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Mountainous Cleavage

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Everything posted by Mountainous Cleavage

  1. Anyone from North America have the time to go online and trade me Styles and/or Joe?
  2. To be honest, I don't really like either. I'll start with Cole's. The idea you had for the back is decent, except the two photos on the side should be in the center of the top and bottom. The match listing could be improved, as it shows no sign of which is susposed to be the main event, whats for what title, ect. The front, imo, shouldn't have any matches on it, and Hogan and Rock should have been placed somewhere else, they look horribly out of place where they are. Overall, I give it a 6/10. The back of CT's is very plain, but somewhat does itself justice. No real complaints except that it is too plain for my tastes. The front should have a main focus, and the logo shouldn't really be blended (unless that's just the version of the logo, and you haven't done anything to it.) HHH is out of line from Nash and it looks kinda of odd. Overall, I give it a 5.5. Vote: Cole
  3. Just getting back into graphics and the like. Decided to try out some abstract brushes and eventually came up with this. Comments?
  4. I had a couple more good matches today. First one was a triple threat TLC match for the Cruiserweight Title. It was Paul London © vs Khrosow Davari (me) vs The Hurricane, which resulted in London winning with a possum pin on Davari. Second was, again, for the Cruiserweight Title, except it was a cage match. Paul London © (me) vs Chavo Guerrero. A good match that just past the 10:00 mark. London won after stealing Chavo's finisher and escaping the cage. Last match was, you guessed it, for the Cruiserweight Title. 5-Man battle royal between Paul London © (me) vs Khrosow Davari vs Charlie Haas vs Rey Mysterio vs Spike Dudley. First out was Spike after a London Star Press, followed by Rey Mysterio by 450 Splash. Davari tapped out to the Haas of Pain before Haas was finally eliminated after a 450 Splash. Match was in the 18:00 range. EDIT: Another good one. Elimination Chamber for the Cruiserweight Title. It was Paul London © (me) vs Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero vs Khrosow Davari vs Tajiri vs Charlie Haas. First to go was Tajiri who was pretty much KOed after being thrown from the top of a chamber, and London easily pinned him for the three. Following him was Charlie Haas after a 6-1-9. In a shocking moment, Paul London was caught off guard with a backslide by Chavo Guerrero and was eliminated. Soon after, Chavo fell victim to a 6-1-9 and it was down to Davari and Mysterio. After some decent cruiser action, Davari found himself spread eagled on the steel outside the ring. Rey scaled the chamber wall and climbed onto a chamber before STEALING Davari's finisher (top rope legdrop), from the top of the chamber onto Davari before pinning for a three. New Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio.
  5. I had a good match today. It was Edge (me) vs Shelton Benjamin in a cage match (the one in season, in the first storyline), and after a back and forth match, I finally knocked him spread eagle after an Edgeicution which busted him open. I scaled the cage and, after making it to the top, nailed a nice legdrop (ala Matt Hardy) before covering him and getting the win. It looked picture perfect.
  6. Anyone from NA have an Abyss that they'd like to go online and trade me?
  7. Sell it on eBay, but never mention anything about it working or not.
  8. Well, I had it laying around for a while until I got my new computer at christmas, so I installed it, and fuck. is it ever addicting. Been playing more than not for the past week. Anyone else play this online?
  9. Hooray for Velocity with it's shocking main event - Chavo Guerrero vs Hulk Hogan.
  10. I beat the ECW Battle Royal the first try, it wasn't too hard.
  11. I owned online in a 6-Man Over the Top battle royal.
  12. I also just finished the rumble in my season. In as my CAW, Austin Rayborn, and I took the triple threat match before the rumble and won it, thus becoming entry #30. I went on to win the rumble. Season is good so far, this is my first season besides my partially started Randy Orton one which I scrapped. Voiceovers are boatloads better than last year and CAW is pretty decent. EDIT: Woo, ECW storyline.
  13. I like it, besides the motion blurred Hollys, that ruins it for me.
  14. Oh the irony of your avatar having exactly what your talking about. But yes, AS is what you need.
  15. Don't look in the spoiler if you don't want to see a (black and white) Tupuc autopsy photo. I don't know if it's fake or real, and honestly, I don't care. I just figured I'd see what people think of it. EDIT: Apparently, spoiler tags don't work with img tags in it, so basically, don't click this link if you don't want to see it. http://www.celebritymorgue.com/tupac-shakur/tupac-shakur.jpg
  16. http://www.myspace.com/_xratedromance >_>
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