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Jack Krauser III

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Posts posted by Jack Krauser III

  1. To the guy who asked why he hasn't heard anything from Sixpence, they broke up a year ir two back. I think the lead singer was having a baby but I'm not sure.

    And who said Ashlee Simpson was underrated? Damn, I can't change the channel on my radio without hearing here at least once. Myself, I've always heard people around here saying Shinedown sucks. I don't know how it is everywhere else, but here, only one station plays them on a consistent basis and most students in my school don't like them and think that Linkin Park is better.

    Freaking pisses me off.

  2. Not like it's any of my business (believe me, it isn't), but I think it'd be a good idea to ask whoever had that banner in their thread if you could use it, rather than just taking it without their permission (maybe you didn't do that, I'm just offering friendly advice in case you did).

    On a different note, this diary looks to be more promising than your last endeavor. You're working with wrestlers you know; wrestlers you're more familiar with and an era of wrestling you've been around to experience. That's a vast improvement from what you tried to do previously in that retro WWF diary. Write of what you know; I'm glad to see you doing that here. I'll be reading.

  3. Well, I showed Ghost in the Shell today, and almost pissed myself watching it. Nudity, swearing and tons of violence I hadn't accounted for. So I'm thinking "Fuck, I'm dead". But after the metting, me and our sponsor had this conversation:

    "So, I guess I should be more careful with content from now on, huh?"

    He gives me a puzzled look.

    "What do you mean?"

    "You didn't think that was innapropriate?"

    "No, I didn't see anything offensive in it. It seemed okay to me."


    Holy hell, I've hit the jackpot. Life is good.


  4. Well, after months of waiting for the principal and superintendant to read my letter and petition, we're having our first meeting March 30th. The plan is too just have an introductory meeting having everyone get to know each other and learn how the group works. I'm trying to decide on what to show that day, but I really can't think. I've been edging toward Ghost in the Shell but I don't know. Post some ideas and if they're a little more "mature" (violence, language) post the rating or what's bad in them. This is a high school, so I have to be a little bit careful. Thanks in advance.

  5. Well, there go all my hopes and dreams. Whedon would have been perfect for this movie; anyone who has read Astonishing X-Men would agree. I still to this day wonder why the fuck Angel ended. It has one hell of a strong following, almost as strong as Buffy's (although I have seen some crazy Buffy fans :P). Whoever made this decision needs to fucking die. This could have launched Whedon from Cult God to Mainstream. Damn them. Damn them all to fucking hell.

    P.S: What are the other Buffy/Angel former cast stars opinions on a new movie or show? Have they said anything?

  6. Mortal Kombat with Street Fighter a ways behind. MK has kept a base core of characters and evolved them over the years as the times changed around them. Street Fighter's originals are still almost the same as they were 10 years ago. Then you have the fact that Kombat was one of the first games to really push the limit on gaming violence back when games were very clean. Street Fighter should have never left 2D.

    Also, is the newest MK out for Gamecube yet? I know it was set to release soon.

  7. Wow, what a retard. Does this guy even listen to any other music these days? Not blasting rap for this, but most of the songs I here on the radio are edited so much I can't even stand it; and they're praising things along the same lines, and even worse. Hell, boy bands back in the 1990's were doing almost the same thing, encouraging teens to go crazy all they want, but it was never scrutinized. I have nothing against Wilson, her music isn't that great but it's not like she's starting some kind of cult or something. Hopefully she'll get better and have a nice little career for herself.

  8. Saturday, May 7th

    Providence, Rhode Island


    Public On Sale: Friday, March 11th @ 10 AM

    Holy crap, a good band coming to Rhode Island? Must buy tickets.

    Also, could someone post some info on TMV for those of us who are just finding out how much they fucking rock?

  9. My loves go from rock to classic rock to classical to meditation to techno.

    I suppose my guily pleasures would be Foreigner and Sarah Brightman. Yes, Sarah Brightman. I guess I'm a softie at heart, blargh.

    And AJ, I thought I was the only one that liked Oasis. :blush:

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