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Everything posted by JStarr

  1. Well, there is nothing he loves more than a good two-minute drill. Imagine Chase will be his wingman blocking the door? >_<
  2. So you must be into punters, then?
  3. This would be a fine time for the players to go on a pre-emptive strike. That'd get Goodell's attention, eh?
  4. If that TD pass had been any prettier, Ben would have tried to get it drunk and in the bathroom. Damn.
  5. I liked the Bud Light commercial with the dogs serving drinks, but it really makes me disappointed in my dog. Seriously, basset hounds are built perfectly for serving trays, why can't mine bring me a beer?
  6. "Cram It in the Boot" = Big Ben's favorite game. In other news, Steelers = Jason + Freddy with a side of Karl from Die Hard. Can't kill the bastards.
  7. Ben pimped Chase out to the refs?
  8. Positively Garcon-esque, that drop was.
  9. Or Jeff Bridges! Or even Olivia Wilde...she could have probably sung Sweet Child o' Mine better. To be fair a a cat in it's dying seconds could have sung that better. But at least Olivia would have looked good doing it.
  10. Or Jeff Bridges! Or even Olivia Wilde...she could have probably sung Sweet Child o' Mine better.
  11. If we were going to be treated to a Tron rip-off halftime show, why couldn't Daft Punk have been involved somewhere?
  12. He thinks he's doing his part to create American jobs.
  13. Chase is preparing the noose to hang himself by now. I had the Pack 30-17, but fuck. That's starting to look conservative. My radio co-hosts will be calling themselves pretty little girls all show next week.
  14. Perverts. And here I thought the NFL was going to get to test out its brand new OT rules just for this game: Ben v. Rex in a footrace, chasing after a drunk, barefoot college girl, winner goes to the Super Bowl. But, it's being rendered a moot point now, innit? Especially after that Gay touchdown.
  15. The NBA: Where Nazi Refs Happen.
  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/truehoop/miamiheat/news/story?id=6016717 LeBron's not embracing a damn thing. He still wants to take the copout excuses and deny responsibility for much of anything. He doesn't have the balls to be an actual villain, because it might interfere with future endorsement potential. If he'd copped to the statements and reiterated that Dan Gilbert's getting his teeth kicked in by karma, I'd have more respect for him...and a lot more people would agree with him than would ever admit it.
  17. As opposed to the feared and respected threat they've been for these three decades in Jersey, right? I still like Billups and think he's got something to offer, but dear God, someone needs to remind Rip that only players who can still play should be trying to bring down coaches. Hell, I'd rather have Al Harrington and his 10-ton contract.
  18. And an absolutely insane trade it appears to be, too. To Jersey: Melo, Rip, Billups, Anthony Carter, and Shelden Williams To Denver: Devin Harris, Derrick Favors, Anthony Morrow, multiple 1st-round picks, and assorted scrubs To Detroit: Troy Murphy, Johan Petro, and possibly some assorted scrubs of their own. Jersey would have a killer scoring lineup, but they'd have to score 120 a night and pray no one gets in foul trouble. They're probably too far back already to be able to rally into the playoffs, and dealing off a ton of firsts won't help early on. According to John Hollinger at ESPN, they'd still have some cap space to maybe pursue CP3 or Dwight Howard in '12.
  19. I'm assuming you meant '90s? Franco kind of got screwed out of a lot of saves during the '90s, since he got to New York just in time to watch the Mets go into the crapper. (Seriously, 1993? 59 wins total? The whole team combined for 22 saves, and Anthony Young had his infamous 1-16 season?) The fact that John saved 30 of the 55 wins in the '94 strike year (led the NL, he did) says that he could have closed on 40 that season. John would have been better off staying in Cincinnati, but then we may never have been treated to the singular brand of dangerous pitching that was one Robert Keith Dibble. Still, Goose Gossage never saved 40 in a season and he got in. Was it the fact that he had a cool nickname or that he had the cooler facial hair? Franco's hits per 9 are equal to Eckersley's and his walks per 9 are equal to Gossage's. I always felt for Franco, because I liked to watch a lot of Mets games, but still, if he never gets in, I'm okay with it. It's Lee Smith not getting in while Goose does that really irks me.
  20. This. I'm as big a Big Ten homer as anyone, but the NCAA bent over and completely fellated the Sugar Bowl on this one. It's a win, but it's about as worthless as they come. As for Michigan, the only way this is Jim Harbaugh's only chance to coach there is if UM gets Tressel-lucky with a guy like Hoke, who establishes himself for a decade or more. As it is, I'd be highly entertained to see Les Miles come to Michigan and try to pull his clock-bungling tomfoolery without 40 or so freakish SEC athletes there to bail him out. He would make a real run at that lowest winning percentage mark that Rich Rod just set. (And yes, he's the ONLY single coach in Michigan history to record a losing record. Wow.)
  21. Playoff picks? Sure, why not, can't do any worse than in fantasy leagues this year. AFC: Ravens over Chiefs--If Charlie Weis wasn't busy picking out wallpaper for his office in Gainesville instead of putting together game plans, I'd probably pick KC to pull the "upset." As it is, the game could still be really close, and Dwayne Bowe could go nuts if there isn't pressure put on Cassel. Actually, maybe he could go nuts if pressure IS put on Cassel. Cassel at home v. blitzes this season: 9 TD, no int., 124.5 passer rating. I still have some faith in Ed Reed pulling out a huge play at the end, though. Colts over Jets--People telling us that the Colts can't stop the run obviously stopped watching a few weeks back. 46 yards for MJD. 45 yards for Run-DMC. 39 yards (on 20 carries!) for CJ2K. Last time LT ran for 50 yards? November 14 v. Cleveland. Shonn Greene can be dangerous if he gets carries, as the Jets are 5-0 when he gets 15 or more. If Rex thinks he can ride Ol' Dirty throwing 40 times per game and get to Dallas, it's time for him to retire and go make foot porn videos full-time. Plus, Peyton Manning knows how to steer the game away from Revis. Problem will come if he steers it in Cromartie's direction, as AC has owned Peyton a few times. Ravens over Patriots--Only three times have the Pats committed multiple turnovers in a game this season. Two of those were their two losses to the Jets and Browns, and the other was their OT squeaker over the Ravens. Baltimore knows they can walk into Gillette and punch the Pats in the teeth, but they need to be able to run the ball to do it. Ray Rice has to be the focal point, with Flacco getting the occasional word in edgewise. If it's vice versa, New England walks all over them. Steelers over Colts--Unfortunately, the Steelers don't have the one-dimensional (sometimes no-dimensional) offense that the Jets have. Mendenhall can run the Colts over, and if he can't, Ben's proven he can win games himself, unlike the Sanchise. Steelers over Ravens--Their first two games were wars, and this one should be, too. Biggest matchup is always Dick LeBeau v. Cam Cameron. I just favor LeBeau here. Plus, Mike Wallace should be able to get loose for at least one bomb. NFC: Packers over Eagles--If the receivers can't adjust to blitzes and give Vick quick options, he'll scramble right into a Clay Matthews ass-whipping. Like Szumi said, the loss of Nate Allen's going to hurt, thanks to Aaron Rodgers. The Eagles shouldn't have to worry about a running game, but last year, the Cardinals didn't have to either, and they still had to get a freak pick-six in OT to win a total shootout. Saints over Seahawks--Will it be a 30-point crucifixion? Nah, don't think so. The Saints will keep Seattle in it with a few turnovers, since the running game's dying a slow, painful death before our eyes. That said, even if Drew throws four picks, he'll also be able to match it with four TD's. The Seaparrots can't stop anyone deep, so Colston and Meachem will be salivating. Falcons over Packers--Key player here won't be Matty Ice, but Turner the Burner. The Falcons can keep Rodgers off the field with Turner and Snelling grinding it out. Saints over Bears--Whatever happens, you'll all blame Cutler, but seriously, that line is going to get him AND Forte killed. It'll be closer than might be expected, as once again, Julius Peppers can pin his ears back and try to take Brees's head off, but Gregg Williams will have stuff lined up that will make the Bears' linemen puke by halftime. Falcons over Saints--See Falcons over Packers. The Birds have to find a way to get more than three YPC out of Turner. Week 3, they ran for 202, held the Saints to 43 yards rushing, forced three turnovers while committing one, and won. Week 16, they ran for 75, forced two giveaways but matched it with two of their own, and lost. Should be another war. Super Bowl XLV: Steelers over Falcons--Highly interested to see if Brent Grimes (23 pass break-ups, second in the league) is matched up on Mike Wallace. If Wallace gets taken out of the game, it's anybody's to win. Bottom line, though: Ben's been on that stage and shown that he can pull a clutch comeback. Matty's pulled some comebacks, but never one that big. If the Birds win, the Matt Ryan hype will get to the point that people will start to hate him (plus Mike Mularkey's going to get a head coaching gig somewhere). But, I sort of like the Steelers to make it seven rings (and an EWB meet-up that looks like a CZW Fans Bring the Weapons Match to be established at Evil Chase K's house, because he's going to say a lot of insufferable things).
  22. Very similar game for me (using Hibs), except my side was down 3-0 with about 25 to go...then stomped Hearts for three, scoring the equalizer on a PK in injury time. Started unemployed, hired by Hibs, now in late January, sitting 2nd in the SPL, trying to keep Celtic from pulling away. Was down six points, then took down Celtic 1-0 at home. The fans are revering their new Yank god...or something like that. Their other new Yank god, Jay DeMerit, has been a force on the back line, and will probably end up on the Team of the Year. And co-sign on what Benji said...4-1-2-1-2 is carrying the mail bigtime for me so far. Use two CM's normally, and occasionally pull them out to left and right wings if the opponent's vulnerable to the cross. I really have to enjoy this game while I can, and struggle to fight the temptation to play it instead of do class work (or prepare for my show) once the spring semester starts. I may need a support group.
  23. Not according to Bud Adams. I make jokes about Al Davis being stuck in the '70s, but after two years living in Nashville, I've decided Adams makes Davis look totally lucid. Bud still lives in Houston, and I honestly think he's still convinced that his team's based somewhere in Texas. Otherwise, he'd have cut ties with Vince Young already, instead of listening to the other 22 or so Longhorns on the team, who'd still support VY if he started lighting small children on fire.
  24. Wow, Donald Brown actually accomplished something productive. Color me surprised. Now, just to see if the Jags can find some more BS plays to keep them in the game. The fact that that team's winning any division is still strange to me.
  25. This guy, Peyton Manning. Jaws, this guy can play football. [/Gruden]
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