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Everything posted by JStarr

  1. Maybe they can just plug Tebow in at DE. I'm sure he'd do it if asked.
  2. Now would be a fine time for a (ahem) "random" drug test in the Bronx.
  3. Podcast is up featuring a couple of EWB comments. http://starr-rated.blogspot.com/2010/08/4-quarters-radio-august-2-2nd-period.html Link is direct to the 2nd period, where the NFL talk lay. There's a first and a third on either side, too. Apologies in advance for no allowance of skipping forward and backward. If anyone can recommend a podcast host whose player allows such things, it'd be appreciated greatly.
  4. Dickerson had 6, Lewis had 4, O.J. 3, Barry Sanders 1. Terrell Davis got broken the next year.
  5. Of the five guys (not counting Chris Johnson, for obvious reasons) who rushed for 2000 yards in an NFL season, which one had the most 1000-yard seasons AFTER his 2000-yard year?
  6. Is this the part where we just give Lowerdeck Tom Brady and move on with life?
  7. I knew this one was from Texas A&M, but didn't remember the player until I looked it up. So, the honestly dishonest answer: John David Crow, RB, Texas A&M. If anyone else has a question, fire at will.
  8. At 7 points per passing TD, there should probably be three or four QB's going in round 1.
  9. Nice. You've signed on to pay my FCC fines, Maxx. Thanks. Should only be about $10K or so. We'll need a cashier's check, though.
  10. Guys, on my radio show this week, we're going to start previewing NFL divisions. You can post comments or predictions, and I'll read some of the best (clean) ones on the air. I'm starting with the South divisions this week. Lock and load. (Y)
  11. Usually seems like Michael Bush ends up a better investment.
  12. Do you go to MTSU? No? Well, I do, so suck it. I can get a personal ruling on the subject from Coach Stockstill himself on the radio, if need be.
  13. I believe Matt Kemp did something similar a few days after Morales got hurt. Smart man.
  14. Nobody said it wasn't a freak occurrence. The point is that it's EASILY AVOIDED. Once these guys learn how to act like they've been there before and stop bouncing around like hypercaffeinated 5-year-olds, they'll be safer and happier in the long run. These things have always been retarded, and I'm not at all sorry for the idiots who get themselves injured doing them. I'm not advocating banning anything, either, but I have no problem applauding managers who are trying to remind guys to keep Game 51 of 162 in its proper perspective.
  15. Makes sense, since I'm not an Angels fan. I thought they'd win the division this year, but mostly just by default. My point still stands. They'd be a little better equipped to match Texas's hot streak if Morales was in his customary spot. Still, better his injury than Coghlan's.
  16. Even as an Angel fan, you have no problem with star first basemen breaking their legs celebrating Game 51 of 162, forcing the team to scramble all season to try and replace him before giving up and settling for a pitcher instead? Injuries happen. He wasn't out driving drunk or partying late the night before a game. He got hurt celebrating a win. Injuries happen. Baseball players have hurt themselves sneezing, tying their shoelaces, sitting on a bus. Freak injuries happen. It wasn't Morales' fault. I don't form my opinions just based on how it hurts my team. Does it suck that Morales got hurt? Yes. But like I said....injuries happen. Strasburg hurt himself warming up for the game today. Should we institute a ban against warm ups now? Warming up's part of the game. A rugby scrum at home plate, last time I checked, is not. Leaping in the air and stomping on home plate doesn't tack on an extra run. Players can line up and give each other high fives, great, that's celebrating. Anything more than that, at least in May or July? You'd think these guys would know how to act like they've ever won a game before. Any comments that you make the remainder of this season about how the Angels are tanking will be met by the video of Morales leaping on the plate, because that's the exact moment that the whole thing went off the rails. Another freak injury to a baseball player. What are the odds of getting hit in the nuts by a line drive when you're out in the RF corner? I'm wondering if he also gets diagnosed with a "testicular contusion". See, sahyder? THAT'S an injury that's no one's fault. THAT qualifies as "shit happens." Morales caused his own, same as Coghlan did with the even-more-stupid shaving-cream pie incident. I'm not one to wish injury on anyone, but I'm also not one to pussyfoot around the fact that guys sometimes have to pay for being idiots.
  17. Even as an Angel fan, you have no problem with star first basemen breaking their legs celebrating Game 51 of 162, forcing the team to scramble all season to try and replace him before giving up and settling for a pitcher instead?
  18. TO's headed to Cincinnati. The saddest people on Earth right now are the producers of Hard Knocks. Bengals were last season, and this year's subject (da Jets) didn't finish a TO signing. Bengals fans' sadness will come later, surely.
  19. We had a pretty good time a couple of years ago working some Sun Belt...I wouldn't mind doing that again, especially since MTSU looks pretty impressive this season. Of course, this is all predicated on me actually going out and buying the game (maybe the wife hooks me up for my birthday in a couple of weeks), then taking time away from everything else to play. All of which is highly iffy. I'll keep you posted.
  20. Translation: they need to stop doing all this stupid shit. Jumping on the plate is fine if you just won a big game in September, but these guys treat every game like it's a Game 7, and pay for it. Game 48 of 162, nobody gives a shit. And I won't be surprised to see more young pitchers like Latos pick up weird "injuries" as a good excuse for the team to put them on the DL and slow down their innings. The Padres are still threatening to shut him down when he hits 170 innings, whether they're leading the division or not.
  21. USC has a new AD who's a loyal Trojan legend, and is on record as giving Kiffin a pretty tepid vote of approval. Maybe I'm a cynic, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it ever came out that Pat Haden, if not complicit in this lawsuit, is at the very least not disgruntled about it, because if USC tanks out of the gate, he's got a great reason to fire Kiffin for cause and bring in a coach of his own choosing. As for what the lawsuit will accomplish...it'll put the nails in Lane Kiffin's coaching career if he can't keep USC winning 10+ per season. Eventually, people will stop deciding that his tepid win-loss record would be worth all the ethical bullshit that he'll force a program and its fans to put up with. And RIP Jack Tatum. His hit paralyzed Darryl Stingley two days before I was born. He was one of the original safeties that scared people over the middle.
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