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Xero Gravity

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Everything posted by Xero Gravity

  1. I love some of the comments on the BBC site, and this one would probably apply to Dan: HALF-TIME: The second-half can only be better. Half-time cup of tea? A medicinal whisky would be better after that.
  2. Well that was a fairly poor first half. Why do we always have to make things so hard on ourselves? We've got the players that should be able to brush aside a team like Ecuador. When you compare the first half performances of Germany, Argentina, and even Mexico, we just don't seem to be anywhere near those at the moment. There have been a few good points, most noticably Joe Cole who continues to consitently be one of the best players we've got.
  3. One of the things I've been hating throughout this World Cup is how players waste time piss and moan at the referee, as if them saying something to him is going to influence him in the slightest. instead of surrounding the ref and bitching, Ecuador should just shut up and concentrate on trying to score...maybe that will light a fire under England's ass. The text updates on BBC.co.uk are riveting reading: 26 mins: This is turgid stuff.
  4. Pffft...Terry didn't hit him THAT hard
  5. That's why I said most of the time... the shit to good ratio of his delivery swings too far in the shit side at times for someone who's supposed to be so good at taking them.
  6. Yeah, I'm seeing a 2-1 win for England too...although I'd like to see it at least 3-1 or more. We really need to stop having Beckham taking every single free kick, as most of the time his delivery is absolute shit.
  7. Haha...got to love the England team saying "fucking" several times in the tunnel, and the BBC camera man catching it all clearly. Nice to see we have a decent commentary team for this match too, Motson and Lawro are leagues better than a combo like Pearce and McCarthy.
  8. Poor Mexico, they worked their asses off to win this in normal time but these past thirty minutes have been hell for them. When the second Argie goal went it, it looked all over ...and now it is.
  9. Those dirty Argentinian bastards, good thing I didn't go through with putting money on Mexico
  10. There you go, a guaranteed 30 minutes more to go.
  11. Bwahaha...offside ...at least one wrong decision went Mexico's way, they didn't really deserve to lose the game in normal time.
  12. This ref has been absolute shite in this game. Not only did he not send off Heinze in the first half, but now he's dishing out yellows to the wrong players
  13. Whoops...didn't think they'd get one back so quickly, especially from an own goal ...Crespo can fuck off, he's not claiming that one
  14. Bwahaha...Mexico for champs 1-0
  15. Shane Warne I haven't really payed much attention to the ITV ones, as I hate the channel and usually switch over once the matches are done. Ian Wright and Martin O'Neil are probably my favourite of the BBC pundits.
  16. I'll be 21 when this comes out, nearly 22 I'd assume...and I'm going to make damn sure I'm one of the first in line to see this. Along with Transformers and Thundercats, TNMT was one of those cartoons that I never failed to miss in my childhood. Despite the cheapness of the three movies, I loved them all to no end. I'm not sure how I feel on the whole CGI aspect of it, but I agree with Mudda about the Blade 2 stuff not being all that great. Still, this is definitely going to be on my "to see list" when it comes around.
  17. I finally got a non FF target...unlock all of the classic world cup matches on my ancient copy of World Cup 98 for the PSX. It's proving to be a pain the ass as it crashes before, during, and after matches so winning the initial 98 world cup is taking longer than it should.
  18. Sexy...another album to add to my collection (Y)
  19. The ones I've got right so far are England, Sweden, Germany, Mexico, Portugal, Argentina, Holland, Italy, Brazil, Spain, and Ukraine. I need Croatia, France, South Korea, and Ghana to win and a few teams to pick up at least a point in order to get them all right... ...or at least that would be true if it wasn't for fucking Poland So I'll have got 15 out of 16 if things go right for me in the final games.
  20. Thank god Angloa scored...only what, 2 more before they leapfrog Mexico into second place? ...and seing as I didn't mention it, the ref was an idiot for sending Perez off for diving as it just ruins the rest of the game. Haha...silly BBC:
  21. I know there are little things added, and it isn't just the same old game recycled, but since I'm not as in to fighting games as some people are, little things like wall push and wall combos don't really mean fuck all to me. It's just a preference thing.
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