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Jonny D

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Everything posted by Jonny D

  1. I don't expect Leeds to do much at all this season to be honest. Play-offs are possible, but doubtful in my opinion.
  2. If what is said is true and it is up to $80,000 I think this is very harsh by the WWE. PWSE have taken down the material, and no real damage was done to WWE, there is no need to take it that far in my opinion. It's quite pathetic of WWE to try and close down non profit wrestling sims.
  3. I never saw the originals, except for little bits, but I never thought there was anything awful about the remakes.
  4. I noticed that 30 minute delay as well. Very weird I thought. I was certain that Shell was going tonight, as Stuart would of at least had the little girl vote, but I can't see who would want to vote for Shell. She'll be next out for sure.
  5. Same actually. I also finished 4th out of almost 400 at Pokerchamps. Picked up $2 and Gus went out in 32nd. I'm presuming you came 4th in the 4th $25 tourny of the day, as I did in the first and we both can't of.
  6. I just signed up for Pokerchamps literally minutes ago and I'm in the tourny that starts in about a minute now. My nickname on there is iownzj00.
  7. Doesn't matter really. It's the last week and none of them are going to argue, and its not like it'll effect who they nominate as there are no more nominations. It'll probably be funny to watch though.
  8. If that theory is right then it will own.
  9. Yeah, in this hot weather I have to play CM at night because in the day my comp nearly always overheats and shuts itself down after about 30 mins.
  10. No, the BB producers want Nadia to win. Its been obvious for a long time, and they've edited it so she's almost certain to win. Also, the headlines "Transexual wins British Big Brother" would probably be known a long way around the world, and its just the publicity producers want.
  11. As long as anyone can last longer than four rounds against Tyson, which isn't easy, then they will beat him. Tyson no longer has the stamina to box at a top level.
  12. They don't look that bad, but I'd be surprised if they were real.
  13. Stuart and Jason did damn well with those shots, managing 7 between them and the rest of the housemates only did three. Some good news for Jason, as the bookies have made Shell favourite to go this Wednesday, with Jason and Stuart joint second favourite.
  14. Tyson did really dominate early on, but in the fourth round it seemed to fizzle out. Williams took an awful lof of hard blows from Tyson, and credit to him for staying in there. In the fourth when Williams had something like 14 unanswered punches on Tyson I knew it was over, just like Tyson's career.
  15. Most people know of Braathen and Kompany (he isn't on my game this time but I know of him), and Olic is good but not great. He could only get in the first team for teams about mid table. I managed Croatia a bit ago for a couple of years and he was my first choice striker.
  16. I've done that as well, only I can't remember who it was with. I said 80mil, and they accepted, but I didn't sell. I can't remember who it was, but I do remember that it was a player I didn't want to get rid of, even for 80mil.
  17. I'm so glad she's out. Now maybe we'll get the oppurtunity to see the real Stuart. And hopefully having someone to talk to will make |Jason a bit more active as well. A very good result tonight, in my opinion.
  18. The Champions League prelims staying true to form and not serving up any matches that look in the least bit interesting.
  19. Just out of interest, do the housemates know that they are up for eviction yet? I know they suspect it, but have they told them? If not, it sucks, because if they'd of told them I think it would of been much better.
  20. I just finished the 05/06 season and won the Premier League and Champions League double, and wise investments have allowed me to have 90million to spend for the nest season. With that money I improved my defense and currently my team is: GK: Petr Cech DL: Dede DC: Rio Ferdinand DC: Lucio DR: Igor Tudor DMC: Patrick Viera ML: Van Der Vaart MR: Kaka AMC: Juan Veron SC: Ronaldinho SC: Ruud Van Nistelrooy The best team in the world in my opinion., and building on my success of last season shouldn't be difficult.
  21. Marco got cheered. Does anyone else think that all three other people heard what those people were shouting? I mean, if Nadia heard, even with her limited understanding of the English language, then really everyone else must of heard as well. Plus Dan and Shell were being all sympathetic. Stuart MIGHT not of heard, but I'm sure Shell and Dan did.
  22. I've hated Michelle for a while now. Has anyone else noticed how boring the show has been since Victor left?
  23. Kezman, out of all the newcomers he has done the best in his previous league, and though it may not of been the most challenging league his record is still impressive. He's also been sharp in pre-season, and could do very well for Chelsea. I am disapointed United haven't made a signings though.
  24. Return of the Sith sounds a whole lot better than the walking shitness that is the Phantom Menace.
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