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Xero Gravity

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Everything posted by Xero Gravity

  1. Fuck Italy, and fuck Totti...the Aussies did not deserve to go out like that.
  2. No fucking way was that a penalty...dirty, diving, cheating, Italian cunt.
  3. All of them...I love each and every one equally. But if I had to pick just one, it'd probably be FFVIII. I don't care what anyone says about the storyline being stupid, I think it's great. I adore the junctioning system, and being able to use it to complete the game at level 20. The music was on par with that of FFVII (my favourite musically) and really helped to give the game that much needed feel. The only thing I didn't like about the game, was the the inevitable love interest dominating the game. It hasn't been so bad in other titles in the series, but in FFVIII it was crammed down out throats to the point where it felt like: "Yay, after 4 discs we finally admit to loving each other...now lets go kill Ultimecia!" But I can forget about that, thanks to FFVIII holding my joint favourite mini game in the Triple Triad card game.
  4. Well extra time would have been hilarious, but my god we're going to kick so much ass on Saturday
  5. YES~! 4 red cards! This match is fucking fantastic.
  6. Six more minutes, this is going to be great...hopefully.
  7. I knew I'd seen the ref somewhere before ...and yeah, we've still got a few more minutes so lets see some more red cards/portugal injuries Just when I say that, someone else goes down
  8. Off hand, anyone know the name of this ref?
  9. Whoops...and it's back down to 10 vs 10. ...and fuck Figo, the over reacting cunt
  10. Well that red card certainly changes this match a lot.
  11. You have to take into account the fact that most of the second half Beckham was being sick too. He did really well to last as long as he did before being taken off. Sure his performance bar the free kick wasn't sensational, but he was still one of the better England players in the game.
  12. So...Protugal or Holland, who would we rather face in the quarters? Personally I'd prefer to see us against Protugal, if only for us being the ones that shatter the world cup dream of Christiano fucking Ronaldo.
  13. Lampard must give Sven good head to constantly survive being subbed despite shit performances Well that was a fairly average performance over both halves, but at least we're through. God help us in the quarters, as if we keep playing this scrappy Holland or Portugal are going to rape us.
  14. Sven is a fucking idiot...I can understand trying to defend the lead, but Joe Cole has been one of the better England players in this game.
  15. I'd love to see Crouch come on, and get into a tussle with that 5'3" guy
  16. What's up with everyone getting balls into Rooney? They're all at least 2 or 3 yards too far in front of him. ...and boy is Lampard having a really shit game.
  17. Now THAT'S more like it! After several shitty deliveries earlier in the match, Beckham redeems himself with a beautiful freekick.
  18. What the fuck...how was that not a foul? Just give De la Cruz a yellow card, that'll get the pussy on his feet
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