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Jack Krauser III

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Posts posted by Jack Krauser III

  1. Why does no one know about poor ole' Aquaman? Yes, he can breathe underwater for as long as he wants, but because of his exposure to deep sea depths for long periods of time, he has incredible durability and strength. He also has the Waterbearer which allows him to heal wounds, use some magic spells and other things. Plus, he can talk to fish. :)

    Plus, Captain Planet used to nearly die when someone threw a net covered with trash on it at him. C'mon!

  2. Whenever someone wants something like a roster cut, interview, product release whatever, I'll write it up how they want. It's to make it look like I'm running a news site of sorts. Plus, it'll save everyone who already has a lot of work the trouble of writing that stuff up. For example ACS, if you wanted to have Matt Hardy have an interview after he won a title or something, I could write it up for you to give the topic an added bit of flair.

    EDIT: Nevermind, forget what I said. :(

  3. Whatever you do, don't get Final Fantasy XI or Everquest. You might as well marry your computer and never leave your house again.

    I suggest Diablo II, it's not flashy, but it still kicks a load of ass.

  4. Harvest Moon > Animal Crossing

    Seriously, I liked Animal Crossing, but I haven't played it since around Thanksgiving. It got repetitive waaaaaaay too soon for my tastes. All there is to do story-wise is "Buy bigger house....spend a month making Bells to pay it off. Then....buy bigger house!"

    Now Harvest Moon. That's a game, there. I go into the 'Cube and see "A HM production" and I just know one of these days the HM will not stand for Hollywood Mogul...and all will be well in EWB land.

  5. If you know you've played it, don't be ashamed, just say so. Might as well talk about it right? My girlfriend got me playing this and I hate to admit that it's fucking awesome. My village has a stoner penguin, a crack head rabbit and creepy old french/goth rabbit too. Plus the fact that my character looks like he's high makes for some good laughs. We're (me and Tiff) are even thinking of making a webcomic of it. Any thoughts on what you think of the game?


  6. Must not buy game. Must not buy game...

    Damn, you guys are going to make me buy this now. I wasted all that time of FFXI, then City of Heroes. God, I might as well just chain myself to my desk with all these recent MMOs.

    Also, how bad are the newblets? Worse then FFXI or not as bad?

  7. To answer someones question, if it wasn't already, cats were in previous Zelda games. Of course, you couldn't hug them. My girlfriend is going to be thrilled, she loves cats. :D

    P.S. Monkey with boomerang=Awesomeness

    P.P.S. Don't hate on Gamecube, do I have to get started on how shitty the PS2 has become? And do I have to bring up the PSP? Or the X-Box? Please don't make me go into "Lifelong Nintendo Fan" mode.

  8. Hoorah! A talented writer does WCW in it's waning days. This looks like it will be great syco. A few wishes: fire Torrie Wilson, please syco for the love of god fire her or give her some meaningless gimmick I beg you! Also, strap a manager on Shane Helms and push him to the moon. If he ever becomes WCW Champion in this diary you will instantly become my favorite diary writer ever (if you weren't already...). And while you're at it, make sure Palumbo and O'Haire stay in the spotlight. I always felt bad those two never got to truly shine after WCW's demise. And now that the formalities are done with, here's my prediction for the card.

    WCW World Heavyweight Championship

    Both Men WILL Wrestle Twice!

    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Booker T

    I figure someone will run in and beat down Booker since he won the U.S Title match.

    One Last Fall, To Solve It All!

    'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. Sting

    Tough decision but hopefully Sting will walk out victorious. No run-ins I hope.

    WCW United States Championship

    Triple Threat Match

    Booker T vs. Lance Storm vs. Mystery Opponent

    Booker T, with the mystery opponent being...Jarret or Awesome I suppose. Whoever it is will run in and screw Booker in the main event.

    WCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Shane Helms vs. Jamie Knoble

    Shane Helms, because he is the man. No more statements necessary.

    WCW World Tag Team Championships

    Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire vs. Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman

    Have to give it to the reigning champs here. Should be an awesome match.

    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Marcus 'Buff' Bagwell

    Only giving this to Buff so it will make DDP look like he'll lose the main event.

    I wish you the best of luck with this diary syco, this is one I don't want to miss out on.

    EDIT: Just had to fix a few grammar mistakes. :pinch:

  9. The Spanish Angel vs. Seth Shai w/ Halloween Barbie

    Cade Sydal w/ Candice vs. Andy Van Dam

    Pogo the Clown vs. Supreme

    Joey Idol w/ Hollywood Inc. ('Devilish' Lee Handsome and Valentina) vs. Jeff Hardy w/ Chris Extascy

    Icarus/Harold Goldstein vs. The Masked Nazis

    Mustafa Saed vs. Mystery White Man

    Bonus Questions

    1. Who is The Masked Nazi's 'fuhrer'? Hitler? :shifty:

    2. Which of the following stips will be used for the Deathcore Championship match?

    a. Buckets of Gore

    b. No Ropes, No Ring, Exploding Barricades

    c. Barbed Wire Heaven

    d. Glass Menagerie

    I just like the word "Menagerie"

    3. Who is the Mystery White Opponent for Mustafa Saed? Perry Saturn? Wait, aw who cares, I'll be surprised. :P

    4. Will either The Prodigy or X-Cal be involved in the Jr. Heavyweight Title match? Prodigy will.

    5. How much do I rock? A whole fuckin' lot you sick son of a bitch.

  10. Hey guiys, nice job on the skins. I'm really digging the Blood Set. A good idea for a new one could be a "Negativity" set with lots of dark colors like black and purple. For wrestlers, you could use "dark" characters like Raven, C. Daniels etc etc. But anyway, keep up the good work!


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