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Posts posted by Blehschmidt

  1. 1. Pick the winner: Rhyno v. Chris Jericho v. HHH

    2. Which man will not be involved in the decision? Jericho

    3. Pick the winner: Molly Holly v. Christian

    4. Pick the winner: Randy Orton v. Sting

    5. Pick the winner: Shawn Michaels v. Kane

    6. Pick the winner: Mondo and Dreamer v. Jeter and Matthews

    7. Who will pin whom? Mondo over Matthews

    8. Pick the winner: Hall and Booker v. Nowinski and Mack

    9. Who will pin whom? Booker over Nowinski

    10. Pick the winner: Jazz v. Trish Stratus v. Tracy v. Lucille LaChienne

    11. Who will lose the match?Jazz

    12. Will any matches be added at the last minute to compensate for Benoit's injury? No

    13. Which match received the highest *overall* EWR rating? Sting/Orton

    14. Which match's result forced me to use Arsenic on a wrestler's morale? Rhyno/Jericho/HHH

    15. Which match was so well-received that the match following it was a letdown?


    It is late, I will add the survey in later.

  2. 1) Christina Ricci

    2) Katherine Isabelle


    ^ Since I didn't see anyone else list her ^

    3) Mila Kunis

    4) Alexis Laree

    5) Jennifer Love Hewitt

    6) Jessica Biel

    7) Alysson Hannigan

    8) Anna Paquin

    9) Lacey Chabert

    10) Lucy Liu

  3. I own the Mad Season album and enjoy it alot.

    Layne Staley doing more laid back vocals, and being backed up by alot of grunge greats makes for a great CD.

    If you have some extra cash, give it a shot....I doubt you'll be disappointed.

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