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Posts posted by EddieRuckus

  1. TKz is too nice!

    Although, in buying me a game, my wishlist is now down to 9! :angry:

    Also, Ellis and Edward Ruckus should have cheaper games on their wishlist when I'm feeling generous <_<

    I have a lot of games under 10, plus I added a game that's like...2 dollars and 50 cents you cheap fuck :shifty:

  2. In regards to Benji's spoiler, it's not even that long, and I for one REALLY enjoyed it. Reasons why:

    It really made me connect a lot more to Drake, I understand that perhaps you didn't get that same feeling of hopelessness that I did while controlling Drake all alone in the desert, but I for one loved it.

    I already finished the game on Tuesday as I streamed it in one sitting, so far it's my GOTY alongside Portal. Just a fantastic game.

  3. Really been looking forward to this game, easily one of my favorite modern gaming franchises and the third looks to be more spectacular. Ordered the collector's edition mainly because I wanted Drake's ring, now to just see if UPS doesn't fuck up ANOTHER release date delivery(they were actually here last week for BF3, so there is hope.)

    EDIT: Oh right, if I like the multiplayer, I'll probably hop on every once and again.

  4. So glad I upgraded my power supply unit and graphics card, I was running a lot of new releases on high settings with no lag or stutter, so I'm very hopeful for Skyrim on the PC (already pre-purchased on Steam, sure it will begin pre-loading next Wednesday or so.) Seriously cannot wait for this game, going to be playing and streaming it until I pass out everyday probably :shifty:

  5. I'm back on live! JmonteII


    Get MW3 with Fitzy and myself.

    Edit: Also, why the new gamertag?

    For the act of forgetting me on your list I hereby declare that I will only play MW3 when Ruki is NOT part of the party :shifty:

    Just saw a video on IGN about weapon leveling and some of the new additions, so if it keeps what made MW2 good (IMO), then it will be a fun game to play for breaks from Skyrim.

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  6. Man, I think the match I was on went kaput, but my team was kicking some ass. Really enjoy the gameplay and the feel of it, moreso than I did with Black Ops and it's just plain fun. Did ok my first match before it DCed me, was 20-10 or something like that, unlocked the ACOG scope for my rifle which was nice. Will definitely be playing this a LOT today and until the 10th of October.

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