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Everything posted by alldaws1

  1. alldaws1

    FIFA 15

    Change the camera to the regular one when playing as an outfield player. I only find the pro camera useful for playing as a goalie, otherwise I use the standard game camera. You'll need to use the radar to keep your player in position when they're not on the screen but it's much better altogether. Also, try and direct the play. You can tell your computer teammates to pass or shoot with x or circle which helps it not be quite as boring. They never have and never will. I find it quite an achievement to find a game where you have teammates who actually pass to you rather than taking the ball, running as far as they can with it and shooting from ridiculous spots then moaning at everybody else when they don't pass or lose possession. Successful tackles usually bumps your ratings up quite a bit, especially when you're in the centre of midfield.
  2. Really good 3-2 win in that game there, got to the final of the EA Shield! I think us three linked together quite well.
  3. Down to 10 men, not conceded! Although it's now 1-1.
  4. Breaking news: I still can't shoot (accurately).
  5. Epic extra time comeback. McGeehan is still fired, though.
  6. I'll give a few others manager status later on so people can join the team if I'm not around.
  7. You're certainly the Summers of the PS4 team, Baddar.
  8. I can go from about 9, maybe just after.
  9. If we play cup games later, it seems to record accomplishments at least. I only switched to league earlier because it couldn't find any cup games.
  10. This is probably my last game until this evening.
  11. Could do with a striker, united?
  12. Me & Codebreaker are in the lobby, ready to go.
  13. Anybody around to play now for an hour or so? After that I'll probably be on after 9 tonight.
  14. alldaws1

    FIFA 15

    Why did they introduce an even easier difficulty level, was amateur too hard for some people? I just won 17-0 on beginner in Ultimate Team. I love the team-specific advertising boards. Makes it much more obvious that you're playing in your own stadium, seeing Tottenham's Facebook and Twitter scroll across with Under Armour and the like. Really immersive stuff.
  15. I'm done for tonight but I'll be around most of the day tomorrow.
  16. I don't think they have in any FIFA game since they introduced cups have they?
  17. I'll probably be able to play from about 8.
  18. My accomplishments stick. Club stats haven't but that's because we were playing cup & they still haven't managed to create a system where it tracks them too.
  19. Extra time winner! Good start. Was my headset not working or was nobody talking? Off to watch Spurs but I should be back on this evening.
  20. No, I tried it doesn't let you, does it automatically :/
  21. Just finished lunch & the game I was in the middle of, I'm good to go.
  22. alldaws1

    FIFA 15

    It's not to do with your gameplay assistance settings is it, the auto switch? I have mine to switch for lobbed passes only, seems to work fine. I have heard of that issue for the online games, I haven't seen a solution as of yet though.
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