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Posts posted by EddieRuckus

  1. I just watched Grumpy Old Men last night, and realized that the IRS guy is the same person who played Liz Lemon's father on 30 Rock. Also totally spaced Kevin Pollak was Jacob, and that Mike is none other than Shooter McGavin on Happy Gilmore.

  2. I like Slipknot, and Corey Taylor, but that's because I am way too open in music for my own good. That being said however, in my opinion Corey Taylor doesn't belong on this list. I said it in another thread, but if we were going strictly by singing, a fair number of people who are on this list don't really belong here. Another person is Hayley Williams. I like Paramore, I think they're a cut above most of the shitty pop/punk bands that are around, but being in a list of top 50 whatever is something I don't agree with. If this was "your own personal" top favorite singers or, in the case of Lemmy, top unique voices, then I wouldn't have any obligations to some of the people on the list. Of course you have to have some form of unique vocals, power, range, tone, and etcetera to be considered a great singer, otherwise as someone pointed out, you would just have a lot of classical opera singers.

  3. Nice to hear Brittany get some solo stuff, and her saying she needs to sing every solo ever was awesome.

    Includes talk of next week's preview:

    Interested to see what direction the football team is going to go with both Finn AND Artie on the team. Also judging by next week's preview, I really hope nothing too drastic happens to Kurt's dad


  4. EWBFL II Midseason Report

    User Offensive Leaders


    Tony Romo(Cowboys/Maxx) - 192/316 completions, 3318 yards, 43 TD/7INT

    Drew Brees(Saints/Judas) - 189/297 completions, 2646 yards, 23 TD/10 INT

    Kevin Kolb(Eagles/Rocksta) - 187/280 completions, 2640 yards, 26 TDs/12 INT


    Adrian Peterson(Vikings/davidmarrio) - 934 yards, 89 attempts, 14 TDs

    Chris Johnson(Titans/Eddie Ruckus) - 900 yards, 135 attempts, 9 TDs

    Shonn Greene(Jets/DYSI) - 834 yards, 108 attempts, 9 TDs


    Dez Bryant(Cowboys/Maxx) - 1898 yards, 87 catches, 32 touchdowns

    Brandon Marshall(Saints/mystikz) - 1029 yards, 42 catches, 6 touchdowns

    Reggie Bush(Saints/Judas) - 800 yards, 51 catches, 10 touchdowns

    User Defensive Leaders


    Lamarr Woodley(Steelers/Hooded Mandarin) - 49

    Stewart Bradley(Eagles/rocksta) - 40

    Ernie Sims(Eagles/rocksta) - 38


    Jay Ratliff(Cowboys/Maxx) - 7

    Thomas Davis(Panthers/Disturbed) - 5

    Shaun Ellis(Jets/DYSI) - 5


    Terrence Newman(Cowboys/Maxx) - 8

    Asante Samuel(Eagles/rocksta) - 6

    Deangelo Hall(Redskins/Kyle) - 5

    Forced Fumbles:

    Clint Ingram(Saints/Judas) - 4

    Thomas Davis(Panthers/Disturbed) - 4

    Third is a tie for a LOT of user controlled teams with 2 >>

    User Standings

    Dallas Cowboys (Maxx): 7-0 (Tied for 1st in NFC East)

    Philadelphia Eagles (rocksta): 7-0 (Tied for 1st in NFC East)

    New York Jets (DYSI): 7-0 (1st in AFC East)

    Washington Redskins (Kyle): 6-2 (3rd in NFC East)

    New Orleans Saints (Judas): 6-2 (1st in NFC South)

    Tennessee Titans (Eddie Ruckus): 6-2 (1st in AFC South)

    Carolina Panthers (Disturbed): 5-2 (2nd in NFC South)

    Miami Dolphins (mystikz): 4-3 (Tied for 2nd in AFC East)

    New England Patriots (Srar): 4-3 Tied for 2nd in AFC East)

    Minnesota Vikings (davidmarrio): 4-3 (1st in NFC North)

    New York Giants (Dragsy): 3-4 (4th in NFC East)

    Pittsburg Steelers (HoodedMandarin): 1-5 (4th in AFC North)

    • Like 2
  5. So I'm playing catch-up on this(I'm on the Madonna episode of the first season), and it's got me completely hooked in. High school scandals and musical numbers? Hell to the yes. Speaking of which:

    No no, I think we all understood that, what I believe we're talking about is the cliche "I'm walking through the hallway, singing my heart out, while no even looks my way. Oh, now I'm in an empty auditorium, and now I'm standing outside a window of some sort, looking in, can you tell I feel alone yet?" scene starring Rachel near the end of the episode.

    Definitely agree about Emma though.

    Yes, it's cliche, but it's pretty much how a LOT of musicals are from a certain time period. People not noticing or even paying attention to what's going on until one of the leads bump into them and then involve them in the singing or dancing(whatever's going on at that point.) When you're a singer you really try to feel the music and be involved in the story, which is why in my mind(even though it's cliche) you see them singing in public places with no one noticing at all and taking various cuts because that's what they're imagining in their head.

    For instance, the song that Rachel is singing when she's talking about how much it hurts to see Finn and Quinn together and she's belting out in the hallway just a few feet away with them not even noticing. When she's singing the song in glee club she goes back to that particular memory in her head and projects that. I know I'm reading too "deep" into it, but it's a device used in a lot of musicals from a certain time period.

  6. Well then, here we go.

    1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    2. Mass Effect 2(after more time it may move to my number one, or ME3 may take that place)

    3. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    4. Super Mario 3

    5. Fallout 3

    6. The Sims 2

    7. Rock Band 2

    8. Donkey Kong Country

    9. GTA: San Andreas

    10. Halo: Combat Evolved

    EDIT: Totally forgot about The Sims, thanks Mick!

  7. All of the DLC since...a few weeks ago I think, are supposed to be compatible with RB3 in terms of keyboard tracks and pro mode, at least that's what I read a while back. They said they definitely wanted to get all old DLC to work with it, whether that's something you pay for or they release a patch. I hope they do too.

  8. I myself have an eclectic taste in music so I usually find myself buying DLC most weeks. I'll even buy something I'm not too fond of if I know it will go over well at parties. The best thing about it though is it's DLC: if you want it, you can pay for it. If you don't like it, just wait til something comes along that you like. What you may like for a month in terms of what's available someone else may avoid like the plague.

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