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Posts posted by Mysterio2000X

  1. Seed of Chucky - 2/10

    Maybe it was the fact that thanks to it being a pirated DVD, it looked like a cheap 60's porno, or maybe it was just the horrible plot.. but this is fucking awful. My penis seemed to like it when Tiffany was on the screen, though, so I'm giving it a two.

  2. Awesome! ^_^

    -Super Dragon (2-1-1) vs. Sonjay Dutt (0-4)

    -Chris Sabin (2-2) vs. Paul London (2-1-1)

    -Frankie Kazarian (2-1-1) vs. Bryan Danielson (4-0)

    -Spanky (1-3) vs. Michael Shane (1-2-1)

    -Colt Cabana (1-3) vs. Petey Williams (1-3)

    -Alex Shelley (2-2) vs. CM Punk (3-1)

    -Low Ki (3-1) vs. Chris Hero (2-2)

    -Christopher Daniels (2-2) vs. The Messiah (2-2)

    Match of the Night: Danielson vs Kazarian

    .. Wow, I really don't know who to pick for most of these. >_<

    Edit - Heh, this is the second time I've forgotten MOTN. Ah well, there's my pick.

  3. Equilibrium - 8/10

    Great movie, great action sequences, it's a shame it's not as well known as others. This movie started my obsession with Christian Bale. (And Hollywood Mogul ran with it. <_<)

    Ocean's Twelve - 7/10

    I prefer the first one, but this was by no means bad. Great action, great comedy, great.. just about everything, but I felt that some of the robberies were a little bland, so it doesn't get any more than seven, sadly.

    Blade: Trinity - 2.5/10

    As a fan of the first two I can say, avoid this movie at all costs. You'd be better off never watching this film, and just pretending that there were only two Blade movies made. Seriously, it's THAT bad. Ryan Reynolds had great moments, and Snipes had some as well, but.. it was just.. ugh. Such an awful way to end a trilogy.

  4. 1) I find it hilarious that Cabana's saying that he isn't a "Sports Entertainer".. It's just ironic that one of ROH's best comedy guys/entertainers is talking like that. :P I'm not holding it against you, that just made me chuckle.

    2) Assuming this is happening in present day ROH, I doubt the Briscoes would be backstage. Mark's still healing up from his motorcycle accident, and Jay is staying out of wrestling until his brother's well enough to make his return.

    Although Cabana is an entertainer, Sports Entertainment is a whole differnt style then used to in RoH.

  5. 1) I find it hilarious that Cabana's saying that he isn't a "Sports Entertainer".. It's just ironic that one of ROH's best comedy guys/entertainers is talking like that. :P I'm not holding it against you, that just made me chuckle.

    2) Assuming this is happening in present day ROH, I doubt the Briscoes would be backstage. Mark's still healing up from his motorcycle accident, and Jay is staying out of wrestling until his brother's well enough to make his return.

  6. Nice show, and I've really been enjoying your diary despite not posting here yet.

    Although I'm not too sure on Super Dragon challenging Homicide, he doesn't talk. =P

    I knew someone was gonna say that, but it's my diary and he can talk if i want too. Just kidding, but yea I needed him to challenge him so he did.

  7. Hey bitch, I like the X-Box. ;_;

    Having not read any of the other posts, here's what I would suggest:


    Halo 2

    The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay


    Need For Speed Underground 2

    Madden 2005

    Burnout 3

  8. -Sonjay Dutt (0-3) vs. Michael Shane (0-2-1)

    -Spanky (1-2) vs. Super Dragon (1-1-1)

    -Frankie Kazarian (2-0-1) vs. Chris Sabin (1-2)

    -Paul London (2-0-1) vs. Bryan Danielson (3-0)

    -The Messiah (2-1) vs. Petey Williams (0-3)

    -Alex Shelley (1-2) vs. Colt Cabana (1-2)

    -Chris Hero (1-2) vs. Christopher Daniels (2-1)

    -CM Punk (3-0) vs. Low Ki (2-1)

    MOTN = Chris Hero vs Christopher Daniels

  9. I forgot what it was called.. shit, it was a mob/gangster movie, and had the dude that played Luigi in the Mario movie. The only thing I remember about this is Fat Joe getting that shotgun and killing some fool. This was really the only movie I have EVER walked out of..


    It stars John Leguizamo (sp?) who played Luigi in the SMB movie.

  10. Resident Evil: Apocalypse - 5/10

    I'm one of the few that like the first one, and this one WAS turning out to be good, until those cemetary zombies. That's just a huge loop hole that even I can't get over. And Nemesis wasn't as bad ass as I thought it would be.

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