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Posts posted by EddieRuckus

  1. Finally caught up on this series. I re-watched the first episode of season 1 on Monday night, and was expecting to go at a slow pace. Tuesday night, I stayed up all night and ended up watching the rest of season 1 and this past Sunday's episode. SO FUCKING GOOD. Can't wait to see what happens this Sunday and this season :D

  2. You are able to get 5000 WITHOUT multiplayer. Many people have done it. So just stop being lazy and blaming multiplayer for ruining your single player when it doesn't.

    I did every mission i could find and scanned every system to 100%. I might have missed something just because it´s a big game and some stuff seems to require you going to the citadel betwen every mission, walking past everyone hopeing you might hear about something they talk about. So it´s not very likey at all you can just play ME3 for the first time and just get to 10000 war assets to have the 5000 you need.

    A ton of people are complaining about this so go away. (N)

    I got 4000 my first playthrough, 50% readiness, didn't even come CLOSE to scanning everything and doing all of the side quests. I didn't even use a guide or anything, I just played organically and didn't even try to look up help online.

    Also, don't tell me to go away. If I wanna fucking post on this forum I will :rolleyes:

    • Like 5
  3. People who don't run for full extraction are worse than Hitler :angry:

    This, so fucking much. "Oh what's that only 5 seconds left for extraction? HANG ON I GOTTA TAKE DOWN THIS ATLAS BY MYSELF WITH NO ROCKET LAUNCHERS TOO FAR AWAY FROM EXTRACTION ZONE FOR POINTS!!!"

  4. Banshees with people who know how to play the game as a team on Silver are not too hard. When you get stuck with people who want to be number one on the kill leaderboard and everyone is off doing their own thing, that's when it's horribad. That's what I get for playing on PC :shifty: (though I may have a 360 copy on Monday)

    Also, seems like next week will be the crazy operation: "N7 Operatives! Build your XP this weekend in preparation for an elite op next weekend! http://bit.ly/GIFPiE #MassEffect3 #OperationFortress". Gotta say, love how much attention and care into the multiplayer with events like this.

  5. I doubt it's like that, I think it's because of what happened with the script leak back in November. They were able to fix a lot of the game, minus the ending, had to rush it, are releasing their actual vision of the ending as free DLC later on. My theory anyway, but I'm kinda crazy :shifty:

  6. To me, from what it sounds like, they had already planned to have DLC that would tidy up everything nicely BEFORE the game was released and the public backlash happened. Because of the passionate feedback, they have decided to address it, and that's why they said they are always listening to constructive feedback. When I streamed this game on release day, before everyone got their panties in a bunch, I beat it on Wednesday and some of the writers were in there and invited me to Bioware HQ, telling me that they wanted to show me some stuff they were going to be working on. From that, to the interviews, to everything I'm reading on twitter, I firmly believe that the "clarification" DLC was already planned long in advance.

  7. For the commendation pack, I got the Eagle. It's an alright pistol, but I'm much happier with my Geth Plasma Shotgun and an Asari Vanguard I got in a Spectre pack :shifty:

    Also, I keep seeing "Maximum Readiness +5%" sometimes even if I have everything at 100%, so I think the more you play multiplayer, the more you can raise how low the galactic readiness will drop if you don't play forever(at least that's what I'm guessing.)

  8. Ending spoilers:

    I REALLY hope I don't get called an apologist for what I'm about to write, because if I am by any of you intelligent folks then I really cannot take your word seriously. That said, anyone who didn't like the ending I totally understand why you don't, for reasons listed.

    To be honest, as much as the choices mattered in the 2nd game and most of the third game, I really don't think choices are what should have mattered in the ending. From the very first game Shepard has always said he/she would do whatever it takes to destroy the reapers, and in the end he/she is willing to sacrifice in order to do so(though obviously if your EMS is high enough he/she breathes at the end.) I really don't mind having everything tied up in a nice little bow, because it causes for fun discussions after the game is done. We've had movies and books that have done the same thing, where you're left to wonder what happens and discuss it afterwards.

    Again, I understand people who want it wrapped entirely up in a bow, they're right to be mad, I'm just explaining why I enjoyed the ending. The scene after the credits though where Stargazer(voiced by Buzz Aldrin) is talking to a kid makes me think they have at least one more game or DLC to wrap things up. Why? The kid says "tell me another story of The Shepard", to which Stargazer responds "ok, just one more story."

  9. People that have finished.. How long did it take you? And without naming any - how many squad members are there in total?

    Dabbling into some side missions(not all) and doing some war asset gathering(not all), first playthrough for me took almost 30 hours. As far as squadmates, it depends on what happened in ME2 and some of your decisions in ME3. With the DLC add-on, at minimum you will have 5 squad members to choose from(all I can say without going into spoiler territory.)

  10. Ending spoilers:

    I understand why people get upset about the endings, from the fact that the 3 choices are basically the same thing with different colors/etc on certain scenes, to not having everything not tying neatly in a bow. I seriously hope it's not a DLC thing to get everything wrapped up in a bow, but I wouldn't mind another game TBH. The fact that after the credits a child asks Stargazer(voiced by Buzz Aldrin) to tell one more story of The Shepard, plus Bioware telling people to save their saves, makes me almost certain that another game will possibly happen.

    Also non-related, so excited to take a tour of Bioware in April, going to be fricking epic :D

  11. In regards to the ending without spoilers, I enjoyed it, but I'm in the super minority about it. Even if I didn't find the ending enjoyable, I would still say that Mass Effect as a series is one of gaming's best accomplishments. Just amazing how all of it interconnects amazingly in all three games.

  12. I haven't bought physical cards in years, since the Future Sight expansion back in 2007. However after seeing some people I know get into Magic, along with going back to a city for college that has FNM, I'm going to be getting back into both Online and physical cards. DOTP: 2012 was great as a time waster, but some friends from Twitch want to go to the next level and go for online, so that's what I'll be doing until I can get to a place that sells physical cards(never liked shipping Magic cards.) I would give you some tips -A- but I have no idea what the cards and themes of decks look like in the current form now. Hopefully when I get started with online I could help you out or you could help me :shifty:

  13. Just watched the Smash pilot for the 2nd time, I know it's getting slack as cashing in on the Glee train, but it's miles ahead of Glee IMO. Being more reality based with lots of good characters to go for, plus using actual Broadway choreography/singers/composers make me geek out quite a bit since I enjoy musicals. Definitely going to be a show I keep up with this season.

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