'm gonna take this to another level, even though [Laurence] Fishburne is the man. I'm gonna take a little of his work, and take it to the next level."

    So who will play the Neo-like character? P's son, Lil' Romeo, of course.

    "That's gonna be high-tech, a lot of action and you're gonna see us get our karate on for real," P said.

    "The Fusion" marks the fourth movie in the works for Master P and Romeo.

    I think I speak for us all when I say....Oh Dear God No.

  6. Now normally, I wouldn't pick a low budget B horror movie for a question like this...but I have no choice.

    A Virgin Among the Living Dead

    They trick you with a picture of this nearly naked large breasted woman on the box, and she is surrounded by a horde of zombies.

    While still obviously, a B Horror movie, that looks kinda intriguing.

    Then you put the movie in....

    There is one chick (who is ugly) and two dead people, that is all.

    To make matters worse all they do is talk for 90 minutes. Just Talk....

    Then for the raging climax, one of the dead guys slaps the girl across the face. That's it...he slaps her, she leaves, the end.

    To make this just a little bit worse, she throws her head the wrong way on the slap.

    He is standing in front of her, and slaps her across the left cheek, with his right hand..which would cause her head to be thrown to the right....but she turns her head left.....

    Worst Movie Ever

    :Honorable Mentions:

    Queen of the Damned

    Plan 9 from Outer Space

    Devil in the Flesh

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