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Posts posted by arwrestling

  1. Very very stoked for the finale next week. I'm assuming that LaGuerta's storyline will not come to head this quickly and will likely be the main focus for season 8. That being said I can't see any conflict other than Hannah & Debra at the moment for the season to end on a bang / high note - barring an extreme twist.

    So far this season has been one of the better ones without a doubt. Even if it has slowed down action-wise compared to the beginning of the season, the story remained extremely strong. Should be a great finale.

  2. When I think of Superstar Look and who has it, I imagine the wrestler walking into a crowded room of people who've never seen them. A guy like The Rock, John Cena or Chris Jericho would turn heads and would have people talking about them, since they look larger than life, or unique, like a movie star/rock star. Where as a guy like Daniel Bryan wouldn't get a second glance, since he looks like an average guy.

    Someone with Superstar Look can get get over because of their look, at least with the casual fans. While Bryan needed the underdog effect, and actual skill, to get over.

    Diva's are tougher, since I'm sure a majority of them would turn heads when they walk in a room. But let's use examples. Trish Stratus = Superstar Look...she looks like more than just a pretty face/hot body. Lita is the same. They have an 'X' Factor. They can get over as stars because of how they look, even Torrie, who wasn't much of a wrestler, looked more of a star than most of the roster. Chyna and Beth look like they could bat up some of the superstars, let alone the Divas...which is why they are stars. AJ, however, is only over because she is a geek, which most male wrestling fans dig, and she is entertaining. But just looking at her, she doesn't look like she belongs...she is tiny and dresses like a teenager. That's why I'd remove SS Look for her, even though I adore her.

    Also, I'd agree with removing SS Look from Rosa and Naomi, since Rosa is bland and Naomi needed athleticism/sex appeal to get over, neither of which deserve SS Look, but Kaitlyn and Alicia both look like 'more than Divas', imo.

    This is my thought on the issue, feel free to counter this, since I'm sure someone will disagree (especially on the topic of Bryan :P).

    I completely agree with this reasoning.... That being said, I would not remove SS look from AJ unless everyone that has it is reevaluated, not just WWE but in the game....

  3. I love the horror genre... Slashers are aight and fun for what they are. Movies that really creep me out though are fewer and further in between. I've enjoyed these though.

    Paranormal Activity series

    The Strangers - Still one of the creepiest movies I had seen. Made me uncomfortable to be home.

    Insidious - A film that truely scared me. I was alone, in my new appartment... But it still scared me. I was glad it was over.

    Sinister - Just came out and it is by far the most uncomfortable movie I have ever seen. I truely hated the anticipation in this movie, and genuinly did not want to see what was coming next. First movie that made me cover my eyes and jump...

    Some olides that were fun were -

    Jeepers Creepers

    Darkness Falls

    Saw series - my favorite horror franchise

    Hostel series

    Turistas - very gory though

  4. - I'd say Michael Cole deserves a stat raise. He handled the situation on RAW very professionally.

    - Lower Bret Hart's charisma.

    - John Cena's charisma needs to be the same as CM Punk's. Mondays segment proved that.

    - Raise Kane's overness to 92.

    - Raise Paul Heyman's charisma.

    - Raise Sheamus's charisma by one point.

    Professionalism was bar none and he should be commended for that. But providing medical updates and staying quiet for the end of the broadcast does not equate a higher commenting stat. Sorry, it is disrespect towards Cole but I don't consider what he did on RAW as being worth raising his stats for. Attitude or Behavior, maybe (I'd lean towards no tbh) but certainly not his announcing stat. To be very blunt, he was told to shut up and provide updates, and thats what he did. I respect the hell out of him for being able to do it, but it has nothing to do with actual announcing duties. When he can call a match and not be distracting or taking AWAY from the in ring action rather than adding to it, I'll consider raising his stat.

  5. Jerry Lawler's girlfriend Lauryn Laine McBride released the following statement regarding his medical condition late Monday night: "Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. It has been confirmed that Jerry did have a heart attack…he is in stable condition and breathing on his own & heart is stable.

    I don't know if Su Yung's real name is Lauren McBride, but yeah.

    According to google it isn't her ;) Remove the relationship


  6. Change mine to a 100 so the average comes out closer to correct, because it's obvious the guys saying 61 are trying to bring down the average.

    That's the problem with doing those. Some people are going to abuse the mean and state something 10 or 20 points lower than what they actually feel it should be so the average will come out closer to what they want.

    The fact is, Undertaker is still a great brawler. By EWR terms, he should still at least be an 81.

    But the same can be said about those voting higher, they're just trying to bring the average up... Point invalid, sorry guy.

    And I do not think he should be in the 60s at all... Not 80s either though. Honnestly, 74-77 would be more than enough for Taker at this stage in his career.

  7. On the whole NXT thing Bill... I gotta disagree with you... A couple of months ago, nobody knew what the plans for NXT were. Was it main roster, or devellopmental? Who knew... It has now been apparant with the rebranding of FCW that NXT is the devellopmental territory. None of these guys are going to show up on Raw and SmackDown. They are not WWE Superstars and WWE Divas, they are NXT Superstars and NXT Divas (hence why they aren't on the WWE Website). I'd keep Superstars and ditch NXT.

    Compare it to Sparkle & Shimmer. Sparkle is essentially a pre-show on Shimmer, not an actual devellopmental territory. They run on the same tapings, in front of the same crowd. They're dark matches rather than taped matches. Why should NXT be any different? The guys and girls from NXT will NOT be a part of the actual WWE roster unless they receive a call-up, and as such will likely be given a new gimmick, possibly a new name and certainly a proper debut on WWE TV. By making them part of the main roster, we are taking away that aspect of the game. They are a devellopmental territory who happen to be getting a bigger public showing than we are used to seeing from WWE.

  8. OK... Since this incident just happened and there's been a bit of back and forth on it, I made some changes earlier (based on the posts) and these are the current attitudes and behaviors for the 4 workers being discussed:

    Davey Richards - 59, 63

    Tony Kozina - 66, 68

    Kyle O'Reilly - 66, 68

    New Jack - 54, 19

    If anyone feels they need to be adjusted from there, feel free to continue debating, but be as quick as possible... August update will be up within the next 24 hours (actually, probably within the next 15 hours, but who's counting...)


    I would lower Richard's attitude to 54 and Kozina's to 54 as well. Richard seems to be the ring leader in the event, but Kozina did shoot on the 16 year old kid, so I'd put them at the same in the mid 50s.

    I would also lower Dawn Marie's attitude/behavior a tad to the early 80s. With all of the talk about Wrestler's Rescue being a scam, I don't think she should have it in the high 90s.

    After his remark on Raw, lower Abraham Washington's A/B a smidge. Raise his overness to 57 and charisma to 76.

    I would disagree on the AW thing. He made a mistake, he realized it was a mistake and thats that. It was a joke, a bad joke, but a joke none the less and I don't believe that warrants a change in attitude or behavior at all. Yes on the overness and a big NO for charisma. He is decent as is and fine at that level.

  9. I have to agree with Kris on the Richards deal. Their attitude and behavior should be in the 50s, no higher. New Jack's behavior is at 19, which as Kris said is warranted and no where near the Richards level we are suggesting. That being said, yes I think it makes sense that their attitudes are similar. If anything, may lower New Jack to 45 but Richards should be no higher than 53 with Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Thumb at 55 (for attitude and behavior).

  10. Change AJ Lee's primary finisher to the Shining Wizard (Impact) and make her secondary finisher Sliced Bread (Impact).

    Also, after the past several weeks of Raw, I'd say AJ deserves a decent overness boost. She's been getting pretty solid crowd reactions and is basically the main focus of the second biggest storyline in the company. I'd say she at least deserves to be around 74-75.

    I would even go so far as to say you can boost her up to 80. She has closed Raw and SmackDown on more than one occasion, is by far the biggest Diva in terms of star power at the moment, and gets huge reactions. Look at RAW, she was all over the place throughout the show and yet the crowd was stil hingin on everything she did, and it turned out one of the better RAW episodes I've seen in a while. She is on posters, in commercials and Main Eventing RAW (last week's handicap match)... yea, she deserves AT LEAST 80.

    I would also suggest upping her charisma to 82 (puts her on par with Layla).

  11. I'm currently working on giving WWE a bit of a facelift. Basically, adjusting some wages and some card positions that have been suggested. There have been some posts in my notes regarding who should and shouldn't be on NXT. According the the WWE website, this is the current NXT roster:

    Maxine, Kaitlyn, Derrick Bateman, Percy Watson, Johnny Curtis, Alex Riley, Michael McGillicutty, Tyson Kidd, Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, William Regal, Matt Striker, Josh Mathews, Yoshi Tatsu, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso.

    Reks and Hawkins don't have pictures, I'm assuming this is due to the "firing" angle. Titus O'Neil and Dareen Young are on the NXT roster, but with their "contract signing," they will be on the Smackdown roster. So, unless there is some reason to alter it between now and the end of the month, the list posted above will be the NXT roster in the May Update.

    Finally, fair warning... The May update will be pretty large. Currently, there have been 57 workers and 4 staff members added and the plan is to get even more on.


    I could have sworn that the Usos were on SmackDown. I can't find the actual brands on the WWE website anymore.

    Congrats on adding the 57 wrestlers so far Bill.

    They didn't look anymore than friends in those pictures. I would add friends for now and play it by ear.

    Rename the different Grupo Charly tag teams to Reyes del Atlantida.

    CMLL spoilers:

    Delete Los Angeles Ceslsital and deactivate the teams. Angel De Plata has renamed to

    Niebla Roja. Make him a heel.

    Note to Bill: If you can do this for May, great but if not no big deal.

    The article clearly states new wwe couple. Not a question, but a fact. Just causehey look more chummy doesnt makenit so (and tbhtey look like a couple in the pics, not friends). Id add the relationship.

  12. -Lower Lince Dorado's speed to 81.

    -Check SS Look for Elix Skipper. Lower his overness to 43.

    -Raise Alex Shelley's technical to 87.

    -Raise Jimmy Snuka's brawl to 30. Lower his wages to 54,000.

    No on the snuka deal. Three years ago at wm 25 he couldnt even walking to the ringproperly, let alone wrestle at all. I doubt hegit bettervin the last three years. I would not havehim at morethan 16 brawl.

    Watching that match back, he definitely deserves at least in the early 30s. He threw some strikes. They weren't great looking, but better than just 20.

    -Raise Roddy Piper's brawl to 58, speed to 7, stiffness to 40, selling to 67, and charisma to 96.

    If snuka deserves at least 30s for throwing strikes, then stacy keibler should have 70s in brawling cause she kicked too! In his prime the man was a great wrestler. Past his prime he was still good.up untl about 6 years ago, he could still go. Nowadays, nope. Not even a little. I stand by he deserves no more than 16. Ltimately, itsup to Bill.

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