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Posts posted by arwrestling

  1. Quick note here as well. Diane Von Hoffman should be European, not American. She was born in Germany. This game from herself on the GLORY message boards. Also, tick Announcer for her, as she mentionned she wants to do Commentary when she retires next April. Also tick Trainer, as she seems to have helped and train a lot of women wrestlers.

    Add a friendship between Diane Von Hoffman and Lady Vendetta. Aswell as Lady Vendetta and Candi Devine. This is again judging by the comments made.

  2. Thanks both of you guys....

    Just a quick note to help you guys out though. Steesh, that Amber pic is for Amber 2.0.

    And SpanishMen, the Athena pic you have is for The Goddess Athena. I did manage to find a pic for Athena though (she used to be a GLORY Girl and used to be named Athena YPW). But thanks for the rest, thats terrific.

    I'm just gonna ask though, if anybody has other pics of Anella and Angel. I'd prefer to see more of Anella tbh, and Angel's face iof possible.


    I'll post the Bs soon.

  3. Quick note.... Francoise should be European, she was born in France. Also, she started off as a kickboxer, so tick Shooting Ability.

    ALso, I'd suggest a big bump in stats as she is actually a wrestler (and fighter)... I'd bump them all up by 30. This allows her to be aight in the ring, but not good by any means. Like Maria or Ashley. Also, bump her stiffness to 29.

    Source: http://joshipuroresu.blogspot.com/2007/05/francoise-huransowazu.html

  4. I'm gonna add another dimension here...

    I'm also gonna need some stats for certain people. In my files right now, I have many wrestler pictures that are either not in the data or under another name. So if anyone can point me towards an online profile for these guys, or provide stats (if possible) please help me out with this aswell.

    Again, I'm starting with the ladies and alphabetically.

    Amanda, Asami Kawasaki, Ashley Paige, Ayumi Kurihara


    Again, thanks guys. And I'm still looking for the help on the missing pics ;).

  5. Ok........ So I'm trying to update my pics folder (or should I say complete it...). I'm planning on releasing it either as a .Zip file or I'll set up a photobucket account for it.

    I'm also working on a scenario update for EWR that will be released along side these pics. I just want to make sure that the pics are done first.

    So basically I'm going through the workers in the game, and I've decided to start with the women (mainly because there is less of them, and thus I can get it done sooner). I'll also be going alphabetically (just to make it easier). And, to keep it uniform, all pics are Kyky, if you guys have a non-kyky pic or even a google images type of pic send it over this way and I'll cut them myself.

    So here's starting with A. These are the women who's pics I'm missing.

    Alexandra Hernandez (20, Mexican)

    Alexis Lightfoot (24, American)

    Allaylah Silky (26, American)

    Amber (26, American)

    American Bombshell (31, American)

    American Cream Pie (27, American)

    Ana Mosity (32, American)

    Anella (24, Australian) - Need another one if possible - Found a decent shot from YouTube.

    Angelicsin (26, American)

    Anna Marie (25, Canadian)

    Archangel (35, American)

    Athena (34, American)

    Avalon (25, American)

    Aya Koyama (36, Japanese)

    So there you have it. The rest of them I have, so if anyone can help me out with these that would be great. If we really cannot find a pic, I'll likely cut them from the data, because as far as I'm concerned that means we have no proff they exist until then.

    Thanks a bunch guys.

    EDIT: I'm still looking for this one...

    Angel(28, British) - Need another one if possible

    I currently have an Angel that I found on redhotdivas.com. Juding by the background, she worked for Jungalo CHampionship Wrestling. Is that accurate?

  6. I've got a few requests for Kyky please......

    Thanks in advance, I know its a lot ;)

    Why in the hell would you want so many of these people???

    Is this part of your 'The Booker' diary

    Ahhh... Give me 20-25 minutes and I'll edit this post with the cuts...


    Photobucket link...


    Some may not be the best but that list just wouldn't end <_<

    Getting a bit of cramp...

    I think that's my requests done for a while...

    Yeah, sorry about that...... I wasn't expecting them done that fast (so a break is well deserved... ;))

    And no, it isn't for the Diary, just my game in general.

    PS: Don't worry about the Destiny Rains pic, I didn't realize it was that small!

  7. I've got a few requests for Kyky please......

    Thomas Marr & Personal Princess Nancy


    Betsy Ruth




    Here comes the big request........ (sorry)



    Vicky Morton


    Tonya Stevens


    Tina Marina


    Tara The Ref


    Susan Green


    Shazza MacKenzie (The Blonde)


    Sarah Lynn


    Sara Jay


    Sara Devlin




    Nemesis LS


    Misty Haven


    Michelle Morgan


    Lylah Lodge




    Lucy Clayden



    Katie Syren

    Juliet The Huntress


    Jayden Kane


    Genni Right


    Foxy Roxy


    Fallen Angel (without the kid ;))


    Diamond Icee


    Destiny Rains




    Claudia Del Solis


    Bunny Love


    Angelina Zaccharas


    Thanks in advance, I know its a lot ;)

  8. I haven't seen Friday The 13th yet.... I intend on doing so soon though... Texas Chainsaw Massacre (with Jessica Biel) was terrific, and one of my favorite horrors to date. I've seen it more than once. So Nightmare wasn't better than that one, however it was really really good. I enjoyed it a lot. My girlfriend actually wants to see it again! lol

    Zombie's Halloweens were good too ;)

  9. There was a great story told behind it Zero.... I really enjoyed this movie. It kept me entertained. Some parts had me laughing, some jumping. Some even made me feel sad... and then anger.... It was really well done.

    If you let yourself enjoy it, and through out anythings others have said, its a good movie overall. A few hiccups, but nothing that brings the film down.

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