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Jonny D

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Everything posted by Jonny D

  1. Thre are over 100 storyline missions, so no small number.
  2. I have quite a big problem. So, I put inthe disk and it installed fine, so I went to start up a new game. The loading dtabase thin come up, but when it finishes the game crashes, as in the FM window disappears. Anyone know whats up?
  3. I got mine about thirty mins ago, and a gonna slot it in soon.
  4. One of my friends has a total of about $20million from all the times he's the amour cheat.
  5. A friend of mine got the game today, but I didn't want to, as I have a LOT of coursework to do that has to be in tomorrow, and getting this game would surely stop me from doing it. Come to think of it, I should really be doing the coursework now. *leaves*
  6. Cheats were wildly available on the internet the day after release. And I don't really think "cheats spoil the game" (except cheats like rioting peds that can't be turned off), as games are to have fun, and if someone's idea of fun is getting all the weapons and going on a killing spree with full armour and turning off their wanted level all the time, then they should be able to do so.
  7. I have the guide and there are only 2 differant sets of tats, one is the one that is available all over LS and SF, and the other is only available in one shop in LV.
  8. Reuniting the Families. So much variety.
  9. The same guy who said he'd found the Loch Ness Monster also posted this later in the thread:
  10. I read something on Gamefaqs about a Loch Ness Monster, but I doubt its true.
  11. I found this mission VERY hard. It took me along time, as at first I was mashing the accelerator and kept spinning out at turns and running into walls and everything. Eventually though I began to learn the course and learnt where to slow down and where to spped up, and I eventually did it with quite a wide margin between me and 2nd place.
  12. I've got Muscle, AK-47 and the M5 all maxed.
  13. I've only seen a plane crash from a distance but my friend said he was killed by a plane crash soon after exiting his car near Angel Pine.
  14. I'm waiting until my Dinner Break on Friday to go out and get it, and then play it all Friday night, as buying this game will leave me too skint to go out, but I know where my priorities lie.
  15. For the Wu Zi Mu mission I used the Rancher. It's top speed seemed to be better than the other cars while on the dirt, and its handling definately was. The next mission you'll have to do Farewell My Love, is much harder as you have to use the car they give you that sees to spin out at every turn.
  16. I STILL can't do Farewell, My love! I'm getting really fustrated with this thng now.
  17. I found the Tanker Commander mission quite hard as well. The trick is no to get panicked by the car shootingat you, and just do slow, careful turns. The Truck is hard to get used to, but when you've got used to how much you can turn before it seperates you should be fine.
  18. I've just managed to get to Cataina's missions, and I'm just wondering where you guys save your game during her missions. Surely you don't have to go all the way back to Angel Pine.
  19. Yeah. I suspected Smoke for a while, as he said some strang things that didn't seem right to me. I really liked the fat bastard too.
  20. All i have to do in Los Santos now is the Lowrider race and the Sweet, missions, but the Low rider race is damn hard. I'm getting closer though, and I imagine I'll win eventually when I know the course better.
  21. I heard him as a caller to the talk show. He talked about how he used to work on the radio.
  22. I just usually listen to whatevers on when I get in the car. I don't often change channels, but when I do its usually to the talk channel, as that isn't the default for many cars.
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