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Posts posted by Mysterio2000X

  1. Good show, the first nWo segment was great and the DDP/Hall segment was pure gold. You've done a very good job of building up nWo the way it should be, so congratulations ^_^

    Question - Are you going to have a predictions contest or something to that affect for PPVs?

  2. So umm.. is this going to start off any time soon? It has a lot of potential.

    It is still alive, I'm just taking my time with the writing so as I don't get burnt out. But you can expect the results to be up by the end of the week (if not earlier), as I'm nearly finished and want to have everything I want in the show, in it.

  3. - "The Shady Show" Jack Evans vs Teddy Hart

    - Triangle Tag Team Match: The BackSeat Boyz vs The Briscoe Brothers vs The SAT

    - Ian Knoxx vs "International SuperStud" Julio Dinero

    - Josh Daniels w/Talia vs "The Technician" Tom Carter

    - Fatal Fourway: Christopher Idol vs Rob Eckos vs Sabian vs Super Hentai

    - Greg Spitz vs Roderick Strong

    Tie-Breaker Question #1: Mark Briscoe

    Tie-Breaker Question #2: A new wrestler joining PWU in the near future.

  4. From what I understand, it's a fake.

    Having two versions of the PS3 might be a good idea, seeing as there are people that only want to play games, while others that want everything else, although the cost to produce both machines may be too much.

    Oh well, I plan on getting both the X-Box Next (Or whatever it's being called these days) and PS3. If it's all media center-ish, I'll get that version.

  5. From Comingsoon.net

    George Romero is set to direct Land of the Dead, a horror film that picks up on the zombie saga he hatched with Night of the Living Dead and continued with Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. Variety says the film, from Romero's own script, will begin production in October in Winnipeg or Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh was the site of shooting for Romero's original 1968 zombie trilogy.

    In the film, the zombies having taken over the world and those left alive are confined to a walled-in city that keeps out the corpse corps. Anarchy rules the streets, with the wealthy insulated and living in fortified skyscrapers.

    The drama revolves around a group of scavengers who must thwart an attempt to overthrow the city while the dead are evolving from brainless slow-moving creatures into more advanced creatures.

    Romero had been developing Diamond Dead, a black comedy musical that's being produced by Scott Free and Andrew Gaty, and he also scripted an adaptation of the Stephen King novel The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, which he may direct for Canadian financier Don Archibald and Lions Gate.

  6. I read this on another board, and there was also another review of the basic script (well, a short one). No clue if it was legit or not, but the movie sounded decent.

    Edit - Here it is - (NOTE: POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

    As you figured, I have read the script 'treatment' for Freddy vs Jason vs Ash, there were only a couple lines of dialogue, it was basically the story told in storybook form- from the beginning to the final bloody climax. If there is one thing I want you to gain from this review, it's that Freddy vs Jason vs Ash makes up for all of the mistakes in the first film (like missing Freddy kill scenes)!

    I must keep this review vague, so New Line doesn't castrate me for real, and use the footage in the next Texas Chainsaw Massacre film- but I'll give you a taste of the forbidden fruits- because Mr. D wants his readers happy!

    Freddy vs Jason vs Ash will be one of the greatest horror movies of all time, because the script shows that it understands the characters, the history of each backstory, the cliche's and most of all- the genre.

    The most important thing that drives this amazing story is this one fact that has eluded all of our minds- the Necronomicon is in the Voorhees house! Sure you remember, it's in the basement, it appeared in Jason Goes to Hell- now it's all coming back to you, isn't it?

    The movie takes place almost directly after Freddy vs Jason, when Freddy winks (yep, the wink was for a reason), the movie wasn't really over- did you really think it would be that easy after 25 years of terror? I'm not going to tell you anything more, except that this is probably one of the coolest 'comebacks' in the history of sequels.

    Now Ash, how does he fit into the mix? Quite simply- he wants to destroy the Necronomicon and fulfill his destiny, which was prophesized in the Evil Dead series (the series couldn't end yet, he hasn't achieved his destiny). Well without me giving away the story, somehow Jason, Freddy and the "born under a bad sign" ass-kickin Ash come face to face to face- numerous times. The continuity is genuine and fantastic- every angle was thought out, there are NO plot holes that I can see and everything makes complete sense. It really almost seems like it was masterminded almost a decade ago.

    Lets talk Ash: Hes the same old Ashley J. Williams that's been in the first three films- only he's older and sick of playing around. He's on a mission, and when he must make decisions between himself and other outside factors, he almost always chooses 'himself'- typical of Ash.

    Jason: He's the same kick-ass Ken Kirzinger looking Jason (a la Jason Lives, the best of the series), only there's a twist, and when you find out this twist- you are going to crap yourselves- no bull!

    Freddy: Oh Freddy is pissed this time, and we get to see more of the crazy looking demon Freddy- I'm so excited! He's tricky, cunning, and most of all sadistically funny. But this time Freddy has a new goal, which by the sound of it, is the biggest plan that he has ever concocted!

    One reason this movie is going to be a blast is that 2/3 of the movie looks to be as big as- or even bigger than- the battle at the end of Freddy vs Jason. The tone is even more serious, and the pace is quick. There isn't too much time explaining the history of the characters- we pretty much just get a short Ash flashback story- for the goons who've never seen an Evil Dead movie.

    There is a new environment, which should quite interesting. The movie takes place around Christmas, so there's snow and ice and everyone is just so cheery!

    But most of all, I love the "nods" to each franchise. There is a certain sequence that involved Ash, and the return of his cut off hand, which is by far one of the greatest ideas I've ever heard of; I yelled out loud, "NO FUC#!NG WAY!" It's so hard for me to keep this under wraps, because it is seriously so brilliant.

    I promise you, I was afraid that this wouldn't work, but it does. Everything is perfectly packaged and sealed with a pretty (bloody) bow.

    This is your new best friend Mr. Disgusting signing off...

    Please Note: #1. Do NOT email me any questions, because this is the extent

    that I can go, no further.

    #2 Kane Hodder as of right now will 100% NOT be

    returning as Jason- and Ronny Yu is almost confirmed to direct...

    Source: Spygirl, Bloody-Disgusting

  7. Oh, there's a TON of stuff out there. Player-made meshes, skins, mods, voicepacks, etc.

    By mods, I mean stuff that changes the game entirely. Like new scenarios that use characters that didn't come with the game, for instance.

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