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Everything posted by Tarheels.

  1. If I was a newb to soccer would it be ok if I get this, I'm not the one dishing out the money but could I help me realize who's who in the world of soccer? (yes I'm american and I refuse to call it football)
  2. Then again, they've put up a good contest in the first half against the big teams in the ACC. A little more good recruits and they could easily take out G Tech and State. They have one of the best defenses and if they can keep it together in the 2nd half then they can get in some big wins. Sure they're losing their QB this year but they've got a Freshmen right now who really looks impressive. UNC is a growing team and their success all depends on what the coach works with them on, which looks like he needs to work on their conditioning because it looks like the defense gets tired in the 2nd half and that ruins the game for them.
  3. :lmao: 9 wins? Yeah, don't think so buddy. You have to remember what conference they're apart of before you start spewing fanboy shit out like that. It's hard enough for Va Tech, Miami, and FSU to win 9 games themselves, let alone little ol' UNC. UNC may be improving, but they are far from being one of the dominant teams in the ACC. Well, at least in football. Oh and if they're going to win 9 games next year, they're going to have play more than one half a game.
  4. It does look pretty good, but I never picked up The Warrior Within so I might be lost. I played the first one and loved it but this one looks a lot better.
  5. I'll call you on that one, easily 7 hell maybe 9
  6. UNC is seriously a contender. They killed Miami in the first half of the game that they played and last year they even upset them. Now they've held the Hokies to 6 points in the first half and are playing an incredible game. They may not be the team to beat, but they I'd say they'll be a lot bigger than they are this season
  7. meh, the english stuff intrigues me but I doubt I'd be able to catch any of the games. So I guess the MLS, but I'd still like to know about the other league too
  8. I know lots of the people here are british so I figured where else should I ask. I've recently gotten interested in the sport and am looking to get a little more info. about it. Can somebody throw some stuff around, what teams are what and who's who in the sport. I've considered just renting one of the Fifa games and seeing who's who but I think you guys may know more.
  9. Tarheels.


    I would have done it at the side of the line probably. Just so all the people who are still waiting in line could see it.
  10. Tarheels.


    I'm watching it right now, sounds good. I'm pissed though 'cause my town might not be getting in another shipment till like March according to some cunt who stood infront of the mall today.
  11. Tarheels.


    I have seen oficially one of the greatest items in history. FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC
  12. does anybody have links to some free MMO's. I've been in the mood to play one but can't find any good ones.
  13. I had the best match I've ever had in any SD game so far. Edge v. RVD in a ladder match. It was on the hardest difficulty (legendary or something like that). I started out by dominating him and hitting him with a spear and edge-a-cution early on in the match. I went to the ladder but he always got up in time. At about the 30 minute mark he was red in his head, back, and legs and I was yellow in my head and back. Here is where it got interesting. I went up top and he quickly followed, we had a punching battle and after countering 2 punches in a row he hit a grapple move and threw me out of the ring from the ladder, knocking me out and leaving me in red. But instead of grabbing the title he goes up top and hits a (i think) corkscrew moonsault off the ladder and barely hits me so he gets knocked out too. We had more back and forth action until he finally knocked me out again with another throw off the ladder and he got the title. It was about 50 minutes.
  14. i thought it was $300. Anyways, its like my mom, grandparents, uncle, aunt, other uncle, other aunt going it. My dads a cunt so not him.
  15. I got it in my Masters season after beating H in the cage. I didn't get it at first then thought about it for awhile then was like..HEY!
  16. I'm probably getting this for Christmas now but since my family is poor this is all I'd get. I need an idea of a game to get with it too, maybe NFS:MW.
  17. so, how much is the basic system. All i can see is just the bundle packs with like 4 games with it.
  18. Hey first person was badass. I marked out. Of course the rest was balls.
  19. I'd beat the shit out of you just for getting enraged to that point. It's disrespectful, but worthy of being shot? :thumbsdown:
  20. how dare you laugh at the Cash. Somebody should shoot you at this very second. Personally I probably would have beaten the shit out of you if I was in the movie because I loved it. But to answer your question, yes, I crack up at all of the chick flicks just to piss off my girlfriend cause she hates it.
  21. I've done 1 season so far with Austin and I got a Torrie Wilson/JBL Storyline. A Taker (Urn) Storyline, Royal Rumble, and ECW. The ECW was the best of any storyline I've seen so far. I absolutely loved it.
  22. phew, the only thing i did bad on was the RAM. I have 255.5 out of the required 256. Everything else is good to go.
  23. that looked more like a messed up Heidenreich to me. I think I'll do a WWE Lesnar since I'd have to do the new tatoo on a current one.
  24. bah, GFaqs has like...one decent Monty Brown CAW which isn't even finshed. I blow at making these things, but I think I might try a Lesnar one and see how terrible it turns out.
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