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Posts posted by TheGrandAvatar

  1. Fifa 22 is ok. As it has been mentioned most of it is catered around Ultimate Team. Ended up doing a First Owner RTG this year. Once Ronaldo was packed then stopped playing around January.

    Might have a few games on it this weekend. It is the kind of game to sit around until the mood strikes usually after watching Football. 

  2. Catching up with The Boys. Love comic book characters and live adaptations of them.

    The Boys has scratched that itch in me of oh I need to see an R-Rated off the wall Supes film. Just funny, gory, shocking and fantastic really. Looking forward to Season 3. Homelander is fantastic. Can not look at Cody Rhodes the same 😆

  3. Shadow of Mordor is now completed again for the third time. Was fun to revisit and remember the first time around and think of some special memories attached to it of my grandmother. Just forgot about how rubbish the final act was. Haven't decided if I will complete other missions, collectibles and dlc etc. 

    State of Decay 1 and 2 may be next. 

  4. The backlog of games that need to be played is getting bigger by the month. Had a chance to revisit and complete Shadow of Mordor again. The Nemesis system is fantastic and it is so fun tracking, killing and recruiting. Played a few RPG style games too that had been on sale. 

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  5. My music taste I have tried to add variety to it of late. So I have listened to some classical music this morning. Was good to relax with and appreciate some soothing music. 

    This afternoon was listening to The Beatles and reading a book about the band to see their story. 

  6. Picked up a few games over the weeks with the deals and Black Friday. Empire of Sin and Maneater are two of the most played out of the couple I purchased. Unsure of what game I want to start next. Tempted by Horizon Zero Dawn after watching a few trailers. 

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